Title: Already Gone
Rating: M/NC-17
Genre: Slash, Romance/Angst/Tragedy
Summary: Sheldon and Leonard have been together for three months and they were making plans for a nice future together. At least, that's what Leonard thought; until his entire world is turned upside down and he is forced to make a drastic change.
Warnings: M/M Sex, Homophobia and Bi-Phobia, Language, and Not So Nice Sheldon At First
Author's Notes: So recently I got into Big Bang Theory, and I was instantly hit with how awesome Shelnard is! Yeah, I like Lenny too; but Leonard and Sheldon are like so much more obvious, in my opinion. Therefore, I just had to contribute to this underrated pairing. I want to apologize ahead of time for Sheldon in the beginning of this. It gets better. And I also want to apologize for our boys not seeming quite so scientific, cause hey. I'll freely admit I'm not that smart. (Huh, maybe I shouldn't admit that lol.) But hey, it's a fanfic made for the enjoyment of people who are as obsessed with this show as I am. So if it offends you that much, don't read it. Anyway, I hope people do like this story. Let me know what you think! :D
Disclaimer: I do not own Big Bang Theory or anything/anyone associated with it; because if I did, Johnny Galecki would never get to work. *dirty smile*

Chapter One: Blind Sighted

Leonard had never been happier in his life waking up in his shared two bedroom apartment.

No, seriously, he felt like he was floating on clouds or sunshine or whatever the cliché was.


Because Dr. Leonard Leakey Hofstadter was head over heels in love; and with whom you wonder? None other than his sometimes neurotic and mildly insensitive (to anyone but him, of course) roommate Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper.

For the first time in his twenty-nine years, Leonard was content.

It started right after Penny couldn't tell him she loved him back then subsequently dumped him. For days Leonard was torn up inside, wondering what he possibly could have done wrong. He had given her every part of him, and she stomped on him like he was a bug under her shoe. All he kept thinking about was how he was never good enough to be loved by anyone. Not any girlfriend he's ever had not any relative he's ever had – not even his fucking mother!

And when Penny shot him down on top of everyone else, it almost quite literally crushed him. However, when none of his friends seemed to notice his emotional distress, Sheldon was there.

It started small.

Cooking his favorite breakfast twice a week. Giving him encouraging smiles. Defending him when Wolowitz and Koothrappoli teased him (good naturedly for the most part) about the break up.

Subtle enough things that it could be overlooked by anyone but the man that's lived with him for several years.

And eventually it turned into greater things.

Holding his hand at times when they were alone. Not saying anything if he stretches out and his feet touches the infamous "spot." And finally, surprising him (and everyone) with a kiss after going to see midnight showing of Star Trek…with tongue!

To say he had been startled and confused was the understatement of the century; but yet, it was also perfect. And since then, it had only gotten better.

They still hadn't had sex, but Leonard was surprised to find that Sheldon had said he wasn't adverse to the idea of…well…doing it. Yeah, he knows, he thought the overgrown manchild had been replaced by an alien pod person too. And yet, he was sincere.

So now touching, kissing (making out), and hand holding are all very much accepted and embraced. Like seriously, who was the new person living with him?

He rolled over and off the side of his bed with a smile on his face and sighed happily. Sheldon was probably in the kitchen making breakfast, since it was ten minutes past their scheduled time to get up, but in the last couple of weeks his (internal squee) boyfriend had begun to get a little more flexible in regards to schedules and the dreaded roommate agreement.

He pulled his robe on and started down the hall with a spring in his step, anxious to see the love of his life eating his staple bowl of bran cereal and half glass of orange juice. True to form, Sheldon was standing holding his bowl of cereal, but balancing a phone under his ear. Leonard tilted his head in confusion, and forewent giving him his normal hug and kiss for getting a bowl and pouring his own breakfast.

"I understand that, ma; but right now is just not a good time," Sheldon said, sounding exasperated.

To Leonard, it seemed as if the conversation had been going on for a while; but since it was the taller man's mother, he dismissed any worry about the topic being discussed. Opening the fridge, he pulled out his soy milk and topped off his cereal bowl before heading for the couch, wanting to give the man some form of privacy.

"No!" Sheldon barked in reply to whatever was said on the other side, causing Leonard to look up in alarm. "It's not about that!"

The smaller physicist put his spoon in the bowl and observed Sheldon carefully. The taller man was clenching his jaw and gripping the side of their small island painfully.

Leonard frowned.

Sheldon didn't get this worked up very easily and least of all with his mother. His entire world rose and set around that woman. Not that Leonard could blame him, she was a remarkable mom. The kind the dark haired man would've killed for as a kid.

"You don't understand," he continued. "I am very busy – " Sheldon stopped and sighed. "Yes, I know. I miss you too; but…Mother, it's just not that simple!"

Leonard slowly stood and started towards his boyfriend, realizing it was another argument about when Mrs. Cooper could make a visit and feeling as though it was now part of his job to offer emotional support. Though he didn't fully understand what the big deal was. Since they had gotten together, even the name of Sheldon's mother being brought up was consistently met with a coldness that brooked no argument. So, wisely, Leonard always dropped it before an argument could arise.

"I have to go," Sheldon said curtly, he walked to the sink with his half eaten bowl of cereal and put it in. "I'm going to be experimenting with laser technology today, and I need to finish getting ready."

Leonard leaned against the refrigerator as quietly as possible. Wanting to be close enough for comfort but give the other physicist enough breathing room he isn't smothered. Truth be told, it would be a lot easier to help him, if he would just say what the problem was with that part of his life.

Hanging up their cordless phone, Sheldon made a little noise of annoyance and Leonard took that as his cue.

Coming up behind him, the experimental physicist wrapped his arms around his waist and put his face against his back ready to soothe the ruffled feathers and possibly get some kissage in. "Hey," he said with his sexy voice that always made the theoretical physicist shiver, only to frown and trip a little on his robe's tie-rope when the taller man stepped away unexpectedly. "Uh, good morning?"

His boyfriend barely acknowledged him with a nod while finishing off his orange juice.

Leonard was deeply confused. This wasn't typical. At least not in three months of being together it wasn't. "Shelly?" he asked, sounding more unsure than he liked. "Is everything okay?"

"Why wouldn't it be?" he replied in the monotone he hadn't used in months. "What you were eavesdropping on was my mother wanting to come visit us, and me trying to find a way to not have that happen."

Leonard stared at Sheldon in a mix of disbelief and concern. "I wasn't purposely eaves – "

"Yes, you were," Sheldon stated matter-of-factly. "You thought it would perfectly alright to listen in because of our current romantic entanglement and need for my constant attention."

Leonard's eyes widened, feeling himself forcefully swallow the hurt that sentence caused him. "My constant need for you attention? What are you – "

"I don't have time for this Leonard," Sheldon cut him off and rinsed out his dishes before putting them in their dishwasher. "I have important things I need to prepare for today and this conversation is frankly a bore to me."

Leonard blinked at the love of his life, fighting his urge to shout at him, and then fighting to keep his balance as Sheldon blew past him. He was left standing alone in the kitchen, wondering what the hell had happened. Everything was fine yesterday!

Well, okay, he seemed a little sharper tongued than usual with Penny over dinner; and he did notice once that he had flinched when Leonard had rested his on his shoulder during Caprica. But he hadn't given it a lot of thought.

Now he was coming to a startling conclusion that made his breath disappear and tears to form in his eyes.

Sheldon was getting sick of being his boyfriend. Sheldon was going to dump him.