It's been a while. I've just not been inspired to write, just typing has been an extreme hassle for me, as every sentence I type I over-analyze seeing 'if it is written right, or is it not?' I hate grammatical classes, my writing has taken a turn for the worst since starting them. Not just that, so many things in my life are piling up, eating away at any and all free time I ever had.

So here we are, Silver vs. Iblis and Sonic Vs Blaze! Bring it on! HERE WE…GO!

I remember once, a long time ago, Blaze saying something about trying to control her fires and how difficult it was. Simply because of how honest she always had been with me, I believed her. Now, things were different, and I could believe her from experience, somewhat. I was just trying to contain the fires of Iblis, just to snuff it out from lack of oxygen.

But before I could form a perfect barrier around it, some part of it would break through a weaker part in the barrier, growing a bit larger and reaching toward me as if to consume me in it's eternal flames.

"Oh no you don't…" Jumping to the side, my hands reached outward, several more spheres of telekinetic energy encompassing the demonic force. If it got much bigger, the strength and size of the shield necessary would be…to much for me to handle. The realization briefly caught me off guard, and in an instant the shield fractured.

Now the flames rushed toward me in a spear like formation. At the last possible minute, I rolled out of the way, forming a shield just in front of it so it would not be able to catch fire on the earth and the strange vegetation on the ground. It bounced off of the shield with no harm done to it, rushing upwards.

"Silver, get that thing sealed!" My companion's rough voice rang behind me.

"On it!" I held my hands separately, forming two massively curved walls around the demon, then slamming my hands together, the translucent waves of telekinetic force rushed together, encompassing the demon fully. "Got it!"

"Perfect." I smiled, observing the flames inside my massive telekinetic bubble began to fizzle out. Just a few more seconds, and the fires would be silenced, saving countless billions. I smiled, trying to ignore the pressure that the shield was putting on my mind, even as it was starting to block my vision out.

"No you don't!" I turned my head toward Shadow, seeing a black mass of particles rushing toward me. Having been exhausted by my shield, I could only stand there as Mephilis' original form rushed toward me, beginning to choke me.

That did it. My train of concentration was derailed, and I collapsed to the earth, one hand grabbing my throat in pain as the other began beating my chest. Mephilis was choking me, blocking my lungs…

"ENOUGH!" With a sudden stop, the black particles was sucked out of my throat and lungs through a spiraling vortex of yellow energy. It left me gasping for air, feeling the warm air rush back into my lungs and start to rejuvenate me.

I turned my head, looking at the source of the voice and vortex. A human, male human stood a few meters away, holding in one hand a jewel similar to Shadow's and in another, a strange object with four jackal heads on a stick. I could see the red and orange flames of Iblis rushing toward the staff, along with what was left with Mephilis while the jewel continued to sparkle brightly, releasing a yellow aura.

I heard Shadow walk by me, readying another Chaos Spear. "Who are you!?" Pulling myself off the ground, I began to summon telekinetic waves around me again, preparing myself to any last trick against this stranger.

"I should be the one asking that." Taking the object that now contained Iblis and Mephilis inside of it, he put it in the folds of his robes. "You two clearly aren't humans, yet you are the only ones able to self use the Emeralds of Organized Power." The man brought his hand up to his face, scratching his beard. "You seem a bit like those Echidnas on that floating island, but you lack the dreadlocks, and most of them are red or orange in fur color…"

"My name is Shadow. I am the world's Ultimate Lifeform. And I demand to know…"

"Wait, wait just a minute. I'll be asking the questions, this is my property. What are you two. Demon's that have rejected Lucifer's ways and hoping to get brownie points with HIM-who's-name-should-not-be-uttered."

"I am NOT a demon!" I shouted in anger, stomping my boots on the ground. "Iblis is the demon that-"

"I know about Iblis. Some loud mouthed Nephilim in one of the bars was spouting off to me about it." The old man pulled on his beard. "Hmm. Perhaps, just to ensure you two can't mess with these dangerous fires anymore, I should send them, yes, to the moon. Of course, with all of the knowledge that those fallen angels have passed down, it may be found again, but no one will know how to release them." The old man was talking to himself. He must have been half-mad!

