This fic is set as Blaine is about to graduate high school and Kurt is home for summer break from NYADA. Everything that has happened in the series still goes, though I will not be following future episodes!

I don't own anything from Glee!

Blaine stood in front of his mirror finishing up knotting his tie. It felt weird to be wearing a regular tie, but since he had decided to wear one for his birthday dinner with his family and then dessert at Kurt's house, he thought a skinny black one would only be appropriate. He wasn't the same Blaine, just turned eighteen and an adult, graduating high school in a few weeks and waiting on college decision letters, but most importantly was his relationship with Kurt. He wasn't sure whether they were going to get back together soon, but in the months since sectionals since Kurt had given him the gift of communication, they both found that there was still something there and Blaine worked everyday to show Kurt that he loved him and that cheating on him was the biggest mistake he'd ever made and he would continue to prove that he could be trusted again.

"Well don't you look handsome." Blaine startled to find his mother leaning against his open door smiling at him

"Thanks mom, I'm almost ready."

"Just come downstairs when you are, I think Cooper and your father are already down there."

Blaine smiled to her as he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and looked at the message he had received:

Happy Birthday, Blaine! See you soon ~Kurt

Blaine smiled brightly, "Is that Kurt?" Blaine looked up, not expecting his mom to still be standing at his door.

"Yea, how'd you know?" He questioned

"You always light up when he texts you…I'm happy that you've been able to work things out with him, you're father and I were worried about you," She bit her lip in thought, "I know it hasn't always been easy for you to talk about your relationship with Kurt with us or even about you being gay, but I want you to know, your happiness means everything to us baby. We love you more than anything and you are just perfect as exactly who you are."

Blaine blinked at his mother shocked. While neither she nor his father had ever come out and told him that they were against him being gay, both seemed to be, if nothing more, uncomfortable by the idea. Tears filled his eyes letting his mothers words sink in, "Thank you, that means a lot to me." And he readily accepted the hug she engulfed him with.

"I love you, Blaine. Happy Birthday, Baby."

"I love you too mom."

Maria Anderson pulled away from her son, cupped his cheek affectionately, and quietly turned and walked out of the room. Blaine watched her leave and would have screamed in delight had he been alone. Since he was not, he did the next best thing he could think of:

Thanks Kurt! When I see you later you HAVE to make me tell you what my mom just said to me! It was the nicest thing I think she's ever said to me! :D ~Blaine

As he put on his suit jacket and turned off the lights in his room, heading for the stairs, his phone vibrated again, a smile again creeping to his face as Kurt Hummel showed as the sender of the text:

Can't wait to hear about it! Text me when you're leaving the restaurant so I know when you'll be over. ~Kurt

Blaine slipped his phone into his pocket and met his family by the front door, smiling to his mother as they left the house and headed to the restaurant.


Blaine looked up from his menu to see his mother, father, and Cooper staring at him smiling. His cheeks blushed momentarily at the attention but focused his attention on his father.

"I want to toast to Blaine," Michael Anderson lifted his wine glass, the rest of his family lifting their drinks as well in anticipation, "Happy Eighteenth Birthday Blaine. We could not be more proud of the man you have become, and there is no doubt in my mind that this year will bring you only good things because you deserve them. To Blaine on his birthday!"

His family all clanked their individual drink glasses with him and Blaine was momentarily speechless, he managed a quiet "Thank you," both of his parents' words replaying in his mind.

As the family continued talking through the meal, a small smile danced across Blaine's lips. He couldn't wait to get to Kurt's to tell him all about his night.

Kurt danced around the kitchen putting the few final touched on the birthday cake he baked for Blaine, Lady Gaga's Just Dance putting him in a celebratory mood.

He had gotten a text from Blaine twenty minutes earlier saying that he was just leaving the restaurant with his family, would go home, grab his car and then would head over. Given the amount of time, Kurt expected Blaine to be there within the next fifteen minutes. He quickly placed the glass dome over the cake to keep it fresh and began cleaning the bowls with frosting and cake batter in them, abandoning them moments later to finish getting ready himself. When his phone rang with a new text message, he secretly hoped it would be Blaine telling him he was running late so that he'd have a few extra minutes, but seeing Mercade's name across the screen, he frowned knowing he wouldn't have enough time to prepare how he wanted.

"What's wrong kid?"

Kurt looked up to see his father walking into the kitchen and smiling at him.

