Title: Milestones II – 1. First
Author: DrawnToDarkness
Rating: T
Characters: Becker, Jess
Pairing: Jess/Becker
Prompt: First
Summary: Set directly after the events of Milestones I, though it isn't necessary to read that story/series. Becker and Jess go on their first date.
Disclaimer: Again, these characters, as loved as they are, do not belong to me. I'm just having a little fun with them – no disrespect or copyright infringement is meant.
Author's Note: This will be a multi-part story, with each chapter inspired by a random prompt as a writing challenge to myself and each chapter being be a minimum of 1,000 words. It's all about the Jess/Becker relationship and how it progresses, too, so if you're looking for anything other than fluffy romance with an occasional *ahem* sprinkle of angst, you're probably in the wrong story :)

She'd always thought that when – if – Becker ever asked her out, she'd want to shout it from the rooftops or at least tell Abby and Emily (and possibly Connor, since he was very much "one of the girls" at times) immediately.

Jess was surprised that, when it actually did happen, she wanted to keep it to herself.

It wasn't that she thought things were going to go wrong or that she doubted Becker's sincerity. She was an optimist at heart, not to mention a romantic, and was so certain of her feelings for the Captain that she knew she'd give any attempt at a romantic relationship 200% before calling it quits.

And she had no doubts about his interest in her being genuine, either – the chemistry between them was undeniable and she'd long suspected the attraction she felt for him was actually mutual. Not to mention his reaction when she'd almost died at the ARC – both times – and the endearing way he'd stammered over his words in the car park after the missing train fiasco as he'd finally asked if she would have dinner with him.

Just the two of them. Alone. On a date.

An excited thrill shivered up her spine as she stood in front of her wardrobe, trying to decide which of the many, many, many outfits she owned she should wear for their evening dinner.

It would be easier, she reflected, to make a decision if she had someone there to give her a second opinion but it was that thought that made her start thinking about why she hadn't immediately sent Abby a text message or tracked Emily down, knowing the Victorian was still somewhere in the ARC with Matt.

Part of her did want to tell them – part of her wanted to announce it over the whole intercom system at the ARC so everyone knew it was finally happening – but another, bigger part of her wanted to keep it to herself. She'd just waited so long for it to happen – had actually convinced herself it would never happen, to be honest – and now that it had… It, well, felt like something precious, something secret. Something that was just hers – and Becker's, of course – that she wasn't ready to share with the world at large.

Throughout the just under two years she'd spent at the ARC, Jess had heard about several inter-office relationships. Some, like Abby and Connor, had their ups and downs but were still going strong. Others weren't so lucky. Regardless of whether the people in question were still together or not, each couple's relationship had come under the intense scrutiny of their colleagues and Jess had heard enough gossip to know her relationship with Becker would be no different. In fact, because so many people had been speculating on it – and she was the Field Co-ordinator, after all, very little escaped her notice, especially when people forgot to deactivate their comm. links – she knew there'd be an intense interest, at least at first, in what happened between herself and the Head of Security.

She wondered if perhaps she was being a little selfish, not wanting to share it with anyone, but then told herself she was entitled to her privacy. Despite her outgoing nature, she was just as much of a private person as Becker himself was and she could hardly see him being pleased to let the whole of the ARC in on their personal business, especially when they still had so much to learn about each other.

Making a mental note to try and bring up the subject – though maybe not on their first date, she thought with a rueful grin, cheeks flushing with pleasure at the thought of it, that might be being a little too forward – Jess tried to push the topic to the back of her mind and focus on the task at hand: deciding what to wear.

She had one hour before he said he'd arrive and, knowing him as well as she did, when Becker said he'd be there for seven thirty, he meant he'd be there for seven thirty sharp. Given that she usually always tried to be ten minutes early for whatever appointments or meeting she had, excellent punctuality was a trait she could admire about him. Just one of the many traits, really, that she could admire about him... but she shook herself mentally, knowing that that line of thought would most definitely distract her.

