( A/N )

Unfortunately, I believe I will just keep doing my stories on my own. How I like them, and honestly, if you guys do not like how I am doing things then please, by all means, stop reading. STOP telling me to get a beta, or to try and find a beta. I have had Beta's. They are my beta for maybe a week. and then they just stop sending me anything, or just stop replying to anything I send. The last I heard from my last beta was months ago.

And one of my beta's I tried, I thought something might have just happened to her. But no. I just read a story only to see a 'special thanks to' So I will no longer look for a beta. If you want to be my beta, then message me. Others wise, please stop 'informing me' of getting a beta because I will not tolerate the 'cold shoulder' or going cold turkey on me when I am seriously needing help before posting a story or a chapter.


Ja Ne

After dropping Naruto at Hinata's, she went back home and got the last of her belongings. The trunk that was at the foot of her bed with all her clothing and items in it. He blankets and pelts, and all her kitchen items. As she left her home for a final time, she lead Asora through the town. Decided to go ahead and buying supplies ahead of time since she will not be living here anymore.

Stopping at the stall where she bought her veggitables the night before, sakura bought 2 more heads of cabbage, a large sack of potatoes. And some seeds for her to grow her own garden. Then she stopped at the spice store where she purchased more salt and pepper, garlic, and other such spices that she would normally not buy because of the prices.

She stopped at Tsunade's on her way to the village gate. There she hugged her mother figure tightly before giving her the key to her home. "Here, you can live there if you would like. I have no more need for it now." She said with another hug. Sakura then went back down stairs where Tsunade's shop was held. And grabbed a bunch of bandages, healing powder, dehydrated roots and herbs. Bottles and vials of salve and other liquids. Tsunda raised an eye brow and looked at her funny.

Sakura just shrugged. " I don't plan to come back for a while, and I just want to be prepaired.. Besides, you and I both know if something happens and I need medical attention, im too far to make here to get help. But don't worry… You trained me well mother." Sakura said with a smile when Tsunade looked at her worriedly. Tsunade hugged her daughter tightly before dissapearring upstairs again, telling sakura she will be right back.

When Tsunade came back down she was carring a largely wrapped item. She smiled sheepishly at sakura before handing it to her. "I was waiting for your birthday to give this to you.. but you can have it now." Sakura looked at the package thoughtfully before carefully unwrapping it. Sakura gasped and looked back up at her mother figure with wide eyes. "I had it made especially for you. It took me 3 seasons to get it paid for. But now it is yours."

Sakura gently picked up the black bow. Its shaft having silver leaf etchings through it. She ran her hand gently down it. "It's made from black Elder." Sakura looked up at Tsunade like she was crazy.

"Black Elder? That's too expensive! Why would you pay for-" Tsunade's hand went up to stop her.

"I did not pay for the wood dear. I paid for them to craft the bow. The wood itself was infact, a gift from you, many seasons ago." Tsunade said. Sakura looked shock as she remembered looking in the deepest part of the forest for days for that tree. Remembering Tsunade saying something about its medical properties would make her rich. Sakura brought her back a large log for tsunades birthday.

"But.. I broug ht you this for your medicins. Not for you to make me something like a spoil child…" Sakura said, confused. Tsunade smiled and led her to a back room filled with shelves of bottles and jars.

"This, my dear, is all the medicin I made with what you brought me. And I still have more than enough of that log for more. This was only a fraction of that log so there was no harm. OH and while we are here,…" Tsunade dropped off what she was saying as she started walking between her shelves. Grabbing random bottles and jars before coming back and giving them to sakura. "Here, these are on the house." She said with a wink. "but don't look at the labels till after you get home.. Okay?" Tsunade asked her. Sakura, confused, nodded her head but walked back to the front where Tsunade pulled out a decorative bag, its black fabric as a back ground to the shimmering clouds around a large red moon. Tsunade procedded to place all the items sakura had on the counter into the bag and sakura handed her the gold for them all.

"Tsunade, where did ou get this bag?" Sakura said as she felt the material. Tsunade grinned.

"oh.. I also had this made for you. I do hope you like it." Tsunade smiled when sakura nodded her head again. After sakura had all her things, Tsunade walked her back to her horse and cart. Sakura gently placed her items in the cart and climbed in and grabbed the reins. Tsunade handed her a large lantern, already lit. Sakura, surprised that it was already dark, gratefully took the lantern.

"Don't worry Tsunade, I'll be back." With that said she had Asora moving. Trotting up to the village main gate she ignored the glares from the watchers and turned left, planning on going to the more dense part of the forest behind the village where she herself have rarely been.

Coming up to the forests edge she felt the familiar creeping darkness that accompanied the forest at all times. After years of being in this aura, Sakura has grown accustomed to the feeling, welcomed it actually. The hair on the back of her neck stood up and she had the distinct feeling that someone was watching her again. Shrugging her shoulders and dismissing it as one of the guards along the walls, she got her horse to a steady pace that was comfortable for everyone. Following a trail that lead into the dark looming trees she stayed on the path for a short distance before veering off to the side into the thicker, denser trees. Weaving her horse to and fro from years of practice, she was moving through at a reasonable pace. Off in the distance, she heard the loud, intimidating howls of the hunting party that was about to take place. Sakura made Asora go more quickly, so as to not find themselves in a bit of trouble.

After about 15 minutes of riding, she was deep in the forest, the crescent moon already high in the sky; she came across a large pond. Leading her horse to it so she can rest she swung off the cart with Areno asleep in the cart. She looked around and saw the large cabin that once belonged to her mother, and now her. The lights in the house on from her and Naruto's last trip here.

