When Finn finally broke off the kiss, they both blushed deeply. Marceline went to say something but shut her mouth, not sure of what to say.

"I-I'm sorry Marcie!" the human boy then quickly got up and ran out the vampire's house and ran as fast as he could back to the tree house.

When he made it back he ran right up to his room collapsed on his bed with his head buried in his pillow. Jake sensing there was something wrong with his bro, slowly walked up the ladder and approached Finn's bed. "Bro? What happened? Did Marceline kick you out?"

"No." Was his reply

"So… What did happen?"

"I-I" Finn lifted his head up and looked at Jake "I… Kissed her."

Jake's jaw dropped as he stared at Finn "You did what!?"

"I know! I'm a bad person aren't I?" Finn yelled as he grabbed the two nubs on his hat.

"No, no Finn you're not a bad person. I'm sure you only did that because you felt really guilty about what happened. Not because you're in love with her."

"Uhhhh Actually I think I might-" Before he could finish his sentence Jake cut him off.

"No you don't! You love Flame princess, you're brain is just still wacked out from last week. Bro, you're not in love with Marceline."

"But, but I think I am Jake! I mean when I kissed her it felt totes right man! I never felt that way dude! Not even when I kiss FP!"

Jake sighed as he puffed out his cheeks "Finn, are you sure you felt something other than guilt when that happened?"

"Yeah man." Finn jumped off his bed and looked at his brother "I have to go talk to Flame princess."

The hero left the tree house without another word and headed to FP's house. Finn scratched the back of his head, a bit nervous. He knew he would have to end it with Flame princess but he wasn't sure how she would handle it. He doesn't want to hurt anyone, especially a Princess but FP has the right to know what happened between him and Marceline.

As he reached her house the adventurer took a deep breath and called out for her "Flame princess? You home?"

FP coming out of k now where, hugged her boyfriend but quickly let go when the human winced in pain. "So sorry Finn." She said looking at him with a small smile.

"That's alright FP." When she gave him an even bigger smile the hero frowned deeply 'Man this is not going to be easy.' "Look FP… I uhhh went to go see Marceline earlier today."

Flame princess flames grew larger and she growled at the mention of the vampire queen's name "Ugh why would you go visit her!? She tried to kill me!"

Finn quickly tried defending himself and Marceline "I-I just felt really bad about cutting her an-" He was cut off by the angered Fire princess .

"You should not feel guilty about that! If anything you should have aimed for her chest! Grr! No one throws water at me and gets away with it!" At this point her flames were roaring high and all Finn wanted to do was calm her down before she ends up burning him alive.

"FP! Please calm down."

When she finally calmed down she took a deep breath and looked over at Finn "I'm sorry…"

"Look flame princess, you're really rad and sweet and amazing but I don't think we're going to work out" Finn looked at the ground not wanting to see her face.

"But Finn!" Lava tears started to leak from her eyes "I thought you like-liked me!" Now she was angry.

"I'm sorry FP but you deserve someone tons better than me." The hero walked away from the fire elemental. "I'm such a butt!" Finn sighed sadly as he walked inside his and Jakes tree house.

"Jake I'm back, I broke it off with-" Finn stopped mid sentence as he was greeted by the vampire queen and not his brother. "Marcie?"

The vampire crossed her arms and glared at him "So what? You just kiss me like that then totally bail? Am I that hideous? Or is it just because I'm a vampire?"

"Whoa! Hey I do not think you're hideous. Your totes the opposite of that, I-I just I dunno. I messed up and I'm sorry."

Marceline uncrossed her arms and walked over to the human "Its okay Finn." She placed her hand on his shoulder "I forgive you."

He looked up at her and frowned looking at the scar across her eye. She may forgive him but he will never forgive himself for what he did to her. It's probably a good thing she can't see her reflection.

"I broke it off with Flame princess."

Marceline sighed "See! Being friends with me is not worth it, Finn! I did not want to be the one to come in between you two."

"It wasn't your fault Marcie, But I'll so understand if you don't want to like chill out with me no more."

Marceline looked away from him and bit her bottom lip "I uhh kind of didn't mind the kiss." She blushed.

Finn looked up at her, shocked "Wait, really?"

Marceline looked up at him and nodded. "So uhh what now?" She asked still blushing.

"Hehe well we could hug?" Finn smiled as the two embraced each other.

A/N: So yeah, few things. If you're really into the whole FPXFinn thing then please don't yell at me. I know Finn and Marcie will most likely never end up together but I still love this ship and will always dream so don't crush my dreams! Lol anyways, ignore spelling mistakes I will fix them soon enough.