"Ehhhh?! So while I was running all over the school looking for the Young Master, the Young Master was taking a nap in the science classroom?" Tsurara exclaimed. "Rikun-sama, this won't do! Your studies are equally important to us-"

"Shut it!" Rikun whispered, still rubbing his eyes. "I got drowsy and fell asleep, ok? Stop making such a big deal out of it." Damn, maybe I should take a few days off from school… Rikun thought. The late-night training sessions and school in the morning was starting to take a toll on him, youkai blood or not. There was only so much youkai blood could do after all and while youkai can run on little to no sleep for weeks, there was still a limit to how little sleep a youkai can get by without fainting.

"Fufu...is 'Young Master' the kind of thing that's in right now?" A feminime voice called out from behind Rikun. Shiiiiiiit Rikun totally forgot his science teacher was right behind him.

"N-Nothing of that sort, Yokotani-sensei! Not in that way at least…" Rikun laughed awkwardly. Tsurara was not helping, sticking her tongue out from Yokotani-sensei's other side, mocking Rikun. Rikun scowled right back at her.

"Young Master," A deep voice called out. The three of them jumped at the sudden voice.

"Shoei!" Rikun exclaimed, surprised. The giant ape hanyou leaned on the front gates of Rikun's school, completely dwarfing it with his size. I suppose Shoei could easily jump any school gate with that height of his, huh. Rikun thought absentmindedly. Those gates were 6 feet tall, taller than most Japanese people. Shoei looked like he was at least 3 feet taller than the gates.

Shoei bowed his head down in respect. "Sorry Young Master, but could I ask for a moment of your time?"

"Uh, yeah! Sure, what's up?" Rikun asked. He felt someone nudge his side. Oh right.

"Oh! Uh, Yokotani-sensei, meet Shoei-kun! He's a, uh, distant relative of mine!" Rikun hurriedly fibbed. Shoei blinked, surprised, but still bowed his head down to show respect for the Young Master's teacher.

"P-Pleased to meet you…?" Yokotani-sensei, as Rikun called her, bowed down to Shoei. She looked at the three students in front of her. "Well, I won't be taking up your guy's time anymore. I'll see you tomorrow, Rikun-kun." She bowed once more.

"Y-Yeah. Have a safe trip back home, sensei!" Rikun called out after her in courtesy. Yokotani-sensei nodded, and left the teenagers to themselves.

"So. What did you want to talk about, Shoei? For you to come all the way to the school…" Yokotani overheard as she walked away, not quite out of hearing distance yet. I was so shocked though, Rikun-kun's relative is so tall!

"Yes, there's something I wanted to earnestly ask for your advice for…" Yokotani smiled to herself. It seems that Rikun-kun was quite popular, even amongst students from other schools. It wasn't her business to pry into what her student wanted to talk about though, so she should just get back home-

"Have you heard of the phenomenon of Tooryanse the Slasher?" She stopped in her tracks, that familiar name digging up a long-past memory.


"In Kawagoe in the Saitama prefecture, there's been cases where 14-15 children have disappeared in the area. In other words, there have been cases of kamikushi* happening there." Shoei explained as the three of them sat on one of the benches downtown. Tsurara had insisted on getting ice cream at the newest ice cream parlor downtown, which also happened to be right next to one of Rikun's favorite drink bars, and the two younger teens each had a snack in their hand as they listened to Shoei talk.

"If I want to expand my territory to rebuild the Kantou Oozarukai… then our Fear must extend there." Shoei gripped his sword. For my dad...For my clan... Rikun hmmed, frowning in thought as he sipped at his iced tea.

"We've heard of it." Tsurara piped up, licking her spoon clean. "Wasn't Kiyotsugu-kun also talking about this at today's meeting?" Rikun nodded. His youkai enthusiast friend had excitedly relayed the story, something about it being "local" and therefore more interesting and more important….or something. Rikun didn't really care about that part.

"So you came to me for advice…" Rikun murmured. "Why?"

Shoei looked taken aback. "Um… Well…." He stammered. Rikun squinted. Was that a blush on Shoei's face?

"I mean, the Young Master is...next in line for the Third Head, right?" Rikun and Tsurara nodded. "And...And age…" Shoei stumbled onwards, starting to sweat slightly. Rikun frowned.

"Age?" Rikun questioned. What about age? Shoei fiddled with the edge of his jacket.

"Um...Well! If we're talking about age, then I'm not that far off from you!" Shoei half-shouted, jabbing a thumb at himself for emphasis. "And-And isn't it normal for rookie leaders to ask each other about stuff they don't know!" Shoei finally admitted, his face slightly pink. Rikun made an "o" with his mouth, understanding. Shoei's embarrassed! Well, I suppose he would be, considering his image as a huge scary delinquent, hahahaha! Rikun laughed internally. He smiled.

"All right! Let's go then!" Rikun stood up, tossing his now empty cup into a nearby trash can. "You've come all this way here to ask for advice right? I'm glad!" Rikun grinned at Shoei. "After all, technically, you outrank me. You know, since you're a clan head and all while I'm still an Heir." Rikun snickered as Shoei stammered.

"T-That's not what I-!" Shoei half yelled. Rikun laughed.

"Yeah, yeah, I know! But it's appreciated that you think of me as a leader now, thanks!" Rikun smiled genuinely. He grabbed his bag and slung it across his shoulders. "Well then, shall we go?"

"Ah, I won't be able to go!" Tsurara piped up. "I'm still needed back at the main house, so take care of the Young Master for me, Shoei!" Tsurara said as she too, grabbed her bag. "Will you be needing the Tsurara clan?" She asked. Shoei almost asked her what clan, before small...ice thingies - tsukumogami?- popped out from behind the Yuki Onna.

"Umm, I think we're good, Onee-san. Thank you for offering, though." Shoei declined. He shuffled so he was standing next to Rikun. Rikun smiled at his sworn brother.

"Well then, lead the way."

"It would seem that 'that time' refers to 'oumagatoki,'" Shoei explained as he and Rikun stepped off the train.

"The so-called window of time right before the sun sets, eh?" Rikun replied. The two of them walked at a brisk pace, the sun already starting to dip in the sky. "Makes sense. That's the moment our youkai Fear becomes stronger for the night."

"Mm." Shoei hmmed in agreement. "This way, Young Master." He said, waving an arm in the direction of one of the streets. "Across that street is the way to the Yamakaku Tenjin-sha Shrine, where Tooryanse is said to guard." Rikun nodded. Right now it looked like any old street, cast in a warm yellow glow as the sun slowly made its way down the sky.

"Hmm?" Rikun faltered slightly in his footsteps. "Is that…?" Shoei looked in the direction Rikun was looking in. He was looking at a figure, wearing a red jacket with long hair. Long, brown hair in fact.

