






This life.

He does not know whether to call it a blessing or a curse.

He cannot be seen by others – he is already painfully aware of this fact. Along with this, he learns he is different from everyone else in a multitude of ways. It only takes a few years for him to learn that he does not age in the slightest. The state of his body stays the same. He is not going to be getting any taller, or shorter, for that matter. No facial hair. No wrinkles. No anything.

He can't die like everyone else, either.

He watches as the humans lives go by. In the span of the average human's life, he still does not know what it feels like to hold someone. Or for someone to hold him in return. He does not know what it feels like to share a kiss. He's pretty sure that, if he did have the chance to kiss someone, he would freeze their lips solid. Frostbite. The humans are afraid of that. Only, as time goes by and technology advances, they aren't afraid anymore. He guesses this is a good thing on his part.

With the years endlessly being thrown at him, he also learns more and more about his powers. Sometimes, when he experiments enough, he can do something completely new by the end of the day. Sometimes, he gets carried away with his powers, because they are one of his only sources of entertainment.

He will never forget the time he froze an entire field solid, actually proud at the realization of the things he can do, and – he didn't see her, he really didn't, he thought there was no one else around – caused a little girl to slip and crack her head on the ice. He watched in shock as the girl's friends tried to carry her back home but just couldn't and-

Be careful where you practice, Jack.

Be careful, Jack.

Be care-

He is a burden. Invisible, but a burden nonetheless. If he knew how to disappear completely, he would have done it already. He would have years ago when he first woke up, damned to spend an eternity to roam the world aimlessly for- for what exactly? To watch everyone else as they live out their lives? As they live and breathe and love and feel and know, just know why they're here while poor Jack Frost questions his purpose every day.

Humans are lucky, he decides. They don't know how good they have it.

And when they finally do, it's only seconds before death hits them like a gust of icy cold wind. Even if he was given the opportunity of death, he isn't sure if he would appreciate this life before he died. He has nothing to lose, anyway. The only thing he might miss is flipping girls' skirts up with wind, but he only does that if he is really, really bored, so maybe the only reason he would want to stay is to know why he is here.

However, he already knows that he will never know. The Man in the Moon fails to tell him whenever he builds the courage up to ask. He figures he is supposed to find out on his own, but he has tried. For all he knows, he was just put her to be miserable. Maybe he did something terrible in his past life and is paying for it now.

Yes, that must be it. He needs to atone for his sins, somehow.

It's just kind of hard to do that when no one can fucking see you.

It's a curse, he decides. And whatever, he will just have to deal with it. Just make the best out of it, you know? He does what he can to make himself happy. He plays pranks for his own amusement, and for the amusement of others. When he sees a bully preying on a kid, he will stick up for the underdog. He gives the kids snow days when they need them most, and hell, even the adults, too.

He gives unexpected blizzards when he is angry and soft snowfall when he is sad. It doesn't matter either way because people just excuse it for bad weather and hey, the kids are out of school for a couple of days, score. If his purpose is to give the humans mild enjoyment, then so be it. It's not like he needs more time to pity and envy them all, anyway.

He has more important things to worry about, anyway.




Whoops, I wrote a Rise of the Guardians fanfiction. Sorry.

Just a short musing on Jack. Expect more fanfiction. I already have an idea that I think will make everyone hate me because it's just that downright depressing. So yeah, expect that. In the meantime, tell me what you think of this if you so desire.