Squaring her shoulders, she reached blindly into the wardrobe, pulling out the first of many dresses she'd try on in her search for the perfect first date outfit.

His palms were sweating. Becker cursed under his breath and wiped them on the material of his black pants for the third or fourth time. He glanced at his watch and saw he was still ten minutes early. Shaking his head, he hoped none of Jess's neighbours had seen him arrive – or, worse yet, called the police to report the stranger lurking in the hallway outside of the door to her flat.

He couldn't remember a time when he'd been so nervous about taking a woman out. He couldn't remember a time, in fact, when he'd felt so anxious about wanting to make a good impression. He was a confident man – sometimes, he admitted, a little too cocky about things. He was a Special Forces Captain with front line experience under his belt and yet here he was, almost reduced to a quaking pile of nerves because of one woman.

One young, beautiful, formidable woman who went by the name of Jess Parker.

One woman who'd taken on a starring role in his dreams and fantasies, who'd managed to not only break through the defensive walls he'd built around his heart but had somehow demolished them completely.

He was good with women. He wasn't bad looking, he could be charming when he tried and he could be funny – okay, his sense of humour was a bit on the dry side and often sarcastic. He'd certainly had no complaints from the girlfriends he'd had in the past so had no reason to believe he would somehow mess up his relationship with Jess… But that's what was worrying him.

That, and the fact he was so eager to be in a relationship with her. He, Hilary Becker, who'd had relationships in the past but tended to try and keep them light and casual to avoid getting hurt if they went wrong, actually wanted a real relationship with her. A long-term relationship.

Maybe it was a sign he was getting older, Becker thought, frowning when the sceptical voice at the back of his head pointed out Jess was younger than himself and might not be looking for the same thing.

No, she'd never given any indication she was interested in a fling or short-term affair. In the almost two years he'd known her, he'd never once known her to indulge in something casual or meaningless. Not that he thought she'd tell him but he knew what gossip was like at the ARC – and he knew what Abby and Connor were like, too. If there'd been anyone in Jess's life, no matter how unimportant, one of them would've known and it would have somehow been slipped into conversation.

He hoped.

For some reason, the thought of Jess being with anyone else made his shoulders tense and his stomach churn. Not that he expected her to be as pure as the driven snow or anything Victorian like that, he just preferred not to think about it.

At all.

They both had a clean slate as far as he was concerned, and the start of their relationship was, as corny as it sounded and he swore he'd never repeat the thought to anyone else, the start of the rest of their lives.


The fact that that didn't scare him scared him.

And the thought that he was going to have to somehow bring the conversation up with Jess to make sure they were both on the same page was terrifying.

Glancing at his watch, he saw he was just five minutes early and decided to hell with it, pacing outside her flat was just making him all the more nervous. If Jess wasn't ready – and he doubted she would be – he'd just wait. Inside. Maybe have a little bit of a look around to see if the image he had of her home in his mind was actually close to reality.

Wiping his palms once more, Becker took a deep breath and knocked.

She thought she'd heard footsteps in the hall outside of the flat but hadn't been brave enough to open the door to look. When she heard the knock – short and decisive – she jumped and was immediately relieved she hadn't already put on the red shoes with the skyscraper heels she'd eventually settled on.

Taking a moment to calm herself – and to check her appearance in the mirror hanging above the table in the entrance hall – Jess took a deep breath and walked to the door.

There was a moment of silence after she opened it while they stared at one another. When Jess realised what she was doing, she blushed but the apology she'd prepared died on her lips when she noticed Becker was still scrutinising her, her blush deepening when she saw him swallow before lifting his sheepish gaze up to her eyes.

"You look…" The usually composed Captain waved a hand in her direction, the other running awkwardly through his hair.

"Thank you." She was almost certain she could feel the blush in her cheeks spread from the roots of her hair to the tips of her toes. "Um. You, too. Come in a minute. I just have to get my bag and shoes."

