Hellooo~ I'm Emma di Angelo and this is my very first fanfic! ^w^

Izaya: Hooray. We're all over flowing with joy

Emma: Thank you for so much enthusiasm Iza-chan. -_-# *Gets a switchblade thrown past her head* OAO Da hell man!

Izaya: Don't you ever call me that again or next time I WON'T miss.

Emma: Fine fine. Any way just wanted to let you wonderful readers know that this story has gore, Shizaya, foul language, yaoi, violence, insanity, yaoi, horror, maybe some lemons, moments of OOC-ness, yaoi, Shizaya, darkness, tragedy, yaoi, Shizaya, crazy doctors, and a bunch of other wonderful things! :D

Izaya: Smut? With whom might I ask?

Emma: You'll see. You'll all see. *w*

Izaya: *Raises brow looking at crazy women with annoyance* whatever.

Shizuo: Emma DOESN'T OWN anything except the idea for the fanfic.

Emma: Yea! Cause if I did own DRRR! Shizaya would be cannon bitches! And I would have had Vorona and any other hoe that be interfering with mah ship killed off before she could even say "Hey look Ikebukuro!" *Goes off ranting*

Izaya: On with the story!

Groaning in pain, Orihara Izaya sat up and examined his surroundings with something he rarely felt. Fear. The young man had woken to find himself in a plush room. The walls and floor were made of foam that were a disgusting pasty yellow. Splotches of red tainted the floor where Izaya had laid his head not long ago. The small light that hung from the ceiling was his only comfort and even that was pushing it. Where the hell am I? Izaya furrowed his brows as he quickly realized another problem to add to his current situation. His arms were bound behind his back by a straight jacket. An insane asylum. Tch must be Shinra or that monster Shizuo's idea. Very funny. Pitiful. After some struggle Izaya wormed his way up to a standing position getting a clearer view of his quarters. A small window on the door greeted Izaya making the informant shake loose of his fear. I swear if this is that beasts fault I will end him! Maybe a nice dose of rat poison to his milk would do the trick…

Going on his tippy toes, he takes a peak at just what was outside his little window. What was outside his soft room almost made the man grateful he was in here and not out there. His crimson eyes shut tight as he backed away trying to erase the image from his mind. Just outside in front of the door was a grotesque decomposing body. A female, perhaps in her early thirties, gutted like a fish. Her organs scattered all over the hall way and speckles of her blood traced the wall opposite to the window. Her eye lids were sewn open showing off empty bloodied eye sockets. Her mouth was ripped open from corner lip to lower jaw line to look like a disturbed frown. And her limbs were hacked off with surgeon precision.

Izaya had to hold back from emptying whatever contents were left in his stomach from his meal last night. That. That can't be real. It couldn't. I mean I've seen open wounds b-but that was just. Sick.

"Shinra! This isn't funny! Let me out this instant!" Izaya growls shouting to the ceiling looking around for some sort of camera. If it wasn't Shinra then maybe it was Namie finally turning on him. Or it could have been some other enemy. It couldn't have been that monster Shizuo. Could it? "Shizu-chan if this is some way at getting back at me your doing a mediocre job at it." Grumbling the raven haired sat down at the left hand corner of the room staring up at the window. For some odd reason he couldn't escape the sick feeling he felt at the pit of his stomach. Something was horribly off about this situation in more ways than one. For one thing Izaya wasn't in control like he normally was which was probably the main cause to his unusual fear. Another thing that seriously bothered him was of all pranks why this one? If it was Shinra he sorta understood why. The young underground doctor had told Izaya once that he belonged in a mental institution. But he was joking around with him. Right?

"It was probably that damn protozoan. In cahoots with Shinra and maybe even Celty." He tried putting things together like a puzzle. But the pieces didn't fit at all. He never saw Shizuo yesterday once. And he never even spoke to Shinra yesterday or the day before. He was so busy with the job he had to complete he didn't even bother dealing with the two or anyone outside what was needed for that matter. Maybe just for the sake of his sanity he wanted it to be Shinra or Namie. Or even Shizuo.

However what he didn't know was the same brute he thought had brought him to the disturbed place was stuck in the very same place as him. The very room across from the informant was the one holding the ex-bartender who had yet to wake.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" A disturbed yell pierced Izaya's ears causing him to wince. He looked around his room confused when the scream stopped. Who was that? Getting up he peaked out the window grimacing at the sight of the dead body, looking around at the corridor. Who was that? They sounded male. But. I don't think I've ever heard someone scream like that in my entire life. Finally taking in all the details of the small image outside his own window he realized the hallway looked extremely worn down and old. Maybe it was only this hallway that was old with peeling paint, rotting walls and yellowed floor. Maybe. And maybe the Easter bunny and Santa clause were real and would someday team up to stop the world's evils. Going back to his corner Izaya wondered a bit if the room across from his own had an occupant. And if it did would they be able to help him get some sort of bearings. Grumbling about the itchy attire Izaya watched his feet wiggling his toes for some sort of amusement. "Great. I'm using my own feet as a source of entertainment now. Ne~ how wonderful.." Leaning his head against the padded wall Izaya began to try and piece together what had happened last night.