"I call upon our Father in heaven, His name who shall not be mentioned, to give me the power, and send this to a place that it can not be used!" He pulled the yellow emerald and the jackal staff back out of his robes, and held it up to the sky. "Transport!"

The emerald glowed insanely bright, and I took a pair of steps back, my eyes not being adjusted to the bright light from the stone in the late-twilight stages of the day. The shinning power didn't affect Shadow any. He crossed his arms, and watched the bright light as it began rising like a giant plume of smoke upwards into the darkening sky. Up to the moon. It wasn't the same moon that I saw in my future, which was badly fractured with an exposed, red center. This moon was whole, pure, with fewer craters then even the fragmented body I was familiar with catching glimpses of through the Sulfur and smoke in Crisis City.

Even the light faded away. The gemstone returned to giving off the faint glow that it had before. "The…thing!" I didn't know what to call the object that held Mephilis. "He took it!"

"No no. I merely put it on a large place that will take years to find it. Oh, him who must not be named should smile upon this day, as once again, Lucifer's plans were foiled." The old man chuckled, turning and walking away. "Oh, and by the way, my name is Enoch." He began stumbling off, taking the yellow emerald with him.

"What was…Shadow!?" I looked at Shadow, who turned around and crossed his arms. "Shouldn't we go after him!?"

"What good would it do?" He sighed. "I know what happened now. Mephilis wasn't lying all the way." He turned his head to face me. "I demanded from you what you didn't have. Information on Iblis."


"I was the one who destroyed your future. Before my lifetime, but long after this time, there were two nations. The United Federations and the U.S.S.R. The two nations wanted to destroy each other, but neither could do it without being annihilated by the other's weapons. They put machines on the ground, in the air, and even in space. I was born on one of those space weapons. And in a selfish act of vengance, I destroyed the moon with one of those weapons, and somehow, the part with Iblis and Mephilis landed on earth. In an accident, I released them." His cold, red eyes looked up at mine. "However, the key to saving your future do not lay this far in the past. They lay in my present." He held up the Chaos Emerald.

"So…you did this, unknowingly?"

"I made a promise that I plan to keep." He grabbed my hand roughly. "Your going to help me keep it." Holding up his emerald, and putting my own hand on it, he raised it up toward the sky. "Chaos…"

"…Control?" I asked, hesitantly. Another spinning vortex opened beside us. With nothing more to be said, he leapt into the portal.

I stared at it for several seconds. The information download he gave me was…intense. And now, my color-opposite was my only hope to counter the flames of disaster. It was to amazing for words. I narrowed my eyes, and leapt in though the portal I created.

Another stream of fire tore from my hands, falling short of the target. The Blue Hedgehog was more of a pest then I thought. With Silver working with me, yes, he could be caught. But it was his speed. He was faster then me, something I thought was impossible.

"Put down the girl so we can fight without risking other's lives!" Unlike my fireballs, that call indeed reached my opponent. Suddenly he slowed down, way down. I took this time to catch up and ready several more fireballs in my hands. The female in his hands seemed to be tossed aside, as if he was trying to get her off of him. Despite the lack in his speed, he didn't stop.

The pair of fireballs streamed from my hands, narrowly missing the blue creature as he side-stepped them in the nick of time. It distracted him though, and he tripped over something, looked like a gray stone. With that I pulled ahead of him, fire intentionally blazing from my hands to char the ground beneath me.

The sound of his rapid footsteps were approaching once more. Directly behind me. In an instant I dug my left foot in the ground, throwing fire up around me as my momentum went from straight forward to a super fast clockwise circle.

He crashed into me and my flames, unable to avoid it. I flipped onto the ground on all fours, watching as he stumbled ahead of me. Rushing forward again, I grabbed his arms and lit the fur on it on fire. Quickly, his scream sounded and he curled into a ball like the times he had before. Quickly, my hands wrapped around him as I prepared to toast him with the steady stream of flames.

My opponent must of expected this. His spikes tore against my hands and he shot out of my grasp, the momentum enough to bowl me over onto my back. "Darn. Cursed Hedgehog."

Standing back up I brushed myself off, searching the landscape for my opponent. He seemed to be long gone, but I could hear the sound of his spindash buzzing in my ear, getting louder.