She sat down in the grass at the ponds edge, Letting her horse drink her fill. Once she was finished she grabbed the reins and allowed Asora to follow her to the house. The stpes of the porch were old but still very sturdy and thick. She tied asora's reins to the rail and then grabbed an unlit torch and lit it from the lantern before lighting the lanturns hanging up along the porch and side of the house she was at.

Once there was plenty of light, she opened the door and was met with the warn air from the fireplace. She went back to the cart and started unloading it, little by little, just setting it down within the doorway of the home. Once she had everything unloaded, she grabbed Areno and gently carried him inside and layed him on the couch. Then she went back outside, grabbed a lantern, and lead Asora to the small barn next to the house. She unhitched her from the cart, and then placed her in a stall with fresh hay and water filled the trough. The placed a blanket on her precious horse before shutting the barn and walking back to the house. After walking back up the porch, she started to slowly, blow the lanterns out, one by one. When she finished she was about to go in her new home when she heard a branch snap out in the tree line. Instantly she looked over there, the opals pendant allowing her to see as if it was daylight.

She thought she saw a flash of gold disappear into the tree's, but she was uncertain. She slowly turned her head back to the door and went inside, making sure to lock the door securely, along with the windows. She didn't know what that was but she had a bad feeling.

Once inside, she grabbed her spices and put them in the cabinet of the surprisingly large kitchen. Then she did the same with the bread and other vegtibles she had. She was surprised when she first entered the house with Naruto, Tsunade didn't tell me she let her cook ware here. Nor that the kitchen had it's own separate fire place and baker's oven. She went over and grabbed her blankets, she placed two large ones on the top of the couch, and then went to the largest room in the house where, Tsunade had left a ahuge bed that left her bed looking small. She made up the bed comfortably, then she placed the rest of her blankets on her own bed, which was in the other spare room next to the large one. Then she went and grabbed her pelts she sleeps with, and covered both beds with them. She had the majority of ther pillos on her bed, but the rest went to the other room. She went back to the large room that she would be sleeping in and started a fire in that fireplace, amazed at how many this home had.

Once that fire was going nicely, she went into the living room and dragged her bathing tub into her bedroom and placed it in the fire, before going to grab her two large buckets and going back outside. One feature she loved about this house? There was a water pump on the end of the porch, so she never really had to leave the house to get water. She filled both buckets and went back inside and poured them in her tub.

Then she went back into her living room and dragged her large trunk into her bedroom and placed it at the foot of her bed and rummaged through it. She grabbed her large cream tunic that she sleeps in, her brush, and her soap and the cloth she dries with. The placed her tunic on the bed along with her brush. She placed the cloth and soap on a stool near the fire place.

As she waited for the water to boil and get hot, her stomach rumbled loudly and painfully. Looking back towards the doorway, she decided to make use of that fire pit in the kitchen. With a grin Sakura bounded up and headed for the kitchen. She grabbed her small pot that she cooks with and went to her porch to get some water. When she came back she chopped up her turnips and an onion, then she went to her meat that she had yet to put in a shed, she took out a good chunk on hog meat. She chopped that up as well before placing them all in the pot of water. She lit the fire in the kitchen and then placed the pot over the fire.

She sprinkled her salt and pepper, and crushed up garlic to place in there. After stirring it and placing the lid over it, she went back to her room and saw that there was a huge boil going on in the tub. She put on her gloves and dragged it out of the fire. Then she grabbed her jar of dried flowers and sprinkled some in there.

Sakura slowly peeled off her clothing and tossed them on the edge of the bed. Areno had quietly trotted his way into the room and was laying in the middle of her bed, watching her with curious eyes. Once she was stripped of her clothing, Sakura climbed into her tub and immediately sighed in relief as the hot water covered her, turning her skin bright pink from the warmth. She began to immediately scrub her skin to get clean as she could already smell the food in the kitchen. Once she was finished, she stepped out carefully so as to not get water all over her floor. She wrapped her cloth around herself tightly and walked into her kitchen and stirred the pot. She smiled as the aroma even brought Areno in the kitchen. She gave him a good chunk of meat and made sure he still had plenty of water in the small bowl on the floor. She looked out of the window in the kitchen as she moons rays lighting the ground. she couldn't help but feel as if there were eyes on her.

Sakura went back into her room and dried the remaning water from her form and then slipped on her long cream tunic, and her laced panties. Sakura walked back into the kitchen and grabbed her bowl she laid out on the counter. she filled her bowl to the top, her hungery intensified from not eating earlier that day, and tore a hunk of bread. She set the bowl down on the counter and the bread near it as she walked back into her room and grabbed ehr cloth and went back to the front door.

The cloth was damp so she laid it across the railing of her porch. She looked up at the moon, her hand absent mindedly reaching up and rubbing the opal necklace. She could hear the hunting howls of the wolves in the woods around her. Their sounds traveling closer to her clearing. She stood there for a bit longer before turning around and walking back into the house.

She grabbed her bowl of food and went to sit on the couch near the fire place in the living room. She speared the chopped turnips and chewed them thoughtfully, its tender flesh mashing in her mouth before her teath even got to them. The hogs meat had a tangy, wild taste that when bitten into, made her suddenly think of hunting in the early morning. Shaking the thought from her head, she continued eating, Areno got up and walked into the living room as well and continued to eat his meat. She smiled at him, thinking about her plans for tomorrow.

When she finished her bowl she set it down on Tsunade's little fire side table she left in the house. "Areno.. Tomorrow starts your training." She grinned as he looked up at her with his ears perked up at the mention of his name. He tilted his head sideways, as if confused by her decleration of 'training'. She laughed and reached down to pet him, "Well, If you plan on eating my food as well, you're going to help me hunt them down." She said with a smile as the fires flame flickered in and out as the previous log was starting to burn out.

I just thought this would be a good point in the story to 'stop' -insert evil grin-

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Reviews make me happy and give me inspiration to write fast for you guys