AUTHOR UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!! (not very necessary unless you noticed any errors in my fic)

I have just been notified that I have quite a few errors in my fic. Thank you Flameraven, for being such a devoted CCS fan! As for the rest of you, kudos for you if you noticed, and don't feel too bad if you didn't. After all, I didn't know about it either . . . (Actually, quite expected, seeing as I don't have any of the CCS manga and WB doesn't show CardCaptors anymore . . . evil)

Anyway, since I've been accused of talking too much by one of my reviewers, here they are in no particular order:

1.) Most of the Clow Cards that Sakura Captured and Sealed were female- I'm taking a little writer-liberty (or is it creative liberty?) here by assuming that there are more Cards out there, but they're in feminine, ANDROGYNOUS forms. After all, assuming Meilin-chan's mom is a Clow Card descendent as theorized, and Meiling herself was a Clow Card as theorized, let's just theorize the rest of that, okay? Besides, CLAMP seems to have this thing for feminine, androgynous beings anyway (i.e. Nataku from X, Ashura from RG Veda, Nakaru from CCS, etc.)

2.) Also, Li's mother apparently had only one son and four daughters whereas I wrote that she only had one daughter. Well, I found this out yesterday in manga volume 3, or 4, or 6 or something, and anyway, could we just pretend that it doesn't work out that way? 'Cause I liked this story, and the whole freaking thing doesn't work once you factor in those four other sisters. After all, it messes up Meilin's entire perspective on things. So just pretend I actually got the facts right for once, okie-dokey? (Usually, I'm a stickler for correct facts and I do a whole bunch of research just to make sure I got things right, but school's about to start, and quite frankly, I don't think I'll have time or energy left do change anything. I'm too lazy anyway. And because school starts soon, I'll see you around Christmas break. ^_^)

If there's anything else I missed, just tell me, and I'll acknowledge it, and if it's fixable, I'll try to do something about it (though probably not anytime soon, if my schedule is correct- I've yet to factor in any crises and possible Armageddons.) If it's not, well, just feel good knowing that you're such a great fan of CCS.