Disclaimer: Nada.

Leshawna was pissed right now! She knocked on Harold's door only for him to tell her that he would not make a deal with her and that the toilet was now his bed and he wasn't going to allow people to go to the bathroom in his bed. Leshawna was ready to smack him! She really needed a bathroom for herself and Harold had the only working bathroom that the contestants were allowed to use and Chris already 'Called' his own bathroom in his private quarters.

"I'm sorry Leshawna." Harold informed her. "As much as I would love to help you in any way possible, I think that you wanting to use my bed for a bathroom is a bit unreasonable."

"IT WAS THE BATHROOM FIRST!" Leshawna yelled at him. "You're bed has had everyone's bare ass on it!"

"I know, that's why I would never do it to my bed." Harold told her. "It deserved some respect."

"Harold, I'm never going to have sex with you in the bathroom." Leshawna told him. "So, if you're going to live in the stupid porta potty then you are never going to get laid."

"That's okay, I'll just masturbate." Harold informed her.

"You do realize there is a camera in there with you, right?" Leshawna smirked at him.

"That's okay, Chris can watch if he wants..." Harold told her. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I really need to tidy up in here..."

Leshawna cursed Harold for being an idiot and decided to go back to see if Gwen and Duncan were still alive. She was pretty sure Gwen would kill him.

Owen was extremely happy that he was now the proud owner of the kitchen. He was so happy that he ate all the food in a matter of 3 minutes. Lindsay was really confused as to why she was doing this, she thought it was a challenge and Tyler was just trying to explain to her how she can tell Noah and him apart. Noah was regretting living in the kitchen with them all.

"Great!" Noah rolled his eyes. "So, this is what's become of my life! I'm going to starve to death because the guy I am living with just ate the food, all of it! So, now nobody is going to have anything to eat!"

"Chef can always make more." Owen happily told him.

"No, he can't." Noah rolled his eyes. "You ate everything."

"Nuh-uh!" Tyler happily held up an apple. "We have one left!"

"Okay, give me the apple." Noah put his hand out. "I don't trust any of you with it."

"This can't be happening." Chris shook his head. "I need an aspirin."

"Dude, just chill." Geoff rolled his eyes. "I took wood shop in school and I know how to take a wall down."

"Just because you can make a cat out of wood does NOT mean you know how to knock a wall down!" Chris yelled at him. "Not to mention that the wall isn't even wooden! What grade did you even get in that class?"

"I got a C-" Geoff told him.

"Geoff, you are not smashing a giant hole in my wall because you called dibs on MY hot tub room!" Chris yelled at him.

"You didn't call dibs on the wall..." Justin smirked "Geoff, let's get smashing!"

DJ decided that we would go put to where the pilot would sit in the cock pit. He found that nobody was there. He sat in the chair and leaned back in it.

"This is a great place to live!" DJ smiled to himself and went to sleep.

Leshawna came back into the room to find Gwen taped to the wall of the plane and she was cursing at Duncan. Leshawna glanced over at Duncan who just smirked at her.

"Did you really tape your girlfriend to a wall?" Leshawna asked him.

"Yes, I did." Duncan laughed "She called half of my space, So I get the floor and she gets the wall."

"Duncan! I'm going to kill you!" Gwen tried to get free from the wall but failed miserably.

Yep, This chapter was just because I could. So far DJ made the best choice in my books. I'm pretty sure Gwen is going to kill Duncan.