Lao stared in shock, seeing his daughter for the first time since she'd left. His mouth opened, but no words came out. He noticed she looked different, but only slightly so. The room was silent for what seemed like an eternity before Poppy sprang to life.

"Toph! You've come home!" she cried, running to her daughter, embracing her tightly. "Oh, Lao, look! Our little Tophy's come home!" she shouted, turning to her husband. Lao just continued to stare. Slowly, he walked towards Toph, who looked up towards his face, locking eyes by chance. He knelt down, bringing himself to eye-level with her, and brought her into an embrace of his own. She hesitated slightly before returning the gesture.

"I was so worried about you" he whispered into her ear. Tears brimmed his eyes as he held onto his little girl.

"Hey, come on, Dad. You know I can take care of myself" she told him, a slight waiver in her voice as well. Lao released her and stood up, wiping his eyes of the tears. Lao looked over to Aang and Katara, who shifted nervously under his intimidating gaze. His face was set in a blank stare as he tried to hold in his anger.

"Thank you for bringing my daughter back" he said evenly. "I trust she is in good condition?" Aang nodded vigorously.

"Yes, sir, Mr. Bei Fong, sir" he said with a nervous smile. "The best!" Lao nodded.

"Good. Thank you for returning her, Avatar. Now, have a safe journey" he said dismissively, placing an arm around Toph's shoulder and trying to lead her into another room. Toph shook off the arm and turned to Lao.

"Dad, Aang's my friend. Can't you be a little more friendly with him?" she asked, placing her hands on her hips. Lao sighed.

"Excuse me, Avatar. It seems I've forgotten my manners. Would you and your friend like to stay for a meal? Perhaps a warm place to sleep for the evening?" Lao asked hesitantly. Aang and Katara looked to each other, before both nodded to Lao happily. Lao gave a stern nod in response. The four stood in an awkward silence for a moment, Aang shuffling a foot on the ground.

"So!" Toph shouted, adding a single clap. "This is nice and awkward! How about I show you two around our lovely home, eh?" she asked. She turned to Lao and hugged him. "We'll catch up later, dad. I promise" she whispered to him. He hugged back with a nod. Breaking the hug, Toph excitedly grabbed Aang and Katara's hands and began to lead her two friends around the house. After leaving the room and following a hallway a few paces, Toph's excitement seemed to disappear. She dropped their hands and turned to them. "You're welcome. Any longer in there and I think we'd all go crazy."

"He really doesn't like us, does he Toph?" Katara asked, disappointment filling her voice.

"Yeah...he really wants us gone" Aang responded, deeply hurt. Toph's expression softened at the pang in his heart she felt.

"Look, guys, he's not a bad guy. It's not personal, it's just in his eyes, I ran off cause of you..." she paused for a moment. "That didn't help at all, did it?" The two shook their heads. Toph sighed. "It's not that he doesn't like you, he just doesn't like that I ran off with you. It doesn't matter who I left with, he'd feel the same way about them" she smiled. "Now, enough sad talk! Let's get this tour on the road!" she shouted, pointing a finger in the air. "Follow me" she instructed, turning in her heel and beginning to walk, two master benders in tow.

Lao sat beside his wife in the main room. A light scowl stricken across his face. It was obvious what his thoughts had been dwelling on since he'd sat down twenty minutes ago, barely making a sound. Poppy looked to him, a small smile on her face, trying to lighten the mood.

"Well, I think she's found some good friends, don't you, dear?" she asked cautiously. Lao grunted in a response. Poppy was taken aback. "Oh, you can't tell me you've seen her this happy before" she told him, gesturing out the window. In the yard, Toph could be seen lying aside Aang, who was aside Katara. Just then,the three let out loud and joyous laughter. Poppy's smile grew. "See, they make her happy."

"Poppy, they took away our Toph. The Avatar put all kinds of ideas into her head, and made her leave us. How am I supposed to like someone who changed her so much?"

"Maybe she hasn't changed..." she told him. Poppy leaned over and grabbed Lao's hand. "Maybe we're finally just seeing the real her." Lao looked into his wife's eyes. Nodding, he continued.

"I know this is who she is now...but still...she felt happier with the Avatar, a complete stranger, over her own father. How am I supposed to just accept that?" he asked. Poppy raised a hand softly to his face.

"Nobody's asking you to accept it. Just look past it and see how things are now. She came back. She wrote to us after she left. She's growing up, Lao. They all do." The two looked out the window once again to see Toph chasing after Aang, who flew into a tree so she couldn't catch him. Lao looked down and sighed.

"I'll try..." Poppy gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"For her, Lao." He nodded.

