Chapter 3: Reunion

Summary: "I really don't think your bed is the proper place for Bear. For any dog…." he begins. His medical director frowns on even having the animal in the facility, much less on a recovery room bed.

Yes, it's becoming abundantly clear that Mr. Reese is well on the road to recovery, the exchange concerning hospital food being only the latest example of their chafing relationship.

Finch spends the large part of everyday monitoring the ex-ops therapy sessions, and while the ex-soldier is as disciplined as one would expect, never shirking his physical exercises, there is that tendency to over-do them to the point of excess…causing the occasional setback. Something of which of course he dutifully reminds his employee, along with the fact that this is the second wound to the same leg.

"I know my limits, Finch..!"

"Then why were you walking so stiffly this morning?" he asks, fast becoming as frustrated as his patient.

"Maybe I'm just trying to imitate my boss…!" is the biting response. But not seconds later John continues softly. "A joke Finch. In very poor taste and I apologize. I didn't mean anything by it…"

Finch merely shakes his head, but for a few days thereafter each is very careful to rein in any intemperate comment.

The Machine continues to spew Numbers and between what he deems as his duty to oversee his employee's recovery, he carries on with the necessary data searches in the effort prevent the untimely deaths the Machine predicts. But without John to do the leg work, it's an exceedingly difficult task…

He refuses to discuss any of the cases with John, knowing instinctively that the ex-op will likely leave the facility to help…and re-injure himself in the process. So he juggles as best he can those responsibilities to the Machine and to his employee, ignoring the ever growing friction between them.

Every evening he stops by the library to process the massive amount of details required to run the several enterprises he manages under his various aliases. Each morning he makes his way back to the elite facility he also owns. But he seems to have little success in controlling John as the ex-op becomes more restive with each passing day.

"So what happened to your phone?" he asks one afternoon, annoyed with his employee's insistence on walking the hallways, and hoping a conversation will keep him off his feet for a while. Even assisted by a crutch, it's apparent John is pushing himself, not so much for reasons of rehabilitation, but now out of sheer boredom.

"It died, Finch. Murdered. A horrible crushing death by foot."

"Did you at least recover the sim?"

"I doubt there's anything left to recover." On at that response, Finch makes a mental note to send one of his minions to scour the alley ground…just in case. It's part of their protocol to wipe the phones each day in case of just such an incident, but one can never be too careful.

"You know, all of this could have been prevented if you'd arranged for some back-up. Detective Carter…"

"…has her own job. This is what you hired me for, Finch." is the annoyed reply.

"Yes, but…you could have easily died in that alley. If Fusco hadn't gotten there in time…"

"Harold…! It's all right. I'm not mortally wounded, never was." Reese smiles, softening his tone as he reaches for a lighter tone. "Besides, like Fusco said, 'Only the good die young'."

Finch snorts. Yes, he'd heard that, and wasn't particularly amused. He moves on to a different subject, this one at the request of his medical team.

"I really don't think your bed is the proper place for Bear. For any dog…." he begins. His medical director frowns on even having the animal in the facility, much less on a recovery room bed.

Bear, lying snuggled comfortably against his Alpha, had long ago connected the sound of "dog" as being synonymous with his name and now looks from one human to the other, his paws firmly holding an extra pillow in place.

"He's family, Finch."

"He's a dog, Mr. Reese."

"Yes, but he's also your dog. And if your money can't buy him a place on this bed, what good is it?" the ex-op replies, stroking the animal's ears while Bear grunts with pure bliss. "Just give them another medical toy…or hospital wing, or something…"

Finch sighs. This is not an argument he will win, because John is correct: he has unlimited privileges in this facility and there is not a staff member that will refuse any of his requests. Except, apparently, being present in an operating room.

During the long weeks it takes his employee to recover, he continues working the Numbers alone…and somewhat to his surprise, successfully. He is determined not to call the detective duo, concerned it will jeopardize this temporary cover for himself and John.

But if he were completely truthful with himself, this is also a test. The latest fiasco in the alley is the second time he has almost lost his prime asset in this suicide mission to save irrelevant strangers. If there is a third time, and it results in the permanent loss of this partner…

This is an experiment presented by that logical part of his brain to determine if he can continue to handle the mission on his own. Because the thought of having to find someone to replace Mr. Reese…John…is unpalatable.

Fortunately, for whatever reason, a lull appeared during these last few weeks in the download of Machine Numbers. Perhaps a bettering of the city economy, or the spring weather, or who knows…the phase of the moon!

In any case he manages to handle both the few Irrelevants given to him and still finds time to appease the ever restless ex-op, though he impatiently counts down the days when the two of them will be back in the library doing their familiar routine. Meanwhile all is well, and he congratulates himself for having everything under control.

Until he is given three Numbers in close succession.


Finch reviews the data on each Irrelevant and his dwindling options. A decision needs to be made: he can turn the abused woman's case over to the NYPD, he can handle the senior citizen scammer himself…but that leaves one more.

"You can't do this, John!"

"Don't tell me what I can't do, Finch," the ex-op responds. "My leg is almost back to normal; I only need the crutch occasionally now when I get tired…"

"Oh, and you are going to be able to fight with that? Should be interesting: incapacitation by crutch! Running should be an even more remarkable feat…unless you think motivating with a third leg is an advantage!"

The two of them have been arguing along these lines ever since John unearthed the issue of the multiple Numbers and Finch's consideration to drop one of the cases they had just been given. It was not an option the geek cared to implement, but he was more concerned that John would attempt to involve himself before being physically whole.

"Seems to me I did very well on a crutch that last time! Or have you forgotten how we had to work together to save the chef?"

"No, I have not! But that was also not something I had planned originally. I still chastise myself for not being able to handle the physical actions by myself... you were to stay in that room and monitor me, remember?" he replies with some heat. How is it that John can always annoy him so? No one else has that ability…well, not anymore, not since Nathan.

"Harold…" Reese begins in a placating tone, "Give me some credit here. I'm just as concerned about your safety as you are about mine. There's got to be another solution."


Finch studies his employee for any sign of unsteadiness as John deftly balances the crutch, gently putting weight on his almost fully healed leg. But the ex-op seems to be in no danger of falling and he allows himself a sigh of relief. Soon they will be back in the library. Bear will be very happy about that…

After much discussion they have finally reached an agreement, a compromise…not one that he totally embraces but one that will at least preserve John's well being. This time. Now he waits as Reese taps in a number on the new phone.

"Hello, Lionel. Miss me?"

And he wonders at the slow smile dawning on the ex-ops face…

- End -

Please read "We Still Ain't Dating" for this story from Fusco's POV...and "But Are We Friends?" for this story from Reese's POV.