Witch Hunt


Ava Brett


None of the characters who are mentioned in the below work of fiction belong to me in any shape or form. I am merely using them for my own entertainment purposes… mainly because I find it fun!

Author Note

Wow… okay I know I suck big time for making you all wait for this chapter for so long and I'm really sorry about it. Real life seriously got in the way, between going to work, my health, buying a flat and having a baby things sort of got away from me. Add to that a brain which was torn between writing supernatural stories and writing Hawaii 50 stories it became difficult to focus.

For a while I wasn't sure if I was going to continue with all my stories and the truth is I'm still not sure. What I am sure though is that I'm at least going to try and continue this story even if it means I strictly focus only on this one and no other which is possible. Obviously my time is taken up by babies now so I don't quite have the same amount of time which I did before but I will still do my best.

Hopefully if you're here at chapter nineteen then you've already read the other eighteen chapters and know exactly where the story is at which is a good thing. Some chapters will be long and some will be short and they will of course be written in different perspectives. Adam is going to be a major character and there will be character death coming up so you should all be prepared for it. I'm not going to go all games of thrones on you all but neither is anyone safe, not even the main characters so pick favourites wisely.

I don't know how quickly I'll be updating but if a month has gone by and there is nothing then flood my inbox. It's not that I don't want to write, it's more one of those things where I sit down to write and then suddenly a nappy needs changing and by the time I've finished what I was doing before has gone completely out of my mind.

This is a long story so please don't expect extremely quick romances… or rather don't expect them all to happen at once….

That's all from me so please enjoy the chapter!

Overall Summary

Sam and Dean Winchester's lives are turned upside down by the arrival of Gabriel and Castiel Novak, hunters whose reputation precede them. They know that the Hunters are after them but when Castiel marks Dean as his own, the brothers realise how truly screwed they actually are. Now they have to make a choice... their coven or the loves of their lives because something has to give

Chapter summary

"You've got my word, as soon as we close for the evening we'll talk

Overall Romance

Castiel Novak/Dean Winchester

Gabriel Novak / Sam Winchester

Adam Milligan /?

Chapter Romance

Mentions of Castiel Novak / Dean Winchester

Chapter Nineteen

Later Adam

Sam breathed out a sigh of relief, his eyes tracking Dean's progress through the crowd. It took longer than he wanted with patrons stopping his brother to have a quick word with him, something which Dean normally encouraged. Sam was well aware how important it was to Dean that he was approachable to people. He wanted them to feel able to come and speak to him about anything which might be troubling them or to impart information to him which they could use but it still worried Sam.

Maiden or not, Dean was not immortal, he could still die and be injured. A fact that they had found out the hard way when Sam had nearly lost his brother, foolishly believing that Dean was untouchable.

He breathed out nosily, his eyes moving briefly away from Dean to look at Gabriel. The younger man had reached his brother and had a look on his face which placed Sam instantly on edge. That look meant trouble. Shaking his head, he reached up and ran his hand through his hair wishing that the evening was already over instead of just starting. Sam was getting the feeling that things were only going to get worst rather than better.

His gaze found Dean again, thankful that his brother had moved on and was at the bar. He watched as his brother ducked under the counter hatch and headed over to him, his eyebrow raising when he caught sight of Sam's face. Sam pushed himself straight, crossing his arms over his chest and speaking as soon as Dean came to a stop by him.

"Are you going to tell me what happened out there?" He asked. Dean shrugged his shoulders.

"Nothing really" Dean answered on a sigh, briefly looking tired before he plastered a smile on his face for the benefit of the customers.

"Nothing really?" Sam repeated. "Castiel drags you outside for no reason?" Dean nodded.

"Pretty much Sam, he wanted to try his luck and I put him in his place. If I'm going to do this Sammy then I'm going to do it on my terms and my terms alone, otherwise Ill figure something else out."

"You should have punched him" Sam said with a grin.

"I was tempted" Dean admitted "But I figured it was more trouble than it was worth, better to leave him hanging." Sam nodded, reaching out and clapping his hand down on Dean's shoulder, squeezing the muscle in a comforting manner.

"Quite the week we're having" he commented lightly. "Have you thought more about what we spoke about in the car?" he asked carefully. Dean nodded.

"It's all I've been thinking of" his brother admitted, looking out at the crowd gathered around the bar before he turned back to Sam and continued to speak. "Now isn't the time to speak about it" he pointed out. "When this shift is done and dusted than we can talk about it. I'm going to fill Adam in on what happened as well, he deserves to know" Sam nodded.

"It be for the best" he agreed, glancing to the side of him as the door leading to the back was flung open revealing Adam. A pissed off Adam if the expression on his face was anything to go by. "Speaking of the devil." He said, grinning at Adam when the younger man came to a stop by them, jabbing his finger on Dean's chest.

"What was that about?" He demanded. "I can't believe you left me in the kitchen and actually expected me to be able to deal with the food orders. I'm seriously not a cook Dean, I burn toast for god sake. I don't even know what a beef wellington is let alone how to cook one of the things." Sam's grin widened as he held his hands up in self-defence when Adam turned on him. "I don't know what you're grinning about moose boy. You've hardly been active tonight, you've left it all to me and Charlie to deal with. It's so not on" he finished, breathing out nosily as he dragged both hands through his hair making the blond strands stand up on end as though he had been electrocuted.

Sam glanced back at Dean raising an eyebrow at his older brother. Dean rolled his eyes at him before he turned his attention back to Adam.