"Nothing, I just spent too long on the cake and Blaine will be here any minute, I'm not going to have enough time to get ready."

Burt looked Kurt up and down, not seeing a single hair out of place on his son.

"What else do you have to do? You look great Kurt, and Blaine is just a friend isn't he?" Burt gave his son a mischievous smile.

"Yes dad, Blaine is just a friend," Kurt rolled his eyes but smiled good naturedly, "But I'm not sure.. now that I'm home for the summer and now that he is graduating and planning to move to New York in the fall..We've spent a lot of time just figuring out who we are as Kurt and Blaine separately, which I think we needed, but I love him, dad. He hurt me more than I ever thought would be possible, but I think I'm ready trust him again and to give him..give us another chance."

Kurt looked up at his father nervously, not sure what he'd think of his idea of getting back together with Blaine. Sure, he'd suggested Kurt keep the people he loved close while visiting and bringing Blaine to visit him in New York, but being friends with someone was completely different then being in a relationship with that person. Surprisingly, or maybe not so surprisingly, Burt smiled at his son with a knowing look and opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by the kitchen phone ringing.

"Hold that thought for just a minute," He smiled apologetically to his son and picked up the phone.

Kurt watched as his father spoke on the phone.

"Hey honey"

"Hold on, hold on, slow down"

"Are you sure"

"What about the rest of them?"

Kurt's heart race quickened at the tense look on his father's face and the quick glances in his direction as he listened to Carole speak.

"No…no we'll be right there. Finn is at Puck's tonight right?"

"Ok, I love you too."

Burt hung up the phone and grabbed his car keys, "Kurt, we have to go to the hospital."

"What? Why? What happened? Is it Carol's mother? I just have to call Blaine and let him know that he'll have to wait until tomorrow to come."

Kurt picked up his phone but his hand was quickly covered by Burt's. He took the phone out of his hand a gently grasped his son's hand.


"Carole is in the emergency room for her shift tonight and four people were brought in, a family, Kurt."

"I don't understand."

Burt spoke very slowly, his face contorted to one of anguish, "Blaine's family was in a car accident. Their car was his by a drunk driver."

The color drained from Kurt's face as he stared into his father's eyes, "Blaine's family.." he drifted of, a crease forming in his brow, a ringing in his ears, "Are they..are they.."

"Blaine is pretty badly banged up, broken bones, a concussion. I don't know the whole story, we can find out when we get to the hospital."

Kurt let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. Blaine was ok, he was hurt, but he was alive. He let out a relieved laughed, but when he looked up to his father again, he found pain and sadness, "Dad, his family, they're alright? Hurt like Blaine but they're ok right?"

Burt closed his eyes and rubbed a hand over his face, sighing heavily.

"Dad..they're alright aren't they?"

Burt opened his eyes and looked at his son sadly, "No Kurt, they aren't kid."

"What..I don't understand."

"Kurt, Blaine's brother and mother were on the side of the car that was hit. I don't..I don't have the details but Kurt, they didn't" He looked away from his son for a moment to settle his mind, then looked back to his son's face, already with a horrified expression painted on it, only waiting for the confirmation, "Son, they didn't make it."

Kurt's hand shot up to his mouth, tears springing in his eyes. When he blinked they escaped down his cheeks as he slowly shook his head, "They can't…Cooper is twenty-five he can't..and Mrs. Anderson.. I don't understand. Dad are you sure?" He begged Burt to tell him otherwise with his eyes and Burt wished more than anything that he could. A sudden realization flashed in Kurt's eyes and hesitantly he asked, "What about Mr. Anderson? He would've been on the same side of the car as Blaine." He stated the last fact almost as a defense to anything negative his father could tell him about his ex-boyfriend's father.

"I don't know, Kurt. Carole said that he's in surgery now. She wasn't sure. We need to get to the hospital. We need to be there for Blaine, he's alone right now."

A shudder ran through Kurt at the thought of Blaine being in the hospital alone after just finding out that his mom and brother were dead and that his father was in surgery, his status currently unknown. A sob suddenly wracked through Kurt's body, "Oh God, Dad! It's his birthday…Today is his birthday."

Burt quickly wrapped Kurt in a tight hug, "Come on, we should go."

I hope you like it so far! Please comment and let me know what you're thinking so far! I plan for the remainder of the story to be told in Kurt's POV.