In an instant, I was hit from the side as he shot into me. Flipping up in the air, I could see sky, earth, and blue as he smacked me again, sending me crashing into the ground. "Nggh!" The blue ball came at me from above, and at the last second I rolled out of the way, sending him crushing the earth beneath me.

I set my hands gently on the ground, trying to regain my sense of balance. A high pierced whirring sound could be heard out of my ears, and turning to my left, I could see him spinning rapidly in a ball, yet in one place, particles of energy spiraling around him. "Ready!"

Rushing to my feet, I went back to the offense as I threw several streams of heavy fire at my opponent. His curling form didn't change at all underneath my barrage. "What in the-"

Without warning his from shot into mine, knocking me back into the air before I even realized it. This was followed by another smack into my side, my back, and all around me I could only see blue blurs going every which direction.

After the seemingly infinite attack, the ground solidly met with my face and front. Raising my left arm, I rolled myself over, looking at the sky above as every section of my body ached from the attack. I could hear him leave, but I still felt crippled, watching as the white clouds in the sky blew about.

"Sonic! Is she…"

"No time Sally! We've got to get back to our meeting place. The other Freedom Fighters will be waiting there for us, for sure!"

Freedom fighters? It sounded familiar…a memory from my past. My mother…and her good pink friend. They were good friends, and they called themselves Freedom Fighters. Could it be more then just a coincidence? Could the blue hedgehog that we were sent to kill part of the same group that I and my mother were part of, somehow linked to the royal lineage I was part of?

The sound of his footsteps were gone. I began to sit up, my body aching in pain. "Something's not right here." Coming to my two feet, I observed the grass that was padded downward by the hedgehog's feet. "I need to find Silver."

The plan Shadow and I devised was simple. I would find Blaze and Sonic, the blue hedgehog. I would convince them to go after Eggman, who currently possessed the Flames of Disaster. No problem. Blaze and I could easily find each other, she would still be chasing Sonic.

Aircraft flew in the air, streams of smoke trailing behind projectiles in the sky. I wondered if this was anything like that air weapons that Shadow talked about prior. The projectiles would home onto other speeding aircraft, destroying them quickly.

"Priority #1: Hedgehog." I quickly spun on my boots to face the in-human voice. Several robots, around twice my size, stood behind me, pointing their gun-shaped arms at me.

"I-What!?" Before they could begin shooting me, I pushed them back with a large telekinetic blast, the group flying backwards and shattering from my abilities into twisted metal.

"You again!?" I turned back to the way I had been facing. The blue 'Sonic', holding the female he had been with when Blaze was chasing him down.

"There's been a change in plans!" I shouted at him, and he took several cautious steps back. "I need to work with you to find Eggman."

The eyes of the girl widened. But the other hedgehog smiled widely, winking at me. "Okay man. Let's do this!"

I could hear something else in the background. More running. It could only be Blaze. Walking around my former enemy, I faced the path he had just came from, watching as her graceful form sped across the plains toward us.

"Blaze!" She began slowing to her stop. "You were right."

"Silver, we need to re-consider…"

"I'm ahead of you. We need to work with Sonic and defeat this Eggman person."

She looked at me, unsure at first. "I'll trust you on this."

A high-pierced whistling sound filled the air. Our eyes turned upwards as several oblong, black objects dropped toward us. "GET AWAY!"

I threw up my telekinetic shield, covering the four of us from it. The objects detonated mere feet away from us, shattering into pieces with flames billowing and consuming everything not covered by our shield.

"What was that!?" Blaze called out.

"Those weren't Eggman's bombs! Not with that much black smoke."

"No Sonic. Those were Russian bombs."

"What?! But no one is crazy enough to further the world's economic collapse! Let alone work with Eggy!"

"I don't know about that Sonic." The female remarked. "My brother would know more about it. But one thing is certain. This may no longer be just a war against Robotnik. He may have started World War III."

I turned to look at Blaze. Her 'royal' upbringing and training in her younger years might be able to tell me something. She merely looked back at me, her eyes portraying worry. An emotion I rarely saw from her.

Considering that I have not even tried writing for a long time to due massive un-inspiration, I now have what I want to happen all mapped down. The next chapters will cover the offensive against Eggman/Robotnik, and the full explanation of what is going to happen with the Flames of Iblis, still sealed inside of Snively.