"Feel better now?" he asked casually. Adam looked thoughtful for a moment before he slowly nodded.

"For now" he replied cautiously. "But leave me in the kitchen again and-"

"Okay, okay. I get it, leaving either you or Sam in the kitchen is a bad idea. Clearly I'm the only one in this family who has inherited any knowledge on how to cook. God knows what you'll do if I'm not here to feed the pair of you."

"Don't even joke about that Dean" Sam snapped.

"Relax" Dean stated calmly "I'm not planning on going anywhere anytime soon."

Sam nodded, breathing out deeply as he nodded his head.

"Make sure you don't" he stated, shooting Dean a suspicious look when his brother suddenly grinned at him. "What?" he demanded "What's that look for?" He demanded causing Dean to shrug at him.

"I've got no idea what look you're referring to Sam" He replied simply, glancing down at his watch. "I best get upstairs and see whether my kitchen is still standing or whether a certain guy who shall remain nameless has burnt it to the ground" He commented, ruffling up Adam's hair before he headed passed them, disappearing out back again. Sam watched him go, allowing his tense muscle to slacken in relief that Dean was out of harm's way for the time being at least.

He turned his gaze towards Castiel who was standing next to Gabriel, listening to him and watched him carefully. He would have to do some research into the whole bonding thing to see whether hurting Castiel could hurt Dean in any way. If it couldn't then he would have to disappear for an hour or so soon and pay the Hunter a visit. It shouldn't be hard to make his point without resorting to magic. Sam was tall enough and strong enough to beat anyone to the ground, even if that someone was a highly trained Hunter.

"I'd like to say for the record that I don't like the expression you currently have on your face" Adam remarked suddenly from beside him attracting Sam's attention to him.

"What?" He said in confusion.

"The look on your face" Adam repeated slowly. "It's not a good look, it's the look of someone who is thinking about something bad. Like you're going to kill someone bad and I'm pretty sure that Dean would not approve of whatever it is your planning so maybe, just maybe, you should save us all a lot of time and just don't" He commented.

"I'm not going to do anything Adam" Sam responded, standing up straight and running his hand over the top of his hair, smoothing down any stray hairs. Adam snorted shaking his head.

"You know if I had a dollar for every time you've said that to me since we met then I would be able to pretty much afford anything in the world by now, actually scrap that. I would be able to afford the world full stop."

"You are funny" Sam said, his voice making it clear that he disagreed with his own statement. Adam grinned at him.

"Why thank you" He responded, glancing round the bar, his blue gaze focusing on the Novak brothers wondering why Dean and Sam hadn't barred them from the place yet. If he had been in charge then he would have. The safest place for Hunters was six feet below the ground where they couldn't hurt people anymore. "So" He said turning back to his brother. "Are you and Dean actually going to tell me what is happening or am I meant to just come out with random suggestions and you'll let me know if I've hit the jackpot or not?"

"We're going to tell you what happened" Sam answered him. "But now as you can see is not exactly the time for a serious talk like that" He said waving his hand towards the growing crowd around them. Adam searched his eyes before he nodded at him.

"Okay" He replied simply. "But give me your word you will. I'm not a child anymore Sam and I haven't been for a while. I can help you and Dean if you allow me to."

"Yeah I know" Sam said with a nod. "You've got my word, as soon as we close for the evening we'll talk. I just need you to do me a favour okay?" He said. Adam's eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"Here we go, there's always a catch" He said throwing his hands up in a way which Sam was sure he had learnt from Dean. "Okay let's have it, what's the catch this time?"

"No catch" Sam responded. "Just a request. I need you to stay away from the Novak brothers. They'll try to speak to you but don't say a word to them. Just smile, step back and wave me or Charlie over and we'll take over serving them okay."

"Sam you don't need to protect me, I can protect myself" Adam told him, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring at Sam, the look causing Sam to smile sadly at him. He could remember seeing that look on his father's face several times before the older man was taken from them.

"You can" Sam agreed "But it's not my duty to protect you, it's my duty to protect Dean just as it is everyone's duty to protect him. You understand? You talking to them, puts Dean in danger and I can't allow that so if you're going to talk to them then tell me now so I can throw you in the basement until they leave because trust me I will if it comes to it." Adam's eyes widened, flickering away from Sam to the ceiling as though he could see Dean in the rooms above them. "Adam" He warned.

"Hey I know my duty okay, my life for Dean's any day of the week, you don't need to worry about that Sam, and you've got my word. Not a word to either of them." Sam nodded, slapping a hand down on Adam's shoulder, squeezing down on the muscle.

"Good" He said. "I knew we could count on you. Let's get some work done now yeah. It's looking suspicious the two of us just standing here talking, without serving a single customer."

"Got it" Adam said, moving away from Sam to the counter and asking the first person he saw, a pretty blond woman, what his order was. Sam moved passed him heading to Charlie and leaned down to her, talking in her ear quietly so they couldn't be heard.

"Keep an eye on Adam" He told her, "Don't allow the Novak brother's to get at him okay. If you see them approaching him then get him out of there, subtly and without drawing attention but do it okay?" Charlie tilted her head towards him. Brown eyes flashing an unnatural gold colour in the light before she nodded.

"Leave it with me, making people disappear is my speciality after all" She commented, turning her attention back to the punters.

Sam sighed looking around him. He had done all he could do for now. Now it was merely time to pray and hope that everything ended up going to way they needed it to go.

Author notes

Thanks for taking the time to read, it's much appreciated!