DISCLAIMER: I don't own Bleach.

Two kids ran down the hall. One boy of 10 years who was definitely mature for his age with pure white hair and onyx eye and the other girl of 6 with dark hair and sea green eyes. Daddy daddy cried the girl jumping onto the white haired sea green eyed man who was staring out of the window. 'Yes what is it' he asked slightly amused due to their enthusiasm. 'Daddy tell us about yours and mommy's wedding day.' She said climbing onto his lap. 'Why the certain interest in our wedding day.' Said Hitsugaya paling just a bit. 'She watched some soppy movie with a happily ever after style wedding and anyway even I'm curious how was your wedding day' 'Yeah tell them about our wedding Toshiro.' said Karin coming in from the back door just in time to the last bit of the conversation. 'Yeah okay fine. It all began on fine da..' 'Oh just get to the point.' Karin said 'No need to beat around the bush 'Okay okay.'


Hitsugaya was pacing up and down the room. It was wedding day 5 minutes to show time and he super hyper ultra NERVOUS

Hisagi tutted 'Hitsugaya you're gonna wear out the carpet like that , so instead of wearing out that nice beautiful carpet who has done you no harm whatsoever go find some object or something to make you feel less nervous.' 'Hey, maybe you can even take to the altar to avoid passing out due to nervousness.' He joked

Hitsugaya brightened up 'Hisagi you gave me an idea.'


Karin felt super weird and self-conscious when she walked down the aisle until she saw her husband-to-be. She calmed herself down, as she walked closer to the altar she noticed Hitsugaya was holding something that looked like a white blob as she walked closer she was able to identify it.

Toushiro Hitsugaya her husband to be and love of her life, the stoic more or less emotionless prodigy was holding a giant….white teddy bear.

She shot him a look he just shrugged his shoulders. Later as the priest was droning on he whispered to her 'What Mr. Snuggles was my best friend when I was 6.'

Flashback end

Both the kids burst into fits of laughter.

'Smooth move dad.' Ryu (the boy) managed in between his giggles

'Wait' said Yuki (the girl) stopping her laughter. 'Is the Mr. Snuggles you held that day the same Mr. Snuggles I sleep with?'

'Yes' said Hitsugaya slightly miffed his kids were laughing at him. 'Now go to sleep.'

'Ok' chimed both the kids.

Later during bedtime.

'G'night both of you' said Karin said leaving the room after kissing both of them on their cheeks

'Night mommy.' Chimed the kids from 2 ends of the room (where their beds were located)

Yuki pulled out Mr. Snuggles from under the blanket 'You know Mr. Snuggles if you weren't there daddy might have fainted and mommy and daddy might have never got married.'

'Yeah and we would have never been born.' Said Ryu 'So we are alive cause of Mr. Snuggles.'

'Yeah thanks Mr. Snuggles.' Said Yuki and Ryu before snuggling into their blankets and drifting to falling sleep.


A/N: Liked It