IT TOOK A LOT FOR ME TO NOT BREAK MY COMPUTER WHILE WRITING THIS! My battery on my computer died right before I finished typing and I had NOTHING saved, so I had to completely start over from the very beginning. This is going to be the last chapter of the story :( I am sorry it took so long to get this part out, but, here it is. I had a fun time writing this story, but after a year, I think it has run its course.

dear papa,

It has been over a year since I last spoke to you. How is heaven? I bet it is wonderful there. So much has happened since the last time I spoke to you. Romano is still always angry, but something happened to him. He kissed Spain for some reason, but he yells less now. And Veneziano proposed to Germany. I don't think he will go through with it though. He likes the ladies way too much. But it was a sweet gesture. I will never question Grandpa Romes instincts when it comes to sexuality again. He knew that Germany was... anyway, I have been spending a lot of time with my friends back home. The flower shop on the corner is doing well. I help out there on the weekends. Same with the olive fields when they are ready for harvest. The city is so alive, I miss it a lot. Right now I am spending time with Mr. Russia. I lost an eating contest against Romano. Now I have to freeze for two weeks. It isn't too bad here though. Mr. Russia is scary, but he isn't mean. He is actually nice. He let me wear his coat when I first got here. I wasn't expecting it to be this cold. I felt really bad though, because the coat was so big on me, it dragged the ground and got dirty. He made Latvia wash it as soon as we got home though. The three baltic states are really cool too. Estonia is super smart. He helped me fix my laptop when I got here. Lithuania is really kind. As soon as I got here, he made me a home cooked meal. I think he felt sorry for me though. Latvia is actually pretty quiet. He has barely spoken to me since I got here. Ukraine and Belarus are also here. Miss Ukraine is really sweet. She always acts like a big sister or mother towards me. I also really like Miss Belarus. Despite what people say, she is actually really sweet deep down. I saw that just the other day. I was reading a book and she came over and sat next to me. She asked me what book I was reading and what it was about. We ended up talking for over two hours. I think Lithuania was jealous though, because he kept looking at me weirdly. I would never date Miss Belarus though, I still really like Monaco. I miss you a lot papa. I wish you were here. I want to hear you talking to me again, and I want to see you smile again. I love you papa.

Your loving son, Martino Vargas

Seborga sighed as he put his pen down. He had been writing for about an hour now. He enjoyed the peace at Mr. Russia's house. The room he was in was silent, except for the cracking of the flames in the fireplace. The ceilings were tall, and every single wall was covered from the floor up with books. Seborga had tried to read a few of them when he first arrived, but he couldn't understand the Russian alphabet. He leaned back in his chair and touched something warm and soft. He looked up to see a big nose and a big smile.

"Privet Seborga, what are you doing here?" Russia questioned. Seborga shrugged his shoulders and looked down at the piece of paper.

"Ciao Mr. Russia, I was just writing I guess." Seborga sat up straight again in his char. Russia reached over his head and grabbed the note. He read through it, the smile growing each moment.

"So this is to your father?" Russia asked, placing the letter back on the table. "I didn't know the father of you and your brothers is still alive? Wait, isn't Rome your grandfather anyway?"

"W-Well, Rome is our grandfather. This letter is to the human who raised me from a baby. He died a few years ago. I find that writing letters to him helps me feel like he is still here with me. It is also very relaxing for me to think about all of the good things in my life." Seborga said with a smile. Russia nodded and walked over to a cabinet. He pulled out a stack of paper, then began to write. It wasn't long before every single piece of paper was filled.

"There, now I can remember all of the good things in my life as well as my past leaders." Russia gave a small nod and looked at the papers.

"So all of those are your past leaders?" Seborga asked, obviously impressed. He knew Russia was a pretty old country, but he had no idea he had went through so many rulers.

"Da, well, except for this one. This one is for Princess Anastasia." Russia grabbed a letter and gently held it in his large hands. "I figured I should write a letter to her too. I miss her so much. I wish I could have done more for her." His voice began to crack at the end, and his mighty shoulders began to tremble. Seborga had never seen Russia like this, in fact, he doubted anyone had ever seen him like this.

"I uhh, I will go tell Lithuania to start cooking dinner." Russia murmured. Then, he left. Seborga sat in his chair confused. Once again he was left with the sound of the crackling fire. He stood up and walked around the library. Who was Princess Anastasia, and why did Russia cry when he thought of her? He searched through books, but only found letters that he couldn't read. He sighed and walked back to his chair. Without a warning, he heard the door creak, and a shy head poked in.

"Pryvit Seborga, what are you doing in here all alone?" Ukraine asked. She walked into the room and sat next to Seborga.

"Ciao Miss Ukraine, I was just writing a letter and relaxing." He gave her a reassuring smile. Then, he got an idea. He couldn't understand the Russian language, but he didn't need it when he had her. "Miss Ukraine, who was Princess Anastasia?" Seborga asked suddenly. Ukraine shot up out of her seat.

