Sleeping Beauty

Ianto looked at himself in the mirror down in the locker room at the Hub. His favourite suit was ruined; the pockets were torn - buttons ripped off - one trouser leg was torn from knee to ankle. It was a mess. He sighed as the door opened, obscuring his view.

"It's only fit for the rubbish bin!" he exclaimed.

"I'll buy you a new one," Jack told him, closing the door and leaning against it, arms crossed over his chest.

"You don't have too. It's…fine."

"I know, but I want too." He moved forward, putting his hands on his lover's hips. "We'll go after debriefing tomorrow morning. Now, come to bed." He leaned in and their foreheads touched. "You know I can't sleep without you."

Ianto smiled. "Can't make love without me, you mean."

"Yeah, that too." His eyes twinkled.

Both men smiled.

Jack held out his hand as they parted and the younger man took it. Jack lead Ianto back up to his office and down the ladder to his quarters. After undressing, Ianto put his suit in the bin by the shower room and padded naked back to the small bunk. Jack was seated on the edge, watching his every move.

"You're beautiful, you know that?" he breathed.

"I must be. You keep telling me."

"Yeah and I'll continue to tell you, cos it's true."

Ianto knelt on the bed and moved to the other side.

"I don't want a cheap suit mind," he informed the immortal, pulling him backwards and covering his lips with his own.

After a night of passion, Ianto rose early, showered and went up into the Hub to start coffee and breakfast for them both.

Jack climbed up the ladder and was greeted by his lover. They kissed, as Ianto placed toast, coffee and cocoa pops that were on a tray, beside Jack's landline. The older man smiled into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Ianto's waist, as he let go of the tray.

"Morning," Jack said against warm lips.

"Good morning, sir."

"Grrr!" came the response.

Ianto laughed, pulling back a few inches. "Eat your breakfast, Jack."

Sitting down, Jack spooned the cereal into his mouth and watched as Ianto left the office.

"Where's yours?" he called after him.

"Had toast while I was making yours," came the reply. "I'll go get my coffee."

Jack smiled.

God how he loved that man


The five members of Torchwood Three were seated around the boardroom table, as Ianto placed a carafe of coffee and a plate of assorted pastries in the centre and then seated himself at Jack's left hand side. He then stood up to pour Jack and himself coffee, offered the carafe to Tosh, next to him.

Once they all had coffee, Jack began.

"The Weevils are getting more aggressive, if that's possible," he told them, looking at his lover. "Owen, how's your research going?"

"Fine, Jack. I need to try out a few new drugs on Janet. See if they work on her."

"Ianto could always sing to them," put in Gwen, smiling.

Ianto shook his head. "No way!"

"It works with Janet."

"Yes, but she is in a cell and can't get at me," replied the Welshman.

"Okay," Jack said. "Do what you can. Ianto had another suit ripped to shreds last night," he grinned, "and it's gonna cost me a new one."

Ianto made to protest.

"But, I don't mind," added Jack with a wicked grin that made the younger man blush.

Tosh laid a hand on Ianto's arm. "Make sure it's an expensive one. Jack can afford it."

Ianto smiled. "I intend to."

"Holidays," continued Jack. "I want all paperwork finished and up to date before you leave." he looked at Owen.

"What?" asked Owen, trying to look surprised.

Jack shook his head, reaching for a cinnamon roll.

"Does anyone have anything they'd like to add?"

Tosh cleared her throat.


"I've almost completed the translation of the documents that came through in that funny pouch on Thursday. I think it's Domeanian. It's a kind of plan…not for war, but a house of some kind. Instructions on how to build it, I think."

"Really?" asked Owen.

Tosh nodded. "It goes into great detail actually."

Jack put the last of the roll into his mouth and took a sip of his coffee, turning to smile approvingly at Ianto.

"I think it must have been lost in transportation," Tosh added, taking a donut.

"Good," Jack said. "Once you've finished up, give them both to Ianto and he can file them in the archives."

Tosh smiled and nodded.

"Anything else?"


"Fine." Jack pushed back his chair. "Ianto and I will be out of the Hub for a couple of hours. Anything crops up, ring me."

They all nodded.

Ianto moved to one side, waiting for everyone to leave, before he put cups, coffee pot and now empty plate onto the tray and carried them to the kitchen.

"Leave them," Jack said, once Ianto had placed them on the counter top. "We're goin' shopping."

Ianto smiled.

"Yes, sir," he bowed slightly and smiled.

"You tease, Ianto Jones."
