Back again. Please R&R. This is their first date, and I'm having a few wannabe spies come along. Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer:I do not own POT

When Yumi came out of her room the next day, she was wearing a sky blue tank top, a white belaro, a white mini-skirt and knee-high socks. She was also wearing kitten heels, and looked adorable.

Kintaro looked her. "Yumi-chan, where are you going?" he asked. Yumi blushed. "On a date!" she yelled, and ran out the door.

Kintaro blinked. "A date?" he asked, and ran out after her.

As he ran after her, Kintaro spotted Kenya a little ways away. "Kenya."he called. Kenya turned to see who had called him, and was surprised to see Kintaro running towards him at full speed.

"Where's the fire?" Kenya joked. Kintaro looked excited. "Yumi-chan's on a date." he exclaimed

Kenya looked surprised. "A date?" he said. However by the time he had managed to collect his wits, Kintaro was already dragging him along.

Kenya looked around, and spotted a certain humming buchou. "Oi, Shiraishi!" he called. Shiraishi looked around, blinking. Kenya saw who he was with. Chitaose seemed to be trying to say something to him, as Shiraishi ignored him. Kenya ran towards him, grabbed them and ran back, dragging a poor confused Shiraishi and Chitose along with him.

"What's going on?" Shiraishi asked.

"Yumi-chan's on a date!" they said in unison. Shiraishi and Chitose blinked. "A date?" they asked. Kenya and Kintaro nodded in unison. An evil smile lit up Shiraishi's face. "But our poor Zaizen won't like this one bit." he said. Everyone except Kintaro, immediately had the same look on their face as Shiraishi.

"I'll call up Gin and tell him." Chitose offered. Everyone nodded, as Chitose dialed Gin's number.

"I think Koharu and Yuji would be pretty interested about this as well." Shiraishi said, cackling evilly.

"Interested about what?" Koharu and Yuji said, popping up behind them. Just at that minute Gin walked over to them. Everyone looked questioningly at him. "I was in the area." he said. Everyone nodded.

"Interested about what?" Yuji repeated. "Yumi-chan's on a date." Kintaro said. "A date?" Koharu, Yuji and Gin all asked in unison.

Kenya frowned. "Hey haven't all of our reactions been the same?" he said. Everyone looked at him. "Never mind." he sighed.

As they followed Yumi, they all smiled at what Zaizen's reaction would be. Suddenly all of the smiles were wiped off their faces, to be replaced by a look of shock, as Yumi came to a halt next to...

















KENJIRO! (Ha just kidding. This ZaizenOC not KenjiroOC)

As she came to a stop next to Zaizen. Zaizen was wearing a button down white t-shirt with black slacks.

"I never thought that he seriously liked her." Kenya said in shock.

They followed Yumi and Zaizen as the couple walked towards the movie theater. The rest of the Shitenhouji regulars quickly bought the same ticket that Zaizen and Yumi had bought, without looking at the movie.

As they went into the theater, they kept a close eye on Yumi and Zaizen. However when they looked up at the screen, their jwas dropped. "Zaizen did not pick this movie." Gin said.

On the screen the words appeared. 'How Bunnies Take Over The World'

I'll skip the gory details, and we'll just say that the regulars were mentally scared for life.

After the date

As Zaizen walked Yumi to the door, she smiled up at him. "That was great." she said. She kissed him on the cheek and went inside.

The regulars dispersed, still in various states of shock.

When Yumi went to her room, the first thing she did was to call up her twin sister Yuki who was still in France.

"Yuki-chan, I went on my first dat!" she squealed into the phone.

"WHAT! I'm going to kill whoever it is!" Yuki shrieked.

You see, Yumi and Yuki's parents were divorced, and sinse the parents did want them to be separate for too long, they were fighting over custody for both the twins. Yumi had remained cheerful and friendly the entire time. However Yuki had become a shell, and the only ones who could make her come out, was her sister, who she adored. The other one was Kintaro, who she dotted on.

"Yuki-chan, he's very sweet." Yumi gently chided her sister.

"hnn, well I'm coming to Osaka and attending Shitenhouji next week. That way I can keep an eye on you." Yuki said.

"REALY! That's great!" Yumi exclaimed. She heard her Aunt calling her down for dinner.

"Sorry Yuki-chan, but I'v got to go now." she said and hung up.

"Ne, Yumi-chan," said Kinatro, bursting into her room.

"What?" Yumi asked.

"How come you and Zaizen went on a date today?" he asked. Yumi blushed.

"Well, you see Kin-chan, Zaizen's my boyfriend." she said.

"Ohh." Kintaro said.

The next day

"Everyone, Shiraishi Kuranosuke has an announcement to make." the principle of Shitenhoouji announced.

Everyone looked curious.

"Minna-san, I'm pleased to announce that our school has a new couple!" Shiraishi said, a wicked smile on his face when he caught sight of Zaizen and Yumi's, angry (Zaizen) and opened mouthed (Yumi) expression.

"Give a round of applause for Zaizen Hikaru and Tooyama Kintaro!" he yelled

Finally over. I hope you enjoyed the is a YuutaOC coming up, so please check up our profile regularly. I'll be doing a ShiraishiOC right after this.