"WHAT?! Y-You want to know about her? Oh no, did brother Russia talk about her?" She leaned forward and grabbed his shoulders. "You are such a young boy, are you sure you want to know about something as dark and terrible as what happened to her?" Ukraine sat back down and laid her head on the table. Now, Seborga was more curious than ever.

"I was writing a letter, and Mr. Russia decided he would write some too, then he said each one was for a past leader except for one. He told me it was for Princess Anastasia, after that he started to cry." Seborga explained. Ukraine looked up at him, worried.

"It was a dark time Seborga." She sat up and looked at the ceiling. "Long ago, we were all ruled by Czar Nicholas II. He was very good to the people. He was a kind man with four daughters. Olga, Marie, Tatiana, and Anastasia. He also had one son that would take over the throne when the time came. His name was Alexis. He was born a sick child. If he started to bleed, he wouldn't stop, so he was put under the closest care possible. Then, a holy man came. His name was Rasputin and he had gained the family's trust when he could calm Alexis and stop his bleeding. He had even become a major influence in the government. But it didn't last long. While we were at war with Germany, a new liberal government was formed after a revolution. This is where it gets from bad to worse. The liberal government was overthrown a few short months later by the communists and in order to prove how serious their revolution was, they ordered the death of the royal family." Ukraine looked down at the table. Her joy was gone as she remembered the terrible moment in history.

"They were all just sitting in their home... then the firing squad came in. Nicholas was first, then his wife, Olga, Marie, and Tatiana. Alexis was still alive, but he was kicked in the head, then shot like the rest of his family. The only one left was little Anastasia. She had fainted so they thought she had died too, but she awoke too soon. When she saw her family, she screamed. Instead of just ending it quickly, the squad turned on her with bayonets and the butts of their rifles. That poor girl. Her last moments were spent in pain and fear. We try our hardest not to let brother Russia remember. He wouldn't speak for years after that day. He felt so terrible for what happened to them. We all did. How could something so terrible happen to such a kind family." She finished softly and stared into the flames. Seborga was speechless.

"I-I had no idea..." Seborga finally spoke. Ukraine turned to him and gently placed her hand on his.

"History is a very dark place Seborga. But sometimes, we are forced to remember so we don't repeat our past mistakes." She stood and kissed his cheek, then left. Seborga sat in the chair, staring at the oak table in front of him. It was awhile before the door opened again. This time it was Belarus. Instead of being quiet like her siblings, she just walked in loudly and sat next to him, starring at him.

"Uh, ciao Miss Belarus." Seborga said slightly confused. She stared at him a few moments longer.

"I heard your conversation with my sister." She said. "She shouldn't have told you about that. It was dark, but it was the past. Besides, I hate seeing brother upset when she is mentioned." She stood up and grabbed a book, then started to read.

"Hey Miss Belarus, can you teach me Mr. Russia's alphabet?" Seborga asked to break the ice. She glanced up at him and put her book down. She stood up and grabbed a children's book off of the shelf.

" There are a total of 33 letters in the Russian alphabet. 11 vowels, 20 consonants, and 2 pronunciation signs. Here, you should know this letter. It is very common." She pointed to the letter A. "It is the same in our languages and pronounced the same too, but it only it makes an ah sound."

"This letter is pronounced like a B. It just looks different." Her finger was directed towards a strange symbol, Б.

"You know this letter as B, but in our alphabet, it is pronounced like a V." She pointed to what Seborga thought was a B

"And this one is like your letter G." She pointed to another foreign symbol, Г.

"This one is our version of a D." Seborga saw the strange symbol, Д.

"You know this as E, but we know it is a Y, but it only makes a Ye sound." Seborga was getting confused. He saw an E, but she saw a Y. This was going to be hard.

"Now if there are two dots over that E, then it is pronounced like Yo." She explained and showed him the symbol, Ё

"Here is one that will be a bit odd to you. It only makes a Zh sound, kind of like the S in pleasure." She pointed to a different symbol, Ж.

"This one is like your Z." She pointed to a З symbol.

"Uh, Miss Belarus, we don't have a Z in my alphabet." Seborga pointed out. Belarus glared at him.

"Excuse me, but you said you wanted to learn the Russian alphabet. Now stop being stupid. I don't care what letters you do and don't have in your alphabet so shut up and listen." She ordered. Seborga closed his mouth. Belarus could be very scary when you were on her bad side.

"This one is pronounced like an ee sound, like in key, see, be, or meat." She pointed to a И. Seborga couldn't help but think of it as a backwards N, because to him, that was all it was.

"This one is a bit hard to explain. If there is a curved line over it, then it forms a diphthong. So it is kind of like the oy sound in boy, or the igh sound in sigh." She tried to explain, then she pointed to the symbol, Й.

"Here is another easy one. It is also the same in both of our languages." She pointed to a K. Seborga was relieved to see it wasn't completely different.

"That one is our version of an L." She said as she pointed to a Л.

"And M is the same in our languages too, so you don't have to worry about that." She explained.

"You see this one as an H, but we see it as an N." She told him. He was getting confused again. She saw this and pointed to an O. "This one is the same in both languages." Then, she moved on to the next letter.