"Rikuo? Is that you?" Rikun called out. The figure in red turned around at his voice.

"Rikun!" Rikuo exclaimed, surprised. "And Shoei-kun too!" Rikun and Shoei jogged up to him. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Shouldn't we be asking you that?" Rikun questioned. "Don't tell me you're here for that Tooryanse guy, too." Rikuo blinked.

"Actually, that's exactly what I came here to investigate. Are you two looking into it too?" Rikuo asked.

"Rikuo! What if you were attacked by this Tooryanse dude? You could get killed!" Rikun protested. Rikuo stepped back, slightly offended.

"I was just going to scope out the area, not engage in battle with him. Besides, the Yamakaku Shrine is a popular shrine even among humans. I was going to slip in with the crowd and see if there was anything unusual about the surrounding forest, that's all." Rikuo protested. "And since you guys are here anyway, I might as well tag along. The more people, the better chances yes?"

Rikun sighed. Rikuo could be stubborn when he wanted to be, that rebellious streak in his Nurarihyon blood showing. Rikun knew his brother wouldn't be backing down anytime soon. "Do you have a sword at least?" Rikuo gestured to the long, cloth-swaddled bundle on his back.

"Yeah, I managed to convince most people it's just kendo shinais. I'm not stupid enough to go unarmed." Rikuo turned his head back to the street. "It's almost time, you two." Indeed, the sun's glow had slowly turned from yellow to orange and finally, to red. Rikun and Shoei also turned their heads towards the shrine.

"...Can you hear it?" Rikun asked his two companions. Rikuo shook his head.

"No...Just a regular crossing street song." Shoei replied. The light adjacent from them was the one chirping, signaling pedestrians to hurry and finish crossing.

The light in front of them flashed green.

Tooryanse- Tooryanse-

"!" The path in front of them wavered and flickered in the dusk, a layer of Fear distorting its image.

"This sound… It's not the sound of any mechanical appliance." Rikun said darkly. Shoei and Rikuo nodded.

Which way is this narrow pathway?

The pathway seemed to grow wider, darker, and yet at the same time, more inviting. As if the very air around it were sickeningly sweet and frightening at the same time, inviting all those that are lost into its vast darkness.

This is the narrow pathway of the Tenjin shrine

"..." Rikun looked at his brother and Shoei. They nodded. The place was inviting them in.

Rikun took a deep breath.

"Let's go, you two."

Please allow me to go through…

"It's still bright out… Is it not completely dusk yet?" Rikun asked no one in particular. The three of them trudged through the torii gates, looking for any clues. The eerie song played on in the background.

Those without good reason shall not pass…

"Hey, Rikuo." Rikuo snapped his head up in Rikun's direction.

"Yes, Rikun?"

"What do you know about this 'Tooryanse?'" Rikun turned around to face his brother, walking at a slight angle now.

"Well, I've heard of the missing person's cases that's popped up recently, of course. But I'm assuming that's why you're here in the first place." Rikuo responded. "I did a little bit more digging around, and it seems like the 'Tooryanse' isn't a recent occurrence."

To celebrate the 7th birthday of this child...

"Can you elaborate on that, Rikuo-sama?" This time, it was Shoei who spoke up. Rikuo huffed.

"Well, it seems there's always been quite a bit of missing people cases around this area. 15 years ago, there was another group of people who disappeared here. I think it was about 15 to 20 people that went missing that time." Rikuo said. He adjusted his pack on his shoulder.

"And not only that, but 30 years ago, 50 years ago, there were always an abnormally high amount of people going missing in these areas."

"They've been here that long? How come we never found them?" Rikun questioned.

"Well, it's not really that surprising. Youkai generally don't want to deal with bigger shrines, especially shrines dedicated to famous gods. We deal with Tochigamis**, but shrines dedicated to actual gods? Youkai tend to avoid those." Rikuo replied. "Although, nowadays it seems it doesn't really matter anymore. Shrines can be dedicated to a god in name only; what dwells inside the shrines is an entirely different matter."

Rikun thought of the seals back in Kyoto. Indeed, those shrines were dedicated to the various gods of Japan, and yet they were actually sealing grounds for youkai… Perhaps it also has to do with the waning beliefs in gods nowadays?

"Anyway, there's also something else that I found interesting in the files I was looking through-" Rikuo paused in his footsteps. Rikun blinked. Rikuo pointed at something ahead of them.

I've come to dedicate our offering-

"Sob...sniff…" A young girl squatted in the shadows, her hands covering her face as she cried.

"Young Master, this is…" Shoei started as the three of them stepped closer.

"...A trap." Rikuo stated the obvious. "Or an invitation, perhaps, depending on how you look at it I suppose."

Rikun stared at the young girl. She looked to be about 10 years old, wearing a traditional kimono and her hair adorned with simple kanzashi hair clips. He pursed his lips into a straight line, as if he were making a tough decision.

"Uwahh… I wanna go home… sniff!" She continued crying. Rikuo and Shoei looked at each other as Rikun continued staring at the girl.

"What do we do now?" Shoei questioned.

"Well, it's an invitation, but no one says we have to take it. But if there's an invitation just sitting here, most likely the youkai we're dealing with is an area of effect type of youkai. It'd make sense, with the missing people cases-" Rikuo glanced at his brother.

"It's alright, you can come home with us." Rikun said as he stepped towards the girl, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Young Master..?!" Shoei nearly screamed.

"Rikun!" Rikuo yelled. To Rikun, their voices sounded distant, like they were suddenly too far away.

"Uwahh! It's no use! I can't go home anymore!" The girl cried out as Rikun tried to help her stand up. Her arms finally left her face.

It was empty. A hole cut out from her head.

"For I have no face."

Going in is easy, but returning is scary-e-e

A metallic clang sounded at Rikun jammed his hidden sword in between the scissor blades.

"Creaaaaak..! Creaaaaaak…..!" The rusted scissor creaked as its wielder tried to forcibly cut through the sword jamming it.

"Urk…" Rikun groaned. His sword won't hold up much longer, all he needs is a split second opening-

"Hiiiiiyah!" A fierce kick landed on the side of Tooryanse's head.

"Gwehch..!" Tooryanse spat as he was kicked away from Rikun. Rikun hurriedly pulled out his sword.

Rikuo was already standing in front of him, sword drawn.

"What the hell are you! And what did you do to this girl?!" Rikun yelled, staring the enemy down.

Tooryanse looked like he had been burned to death three times over. Bandages covered his entire body and head, leaving only his eyes, his mouth full of sharp teeth, and a few tufts of black hair sticking out from between the bandages. He wore a tattered police uniform that was commonly seen in the Meiji era, his cape flowing menacingly behind him.

"...?" Tooryanse stopped his movements, staring at the two Nurarihyon brothers. "You...do not 'Fear' me…?"