"For Toph."

-In the Fire Nation-

As Zuko walked towards the palace gates, he'd been once again bombarded by the wealthy lords of the nation.

"When will the rebuilding of the world begin?"

"How much will all of it cost?"

"Is it true we are going to aid in the costs of rebuilding the Water Tribes?"

"When will we be expecting lady Mai to become Fire Lady?"

As he climbed the steps, he tried his hardest to ignore the voices, as he usually did. He approached the door to the palace, and threw open the doors. He quickly turned around and slammed them shut. The echo resonated through the silent palace. Zuko took a deep breath, hands still gripping the handles of the doors. A light gray smoke came out with his breath. Slowly, he released his grip on the door and turned, making his way deeper into the palace. Ignoring the curious looks he was getting from the palace guards, he shouted the one word that always helped him when he was stressed.


As if waiting for his nephew's beckon, Iroh appeared behind the new Fire Lord.

"You called?" he asked with a smile, tea in hand.

"When will the other aristocrats back off and leave me to my work?" he asked, turning down a different corridor. Iroh briskly kept pace.

"Nephew, you must understand, they are coming from a different time. Not only socially, but capitally. They are used to just having money thrust upon them only for their voice to follow the Fire Lord's wishes." Iroh placed a hand on his nephew's shoulder, stopping him in mid pace. Zuko turned to see Iroh's face. It showed both concern and pride. "You just need to be a little more patient with them. Give them time and show them what the new Fire Nation is about." Zuko couldn't help but give a small smile at his uncle's words.

"Thank you, Uncle. I'll try." With that, he headed towards his study, a much lighter mood about him. He soon reached the custom engraved doors, showing two dragons circling each other, He smiled at the door, remembering the 'field trip' he'd taken with Aang. Pushing the doors open, he stepped inside. He looked to his desk, seeing Mai sitting with one leg over the other, balancing a knife boredly in her fingertip.

"Late day again?" she asked in a monotone. Zuko sighed.

"Yes. It's those Agni cursed aristocrats. They're like hungry elbow leeches! They just keep asking questions I don't have answers to yet." He walked to the extra chair he kept in the study. He plopped down tiredly. "It's so draining" he said, leaning his head back. "I need a break." Mai looked at him with a smirk.

"You just got back after traveling around the world on a three year vacation...and you need a break?" she asked in an amused tone. He looked to her with a smile.

"I'd hardly call that a vacation." The couple laughed a moment before the room drew quiet.

"Well, if you need a break, how about tomorrow you and me have a nice lunch together?" Mai offered.

"Mai, I'm Fire Lord. I can't just not go to my meetings." She raised an eyebrow.

"But you're the Fire Lord...don't you run the nation?" Zuko opened his mouth, but closed it quickly. A thoughtful expression came to his face before his mouth curved into a smile.

"Okay, then. It's settled. Lunch tomorrow. Just us" he said, walking over to her and kissing her cheek.

-present time-


Aang looked over to see Toph standing in the doorway of his room. He had to blink a few times before reality set in.

"Toph? How did you know I was here?" he asked, perplexed.

"I can see the future" she replied in a non-chalante tone. When she heard and felt no change in mood, she tried again. "Snoozles told me. Said it's the only place you'd go. He gave me a ride."

"How'd you get up here?" She raised her hands, showing off her dirt-encrusted fingers.

"Earthbending, Twinkletoes. So, how you holding up?"

"You're the human emotion reader, you tell me."

"Let's see..." she stomped. "Frustration, anger, sadness, jealousy, and...hmm...betrayed? That just about cover it?"

"More or less... Toph, why are you here?" he asked.

"Well...I...Look, Twinkletoes, I was worried. I just figured you wouldn't want to be alone. I don't have to read you to know this is too great of a weight to bear alone." He got to his feet and began walking towards her. She noticed the weight in his usually light and care-free steps. She jumped slightly and gasped. A tear slid down her face as she realized just how much he'd been changed.

"You're right, Toph. I don't want to be alone...but I just needed to get away...from her" he said with venom. He let out a deep sigh. "Thank you for coming here." He took another step forward and grabbed Toph into a hug. She knew how much he needed it, but she needed to save face. She was Toph Bei Fong after all. She struggled in his hold.

"Yeah, yeah Twinkles, don't get all soft on me now. So, what were you doing before I came here?"

"Well, I've been thinking. Trying to figure out how everything ended up going as it did..."

"So, brooding?" Aang couldn't help but chuckle.

"It is the same thing, isn't it?"

I don't own Avatar: The Last Airbender, but if I did, Shamalan would've never got my permission...