She spun away from the door and Becker, subconsciously smoothing down the skirt of the black dress she'd chosen for the evening. It was a good choice, she told herself, especially given Becker's fondness for the colour. And if his response to seeing her was any indication, he certainly approved.

The red heels and red handbag went perfectly with the red circle belt she'd fastened around her middle and the red lipstick she'd chosen. She'd worried at first that the splash of colour might be a little too bold but dismissed the thought almost as soon as it had formed in her mind; she was used to bright, Becker was used to seeing her bright. If he had any real problem with it, she doubted he would've asked her out in the first place.

Shaking herself mentally and reminding herself she wasn't alone in her flat, she hurriedly slipped her feet into her shoes, instantly gaining a few inches in height and grabbed her handbag, pushing the strap over her shoulder. Last minute preparations done, she spun on her very high, very thin heels... and almost lost her balance when she found him standing a lot closer than she'd expected.

"Becker...?" She had to tilt her head up to look him in the eye, even wearing her heels, and found she barely had time to say his name before he moved even closer, hands rising to cup her face as he lowered his mouth to hers.

Having their first kiss before their first date wasn't what she was expecting but Jess had no complaints. Definitely no complaints. Nope. Not a single one. She closed her eyes with a sigh, lifting her own hands to rest them on his chest as he kissed her sweetly.

After a few moments, Becker let his hands drop to his sides, taking a step back with a sheepish grin on his face that suggested he had no regrets, either. "I had to do that," he told her, aiming for serious but the smirk on his face meant he couldn't quite pull it off. "Or I'd be thinking about it all night."

Jess laughed, surprised at his honesty. She bit the inside of her lip but it was no good; the smile she was trying to fight refused to be beaten. "And you think I won't be thinking about it all night now?"

He had no answer for that, instead holding out his hand, which Jess took as another blush stole across her features. She felt as giddy as a teenager in the midst of her first heady crush, her palm tingling where it came into contact with his.

It wasn't until they were in his truck, on the way to the restaurant he'd chosen for their date, that Becker spoke again, his gaze fixed on the road ahead of him though whether that was for safety reasons or so he had an excuse not to look at her directly, Jess wasn't quite sure.

"You do look amazing tonight, Jess. Even more than you usually do."

She bit her bottom lip, and stared out of the window as a pleased smile spread across her face, warmth blossoming in her chest. "Thank you."

Dinner was a surprisingly relaxed affair given it was their first date. There were no awkward silences or uncomfortable pauses. The Italian restaurant he'd chosen was the perfect setting – popular enough to have a nice atmosphere but small enough to be intimate. Their table was in a small alcove, which meant they could still hear the buzz of voices of the other patrons but could hear each other above it – and it meant they could relax, knowing that they weren't being watched by curious diners wondering about the attractive pair in the corner.

Jess was pleasantly surprised to find he seemed to like touching her. She wasn't sure if it was a conscious gesture on his part but she wasn't about to ask and draw his attention to it in case he stopped. The first touch was the feel of his hand against her shoulder as he held her chair out for her, the second was his fingers against her the sensitive skin of her wrist as he asked if she had a preference between white and red wine. The third was when he was midway through a story where he had to help Connor rescue Rex from an associate of Abby's brother and his hand, already near hers on the top of the table, shifted so it touched hers.

The fourth time was down to her, but Becker didn't object so Jess was in no rush to move her hand when she instinctively moved it to rest on his arm as she told him about the night of tequila and dancing she'd mentioned during what was now known to both of them as "the beetle incident." There was something to be said, she thought, about the way the table was set so they were sitting on adjacent sides rather than opposite each other.

And if her leg accidently brushed against his under the table when she turned to listen to him talk about his days at Sandhurst, well, again Becker didn't seem to have objections.

The meal itself was lovely, the white wine he'd chosen perfect. When it came to ordering desserts, Becker asked her if she trusted him with a playful glint in his eye that Jess found she was unable to resist.