Hah, as if! Rikun thought internally.

"How boring…" Tooryanse drawled in his raspy voice. Rikun and Rikuo both blinked at his words. Tooryanse laughed, licking his rusty blades. "I wanna hear it… something like 'I wanna go home!'... or 'I'm scared'..." The darkness seemed to envelope him.

"I want to see...that kind of face… ehehehe…." The darkness swelled around him.

"Wait!" Rikun yelled, already running forward.

Rikuo disappeared from beside Rikun, appearing directly in front of Tooryanse, catching him just before the darkness swallowed his figure whole. Nukiashi.

It didn't matter, Rikuo's sword still hit nothing. Tooryanse giggled as he melted into his surroundings.

The two brothers quickly surveyed the area. Nothing. Even the girl from before was gone.

"...What was that?" Rikun voiced out loud, gripping his sword. The grip and sheath were both slightly damaged from Tooryanse's scissors, but they would hold for now. "Shoei's gone, too."

"Be careful, Rikun. We're already in his 'world,'" Rikuo warned his brother, calmly sheathing his sword. "Unless we can find a way to break through his Fear, he's got the upper hand in this place." He said gravely, sounding very unlike Rikuo.

"...Sorry." Rikun apologized. He knew it was a trap, too, of course. But the humans…

"It's fine. If I had come alone, I might've made the same decision." Rikuo replied. "But first things first, have you ever fought against an area of effect type youkai before, Rikun?"

"Other than our Oitekebori and Kidomaru's Rajoumon, no."

"I see. In that case I'd say I'm more experienced than you when it comes to dealing with these types of guys." Rikuo said as he stepped forward. Rikun immediately came to his side.

"Listen up, Rikun. The first rule for facing off against these types of guys is to stow your fear." Rikuo started explaining, voice serious. "These guys usually feed off of the 'Fear' emanated from those trapped within their world. The moment you show 'Fear' in their territory, it's game over." Rikun gulped as he nodded. Rikuo gripped his shoulder.

"Calm down and focus, Rikun. Another thing that's common for these 'worlds' is that they tend to amplify your feeling of 'Fear.' The world itself makes it easier to 'Fear' the enemy, so focus is very important here."

"R-Right." Rikun took several deep breaths, trying to calm his blood. It helped minutely, but at least his face wasn't as tight anymore.

"Good. Secondly, can you transform here Rikun?" Rikun closed his eyes. He shook his head.

"No. My youkai form isn't coming out." Damn. This just got a whole lot harder. Rikuo nodded like it was normal.

"I suspected as much when you didn't transform during that fight. So I guess technically I'm the stronger one here, huh?" Rikuo asked, his voice carrying a slight tone of cheekiness. Rikun scowled and hit his brother on the arm.

"I can't believe you're joking at a time like this." Rikuo laughed, his laughter foreign and unsuited for their situation and surroundings.

"Can't help it, dude. Also, it's easier to forget about your fear this way, no?" He snickered. Rikuo was right, the joke definitely took the seriousness out of the situation. Rikuo tossed Rikun his sword.

"Here, you can use that one. I'm not sure how long yours is going to hold up."

"What about you?" Rikun asked. Rikuo slung his pack down to the ground.

"I brought two swords." He said as he pulled out another sheathed sword. Rikun snorted.

"Always prepared, aren't you?" Rikuo rolled his eyes.

"Better than underprepared I should think." Was the flippant reply. Rikuo secured the sword into his belt and slung the now empty pack over his shoulder once more. "You're lucky my reflexes were fast enough to also enter this world with you, Rikun. Or you'd have to face this guy all by yourself while Shoei and I panic outside." Rikuo said, brushing dirt off himself. Rikun stuck out his tongue at his brother.

"Anyway, as I was saying before we got dragged into this world, there's something else you should know about this youkai we're facing right now."

"What is it?"

"Tooryanse is also nicknamed 'The Face Stealer' around these parts. I wasn't too sure what it was exactly other than a few records of humans claiming they saw 'people with their faces stolen' in the area. But after seeing that girl and that giant scissor….I'd say it's pretty obvious what he does and how he does it now." Rikun nodded.

"There must be a mechanism that allows him to steal the faces of those who walk into his territory." Rikun reasoned. Rikuo nodded. "So as long as we can figure out what it is, he won't have the chance to steal our faces, is that it?"

"Indeed. He even told us how it works." Rikuo agreed. Rikun raised an eyebrow. He did?

"Tooryanse said it before, didn't he? 'I want to see that kind of face…' 'I wanna go home…' 'I'm scared….' Likely, he steals your face the moment you show any kind of outward 'Fear' towards him."

"I see. So 'stow your Fear,' huh…" Rikun liked his face, thank you very much. Not as much as his youkai face, but still. The brothers continued walking.

"Uuuuu...Help me…!" Rikun and Rikuo glanced at each other. They nodded as one, and rushed towards the sound.

""Help us…! We want to leave….!" The faceless girls cried, reaching out pale hands to grasp at the brothers.

"W-What is this?" Rikun held his swords defensively in front of him as the girls advanced closer. Rikuo also assumed a defensive stance.

"Give us…"

"Give them to us…."

"We can never leave…! We don't have faces….aaaaaaaahh!" The girls swarmed the two brothers.

"!" Rikun and Rikuo tried to back away from the girls, but it was no use. They clawed and gripped at their clothes, their legs, preventing them from moving.

"Hey, hey! It's alright! Don't cry…" Rikuo tried to reassure some of the sobbing girls.

"Yeah, don't worry, we'll definitely get you guys out…" Rikun joined in with his brother. The girls didn't seem to hear them, still wailing. Damnit, what do we do now..?

"My women are pretty terrifying, aren't they?"

"Rikun! Focus!" Rikuo yelled, trying to free himself from the girls' grips.

Rikun stared in horror at the faces inside Tooryanse's cloak.

Inlaid into his cloak were the cut out faces: round, skinny, pale, dark….faces of all kinds of people stared at Rikun.

Their faces-


"Hehehe that's it...that's the face…"

"Rikun! Run for it!"

"That face...that 'Fears' me…!"

Tooryanse grabbed onto Rikun's face, his giant scissors poised.

Rikun tried to bring up his sword arm, but it was too late. He felt the rusty blades cut into the sides of his cheeks.

"I want it…!"

Rikuo tackled Rikun out of the way.

"Rikuo!" Rikun yelled as Tooryanse's scissors cut into Rikuo's back, leaving two large gashes on his sides. Several strands of hair from Rikuo's ponytail floated to the ground. Rikuo hissed at the pain, but still stood up as soon as they were out of the way.

"What-" Tooryanse started. Rikuo gave a fierce yell and reverse roundhouse kicked him in the face.

As Tooryanse staggered backwards, Rikuo took the chance to grab Rikun's hand and pull him up.

