HELLOOOO! Here's my first go at a twilight fanfiction XP! I of course don't own any thing in the twilight series, or any of the teenager posts that I write at the beginning.

0h! WARNING: I might possibly have a dislike for Bella... Yeah, um, I do not recommend reading this fanfiction if you Aren't comfortable with, or don't like any Bella hate. She might be bashed a little :P ill make an attempt to keep it to a minimum for your sake :3

[No, I wasn't ignoring you at all. I had to walk my Unicorn]

(Teenager Posts)


Marie, a nineteen year old beauty, nearly trips on the sidewalk as fresh tears rolled down her flushed face as she stumbles into the local bar. Carefully taking an unsure seat on the bar stool, she shakily orders a shot of tequila. Once the alcoholic beverage was grasped in her hand, the girl stared down at it. She swished the liquid in the glass and her mind continued on it's harsh train of thought.

He had broken up with her; plain and simple. Although; the reasons for the unexpected separation were quite the opposite. Everything had seemed normal. The sweet hand holding, the light kisses...

Marie sighed. She could still see his electric green eyes; They called to her in a way that nothing else could. Which was a problem considering the conclusion of the pregnancy test, and the tragedy of the most recent events.

Anger bubbled inside of her. What right did he have to leave her? To leave them? The baby will surely be effected by this rude, inconsiderate, unexpected, inhum-

"Stop, Marie. Stop. Don't get all worked up." She whispered silently to herself.

But now her thoughts had shifted from the rushed departure of her love, and to the small creature that was growing inside of her. A light smile touched her pink lips as she rubbed soothing circles on the hardly noticeable lump that rested close to the belly button.

"You probably shouldn't drink that if your expecting." A familiar voice from behind her stated. Marie whipped around to face the source of the voice and was met with the bright blue eyes of her best friend, Renee.


"I can't believe you didn't tell me! After I told you! God." She scoffed and sat down next to Marie. "Holy shit! Your crying! What happened? Did you hurt yourself? Did he hurt you?" Renee nearly growled the last part, haven been filled in on the odd and short tempered moments that Holland had produced. Unfortunately, now at the reminder of the sensitive topic, the tears came more rapidly and heavier.

"No! He- he just left! Yo- you know, like he does when h-he gets angry?" Marie stutters as she crys, and Renee pets her hair comfortingly.

Renee nods.

"Only this time... he left a note..." Marie trailed off, and then came back with a newfound fury. "He's never coming back! NEVER! AND HE LEFT ME A STUPID NOTE!" Renee was startled by the hurt and hatred in her best friends voice, not to mention the volume in which she had yelled. Marie was silent for a few moments, as angry tears flowed out of her eyes.

"God Dammit, Renee. What am I going to do?" She whispered.

"We'll do it together. You can move in with Charlie and I, and we can have our babies together." Renee declared.

And that exactly what happened. Marie couldn't live in the same apartment that her and Holland had shared; it was too painful. So Marie packed up her stuff and moved in with her best friend and her best friends husband, walking through the door on the first day with not only the bags and bags of clothing and memories, but also the the piles of emotional luggage that she drug with her everywhere.

Everything was going as planned: The babies were both healthy, ("And both girls!" Marie would chant in a giddy sing-song voice) and the three got along fluently. Then came September 13, 1987.

Many things occurred on this date; some joyful and uplifting, others... others not so appealing.

At 12:33 AM, Marie Eliza Hendricks gave birth to Rosemarie Renee Hendricks who was a gorgeous infant, with the same shocking green eyes that her father had beheld.

At 1:26, Marie Hendricks was found dead in the very room that she had given birth to her newborn girl. The death was depicted suicide by hanging.