"This better be good," she warned him after he selected an item off the menu, tilting it so she couldn't see what he'd pointed out. "You may not have noticed but I tend to have something of a sweet tooth. Dessert is my favourite part, so this could be a make or break decision as far as the future of this relationship is concerned."

"Make or break?" Becker quirked an eyebrow but leaned closer, lowering his voice. "Do you really think I don't know what you like, Jessica?"

She did her best to stifle a shiver at his use of her full name coupled with the low, almost husky tone of voice he used but judging by the smirk on his face, she was pretty sure that she failed in hiding her reaction. Deciding turnabout was fair play, she, too, leaned in, stopping when her face was just inches from his. She let her tongue dart out to moisten her lips and was rewarded instantly when his gaze dropped to her mouth. "I don't know, Becker. It took you this long to figure out that I liked you enough not to say no when you asked me out. I think that shows you really don't know me very well at all."

Becker let his eyes flicker back to hers. "Is that an invite to get to know you better?"

Even as she blushed, a wicked heat curling low in her stomach at the insinuation, Jess gave him a slow smile and daringly covered the gap between them to brush her lips against his cheek, her voice barely a whisper as she answered. "If you knew me, you'd know I'm not that kind of girl, Captain. Four dates, minimum," she added, moving away to sit properly in her chair, resisting the urge to laugh at the stunned expression arranging his handsome features. "Then you can consider yourself invited."

It took him a few moments to regain his composure, though Jess was reassured that she hadn't overstepped the mark by the darkening of his eyes and the intense stare he fixed on her. "Well, that answers my next question," he said eventually, sitting back in his own chair.

Intrigued, she let her chin rest on her hand, her elbow resting on the table. "And what question was that?"

Becker shrugged but couldn't look at her, obviously a little embarrassed, which to her eyes made him all the more endearing. "Whether or not you'd be interested in seeing me again after tonight."

"I see you almost every day at work," Jess pointed out, smiling when he rolled his eyes at her. Her expression grew serious and she reached out instinctively, covering his hand with hers. "If you really weren't sure what the answer to that question would be, you don't know me as well as you should. Or at least you don't know how I feel about you, which I thought was pretty obvious since everyone else seems to."

He turned his hand under hers, lacing their fingers together. "Maybe I didn't think I deserved it to be true." The sincerity in his voice caused her to look at him in surprise but Becker wasn't finished. "I'm not good enough for you, Jess. I've seen things, done things that I'm not proud of but had to do. You're young and beautiful and smart..."

"I'm old enough to know what I want. Who I want." She squeezed his fingers and smiled softly. "And that's you. You're selling yourself short, Becker. You don't see yourself the way I or anyone else does. You're a good man, the best I've ever met. And if you think you can take me out to dinner then give me what basically amounts to the beginnings of a bad break up speech..."

"Bad break up speech?" He had to grin at her choice of words. "That's certainly not what I was going for."

"Good." Her eyes narrowed but the corners of her mouth twitched. "Because if you decided to break up with me on our first date, I think I'd have to borrow one of your guns and shoot you."

"Jessica, if I ever lose my mind and break up with you, I'll give you one of my guns myself." He said it jokingly but his eyes were serious as they locked onto hers.

Becker was saved from any potentially awkward questions by the arrival of their waiter and their dessert. Jess's eyes widened at the sight of the dish that was put in between them, two dessert forks neatly arranged on the plate.

A generous slice of rich chocolate cake, layered with cream and what looked like fresh strawberries sat on the plate in front of her. Its surface was glossy like melted chocolate, a full strawberry sitting perfectly on top of the silence.

"Wow." She lifted her gaze from the cake, a smile curving her lips at the look on his face. "It looks wonderful, Becker. Seriously. Maybe you do know me after all."

He chuckled and shook his head, picking up the forks and handing her one. "It's chocolate, and there's no orange in sight. Besides, you haven't tasted it yet."

