I was bored so I told my friend to give me a prompt and I would write it. She told me to do a Gamnep, so here it is.

Disclaimer: Homestuck obviously belongs to Hussie. I think we all already know that, though.

You were walking to your usual spot behind the school when you saw her.

It had been just a regular day. You were just going to smoke some pot like you always did at this time a day to calm the voices in your head. But then you saw her.

She was wearing blue jeans and an over-sized olive green trench coat with a blue knit cap on her head that looked like a cat, with ears and everything. She had her arms wrapped around her knees, hugging them ti her chest. It looked like she was crying. Well that was unacceptable.

"Hey sis," you said. "Why you all up and motherfuckin crying?"

She looked up at you startled. When she saw your goofy grin and the innocent look on your face she relaxed.

"It's nothing," she told you with a polite smile.

"Clearly it's not nothin or you wouldn't be sittin here cryin. I'm Gamzee by the way."


"Oh yeah, aren't you the girl who always dresses like a cat and makes all those motherfuckin adorable cat puns?"

"Yep, that's me."

You sat down next to her and pulled out your weed and pipe. "Nepeta looked at you for a moment then said "And your the guy who skips class to get high all the time."

"That's right. Want some?" you offered the pipe to her, but she shook her head. You shrugged. More for you.

"So you wanna tell me why you were all up and motherfuckin cryin now?"

The cat girl looked down at the ground and sighed. "Well, I've liked this guy for a while now, and today i finally got up the courage to tell him, and he rejected me. I mean, I could tell he was trying to be as nice as he could, but it still hurt, ya know?"

"Who is this guy?" you wondered.

"Karkat Vantas."

"Oh." You knew that guy. He was one of the shortest boys at their school. He had messy black hair (but not as messy as yours) and bright red eyes. He also always had a grumpy attitude.

"I'm just afraid I ruined my friendship with Karkitty. When I told him, he ran off pretty fast with some lame excuse that he was late for biology."

"Don't worry, sis. I have a feelin everything's gonna turn out all motherfuckin right." You moved closer to put your arm around the small girl. The two of you sat in a peaceful silence for a while.


"Yeah catnep?"

"Thanks. I think I'm already getting over Karkitty. In fact, there might be another guy I like already."

"Oh. Who?" You were a little disappointed. You thought you might kinda like her.

"You." She kissed you on the cheek.

Your eyes widened in surprise. "It's a motherfuckin miracle!" you shouted.

Nepeta giggled. "What about a 'meowracle'?"

If your eyes were wide before, now they were nearly popping out of your head. "You just blew my motherfuckin mind!" She giggled even harder.

"You wanna be my girlfriend?"

"Of course! And you know what? I think we make the purrfect ship! Way better than me and Karkitty."

"C'mon my little catnep. Let me walk you back to your next class." And the two of you went inside the school building hand in hand.

So yeah, like I said my friend told me to do this. If she hadn't I wouldn't have written it.

Review if you want, but no one's forcing you.

Also sorry sorry sorry for the lack of cat puns, but I couldn't think of any. Don't kill me!