AN: What's this? Another update that's on time? Why, I think I've gone mad! Just kidding. The real reason is that I loved your reviews soo much, that I just had to write more! Enjoy~

Chapter 8

The next day, business continued as usual. Or at least it did until Hermione met with Terrance and Phoebe for lunch.

"Sooo, how'd it go?" Terrance drawled, taking a bite of his salad.

Phoebe looked curious as well.

"It went fine." Hermione said dismissively, trying to fight off a blush.

Terrance pouted, jabbing the salad a couple times with a fork. "Aww, c'mon we want details Hermione!"

Phoebe smiled. "What did you two talk about?" she asked quietly.

Hermione thought back to the wonderful conversations they'd had the night before. "Well, I found out that she enjoys Muggle literature." she stated, again trying to fight off a blush.

"Ah ha! I knew it!" Terrance exclaimed, "You are so into her!"

Hermione scowled. "Why won't you just drop this nonsense? Besides, it really isn't any of your business who I fancy, now is it?"

Terrance pouted. "Why can't you just admit it? You like Fleur."

"Well I'll admit it as soon as you admit your huge crush on Phoebe!" she quipped back. And suddenly she wished that she hadn't.

Terrance's face paled as a look of frightened shock came over him.

Phoebe looked surprised as well, her eyes falling to stare at her hands resting in her lap. "I-Is…is that true, Terrance?" she whispered shakily.

Hermione felt awful for outing the boy's secret, but for some reason her voice refused to show itself and apologize. She could only watch the chips fall where they may.

Terrance released a pained sigh and nodded. "Yeah…it's true. I really like you, Phoebe…" he slowly stood up from the table, "But, you probably don't like me like that, and…and that's okay, because I just want you to be happy…" a sad smile spread across his lips, "I love it when you smile, you know…It makes me feel like the greatest man alive when I can make you smile…" he turned away, "Sorry to bother you with this. I hope that we can act like this never happened and stay friends." He started to leave when a small, but determined voice stopped him.

"I can't." Phoebe said softly, a light blush on her cheeks, "I can't be your friend anymore, Terrance, not after everything you have said to me."

His shoulders slumped slightly in defeat. "Oh…right, sorry. Then I'll just-"

"I want to…" Phoebe's face was a darker red than her hair as she looked up, "I-I want to be your girlfriend!"

Now it was Terrance's turn to blush nine different shades of red. Hermione couldn't help the smile that rose to her lips. "Well, I guess it's settled then, hmm?" she said happily, looking between the two, "Are you going to ask her out to have coffee now, Terrance?"

Terrance was a bumbling mess. "G-Girlfriend?! R-Really?! But, I, but you said! And then…girlfriend, m-me?"

Hermione laughed. "I think Phoebe is the girlfriend, Terrance, not you."

Terrance sputtered. "I-I know that! I'm just…I don't even know how to describe it."

Phoebe smiled. "I understand the feeling." then after a moment she stared shyly at the table, "W-Would you perhaps, want to have coffee together? A-As a…a couple?" she asked.

Terrance grinned. "I'd love to."

Hermione had about all the mushiness she could take for one day and stood up from the table. "Alright, lovebirds, I'm going to get back to work now," she stated, "Oh, and congratulations to the both of you."

When she had last looked back, she saw both of them just sitting there, casting furtive and blushing glances at each other. They really are cute together, she mused to herself, Perhaps it's one of those days where a simple push is all you need.

She walked back into the office to find Fleur busily working away at her desk. The blonde looked up and smiled at her. "You look 'appy, ma cherie. Did something good 'appen?"

Hermione sat down at her own desk and got out her paperwork. "Actually, I was somehow able to get my two friends to admit their feelings for each other."

Fleur's smile brightened. "Ah, ze quiet girl and ze shy boy?"

Hermione nodded. "Yes, they are a couple now."

Fleur sighed longingly. "Love is in ze air, it seems."

Hermione tried to calm down her racing heart after hearing Fleur sigh like that. The way her breath seemed to caress achingly over those soft, pink lips…she could still feel the ghost of their presence upon her palm.

Hermione quickly placed her hand in her jacket pocket, trying not to blush. "Y-Yes, I do suppose it is, isn't it." she commented shakily.

Perhaps too much of it…

"Speaking of which," Fleur's tone had dimmed slightly. So slightly, in fact, that no one would've noticed, save Hermione. "'Ow are you and monsieur Weasley?"

Ron? I had completely forgotten about him…

"We're fine." Hermione answered automatically. Truth was, she wasn't sure.

Things had been on the decline for a while, but she had just assumed it was because they didn't see each other often. Then she became close to Fleur and, wait, what did that have to do with anything? Oh, who am I kidding? Terrance was right, I mean, a few seconds ago I was just thinking about her lips for Merlin's sake! But then…where does that leave me now?

Her inner ramblings were interrupted when she noticed that Fleur had gotten up from her desk, had walked over, and was now kneeling gracefully before her. The blonde took her hand and caressed it affectionately, just like she had at the restaurant last night.

