Thorin entered the chambers, crossed the room, and rested a hand on Bilbo's forehead; it was on fire. He grimaced at the exceeding warmth of his husband's forehead before glancing at the human doctor who stood, slightly hunched, near the bed. The dwarf king suppressed a smirk as he saw the human doctor's uncomfortableness; 'it sucks being tall doesn't it,' he thought to himself. He coughed lightly, trying to stop the smile from appearing on his face. Taking a deep breath, Thorin spoke to the doctor, "Can you help him?"

The human doctor nodded and rounded the bed, standing next to the sleeping hobbit. He pressed a hand to the small creature's forehead and frowned, not a good sign.

It took everything Thorin had not to interrupt the doctor's work. He bit the inside of his cheeks to keep from saying anything that would get him kicked out of the room.

"I'm afraid he need a heavy tonic," the human said, taking a step away from Bilbo. He glanced at Thorin and gave the dwarf a small smile. "I cannot do much without it."

Thorin clenched his jaw tightly. "How long will it take you to get the tonic?" he asked in a tight voice.

"About two days."

Thorin growled quietly but gave the human doctor a nod. "Alright," he began, "until you return, what can I do to help him?"

The human sighed. "Just keep him rested; and do not leave his side. He is a hobbit, and I don't know what the human flu will do to him."

The dwarf king nodded slowly and showed the doctor to the door. When he returned, Bilbo's eyes were open. "Âzyungâl?" Thorin said quietly, sitting down beside Bilbo and taking the hobbit's small hand into his larger one. "Bilbo, can you hear me?" Thorin asked, gently rubbing his thumb over his husband's sweaty brow.

"Th-Thorin..." Bilbo croaked, licking his dry lips.

Thorin gave him a small smile. "How do you feel?"

"S-sick," Bilbo answered, coughing again. "H-head h-h-hurts..."

"I know," Thorin replied gently. "Do you need anything?"

Bilbo coughed and shook his head. "F-fine..."

Thorin felt helpless, again, knowing that nothing he did could make his hobbit feel better. He wanted so badly to take Bilbo's pain away and make his husband stop hurting. He wished he was the one who had contracted a human sickness, though that wasn't really possible since dwarfs have strong immune systems (unless the disease is really bad), not his consort. He sighed and leaned over to press a kiss to Bilbo's forehead before standing to retrieve a cold cloth for the burning hobbit.

Two days had passed and Thorin had been nonstop pacing, worrying, fearing, and tending to and for his hobbit. The human doctor had arrived as he had promised with a tonic in his possession. He was administering it to the small hobbit who had woken up to chills and a fever, while Thorin wore a hole in the floor outside the bedroom door. He paced and paced and paced for a long while before the bedroom door opened and the human doctor walked out.

"Is he alright?" Thorin asked, coming to stand across from the doctor.

"Yes," he said, and Thorin's shoulders sagged in relief. "He'll need to rest, and you'll have to give him this ever few hours." He handed Thorin a small bottle of liquid. "He should be fine with the week."

Thorin nodded. "Thank you," he said. "My guard will show you out."

The human doctor gave a curt nod before exiting the chambers.

Without a moments hesitation, Thorin dashed into the bedroom to find Bilbo sitting up and looking much better than he had before. "Oh," Thorin breathed, kneeling next to the bed and bringing Bilbo's hand to his lips. "You are alright." He stroked his husband's face as he blinked back tears. "I was so worried and scared... I..."

Bilbo interrupted with a sweet and feverish kiss that left the king speechless and wanting more. He leaned forward and hugged his lover who scrambled to sit on the bed so the hobbit wouldn't have to lean too far. "I love you," he whispered hoarsely into Thorin's ear. "Stay here."

"Of course," Thorin assured the other. "I will join you right now," he said, throwing off his clothes until he only wore his briefs and climbed in bed next to his hobbit. He pulled Bilbo close to his chest and smiled when Bilbo let out a small sigh of content. "I love you too," he whispered gruffly, pressing a kiss to his husband's sweaty curls. "Go to sleep. I will be here when you wake."

All done. Hope you all enjoyed it :)