Sorceress Shinigami

Chapter 12


AN: Sorry for the late update, last chapter

Rukia unleashed her custom spell, rather tried to but she did not have enough power in her limbs to do so. The waves hit her hard, her body just wanted to give and drown in the waves but tore heart told her otherwise she had to hang on for Ichigo. She definitely did not want to die without telling him her feelings even if they were unrequited however she barely had enough power to perform a basic spell let alone a custom spell which she was sure could get her out of the predicament

Anyhow she had to try 'Ice Beam' she called out it turned out like her first attempt to do an ice beam a feeble shard of ice came from her hand and shattered as soon as it made contact with the atmosphere.

Suddenly she remembered something Ichigo's had told her 'Your magic is within you in your soul'. So just like the first time she had performed a succssful spell she closed her eyes and found the growing glowing blue spark and with much difficulty she summoned it.

Suddenly to the amazement of everyone the sphere began and to freeze. But what was more surprising was the fact that large icy wings began to sprout from Rukia's shoulder blades, her usually warm violet eyes turned icy blue and the most surprising thing Sode No Shirayuki transformed into the icy blade with white tassels which Rukia was holding. Suddenly the sphere shattered and Rukia flew out at supersonic speed lunging at Mimi blade in hand. Before Mimi could perform a spell she was pinned down with the blade at her throat.

'Surrender now.' Rukia said icily in a voice unlike her own.

For a moment Mimi smiled genuinely but was quick enough to hide it with a displeased frown. 'Fine.' she said in an annoying tone trying to move a bit away from the blade 'You win.'

The minute she said loud bell rung signifying the end of the battle and the battlefield automatically cleared up (one of Kisuke's features)

Suddenly Rukia turned back to normal and collapsed.

'Rukia!.' Ichigo yelled as he rushed down to the battlefield and laid her head in his lap, Rukia smiled weakly at him 'I did it, didn't I?' Ichigo smiled 'Of course you did.' he then gave her a confused look 'but when did you learn a custom spell?' he asked.
'I practiced it in secret, I wanted to impress you.' she replied blushing. He looked at her fondly 'Well I'm certainly impressed.'

From the corner Mimi smiled at the scene and then got up and proceeded to exit when Kisuke blocked her way 'Kisuke.' she said harshly a far cry from her usual sugary sweet voice 'Move.' Kisuke smirked 'Already ended the charade, huh?' he asked teasingly. Mimi's eyes widened,Kisuke grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her to the center of the battlefield. By now Ichigo and Rukia had moved to the bleachers and everyone was watching the scene below. Holding Mimi's wrist up he proclaimed dramatically 'I am a bringer of justice, I cannot let the heroine become the bad guy.'

'What do you man Kisuke?' Ichigo asked puzzled. Still holding Mimi's wrist tightly he took out a silver bracelet from his pocket 'This bracelet.' He said loudly 'will stop all magic temporarily.' Before Mimi could protest he latched the bracelet onto her wrist.

Once again the blonde hair and blue eyes disappeared leaving Mimi with crudely cut brown hair and pale green eyes. 'Mimi!' Ichigo gasped 'You…you look like you did before.' Mimi paid no heed to his words instead she was glaring at Kisuke who was currently donning a mischievous smirk. 'Now Mimi.' Gasped Kisuke in mock surprise clearly enjoying himself 'What happened to you?'

Both Mimi and Ten no Kamikari dropped their heads simultaneously and gave a sigh of defeat 'Okay fin I'll tell you the truth, but after this Kisuke you are so going to get it.'

Kisuke smiled cheesily 'By it do you man my favourite chocolate chip cookies?' he asked. Mimi growled 'No, but you're face is going to be as flat as one if you don't shut up right now.' Kisuke shrugged but he did not say anything.

Mimi sighed and started again, this time with no interruptions 'you see my daemon here Ten no Kamikari can see into the future, predict stuff though it's very rare it happens, around one and a half months back she predicted your marriage.'

'Surprisingly it was a clear vision, no riddles or blurriness.' Ten No Kamikari started 'But I saw something else, as a daemon of illusions I'm very good at seeing past them.'

