Chapter 13

Frank and Eric took a break, to find Calleigh watching and listening through the glass.

"Horatio's not going to die, Frank," she said quickly.

"I know that, but that idiot doesn't. I'm just making him uncomfortable. Let him think about it."

She nodded. "I thought I could help… Shall I drive out and see if I can find the iron pipe? The more evidence the better… And they've just brought the Hummer in – I could go over that…"

"Benitez and I were in it," Eric said. "We weren't very careful."

"Even so. There might be something useful."

"There is – or was. Horatio's blood and hair on the doorframe. If the rain and the recovery haven't obliterated it."

"I'll look. See you boys later." She left with a girlish wave of her hand.

They had a fairly good idea of the events now. They had confessions from Robbins and Rosso. They had a partial eyewitness account from an eight year old boy. They still had to tackle McKenzie, who, they suspected, would be a harder proposition. Eric had done a brief initial interview the previous day, but had got nothing.

"You know," Frank mused, "we haven't got as much on McKenzie as I'd like… Yes, a statement from Rosso… but he won't be a very impressive witness. And Robbins never met McKenzie beforehand. Never intended to meet him at all."

"We've got his shirt, with Hannah's blood on it. That's pretty definitive."

"True… but we need to tie him to the assault on Horatio."

"I was going in to see H tonight. Suppose I get a formal statement and IDs from him?"

"That'll certainly carry some weight. And Calleigh might come up with something." He sighed. "We'd better have a go at McKenzie."

Eric grinned. "You putting it off, Frank?"

"I just know he's going to be a 'no comment' merchant."

McKenzie was a thickset man in his forties. Frank thought he had the lowest hairline he'd ever seen. He stared at him for a minute, but the man showed no sign of discomfort. At last, he said, "Well, McKenzie, your partner's been very helpful."

"Don't have a partner."

Frank shrugged. "Whatever you want to call him. He's not got much of what you'd call… backbone, has he?"

"If you say so. I hardly know the man."

"Well, he's told us all about you, McKenzie. One night in lock-up and he rolled. Couldn't wait to cut a deal."

"Wouldn't believe anything that dumbass says."

"I believe it when the evidence backs it up."

"You'd better charge me then." McKenzie sounded unconcerned.

"Oh, I will… all in good time. Tell me about taking the Hummer."

"Don't know what you're talking about."

And so it went on. Despite intensive questioning on the subject of the Hummer and Horatio, the man denied everything. Despite not saying 'no comment', he might as well have done. They sent him back to lock-up.

Frank sighed. "We're going to have to make the case without his help. I suppose hoping for three confessions was a bit optimistic."

Eric rang Calleigh. "Please say you got something, Cal…"

"Of course. Oh ye of little faith! One pipe, complete with blood and, I hope, fingerprints. It wasn't hidden – just lying in the ditch. Nat's processing. One Hummer, extremely muddy… Covered in fingerprints…"

"Don't keep me in suspense, woman!" Eric chuckled.

"Don't call me 'woman' then. Seriously, I'm still collecting. I expect they're all yours and Benitez'."

"Not all, hopefully. Check the back seat…"

"Eric Delko, I do know how to process a car."

Hours later, the Hummer had yielded fingerprints from both Rosso, on the driver's side, and McKenzie on the passenger side. And from the roll of duct tape. The back seat gave up fingerprints of McKenzie, and Horatio, and Timmy. A blood smear revealed itself as Horatio's, as did traces of blood on the doorframe. The pipe had fingerprints from McKenzie, and Horatio's blood and hair.

"Enough, do you think?" Eric asked, as he sat with Calleigh and Frank in the layout room, reviewing the evidence.

"Oh, I think so. I'll talk to the State's Attorney. Good job, people…"

Eric was surprised to find Horatio sitting in a chair, thumbing idly through a magazine.

"Hi, boss. Feeling better?"

He was rewarded with a warm smile. "Much. The dizziness is almost gone. At least, I can get to the bathroom without falling over. I'll be out tomorrow."

"What do the doctors say?"

The bronze eyebrows shot up. "Never mind what the doctors say. I say I'll be out tomorrow."

Eric knew better than argue with him. "Then I'll swing by and pick you up. Lunchtime?"

"That'd be good. Thank you."

"Feel like making a quick formal statement? And doing a photo ID?" Eric grinned. "It's just the cherry on the top. We've got a pretty solid case."

"Sure. Whatever you want. At least, up to the time things got confused…"

"And you undressed."

"And I undressed."

Eric chuckled. "We'll just say that hypothermia set in, and you don't remember anything else clearly." He looked round the room. "I suppose you haven't got any clothes here…"

"I haven't. Will you bring some in?"

"Thank goodness it's Friday!" Calleigh murmured, pouring herself a coffee in the break room. "What a truly horrible week."

"I know." Eric agreed. "What started as a simple murder, ended with the boss in hospital. Though he's okay – I'm going to collect him in a minute."

"So soon? Is that wise?"

Eric laughed. "Probably not, but you know what he's like. And as the only treatment is rest – I suppose he can do that as well at home." He hesitated. "Look, I'm sorry I sort of… abandoned you all…"

"Eric… I wouldn't expect you to be anywhere else. I know how you feel about him."

"Yes, but…"

"There are times when work doesn't come first. Anyway, he's better, and we solved the case. And it's Friday."

"Shall we celebrate with a beer tonight? All the team, I mean…"

"Good idea. I'll spread the word."

At six-thirty they gathered in a local bar. Unusually, everyone, including Frank, was present. Everyone, that was, except Eric.

"Where's Delko?" Frank asked. "Not like him to miss a get-together."

"And he owes me a drink," added Calleigh. "No, he said he'd got an errand to run. He'll be here."

Eric arrived half-an-hour later. With Horatio. Their boss was casually dressed in jeans, rather pale, slightly shaky… But with a wry smile on his face.

Calleigh glared at him. "What are you doing here?"

"Good evening to you too, Calleigh," he said softly.

"Sorry, but… Eric, how could you?"

Eric held up both hands. "Hey, don't blame me!"

"I'm fine," Horatio added. "I needed to get out. I'm only staying half an hour, and I'm only drinking water… And I promise not to take my clothes off."

He seemed to catch Calleigh's eye as he said it, and the eyebrows twitched a fraction. She felt a blush starting, and turned quickly away.

"Well, it's good to see you," Frank said, about to clap him on the shoulder, but changing it to an awkward pat. "You had us all worried." Then he chuckled. "Who but you could nearly die of hypothermia in the Sunshine State?"