"Nice to meet you Karkat!" Nepeta purred with a big smile on her soft features. "Are you pawsitive you don't need any help?"

"OKAY 1 WHATS WITH THE FUCKING CATLIKE WAY OF SPEAKING, 2 I ALREADY SAID I DON'T NEED ANY HELP OR DID WHAT I SAY GO IN ONE EAR AND OUT THE OTHER?" The scowl on his face seemed permanent though his eyes could clearly speak more than his mouth ever would. Such nice and warm brown eyes... they held a certain sadness and Nepeta knew she wanted to make him smile if only once...

"IF YOU REALLY WANTED TO HELP... WELL COULD YOU DIRECT ME TO MUNDYNE ST 4692." He shrugged as though he was perfectly capable of maneuvering through a town he barely knew.

She bit her lip trying not to giggle, "Of course!" She grabbed his hand and hauled him down the street barely giving him time to grab his duffel bag in his free hand. His hand was quite a bit bigger than hers and but not as strong as Equius's impressive grip. Mudyne street wasn't that far away but she thought Might as well show him around town while I get the chance. She slowed to an easy going trot and pointed out the stores and observed the slight changes in Karkat's face as she pointed out the library and the small video rental store that only seemed to have shitty rom coms and foreign movies. The town is quite small as you already know so their detour could only last so long.

4692 Mudyne was the home of Kankri Vantas, he always seemed to disapprove EVERYTHING! His heart was in the right place but some days she wished to shove that blasted whistle down his throat.

Though what went unbeknownst to Nepeta was that Equius had seen her with the new boy and had followed at a safe distance to make sure she was alright. He watched as the boy with the sour expression yell something at Nepeta's grinning face and scurry into the house. He shook his head slowly as the brunette scampered back down the street with a goofy grin on her lips and a far away look in,her hazel eyes.