"Snap out of it, Rikun!" Rikuo yelled as he pulled and half-carried Rikun by his clothes into a jog.

Rikun panted heavily. "I- I can't. It's like my face is stuck in this position." It was true. It felt like his muscles were suddenly super-glued into that exact expression, that expression of surprise Rikun made when Tooryanse suddenly appeared behind them. Rikuo cursed. He pushed Rikun behind him.

"Stay close then. I'll handle this." Rikuo said, standing protectively in front of Rikun. They had retreated only slightly farther than the group of women who were still kneeling on the ground, hugging each other and screaming.

Tooryanse stared at the human in front of him. "Why...don't you 'Fear' me…?" Rikuo scoffed.

"I've laughed in the face of death far too many times now to be afraid of some small fry like you," was his reply. Tooryanse grinned, showing his razor sharp teeth.

"Hehehe...even so, that one over there…" Tooryanse pointed at Rikun. "Has already been completely sucked into my world of 'Fear'... Hehehe...I wonder what you will do now, hm-"

Rikuo suddenly appeared right under his guard.

"Haaaaah!" Rikuo yelled as he aimed a powerful thrust at Tooryanse's head. Rikuo's sword took out one of Tooryanse's ears.

"Tch..!" Tooryanse swung his giant scissors around. Rikuo jumped, landing lightly on the scissor blades.

He struck again, this time aiming at Tooryanse's chest. The strike connected, but Tooryanse lifted his blades and threw Rikuo off before Rikuo's blade could sink deeper. Rikuo backflipped gracefully, landing with a light tap.

Rikun watched as his brother's red jacket danced and floated around Rikuo as his brother fought. It was…mesmerizing. Rikuo moved swiftly, like a water current. Never using too much or too little force, Rikuo seemed to dance around Tooryanse as he struck with a series of quick strikes. The striking red of Rikuo's jacket danced and waved around him ethereally against the darkness.

This may be Tooryanse's territory, but in terms of sheer skill, Rikuo was leagues better than Tooryanse.

Tooryanse seemed to notice it too, and he wasn't happy about it. The air around them shivered as Tooryanse brought out more of his Fear. Rikuo, who was too close to him, faltered in his footsteps. The scissors closed in on his neck.

"I've decided...I don't want your face." Tooryanse seethed. "I want your head."

In a feat of impressive accuracy, Rikuo thrust his sword forward, the blade sliding right in between the two scissors blades, straight into the pivot point.

Tooryanse's scissors were locked again, the rusty parts grinding against the blade stuck in it.

"Why you-!" Tooryanse cursed as Rikuo's fist connected with the side of his face. Tooryanse snarled and tried to swing his scissors around. Rikuo didn't give him the chance; he ducked and weaved and made sure to stay impossibly close to Tooryanse, landing hits and strikes while Tooryanse tried to maneuver his scissors to try and fend Rikuo off.

Of course! Rikun realized. His scissors are too large; Tooryanse can't wield them properly against close quarters combat! Rikun watched on in awe as his brother slowly pushed Tooryanse back.

Nura Clan Traditional Family Technique: Flying Youkai Yakuza Kick! Rikuo aimed a powerful kick straight into Tooryanse's nose. Tooryanse spun around once before managing to find a proper footing, blood trickling from beneath his bandages. He looked absolutely murderous.

Incredible...was all Rikun could think. Rikuo retreated so that he was standing in front of Rikun once again.

"Rikun, can you fight now?" Rikun snapped out of his reverie. "Have you managed to stow your fear?" Rikuo asked further, keeping his eyes on the enemy, fists raised.

Come to think of it, Rikun's face didn't feel that tight anymore. His shoulder muscles were relaxed, and his eyes wide as he stared up at his brother with fascination and awe.

"Y-Yeah." Rikun managed to answer as he stood up, coming to stand next to Rikuo. Rikuo nodded, acknowledging him.

"We gotta figure out either how to get out of here, or how to kill this guy fast." Rikuo panted as he told his brother. He was tiring out already. "I might be able to punch and kick him, but my fists aren't strong enough to kill a guy, especially in his territory." Rikuo shook his head as Rikun made to pass him the good sword Rikuo had passed him earlier. "I'll take the broken one; I can at least fend him off without a sword, but you're not as used to hand to hand combat as I am."

A sharp piercing sound sounded through the area as the sword Rikuo jammed into Tooryanse's scissor shattered. Rikun held up his sword. Rikuo can't take much more, especially with those wounds on his back. I have to protect him until we can get out of here. Rikun thought, stepping in front of Rikuo instinctively. But how…?

"Shit!" Shoei cursed, slamming his fist into a nearby torii gate. "I can't find them anywhere…" Shoei cursed internally. If only he'd reacted fast enough, then maybe… Shoei looked down at his feet.

"Young Master…?!"

"Rikun!" Rikuo yelled. Shoei cursed and stepped forward, reaching for Rikun's shoulder.

A flash of white appeared in front of him. Rikuo, despite being farther away, rushed in and grabbed Rikun's shoulder, stepping into the shadows.

Shoei blinked. The two Nurarihyons were gone.

If only Shoei had been faster, he would have been the one to support Rikun. Instead his momentary pause of surprise had caused the second Young Master to disappear also. The second Young Master who couldn't hold his own against youkai himself.

Falling for an obvious trap like that, Rikun...what the hell were you thinking?! Shoei thought of those words Rikun had said all those years ago.

"I will never forgive any youkai who attacks humans,"

Shoei smiled slightly to himself. "Heh, that never-waving conviction of yours...just goes to show how great of a Third Head he'll become."

"Nura-kun-!" Shoei whipped his head around at the feminine voice.

"Nura-kun-! Can you hear me! Nura-kun-!" Yokotani Mana yelled, panting as she made her way through the gates. She clenched her clothes tightly. If Nura also disappeared from under her eye…

"You...are Rikun's teacher, right?" Yokotani whipped her head around to see Nura's blond and tall relative. Shoei, I think that was his name?

"Oh, it's you..!" Yokotani sighed with relief. At least she found someone. She tried looking over the giant's shoulder. "Wh-Where's Nura-kun…?" Her voice trailed off, fearing the worst. Shoei pursed his lips, before shaking his head.

"He...disappeared. Right in front of me." Shoei admitted. Damn, he was never good at conversing normally with humans, especially women. As a delinquent, most of the time they let their fists do the talking, and in the rare times they used their mouths the words that spewed from them were...not exactly the nicest.

"N-No…" Yokotani put her hand up to her mouth. No, no, no, nonononono…! This is just like-

"Damn it!" Shoei punched the torii gate again. "Where the hell did they go?!"

"No…! It's-It's just like last time.." Yokotani cried out. "All I did was cover my ears and close my eyes…!" Shoei whirled around to face her.

