I'm at my computer thinking "what to write..." This idea came to me as I sit here, sick and sick. Do enjoy! Established Bagginshield :D

Bilbo woke up with a coughing fit. He coughed and coughed and woke Thorin up in the process.

"Are you alright?" the dwarf king asked, sitting up and rubbing Bilbo's back.

The hobbit tried to answer but all that came out were more coughs. He sputtered and hiccuped with the strong, racking coughs until he felt like he couldn't breath. He began choking on the air he held, and Thorin made frantic movements around him. With one hand pressed to his chest, Bilbo reached out to his husband and grasped his hand, stopping the dwarf's actions. He squeezed Thorin's hand as he saw black splotches splatter his vision; he was passing out. He felt Thorin move to cradle him in his arms while keeping him upright, trying to soothe him. Bilbo couldn't breath; he felt as if his throat was closing up very quickly. With his hearing fading, he barely heard Thorin suck in a quick breath and deeply mutter some words to him. Losing consciousness quickly, Bilbo tried to cough but couldn't really get a good breath. With one final shake, he coughed and felt the blood rush back to his head as his throat opened. He let out a few more quiet coughs before glancing up at Thorin whom he had never seen look so frightened.

"Are... you alright?" Thorin choked, running a rough hand through Bilbo's auburn curls which had a pinch of sweat to them. "Âzyungâl?"

Bilbo shifted in Thorin's arms as the dwarf held him tighter, afraid of letting his hobbit go. "I am... fine now."

Thorin shook his head and bent to kiss Bilbo's lips softly. "I am going to send for a healer."

The hobbit nodded, knowing Thorin was right. The dwarf carefully removed himself from in back of the hobbit, gently placed him back on the bed, and leaned down to give him a comforting kiss before striding towards the front chamber door and giving a command to one of the guards. When he returned, Bilbo had his eyes closed and was breathing deeply. Thorin wanted him to rest, but he was also worried that another... episode might happen. Gently, Thorin shook his halfling awake.

"Bilbo," he soothed, seeing the hobbit blink himself awake. "I need you to stay awake until the healer comes. Alright?"

Bilbo nodded and sat up slowly, with the help of Thorin as the king guided him upright. "Thorin?" he croaked once he was comfortably sitting against the headboard of the bed.

"Yes?" His husband was at his side in an instant, and under other circumstances, Bilbo would have laughed and told Thorin how cute he looked.

"Do you..." Bilbo coughed again and Thorin felt completely helpless. "Do you think you can get me some... water?"

"Water?" Thorin repeated, stroking Bilbo's warm cheek. "Yes, I will be right back."

Bilbo watched the dwarf hurry off into the kitchen, while he thought about what had just happened. He had gotten this strange feeling in his chest, a tightness of some sort. Not to mention the rapid closing of his throat; now that had been pretty scary. He wondered how it all looked to Thorin, seeing his husband of four years nearly pass out... and die in his arms. It hit him; he could have died then and there without any warning and clearly not knowing how to stop whatever was happening. Quickly snapping out of his thoughts as Thorin reentered the room with a small glass in his hand, he took the glass gratefully and sipped the cool liquid. He relished the feeling of the cold water washing down his sore throat as he drank slowly. After a few minutes, Bilbo handed the empty glass back to Thorin who set it on the bedside table. The hobbit, weary from that morning's events, closed his eyes for a brief minute before he heard Thorin call his name. "Mhmm?"

"Do not go back to sleep yet," he said, sitting down on the edge of the bed and taking Bilbo's hand. "I need you to stay awake."

Bilbo nodded and tried to focus on his husband's face but felt himself begin to slip into slumber. He tried to stay awake but he just couldn't. The last thing he remembered was Thorin's ever-concerned sapphire eyes gazing at him.

The hobbit stirred. He rolled to the side where he collided with something heavy. Waking up, he opened his eyes to see that he had bumped into Thorin's arm. "Thorin?" he mumbled, his voice scratchy and not sounding like his own.

"Bilbo," Thorin breathed, shifting to face him. "You are fine. The healers came in and checked on you."

"What was wrong?" Bilbo asked, trying to sit up only to be pushed down by Thorin.

"You have a fever from a human disease you must have caught a few days ago, down in Dale." Thorin stood from the bed and went into the bathroom to retrieve a wet cloth. When he returned, he placed it on Bilbo's forehead and smiled lovingly as the hobbit groaned in appreciation. "You also had what... humans call it... an asthma attack."

"A what?" Bilbo asked, closing his eyes against the coolness of the cloth.

"An asthma attack," Thorin repeated, lying back down on the bed. "Apparently, it happens when your airway becomes clogged with... some sort of stuff... and you cannot breathe."

Bilbo nodded and sighed, tugging his husband closer. "Thank you," he mumbled as Thorin wrapped a strong, protective arm around his waist.

"For?" Thorin asked.

"Taking care of me," Bilbo finished. "My king."

Thorin growled deeply, loving it when the hobbit called him by his regal name. "Bilbo," he said sternly. "You are sick; do not tempt me."

"Oh," Bilbo replied, opening his eyes and winking at Thorin. "I'll have many days to tempt you..."

The dwarf chuckled and kissed his husband's flushed cheek. "I will hold you accountable for that. Now, get some rest and I will show you what real tempting is like."

Bilbo laughed softly before snuggling deeply into Thorin's embrace where he fell asleep for many hours; his king gently whispering loving and endearing words to him as he dozed. And not one asthma attack occurred ever since.

Happy ending! I know! Yeah, asthma attack... not fun... :) There shall be more stories from me as well as updating other stories... :D Please review! and favorite and follow and all that jazz! I like to see it :3