
Now, here's the fourth and last chapter of the times they called him a doctor. I will try and get the fifth one out soon so that I can get this done, but I promise nothing. University has proven to like busy students. :D


4 Smart, smarter, Doctor Reid

He was not good at speaking in public. The eyes of the audience always made him self-conscious and unsure. He was never quite certain that he knew enough about the subject he was going to talk about when he was standing in front of a group of people. He feared that someone would ask a question he did not know an answer to. It had never happened and no one else believed it to, but he always though it as a possibility.

"You're just too modest," his old professors used to tell him with broad smiles and clap to the back. It didn't help though. If anything it made him far more nervous since he couldn't let them down. He just could not do it.

This time was no different. The lecture room was full of men and women in their twenties and he felt like he should rather have been amongst them than there about to teach them something. He stood awkwardly staring at the floor and waited. The principal would introduce him before he would start. His lecture would take about hour and a half and then there would be the dreaded questions.

"Okay, attention, please! We have a very special quest here today. Let me introduce you, Doctor Spencer Reid. He was a student here a couple of years ago and he's here to talk to you about engineering. I will let him explain his subject better. Now, if you have no further questions…"

The buzzing that had started along with the mention of his title grew slightly before there was a raised arm and a sharp voice:

"A doctor?"

"Yes, indeed. Doctor Reid has three doctorates in engineering and mathematics as well as in chemistry. So yes, he is a doctor. A very appreciated one at that," the principal cleared and nodded encouragingly to Reid, whose face was very red and bright at the moment.

The same sharp voice cut through the air like a knife and he tensed visibly.

"But how old are you? I mean, you cannot be older than I am!"

After hearing the number the voice softened considerably and there was a loud whisper:

"Geez, and I thought I was smart!"