"I wish I could know what troubles zat brilliant mind of yours, 'Ermione." she whispered affectionately, before letting go of the hand and rising.

When Hermione could breathe again, she had no words to say. A lame "thank you" was all she could manage.

Fleur smiled. "Of course. Now, we must finish sorting through zose 'orrid goblin case files. Do you zink you are up to it?"

Hermione nodded, her spirits brightened. "I always love a challenge."

Work had been both rewarding and entertaining, but Hermione was glad to get home and relax.

She had just sat down by the fire place and curled up with a good book, when a loud crack could be heard from the kitchen, followed by an obnoxious voice.

"Hey 'Mione!"

Hermione sighed, closing the book. "I thought I told you to apparate outside my flat, Ronald."

The boy was still hopeless as ever. "C'mon 'Mione, don't be mad. I came to take you out to dinner."

Hermione felt a scowl coming on. "Saturday is tomorrow, Ron."

He nodded. "Yeah, I know that. But I thought we could go tonight instead, since my mission ended early and all."

Looking closer, Hermione could see that he was sweating slightly. Is he nervous? And he actually dressed up for once…

"I suppose we could," she finally agreed, not entirely sure what to make of it, "Could you give me a few minutes to get ready?"

Ron grinned. "Yeah, take all the time you need! I'll wait here."

Hermione quickly retreated to her room to make herself presentable. She had to use magic to speed up the process because she knew that Ron was impatient, and she really didn't feel like listening to him whine.

Ron smiled when she approached him. "You look pretty, Hermione."

He kissed her one the cheek and offered his arm.

They were immediately apparated to The Three Broomsticks, where Ron lead them to their usual table.

Hermione sighed. She could have guessed that this is where they'd go, it was Ron's favorite after all.

"So," Ron began with a grin, "How've you been? Are you ready to quit yet?"

"Actually," Hermione began, "I'm having a lovely time interning there. It turns out that Fleur is my mentor, and she been nothing short of wonderful."

Ron nodded, clueless. "Well, that's good then, right? Better than my job at least. There's been very little exciting things, just a bunch of surveillance."

Madam Rosmerta came over and took their orders, chatting with them a little bit before leaving.

Afterwards, the both of them just sat there in silence. Awkward silence.

Hermione couldn't help but compare this dinner to her previous one. It wasn't difficult to figure out which one she liked more. She stared at the table forlornly.

"Hey 'Mione, how come you aren't sayin' much?" Ron asked, taking a gulp of his butter beer. "Usually you're ranting about one thing or another."

Hermione looked up at him suddenly. "Ron, what do you think of Shakespeare?"

Ron scrunched his face up like he'd swallowed a bug. "What is a shake beard? Is that some new thing George's got goin'?"

Hermione sighed. "No, Ronald, he's a famous playwright."

Ron took another swig of his drink. "C'mon Mione, you know I don't like books, or writing. That's your thing."

Hermione looked back down at the table. "Right, I suppose it is."

I…I have to say it…

Ron fidgeted nervously.


"Ron, I-"

They both stopped, having spoken at the same time.

"You first." Hermione said.

Ron nodded. "Okay," he reached over and grabbed her hand. She noticed his were all sweaty. "Mione…I want you to marry me."

And just like that, her whole world flipped on it's head.

"M-Marriage?" she sputtered, "Do you even know what that means?"

Ron nodded. "I want us to move in together, and have a bunch of children. We'll all be one big happy family."

Hermione stared him. "Ron, I…I can't."

His face fell. "Oh."

She felt guilty. "I'm sorry, Ron."

He shook his head. "Don't be, it's obviously too soon. I can wait until you're ready."

Hermione took a sip of her drink to steady herself. She needed to say this. "No…I mean I can't do this anymore." she said quietly, sadly, "I just…I can't love you the way that you want me to, anymore."

He looked confused, and then frustrated. "So…we're breaking up? Just like that then?" he asked, "Wait, is there someone else?"

Hermione felt her heart sink. "There…is someone. But! I promise that I haven't done anything with them."

Ron shook his head, his face pained. "I know, Hermione," he whispered, "I know you wouldn't do anything like that. It's one of the things I love about you. Always staying true to your morals…"

Hermione felt tears prick her eyes. "Ron, I'm so sorry…"

He had tears in his eyes too. "No, you can't help it, Mione…could you give me some time, though? To get over you, I mean. After that, I know we can be friends again."

They both stood up, and Hermione hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around her carefully, a few tear drops landing on her shoulder.

"I'll always love you, Hermione Granger." he whispered.

"And I'll always love you, Ronald Weasley."

Even if it is only as a dear friend.

AN: For whatever reason, I just couldn't seem to make Ron into a total jerk (which is odd, because he's my absolute LEAST favorite character. I think I'd rather pair Hermione with the Sorting Hat for godsakes!) Perhaps, it's because I didn't want Hermione to be all stressed out over her break up, I want her to be able to focus on her feelings for Fleur. :) So? What did you think?