'So' Sode No Shirayuki asked. Ten No Kamikari continued 'Even without my abilities it was clear you two were meant to be together, two halves of on soul that should be connected. But thanks to your stupid pride I knew you two wouldn't get together without a shove so Mimi and I arranged this charade.'

No one paid much attention to the two halves and stuff, instead they were looking wide eyed at Mimi and Ten No Kamikari.

Rukia managd to stutter out ' was all a tr..trick?'

Now that she had confessed to what she had done Mimi looked more relaxed 'Yup.' She said 'Though getting found out wasn't part of the plan.' She turned to Kisuke 'How did you find out anyway?' she asked puzzled.

Kisuke smiled proudly 'I have cameras installed in all the gardens including the one you transformed in today.'

'And you were able to decipher everything from that.' She asked disbelievingly.

Kisuke nodded happily, Mimi just huffed in exasperation, turned to Tia, ran up to her and whispered 'I actually finished Lv.10 and lost on purpose, sorry for not telling you.'

Tia's eyes widened but she managed not to say anything. Mimi jumped up 'Anyway.' She proclaimed 'I've got to go, I have a date with my boyfriend.' She said happily.

Kisuke's and Ichigo's eyes widened together 'You have a boyfriend!'

Mimi nodded 'Yup, Ikkaku Madarame, he's part of the army in Zaraki Kenpachi's kingdom, anyway we got to go.' Saying this Tia and Mimi walked out leaving the rest of them in utter silence.

Isshin was the first to snap out of it 'I knew it Masaki we picked a perfect bride for Ichigo, come come let's leave the love birds alone. Good luck my third daughter.' Masaki just smiled at both of them and walked out. Yuzu and Karin followed them, Yuzu smiling and Karin smirking. By now Kisuke had left unnoticed.

That left Ichigo and Rukia alone blushing at the information they just found out. 'So Mimi was actually doing it for us.' Rukia stated 'Yeah.' Ichigo said. Ichigo had come to terms with his feelings for Rukia and he had to tell her or Mimi's sacrifice would go to waste, he remembered what a tomboy she was and how she hated being girly when they were young and knew this was the ultimate sacrifice from her side and after today the chances of Rukia liking him back had gone up.

'Rukia.' He started blushing 'Can you meet me at the balcony to the left of your room after you've freshened up.'

Rukia who was currently tomato red just nodded and rushed off.

As soon as she got into her room she slammed the door shut and flopped on the bed and turned to Sode No Shirayuki 'What if he's gonna tell me Ten No Kamikari was wrong and he doesn't like m that way.'

Sode No Shirayuki just shook her head exasperated 'What if he wants to say he loves you, now get ready.'

Rukia just shook her head and took a shower. After cleaning her wounds she wore a pale lilac dress which belonged to Hisana, she looked at the sky, it was starless, though the moon glowed brightly.

She rushed to the balcony, trust Ichigo to pick the only place in the palace where she knew how to go without getting lost.

As she neared the balcony she saw Ichigo looking slightly nervous. 'Hey.' She said as she entered. Ichigo got straight to the point 'Rukia the reason I kissed you is because I love you, Ten No Kamikari was right I love you with all my heart.'

Right then and there Rukia felt like melting into a pile of goo but managed to stutter out a reply 'Ichigo, I love you too.' They both looked deep into each other's eyes and smiled. Rukia slightly giggled 'Hey, the thing with Mimi was all a trick it seems like fates kinder twists.' Ichigo smiled softly at her 'A sorceress's life is full of twists and turns, ups and downs a lot of riddles mostly a sad life.' Rukia smirked 'Aren't you a ray of sunshine.' Ichigo smirked back 'Well if it makes you feel any better no matter how many twist and turns, ups and downs or puzzles and riddles I'll be by your side forever.' Rukia gave a genuine smile 'Then how can my life ever be sad.' Ichigo smiled at her and they shared a sweet kiss, the moon the only witness to their confessions.


AN: And there you have it my first multi-chap fic over. It was fun and thanks to all the reviewers. Hope you enjoyed it I'm not writing an epilogue as of now as my co-writer SilverFox is interested in writing a sequel to the story, please vote on our poll with your opinion. For all Prince of Tennis fans my first Shitenhouji x Oc and the second one by us is coming up. It's going to be KenyaOc. This is IceCrystal signing off, peace!