"I'm about to fix that," Jess declared, using her fork to break off a small piece of cake and lifting it to her mouth. The sweetness of the cream contrasted with the rich, almost bitter flavour of the chocolate. She made a small 'hmm' noise in the back of her throat, savouring the taste before licking her lips to make sure not a bit of chocolate escaped. It was only then that she realised Becker was watching her instead of helping himself and felt her cheeks flush. "You should try some, it's amazing."

"It is," he agreed quietly, holding her gaze for a moment before helping himself to some of the dessert so he could try it for himself.

It was with great reluctance that Becker drove her home at the end of their date. They'd gone for a walk around a local park to try and draw the evening out a little longer but it was getting late, and cold, and though neither really wanted the night to end, they both knew it had to. It was a Monday night, after all, which meant they were due back at the ARC first thing in the morning.

Ever the gentleman, Becker insisted on walking her up to her door. He knew it wasn't his imagination that they were both a little slower walking up the steps to her flat, just as he knew it was no accident that his arm kept brushing against hers as they did.

When they made it to her door, Jess turned to face him. She bit her bottom lip, her cheeks a pretty pink colour though whether that was because she was blushing again or because of the chill outside, Becker couldn't be sure.

"I had a lovely evening, thank you," she said eventually, gazing up at him.

"You're very welcome." He took half a step closer, lifting a hand to run his fingers through his hair. "I thought kissing you at the start of the night would make this less awkward," he admitted after a few moments of just staring at her.

Jess laughed. "I told you it wouldn't work."

Becker grinned and took another half-step closer. "I believe you said you'd be thinking about it all night."

"Maybe I have." She smiled coyly and took a half-step back as he advanced on her.

"Just maybe?"

"Becker..." Her back hit the door and she sighed when his hands moved to her hips to steady her. Completely unnecessary but the contact was welcomed by both of them.

"Jess." He moved one hand to her face and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, his fingers lingering against her skin.

She closed her eyes for a moment, leaning into the barely there touch. "You have no idea how much I want to ignore my own rules and just invite you in."

"I think I've got a pretty good idea." He smirked a little when she opened her eyes and shook his head. "But I think it's a good rule. There's no need to rush this."

"Eighteen months is hardly rushing it," she teased lightly. "But thank you, for not pushing. I know it's silly, since I know you so well already, but I just..."

"You don't have to explain yourself, Jess. I'm agreeing with you." He leaned in, bridging the gap between them, and pressed his lips gently against hers in a fleeting kiss. "But I am going to ask if you'll go out with me again."

Her hands moved, one curling around his shoulder, the other resting against his chest. "I'm sure you already know the answer to that. Yes, in case you're wondering." She felt his shoulders relax and smiled again. "Anomalies and end of the world emergencies notwithstanding, of course."

"Of course." Becker grinned at her, his nerves fading. "Why don't I cook you dinner?"

"You cook, too?" Jess tilted her head back to study him. "Is there anything you can't do, Captain?"

"You might want to wait till you've tried it," he joked, taking a small step back. "Is Wednesday okay?"

"Wednesday sounds perfect," she agreed with a murmur, secretly thrilled he was suggesting their second date so soon.

"It's a date, then." He grinned, obviously as pleased as she was, and took another step away from her. "I'll see you in the morning, at the ARC."

"You will." Jess let him get another two steps away before pushing herself away from the door, following him.

He turned back at the sound of her heels on the floor on the tiled floor, arching an eyebrow in question as she moved to stand in front of him. "Jess...?"

She didn't answer him, not verbally at least. She tangled a hand in his shirt, the other in his hair, tugging him down for a deep, lingering kiss that left them both a little breathless. She stepped back after a few moments, her cheeks flushed and her eyes bright, her slightly swollen lips curled up in a satisfied smile.

"That's what I've been thinking about all night," she admitted, backing away from him before he could reach out for her. "Good night, Becker. Sweet dreams."

Becker watched her unlock the door to her flat and slip inside, quietly shutting the door behind her. He shook his head and walked down to his truck, a grin on his face he couldn't quite control.