"What did you say?"

"It's just like 15 years ago!" Yokotani finally burst out, tears threatening to spill out of her eyes. "It's just like when Ayako disappeared right in front of me 15 years ago! If Nura-kun's… If my student's been taken this time I- I-!" Yokotani hiccupped, trying to wipe away the tears in her eyes.

"H-Hey, calm down a bit first," Shoei tried unsuccessfully. "I'm going to find them, I promise!" Shoei looked around at the dark forest. Shit, if they've been taken to a different world, then how is Shoei going to find them?

"I….I wanna go home…." A voice called out. "I-I-" the voice hiccuped. "I want to leave this place…" It called out. "Someone...please-! Save us…!"

"?!" Yokotani stopped crying. That voice…

"Ayako!" She yelled. "You're Ayako, right? Where are you?!" She yelled, turning around in circles, desperately trying to find the voice of her friend.

Shoei glanced upwards.

A slit in midair…?! Shoei gripped his sword tightly. I've found them…!"

"Ayako! Is that you?! I'm coming to save you now, ok?!" Yokotani yelled into the air, not even sure what she could do. A large hand gently pushed her out of the way.

"Stay back." Shoei commanded, bringing out his mask. Dad, I'll be borrowing your power!

"Guh…!" Rikun groaned as the heavy scissor slammed down on his sword. Cracks appeared on the thin blade Rikun wielded. Rikun grit his teeth, and angled his sword to the side, the rusty blade sliding across it and embedding itself into the ground.

Rikun immediately jumped away, trying to put some distance between them. He swore.

Rikuo's sword had already broken, and although his brother had managed to bash the remaining hilt into Tooryanse's dumb forehead, the youkai was still standing and Rikuo was once again, weaponless. Rikun had the only sword left between the two of them and it was already cracking.

Damn youkai! Using those human faces as shields…! Tooryanse had figured out that the two brothers wouldn't attack the faces he held within his cape and used it to his advantage. Now, the two Nurarihyon brothers were slowly being pushed back as they tried not to hit the humans.

"Fear" filled the world, suffocating the two brothers and making it harder to move. Tooryanse's scissors closed in on Rikun.

"Rikun!" Rikuo yelled from behind Tooryanse, where he'd been thrown into a tree earlier. He was too far. He wouldn't be fast enough.

The world exploded around them.

Taien, Hihi no Oodachi! Fear wrapped around Shoei's form and blade. His fingers grew longer, hairier, his form swelling even bigger in size. Shoei aimed at the slit in the air, and swung his sword down.

The sword tore through Tooryanse's fabric of reality, revealing the three locked in battle in a different dimension.

Tooryanse was blasted away from Rikun. Rikun squinted through the smoke.

"Sh-Shoei!" Rikun cried out in relief. Shoei lifted a calm hand up to his mask.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Young Masters."

"Hmph-! He cut through my 'world'..." Tooryanse muttered. "Who...are you..?" He rasped at Shoei.

Rikun's blade hit the back of Tooryanse's head, sending him flying. Tooryanse's bandages ripped at the strike.

"...Thanks, Shoei." A deep voice sounded out. "You saved our lives back there."

"N-Nura...kun…?" Yokotani stared in disbelief. Just a moment ago the man in front of her had been her black-headed student. And yet now, the person standing in front of her was…

Tooryanse ripped the loose bandages off his face, chewing on them. He brandished his scissor with one hand. "I see...so you too, are a youkai…" He smiled.

"...Rikuo. Help me look after my teacher." Rikun said, picking up his jacket. Rikuo nodded and silently went to stand in front of Yokotani, moving the both of them out of the way.

"Um...you are?" Yokotani tried to ask. Rikuo didn't respond, choosing instead to focus on Tooryanse's movements, fists raised.

"Well, then," Rikun started, stepping forwards. "Let's get right down to hunting this guy, Tooryanse the Slasher Demon!"

"Restore our territory," Rikun said darkly, flicking the blood off his blade. "And let these women go." Rikun pointed his sword at Tooryanse, Shoei close behind.

Tooryanse looked around him, at the two youkai in front of him. And that pesky little human who landed several blows on him.

"Hmmmm…. You two look strong…" He grinned, his razor-sharp teeth showing. "Allow me to hold your attention for just a moment…" Rikun and Shoei blinked. Tooryanse flipped open his cape, showing the faces hidden inside. He reached a hand inside…

,..and crushed a girl's face.

"!" Rikun and Shoei watched on in horror as Tooryanse forcibly disfigured the faces he held inside his clothes. Yokotani screamed as blood flowed out of the faces and bones pushed out of the girls' skulls as Tooryanse crushed them. The faces screamed as Tooryanse's hand came closer to them, crushing the faces one by one.

"Gyahahaha…! Whose road do you think this is?" Tooryanse laughed, enjoying the way the faces squelched and spurted in his hand. "This road here belongs to the gods," Tooryanse grinned evilly. "So like hell I'd send you home. This road belongs to Tooryanse."

The girls screamed as Tooryanse continued his madness, crushing over half of the faces stored in his cape. Even Rikun was starting to feel nauseous, and Shoei had a look of abject horror on his face. Rikuo, thank the gods, had taken to shielding Yokotani from the sight, clutching her tightly and making sure she couldn't see the gruesome sight before them. Rikuo himself held a face of conflict, trying not to show any fear and yet also feeling a bit too squeamish at the bloody sight.

"Gyahahahah! That's right….'Fear' me!" Tooryanse yelled. Fear wrapped around his form and his blade.

The blade changed shape, growing bigger, sharper. It's previously single-edged blades now resembled something more like teeth, with multiple jagged edges that looked as if they could chew you up into mincemeat if the owner willed it.

"This is… the rekindling of 'Fear,'" Tooryanse said. "'Fear' makes us stronger, no?!"

"The purpose of a youkai is to be 'Feared,' and to be spoken of...

"Like a ghost story…

"Like an urban legend…

"Like Hyakku monogatari…" Rikun widened his eyes at the name.

"Even the young will wander forever in my world! Gyahahahahaha!" Tooryanse screamed, opening his scissors.

"Shoei…huh?!" Rikun called out. Except Tooryanse didn't rush at him like Rikun expected him to. Shoei readied his blade in a defensive stance, only for Tooryanse to rush by him too. Rikun and Shoei widened their eyes as the realization hit them at the same time.


"Young Master!" Rikun and Shoei yelled at the same time. Tooryanse flew to where Rikuo and Yokotani were, his now monstrous scissors closing in, threatening to cleave them in half. Yokotani screamed as Rikuo pushed them backwards. Yokotani's back hit the torii gate. They were trapped. There was no way out. Tooryanse cackled.

"This is the end for you~ " Tooryanse sang. He brought his blades down.

