Hello, reader! Thanks for deciding to view this. I just decided to write this, mainly just for fun. Basically, this is what happens when I throw a bunch of other ideas and game items into the world of Monster Hunter. It isn't a crossover, per se, but expect some references to other games along the way. I'm open to criticism, of course, so anything you have to say, I'll listen to. Enjoy!

The Hunter's Oath

Chapter 1-Awakening

York bolted upright, noticing something was off. He normally wasn't one to fall asleep in the middle of a field, especially without his weapons or armor. Slowly getting to his feet, York surveyed his surroundings. The sky filled with smoke, originating from somewhere over a large hill. Running up the incline, York was shocked at what he saw; a village on the sea, or at least what was left of it. Searing flames danced along the remains of wooden docks and ships. Splintered remains of homes and shops drifted in the sea, which was dyed a dark shade of red. York new all too well that the sea was filled with blood. Suddenly, a loud voice, seemingly from everywhere, boomed across the land.

"You see now what lies in the future," the powerful voice said. "This will come to pass, if you do not accept." "Accept what!?" York shouted back, confused. "What do I need to do!?" "You need to awaken as the hero this land needs you to be," the voice replied, with a vibrating echo. "You need to wake up."

WAKE UP! This was what York heard just before the loud crash of metal banging on metal right next to his head. With a start, he jolted back, letting out a short yelp as the chair he had been in flipped over backwards, spilling his half-awake body onto the hardwood floor. He looked up at the source of this rude awakening, a sly grin on her face.

"You know, you really didn't have to do that, Rose," York sleepily said, noting the pots she was holding. "But I did!" She replied. "I've been trying to get you up for a half hour now! If you hadn't stayed up so late working on that armor of yours, I wouldn't have had to," Rose said playfully. "I seem to recall you helping me get most of the things I needed to make this in the first place," York said in a similar tone. "Besides, it's not like you didn't get anything out of it either."

She giggled at that, recalling the hunts she had gone on with him over the past few weeks. Despite the teasing, she really did appreciate the rewards she got herself. "Barioth armor isn't exactly easy to make you know," York said as he began to sit up. "Trying to upgrade that bow of yours wasn't much better." "Well, I do appreciate that you upheld your end of the bargain, York," she laughed.

"Well, considering I had no other options but to accept, I will take that as a thank you," York said sarcastically. "Well good, because that's just what I was about to say!" Rose teased. "To be fair though, what can you expect? I still don't exactly trust blacksmiths, you know. Plus, you're much better than the crafters around here." "And you know I can't resist a pretty face, either!" York said.

York wasn't kidding. Rose had a smooth, curvy figure and an ample bosom. She was well toned, but that was to be expected considering her profession. She had bright green eyes and medium length brown hair, which she usually had in a ponytail. She stood about a head shorter than York, and was almost always cheery.

"Why York, I'm flattered!" she responded in her playful tone. "Well, come on, get up and get ready. I'd like to gather some materials while the sun is still out!" "Wait, how long did I sleep in?" York asked, losing his sarcastic tone. "It's already the afternoon, sleepyhead!" Rose stated. "I'm going to grab a few things from my room, so get ready while I'm doing that. Come on; wake up tough guy! You wanted to try out that new armor you made, right?"

Stretching as he got up from the floor, York went to the kitchen and washed off his face. He checked the mirror to make sure he was somewhat presentable; his messy brown hair always seemed to keep its style, no matter what. His clear blue eyes held a determined look almost constantly, and he had a sharp jawline. A single scar crossed over his right eye, a testament to the numerous battles he had survived.

He then took a look around the room he called his workshop. In actuality, it was really the living room to the house he lived in, but when you're known as the craftiest hunter who ever lived, you need to have some space to work. York's gaze fell to the table he that he had been sleeping on a few moments ago, and the bundle of white that lay upon it. He chuckled to himself as he thought, "It's finally done."