"This one is our version of P." She pointed to a П. "Here is one you see as your version of a P, but in Russian, it is an R." She could see he was getting confused again.

"This one is known to you as a C, but for us it is an S. Think of it as a C in words like center, only it always makes that sound and only that sound." She explained. "But lucky for you, T is the same in both languages, so you don't have to relearn that one."

"This is so confusing." He pointed to a У. "That one looks like a Y but it is going to be pronounced weird like oo as in boot or something." He rolled his eyes.

"Good guess, you are correct." She said with a small smirk. He slammed his head on the table and groaned. "You only have 12 letters left." She said, returning her gaze to the book.

"This one is like your F." She pointed to a Ф.

"This one may look like an X to you, but it is pronounced as an H. Only not even your H. More like... In German when they have a Ch, like Bach. It is pronounced like that." She looked at the small micronation. He was rubbing his head confused.

"This one is a special letter, it is pronounced like a Ts like in sits." She explained and pointed to a Ц.

"This letter is pronounced like an English Ch, like in church or chair." She showed him a Ч.

"This one is a Sh sound like in shut or shit." She explained and pointed to a Ш. Seborga couldn't help but glance up when she cussed.

"That letter right there is hilarious to teach to English speakers. It is like a mix between Sh and Ch and confuses them. I tried to teach America how to say it but he just stared at it and walked away. He still can't say it right." She pointed to a Щ. Seborga didn't blame him. Russian was so confusing for him.

"This one doesn't make a sound and it isn't used much, but it means you need to pause between syllables." She explained to him as she pointed to a Ъ.

"This one does make a sound, like an I in bit, or little." She pointed to a Ы.

"That one doesn't make a sound either, but it means the letter before it is soft... like... like pew in English." She tried to explain when she pointed to a Ь.

"This one is like an E, in fed." She told him as she pointed to the Э.

"This is one that doesn't have its own letter in English. It is pronounced like the U in universe." She pointed to a Ю.

"This letter is the last one. It is pronounced like Ya as in yard." She pointed to the last symbol, Я. She went through and pointed to each of the symbols one last time. "А, Б, В, Г, Д, Е, Ё, Ж, З, И, Й, К, Л, М, Н, О, П, Р, С, Т, У, Ф, Х, Ц, Ч, Ш, Щ, Ъ, Ы, Ь, Э, Ю, Я. So what do you think of big brother's language?" She looked at Seborga.

"I... It is very confusing... so how would I write my name?" He asked her. She rolled her eyes and sighed. Grabbing a pen and piece of paper, she began to write.

"It would look like this." She pointed at the word. Сэбoрга. The young nation wrote his name in the English alphabet under the Russian.

"I want to try to write something." He took the pen and started to write. Мaртинo Baprac. He wrote. Belarus looked at it confused.

"Martino Vargas?" She looked at him.

"That is my human name." He smiled. She took the pen from his hand with force and wrote something down. Наталья Арловская

"What does that say?" Seborga asked, but he was too late. She had left the room. It took a long time, but after about thirty minutes, he figured it out. "Natalya Arlovskaya? That must be her human name." He smiled a bit to himself. He heard the door open, it was Lithuania.

"Dinner is ready Seborga." He said quietly. Seborga nodded and walked to the large dining hall. Everyone else was already seated and enjoying their meal.

"Hey Mr. Russia, Belarus taught me your alphabet earlier." Seborga said with a smile. Russia smiled at him. It was good to see he was back to his old self and smiling. They all continued to eat their meal, then they headed to bed. At the end of the week, Seborga said goodbye to the northern nations and boarded an airplane. When he arrived home, he saw his brothers waiting for him. He smiled and ran over to them hugging Veneziano, but getting denied a hug by Romano, which was usual.

"You didn't get hurt too bad did you Seborga?" Veneziano asked worried. Seborga laughed.

"No, it was actually pretty great. Miss Ukraine taught me some Russian history and Miss Belarus taught me the Russian alphabet. They were all super nice to me." Seborga said with a smile. His brothers let out sighs of relief.

"Well... it is good to have you back I guess." Romano said quietly.

"Romano was so worried about you, he threatened to go and beat up Russia, then bring you back here." Veneziano laughed. Romano's face quickly turned red.

"As much as I appreciate the gesture Romano, I really liked being there. It was really fun." Seborga laughed. He filled them in on everything that had happened to him. Then, they decided it was time for bed. They each went to their bedrooms. Seborga just laid in bed thinking. What would his life be like if he wasn't a country? He would be an old man, who probably never left the city. He wouldn't have two amazing brothers, and many outstanding friends. He wouldn't have been able to get a crush on Monaco or go to school with others in New York. He smiled and closed his eyes. Being born a country was the best thing to happen to him. Somewhere up in heaven, Giorgio was probably smiling down at him and watching out for him, keeping him safe from his troublesome 2p, and giving him the strength to carry on. He might even be sharing a drink with crazy Grandpa Rome. He looked out the window. He wasn't a full country, but a micronation, and he couldn't be happier.