"You-You are a youkai too…?!" Tooryanse gritted out as he struggled to close his scissors. Rikun and Shoei stood frozen, looking at the scene in front of him.

Rikuo stood in between Yokotani and Tooryanse, his hands each gripping onto one blade, forcing them open. Rikuo grunted as his foot slipped backwards.

"Im-Impossible!" Tooryanse rasped as he doubled his efforts to cleave the human standing in front of him in half.

Rikuo had his head down, his bangs covering most of his face. His hands shook and bled as he pushed against the edges of the rusty blades, exerting all his energy into keeping the scissors open. He pushed back against Tooryanse with just as much force, neither of them able to move.

Is that...Fear? Rikun watched as small black tendrils seemed to rise from his brother's body. Rikuo lifted his head.

His eyes were no longer round and chocolate colored. Instead, a pair of sharp, dark, almost red eyes glared back at Tooryanse. Tooryanse felt himself flinch at the intensity of Rikuo's stare. Rikuo gritted his teeth.

"What the fuck are you guys doing?!" Rikuo yelled. Rikun and Shoei jumped. "Do you intend to just stand there and look pretty?!" Rikuo readied his foot. "Get in here…" He gritted, taking a slight step backwards. "...and do some fucking damage, you two slowasses!" Rikuo let out a mighty roar as he kicked his foot upwards, kicking the pivot point of Tooryanse's scissors. The entire weapon flew upwards and Tooryanse was knocked off balance as his scissors suddenly tilted harshly upwards. Rikuo body tackled him with a yell, and Tooryanse flew backwards as Rikuo fell to his knees, his energy mostly spent.

"Shoei," Rikun called out, his voice dark. "I'm going to use Matoi." Shoei widened his eyes.

An explosion of Fear enveloped the place in mist. Rikun now held a large sword, more than three times bigger than himself. Tooryanse stared up at this new youkai.


"Is that all there is...to that 'Fear' of yours?" Rikun asked Tooryanse darkly, lifting the heavy blade over his shoulder. He swung the blade down.

Hihi no Matoi: Kokikurenai Daishinsou!

"The dread that you obtain from panic," Rikun started, the mist clearing as his sword returned to normal. "Can only conquer one aspect of 'Fear'..." Tooryanse's body thumped to the ground in two pieces.

"Shoei," Rikun called out. Shoei coughed as his body rematerialized after using Matoi. "Thanks for that. You saved us both." Rikun turned and gave his gratitude to the hanyou. "This blade is no Nenekirimaru, so I couldn't go about it half assed," Rikun said, looking at his nearly broken blade. Shoei huffed.

"Don't give me that. You walked right into that trap, and in human form too!" Shoei retorted. "And not to mention, Rikuo-sama also got dragged in with you."

"Sorry about that, Shoei." Rikun laughed lightly. "Well, I'll talk to the old man about this matter, but I'd like for you to have this land, Shoei." Shoei blinked.


"From now on, this is your turf," Rikun smiled at his friend. "Make sure you cultivate a great 'Fear' from this place for us.

"For the Nura Gumi, and for your father's sake as well."

Shoei looked at his childhood friend in awe. Oyaji...So this is what you meant. Shoei thought. The Supreme Commanders' ability comes from when those with great 'Fear' take care of the weaklings and the lowly and protect them from whatever danger...before you know it, everyone else wants to follow them also… Shoei took in a deep breath. He nodded at Rikun.

"Yes…!" Oyaji...I've made up my mind. Shoei swore to himself. I...want to follow Rikun. And I'll expand the Hihi Clan and the Nura Gumi...just watch!

"Ah, um…" Rikun and Shoei turned towards the girls, who all held their faces in their hands now.

"Thank you...for exterminating that man." They chorused softly, their faces now returned. "Now we can all...go home…" They bowed in gratitude as their spirits glowed, signaling their departure. Rikun smiled softly at them. He bowed his head, wishing them a safe journey.

"Ayako!" Yokotani yelled. "Ayako!" She cried at a familiar figure. A blonde woman turned at the voice.

"Ma..na…?" She called out hesitantly. Yokotani cried as she hugged her friend.

"I'm sorry…! I'm so sorry!" Yokotani sobbed. "I've always been looking for the past fifteen years...but I was never able to find you… I'm sorry!" Yokotani apologized to her friend, tears streaming down her face. Ayako petted her friend's head softly.

"I...was worried about you," Ayako admitted with a sad smile. "Because when I'm not around, you can't do anything…" Yokotani gave her a watery smile.

"Ayako...Yeah...I really can't do anything...without you," She smiled, her voice choking up. Ayako glanced at Rikun.

"He is…" Ayako started. "Your student, isn't he?" Yokotani wiped the tears off her face.

"Huh?" Ayako smiled softly.

"You've...become an old lady without me," Ayako's body started glowing as her spirit slowly faded into light. "Thank you...for finding me…"

"Ayako…? Ayako!" Yokotani yelled after her friend. Their fingers touched one last time, and Ayako disappeared into the light. "Ayako!" Yokotani cried, a new wave of tears and sobs overcoming her.

Rikun watched the tearful goodbye from afar. He hadn't known his teacher's friend had also been caught in Tooryanse's world.

"Ehehehe…." Rikun looked at Tooryanse, who grinned at him from his place on the ground. "My Fear...is disappearing." Tooryanse laughed in that raspy voice of his. "Well, take care that this land isn't taken away from you again...ahahaha…" Rikun narrowed his eyes.

"What did you say?" Tooryanse laughed at Rikun's expression.

"The 'scramble for Fear' has already started...in a place you don't know of…" Tooryanse said. "Rotting down to its core. Ahahaha…

"Even amongst yourselves, the darkness is soaking in…" Rikun's hand tightened on his sword.

"As long as there is 'terror,' we, the Hyakku Monogatari Clan...will continue to exist," Tooryanse rasped. "Even if I disappear...I want...my story to continue…"

"I want them to continue...speaking of me….of….Tooryanse the Mon…" Tooryanse's Fear disappeared, returning the eerie path back to its natural state. Rikun stared at the place where Tooryanse's remains disappeared.

"The Hyakku Monogatari Clan, huh…"

"Rikun-sama~~~~~~~~~!" Karasu Tengu cried, two waterfalls of tears streaming down his face. Rikun put his hands up and made a pushing motion against the crow youkai.

"Euch, gross. Please don't cry on me, Karasu Tengu." Rikun said as he tried to back away from the overbearing clan advisor.

"RIKUN-SAMA!" Karasu Tengu yelled, straight into Rikun's face. "You shouldn't be engaging in such dangerous youkai alone in the first place! Why didn't you two notify the clan?!" He yelled at Rikun and Shoei, who was sitting in the small room behind his friend. Karasu Tengu pointed his staff at the opposite corner of the room.