While the informant did this a very steamed and completely uncharacteristically angry, yea right, Shizuo woke. He was in a room exactly the same as Izaya's, straight jacket included. It took Shizuo almost a good two minutes to process his surroundings and another two minutes to conclude it was the flea's fault for him being trapped in the room. . "IZZAAAAAAYAAAAA!" he yelled breaking free of his strait jackets restraints.

At the sound of the familiar shout Izaya shot up and ran to the little window something close to happiness burning throughout him. When the man took a peak he nearly doubled over in laughter at the sight of Shizuo trapped in the little room. "Shizu-chan over here!" Izaya laughed shouting in hopes of being heard.

Apparently Shizuo heard him loud and clear cause when he got sight of the pest through his window he broke down the door holding him back from ringing the little parasites neck. "Where the hell am I you worthless flea!" Shizuo hissed glaring daggers at his greatest enemy. "Oh. Shizuo-kun wait there's a..Never mind." Izaya stated as Shizuo's barefoot stepped into the pool of blood surrounding the poor women. Shizuo's rage was too great for him to notice the red liquid or the body just inches from his big toe until he stepped right in it. This broke Shizuo out of his trance quickly. His amber eyes widened at the sight decomposing flesh and smell of copper. Quickly removing his foot the monster of Ikebukuro stepped back in pure shock. What the fuck is that! Did the flea do that? But he's inside that room. That can't be real.

Izaya watched the blondes face turn pale with mixtures of disgust, shock and only god knows what else. Had it been they were in a different situation then this one Izaya might have laughed taken a picture for future reference and laughed some more. But all Izaya really wanted to do was give the big brute a hug for some odd reason.

"Shizu-chan~ Can you be a good protozoan and break down the door to let me out? Ne~" Izaya tried getting the attention of the body guard but it wasn't really working out for him. The fool was in too much shock to even bother with Izaya. Growling Izaya hissed jumping up and down at the front of the window. "Shizuo you big idiotic brute get me out of this damn room! She's dead already so get over it!" the informant snarled. Normally he would have never raised his voice or stooped so low as to hiss or growl or even snarl for that matter. But he really needed to get the hell out of this room.

Shizuo, snapping out of the millions of confused thoughts going through his head, glared at Izaya. "You want out. I'll give you out flea." The blonde mumbled. "What? Shizuo-kun I couldn't hear you speak up!" Izaya shouted pressing his ear to the window, well barely his height wasn't helping with how damn high the window was. Without saying another word the blonde charged stepping over the body, slamming the door hard sending it flying back. On the momentary flight was Izaya who had realized too late what the Neanderthal was going to do.

Groaning Izaya wormed his way out from underneath the soft door grateful for its protection against any actual harm done to his body or face. "What the hell is wrong with you! You could have killed me!" the informant stood up glaring at a rather smug looking Shizuo. "That was the intention. Now. Talk flea. What the fuck happened!" grabbing on to Izaya by the collar of his new jacket he shook the smaller man trying to intimidate him some. He wasn't succeeding.

"How should I know? I'm not surprised by your stupidity though so here I'll point some things out for you. One. I am in the SAME place as you. Two. My room was LOCKED. Three. I am in a god damned STRAIT JACKET. So why on Earth would you even come up with the idea that I know what happened to us?" Izaya stated smirking slightly at the dumbfound look Shizuo had plastered on his face.

"Cause. Cause 99% of the time it's ALWAYS YOUR FAULT FLEA!" growled the blonde throwing Izaya across the tiny room. Wincing slightly at the hard impact against the wall, even if it was a bit soft, Izaya glared looking up at Shizuo's golden eyes. I'm not going to get anywhere with him if I keep fighting him. If we really are trapped in some loony bin then I'm going to need his freakish strength at some point I know it.

Shizuo scrunched up his nose folding his arms across his chest, waiting for some witty remark from the raven. However the witty remark never showed up making the blonde wonder just what the hell was going on here. Izaya stood up and looked at Shizuo with not an ounce of his usual mask on. Instead, he held a slightly frightened look on his face. His crimson eyes held no malice or mischief, only what Shizuo interpreted rather slowly as worry and fear. Wow. The flea. Looking scared. I'm either dead and in hell. Or the end of the world really is real. "Shizuo. I don't know what is going on here. I wish I did. But I don't. So. I can't believe I'm saying this. But we need to work together in order to get out of here ALIVE." He emphasized 'alive' rather clearly, even widening his eyes like an owl to show the importance.

Shizuo couldn't believe his ears. It really was the end of the world! "Tch. Fine flea. But if you so much as pull one thing off that annoys the crap out of me I will rip you apart!" Izaya rolled his eyes and nodded a silent agreement and walked to the door way, when he stopped and looked down at the women shuttering. I really hope I don't end up that way…

Emma: Hope you liked it! :D Sorry it was so lengthy and all. ^^' I kinda got carried away.

Izaya: Why the hell would I want to hug that moronic Neanderthal? Why would I even want to consider a truce with him!

Emma: Cause we all know you like him already so just admit it! D:

Shizuo: Wait. What? *Cluelessly smoking confused* The flea what?

Izaya: *Throws switchblade at Emma's forehead turning a bit red* Shut up!

Emma: *Bleeding* Whelp if you liked R&R babies! Tell me what I need to improve on and all that good juicy stuff. And if you have any ideas I'd love to hear them! ^w^ Now I gotta go get this gash fixed up by Shinra. -.-'