Prologue: Ungodly Hour

The ground reeked of death, its pores clogged by the dust of decaying corpses, a tomb left in the past, forgotten relics hidden among th ashes. Barely a sliver of firelight can penetrate the great darkness, a doom strewn across the small, cluttered room. The echoes of previous events glimmer across the sparkling jewels hidden in the dark. There is no human, mortal intelligence throughout the tomb, but there is an invisible knowledge lingering in the air, unspoken turmoil of the balance's tipping stealing like a ghost in the air. The scale has been tipped, the balance shifted, and fate decided. These events are only the beginning, only the uprising to the greatest battle time has ever known, the battle that is the grand finale to the world's demise. It would be settled between brothers once been: the fated fall of one, the victorious rise of another. It was as the Golden Scrolls of Gilden foretold. These scrolls so deviously hidden beneath the sands of the desert, beneath the ruins of the lost city of Oroboros, a condemned property ruined by the Devourer's reign. This unreachable tomb holds many a treasure: rubies, sapphires, priceless gold encased in bejeweled cases made of the finest steel—these are wonders a poor man could only dream of, but never grasp. Warriors have searched for the Lost Tomb throughout the dimensions of time, but have never been able to discover, until eventually sinking into the false hope that it never existed. Though their discoverer would become the richest being ever known, this tomb was not sought for its jewels. Desperation in search was most centered around the one, precious encumbrance beneath the many goods, wrapped in silk, encased in a thick, black box, insurance this artifact be kept safely. This was what they usually wanted most: the Shadow Key.

But one thing none knew of, its information a mystery to those who didn't understand, was that not any mere commoner could wield the weapon created as the greatest artifact ever manufactured, forged by dark magic. It was far too great for just any man to grasp. The powers encircled in its log, thin staff of gold would burn straight through a normal man's hand. The thin, sharp, triangular point of the end, often used as a defensive weapon, would cut through his flesh so quickly, so swiftly he'd be dead before he understood the cause of his demise. And the large, thick, heavy red ruby, pulsing at the head, strapped to the staff by golden fingers curled around the jewel, encoded powers far, far too strong for a mortal to harness. Its evil, dark purpose would incinerate him to dust almost instantaneously. It was a fatal weapon.

And only one could use it, activate it's true powers, unleashing the demons into the world in hopes to completely destroy humanity.

Unknowingly he acted that day, unaware of the tag he pulled off the grenade. He looked normal, acted normal, talked as though he belonged to this section of the world he no longer was welcome to inhabit. This was a man who knew of his place, even if it did not match up correctly with others. Hidden beneath the hood of his jacket to avoid the raindrops gently cascading from above, he located the familiar flashing sign atop the small, oppressed building, cowering between two skyscrapers. as people hurry past him, he caught their eyes ignorantly, a half smirk sewn to his red lips. This is a man who has chosen his side.

Turned by the darkest evil, he was consumed in black when he accepted their welcoming offer. The thick black cloud had consumed him, filling his soul with the wickedest of thoughts, the hungry need for revenge. He felt better once his true self was unleashed against the world. His body had glowed with a blood red light so intense, even the creatures of the shadows had to shield their eyes. It was...a beautiful feeling, freedom to be himself.

But when the cloud had disappeared, he'd felt no better than he had once he'd stepped in. The dull, rhythmic thud of his heart held no sign of the immense power he'd righteously experienced. he'd spun, enraged by the robbery of his power, an angry burst of confidence his only ally in the greatness he had enterprised. The men hidden in the shadows had stared at him with almost a bored expression, until the leader of the cloak had sighed at his puny threats, producing from below Its deep, midnight cloak a blade, short, thin, but powerful, weighing it in Its hand, claiming the weight to the steely substance was almost ironic. Then, with a serious look on his face he'd declared the transition had begun...

...and shoved the blade deep into the man's heart.

The body was long gone now; there was no redemption from the basement of all basements It had condemned the man's body to. The form he donned now was corporeal to wandering eyes, but there was only the boldfaced colors of his visibility to tell others he was there, even if he wasn't. His green eyes swept the area around him before pushing open the glass double doors into the florescent-lit comic book shop, a doom following close behind him, almost as though a shadow. But if one looked hard enough they'd be able to see: he had no shadow, for he was one himself.

He noticed the group of boys gathered around a thin, paperback copy of a superhero based comic. He glanced to the front desk, where the clerk busied himself humming a familiar tune while he clicked at something vigorously on his computer, unfazed.

The man walked towards the boys. They glanced up, startled as he leaned down to their small height. He made sure to glance into each of their eyes as he spoke in a low, soothing voice: "You're going to leave now and forget you were ever here," he said monotonically. Then, after a moment, they nodded, returned the comic, and left.

He flipped the WE'RE OPEN! sign to SORRY, we're CLOSED.

The clerk glanced up at him. "What's—" He began, but the man removed his hood, revealing his identity raw. "Kai!" gasped the clerk, his grin spreading, expanding his beard and mustache. "My favorite ninja of fire! What brings you here?"

"Hello, Rufus," Kai said gently, fingering the form beneath his jacket. "I need to ask a...favor."

"Sure!" Rufus agreed brightly, eagerly leaning forward. "What can I do for you?"

Kai pursed his lips. "You know the ancient language of the Shadow Dancers. Decode this map for me" —he held it outwards, the shock playing with Rufus' features— "and I'll let you live."

"Look," Rufus pushed away the outstretched scroll, a grimace on his face. "I love Lloyd and all, but I already told him I won't do it."

"This isn't about Lloyd. This is about what I want." Kai set down the scroll. "I gave you a chance. Now, you've wasted it. Pity." Kai removed the smaller form concealed beneath his jacket, the thin, small dagger stained with his blood. Rufus' face poured horror. He tried to bargain, make a deal with Kai, but he wasn't interested. He cornered the large man behind his own desk, twirling the blade in his hands, an everlasting whisper of murder written on its hilt. He smiled. Then, with the blooming shouts for help muted by Kai's dark magic, he murmured the silent prayer, a final parting farewell to the unfortunate store clerk, and lunged for his throat, carving out the warning to the incessant ninja who'd surely hear about this quickly into the skin of Rufus' arm, strewn across his face, warm blood tainting Kai's fingertips. It tasted sweet, salty; his sadistic heart trembled with the excitement when he reread his creation:

One ruled by childish fears, destroyed by a child itself,

One made indestructible but ruined by heat!

One bound by the sins of desire,

One gone black by murder, once sweet!

Expiration is nearing, dear brothers and sister; and I shall be the one to cause your dying flames…

Did you like it? Let me know what you think of the premiere of THE AUTUMN OF TWILIGHT, guys! :D And thank you for reading like the wonderful fans you are! The next chapter will hopefully be posted soon- -although no promises can be made that it will also be showed tonight…