"And what's more, you two had Rikuo-sama dragged in with you! And Rikuo-sama was injured!" Karasu Tengu practically screeched.

"Ummm well, originally I was going to go alone, but then I ran into Rikun and Shoei-"

"You were going to go in alone?!" Karasu Tengu screeched out loud this time.

"...and it really wasn't that big of a deal, Karasu Tengu…" Rikuo tried to reason from where he was being bandaged by Zen. Said bird youkai snorted from behind Rikuo.

"Yeah, right. And it totally isn't a big deal that your back wounds were so severe you needed to have Shoei carry you the entire way back." Rikuo spluttered.

"I told you! The only reason I needed to be carried back was because I used up too much stamina trying to fight off Tooryanse!"

"Well, maybe you shouldn't have fought him in the first place."

"What, and let Rikun die in Tooryanse's world?" Rikuo rolled his eyes. "Rikun's the Third Heir! If one of us had to die back there, the obvious logical choice would be me, no?"

"Don't say such things ever again, Rikuo." Rihan's voice sounded from the door. Rikuo jumped at the sound of his father's voice.

"But Otou-san-!" Rikuo snapped his mouth shut when Rihan gave him an unreadable gaze. Rihan stared at his first son, before eventually sighing.

"Rikuo." He called out. Rikuo immediately sat at attention. "While it's true Rikun is the Third Heir, I also don't want you to go and sacrifice yourself, got it? You both are important to me." Rikuo dipped his head down.

"Yes, Otou-san." He mumbled. Rihan sighed again. Rikuo felt a hand gently pat his head. He looked up at Rihan.

"That being said, good work Rikuo. I'm proud of you." Rikuo looked up at his father, and slowly beamed. "But please don't run off and try to do something dangerous on your own again." Rikuo smiled sheepishly and nodded. Rikun smiled at the way Rikuo looked so happy. It looked way different from…

"Hey by the way, Rikuo," Rikun called out as he remembered something. Rikun had already been checked over by Zen's subordinates, and had two bandages on both his cheeks. He was leaning near the door opposite from the one Rihan came in. Rikuo turned to face his brother.

"Yes, Rikun?" Rikuo asked. Rihan closed the door and sat down next to Rikuo as Zen started bandaging his hands.

"Do you, uh, have a youkai form?" Rikun asked, his face scrunching up as he remembered what happened back at Tooryanse's world. Those black tendrils that seemed to come from Rikuo's body...That was Fear wasn't it? It reminded Rikun of his own transformation actually.

Rikuo blinked at the odd question. "Well, yeah, of course I do. You and Otou-san both have different forms, right? Of course I have one."

"Really?!" Everyone else cried out. Rikuo jumped at the sudden noise.

"Um, yes…?"

"Wait, so when you protected Yokotani-sensei was that it?" Rikun quickly asked.


"Wait, wait, wait." Rikun suddenly retracted, waving his arms. "Wait, no. First off, can you transform now then, Rikuo?" Rikun asked his brother. Rihan also turned expectantly at his first son. Rikuo frantically shook his head.

"N-No! I can't really...transform at will like that…" Rikuo trailed off, wringing his hands nervously. "It's more of an instinct? Whenever I'm in a life or death situation or if I feel really strongly about protecting something, my Fear kinda just comes out?" Rikuo scratched the back of his head. "It's not...something that comes out a lot. Either it comes out or it doesn't, but I won't deny the fact that it's helped me survive all those years out there."

The room fell silent. That was...not the most ideal of situations of course. It would be best if Rikuo could train to pull up his youkai side at will, but if that was the extent of Rikuo's ability…

"Oh, but that wasn't actually my youkai form back at Tooryanse's place if that's what you're wondering Rikun." Rikuo added as an afterthought. "That was more like...my Fear leaking out because of my desperation and emotions I guess? I do have a completely different youkai I'm told, but the problem is I don't remember anything that happens when I fully transform…"

Rikun sweatdropped. Wait, so Rikuo has a youkai form, but he can't access it nor can he remember what it felt like to be in his youkai form? That….kinda sucks to be honest.

"Everything I know about my youkai form is from stories from other people," Rikuo admitted awkwardly. "All I know is that I become...very….rude….and crass...and...perverted...in my youkai form…" He awkwardly admitted, burying his face in his hands from the embarrassment. That made Rikun bark out a laugh as Shoei also chuckled.

"No kidding! Man, when you swore at us back at Tooryanse I thought I was going mad!" Rikun laughed. "'Do you intend to just stand there and look pretty?!' Whew, I never knew you were capable of saying such things, Rikuo." Rikun teased. His brother groaned into his hands.

"Please don't bring it up…" Rikun laughed at his brother's reaction.

"Hey, what's so bad about cursing every once in a while? It's not like anyone else in this family is a saint with their words." Rikun pointed out. Rikuo just groaned louder.

"It's embarrassing…" Rikuo whined. "I've heard enough embarrassing stories from Sensei about my times as a youkai-"

"Ooh," Rikun waggled his eyebrows as he leaned forward with interest. "What kinds of embarrassing stories are we talking about, hmm?" Rikuo turned beet red.

"I-I-I-I-I'm-! Not telling!" Rikuo yelled, stammering all the way, his face completely red. Ok now Rikun was really interested. Even Rihan leaned forward at the way Rikuo's face turned red. Rikuo fidgeted under their combined stares, covering his face with one of his arms. He seemed to be calculating how to get out of the room with two Nurarihyons blocking both exits. Finally, Rikuo threw his hands up in frustration, knowing neither will back down until he revealed some information.

"It involved a brothel and lots of wine, okay?! There!" Rikuo yelled, standing up abruptly. Everyone else blinked. "I'm not saying anything more!" He made to run out of the room.

"H-Hey!" Rikun grabbed onto the edge of his kimono. "You can't just drop something like that and expect us not to ask more questions!" He half yelled, half laughed, the mental images about what his brother might have done during a drunken excursion already filling his mind. Rikuo pulled at his clothes.

"I said I'm not saying anything else!"

"What, did you like…..that with the entire brothel or something-"

"GODS, NO!" Rikuo shrieked at his father. Rikun swore he could see steam come out of his brother's ears. Rihan shrugged.

"Well, what did you expect us to think once you said 'brothel' and 'wine' together-"

"ARGH!" Rikuo yelled, tugging at his hair. He buried his face in his hands again as he tried to calm his breathing. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. He peeked an eye from between his fingers.

"...Zen-san, do you have any high blood pressure meds?" Rikuo mumbled. Zen huffed, reaching into his bag. High blood pressure medication was a staple at the main house, with three Nurarihyons running around causing trouble all the time. "Can I get a week's worth of it?" Rikuo asked. Zen nodded.

"Aw, come on!" Rikun protested. "It can't be that bad can it? Embarrassing, maybe, but who doesn't have embarrassing stories?" Rikuo gave him a weak glare, his face still completely red. Zen wordlessly handed Rikuo two rolls or medicine.

"I'll give you two weeks' worth."

"Thanks," Rikuo mumbled as he grabbed the medicine. He fled the room without another word, his red haori flipping after him.

"Hey, Rikuo? Hey!" Rikun called out as he chased after his brother. Rihan laughed, watching his two sons bicker. Or well, one son embarrassing the hell out of the other would probably be more accurate. Rikuo covered both his ears with his hands.

"AAAAAAAAARGH! NOOOOO!" He yelled, running away. Rikun laughed as he jogged after him.

"Rikuo! Hey, come on, you gotta tell me! Rikuo!"

"Can you believe he still won't tell me? And he's resorted to using Nukiashi to avoid me too…" Rikun complained as he sat on the ground. Itaku grunted as he sheathed his sickles.

"I don't really see the point of you continuing to press him for answers." The weasel youkai said. "If it's not important to your clan affairs or strength, then just let the guy be. He obviously doesn't want to answer you." Rikun pouted, puffing his cheeks out.

"It's precisely because it's non-important that I want to get the story out of him." Itaku raised an eyebrow at Rikun's answer. Rikun sighed as he rocked back and forth from his cross-legged position on the ground. "Rikuo's still clamming up around the house. I figured that if I could get him to talk more about himself, he'll see that the rest of us won't judge him like he thinks we do."

"...And you think forcing him to talk about something he clearly doesn't want to talk about will help." Itaku deadpanned. Rikun scratched his cheek.

"Weeeeeell…. Ok fine, I'll lay off on the teasing. Still would like it if he'd just share whatever he'd been doing during those eighty years…" Rikun mumbled at the end. Itaku sighed. Rikun was still too young to understand some things.

"Has it never occurred to you that those eighty years might not have been pleasant for your brother?" Rikun looked up at Itaku at that. Itaku crossed his arms before continuing.

"After all, from what we know he'd also died a pretty gruesome death with no one around. It's probable he's also encountered more than one near death experience on the road." Itaku reasoned. "We youkai can walk away from trauma and battles with little damage, but I've heard humans don't handle such stress as well. Something called 'PTSD' was it?" Rikun suddenly remembered his brother's words back at Tooryanse's road.

"I've laughed in the face of death far too many times now to be afraid of some small fry like you," Rikuo had said. Was that it? Is it that Rikuo couldn't talk about his time on the road, instead of unwilling to? Rikun suddenly felt very, very guilty.

Itaku rolled his eyes. "Well, at any rate, it's just a speculation. I don't really care about your family problems nor is it my business. I'm here to train you, so get up. You've had a long enough break I think." Rikun huffed. Itaku was right. No use speculating about his brother's mental condition if Rikuo didn't want to talk about it. Besides, they had time now with Rikuo back.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm getting up…" Rikun said as he stood up and grabbed his sword. Itaku nodded, bringing out his sickles.

"Remember, the goal here is to be able to attach your Fear onto your blade. That should make your attacks more offensive." Rikun nodded, concentrating. The two youkai stood still for a second, gauging each others' reaction.

They shot forward.

"I don't get what I'm doing wrong," Rikun panted, his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. That damn Itaku was only breathing sliiiiiiiightly harder than usual. Itaku looked at his student. "It's been almost three months and I still can't do whatever it is that you're doing."

"Well, to me it's like your Fear isn't really detaching from you, if that makes sense."

"It doesn't!" Rikun complained. Itaku rolled his eyes. "Then tell me how you do it; it'll give me some kind of reference at any rate." Itaku folded his arms again.

"Well, when I use my Fear, it extends down to the tip of my blades." Itaku paused, thinking about how his own Fear worked. He squinted as he tried to recall the feeling. "Hmm...It's more like, I shift a majority of the Fear I emit onto my blades. I still have Fear protecting my body of course, but more of my Fear is concentrated on the blades." Itaku tried to explain. "I think that's our main difference. Your Fear, Kyoka Suigetsu, wraps around your own form, right? So I guess it isn't exactly natural for you to try and extend your Fear outwards I guess? Unlike my Fear, where it's supposed to go on my blades." Rikun panted as he nodded.

"Yeah, that makes sense. A Nurarihyon's Fear distorts people's perception of us, so our Fear wraps around ourselves to do it. Before we started training I hadn't even considered trying to put Fear onto a blade." Rikun admitted, wiping the sweat off his brow. Itaku nodded.

"Then we'll work on that. You'll have to learn to shift your concentration onto your blade instead of your body."

"But then won't that leave my body vulnerable?"

"I didn't say all of your Fear, just a majority of it. Although, I suppose if you were to do that you probably wouldn't be able to use Meikyo Shisui or Kyoka Suigetsu while you have it activated…"

"So a trade off?"

"Most likely. You'll probably eventually be able to use both at the same time, but given our current timeframe, you'll probably only be able to master attaching Fear onto your blade by then." Rikun nodded, gripping his sword again. He pointed it at Itaku, signaling that he was ready for another round of training. Itaku nodded and complied, settling into a more offensive stance.

"By the way, your swordsmanship has improved. That's good at least." Rikun blinked. He grinned.

"You'll have to thank Rikuo for that! He's been teaching me in the afternoons, before I come and train with you. Speaking of which, I'd actually love to see you two spar one day. No Fear, of course." Rikun added at the end. Itaku huffed.

"Does he even know who I am?"

"Nope!" Rikun smiled cheekily. "But I'll introduce you guys someday after this is all over. I'm sure you two will get along great!" Itaku stared at Rikun with a deadpan expression.

"If you say so. Now are we going to start or what?" Rikun laughed, charging forward.

Author's notes:

* kamikushi: spiriting away

** tochigami: land god; these are local, minor gods that protect a certain piece of land.

Abrupt ending but that's only because idk how to end it without going into the next part of the story, aka Girl at the Subway Station part.

But anyway, here we get a glimpse of what kinds of trouble Rikuo "might" be going through. I say "might" because it's really mostly speculation from an outsider's perspective, but hopefully I'll get to what exactly Rikuo is feeling soon! ^^ But yeah! Rikuo isn't as weak as people make him out to be; he's a lot smarter and a lot stronger than your average human. Rikun and everyone just don't really see that since Fear is such an important aspect of being a youkai, but Rikuo is strong in his own ways :D

As for what Rikuo did during his drunken excursion at a brothel as a youkai...I'll leave that up to your imagination b̶c̶ ̶I̶ ̶a̶c̶t̶u̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶n̶o̶ ̶i̶d̶e̶a̶ ̶w̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶d̶i̶d̶ ̶e̶i̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶h̶a̶h̶a̶h̶a̶/̶s̶l̶a̶p̶p̶e̶d̶