The (Dutiful) Wife's Quest

A/N: Wow, it's been a long, long, time hasn't it? It blew me away thinking that this time last year I was working on my Robin/Tiki chapter, and that I've really only put out one other story since! And to think FE: Fates and Persona 5 are both coming out not too far off, I'm pretty ridiculously hyped. The challenge now is going to be avoiding spoilers for each of them until I actually get the time to play, gah!

Anyhow, first let me apologise for the huge delay but then let me say reiterate again this story will not end before it's complete…it'll just go slow sometimes. I actually intended to have this chapter complete several months ago, before a huge workload increase hit me and my time/ability to write went away. Nevermind some unfortunate personal issues that still need to be dealt with. Eventually it wasn't to be, however the moment I managed to free up some time I've been working away at it!

And so, here we are (finally). Something a little more light-hearted than the previous story, a mix of drama and comedy, examing one woman's movements through an important transition period in her life and her decisons based off that...

NOTE: Speech denoted like [This] is in the Chon'sin language.

"Robin?" Say'ri blinked in surprise at the sight of her husband –presently hunched over his work desk- as she ducked into their tent, "You're home? Were you not to be on patrol tonight?"

With all the added duties of being the camp's tactician, Robin was only rarely assigned to the basic duties around the camp, but, just as Chrom took his turn in the mess tent, there were no full exemptions. All Shepherds were equal.

"Ah?" Looking up from his notes, his face broke into a grin at the sight of her, "Yeah, that's right, but I swapped with Stahl earlier. I'd rather have some time here tonight, I'll take the early shift this weekend instead."

"Fie, is that so?" She smirked, making a show of sliding slowly towards him, "Would that you had told me then, I'd have returned sooner."

Her own shift had finished almost an hour ago, and since she'd not expected her husband back for several more, she'd spent most of the evening with Morgan instead, talking to the girl about their homeland and attempting to tease out any wayward memories. Time with her daughter had still been pleasant of course, but with the war against Walhart drawing to a close it had become increasingly rare for her to get much time alone with the man she loved- even at night. The closer the end of the fighting became, the more his duties mounted and the later his nights became.

Still, the fact that Robin had clearly gone out of his way to re-arrange his schedule for tonight was not lost on her. Nor was the growing excitement that knowledge brought about in her,a smouldering warmth that quickly ignited, leaving her slightly short of breath. It had been a long, exhausting, day of an evening wrapped in his arms was exactly what she needed.

"Aye, and now," she drawled, slinking past him with a grin loaded full of expectations, "'Tis long past time we were both retiring to bed."

Holding his eyes, she watched as he followed her movements, stepping gracefully towards their bedroll. Having taken a bath after seeing Morgan, her usual attire had been left for the laundry, and in its place she wore only a simple grey yukata, one that did almost nothing to hide her figure…

…And even less when she turned away from him, offering a suggestive smile before slipping it from her shoulders and slithering under the bed covers.

"Do you not agree?" She purred, free hand toying with the fastenings to her chest bindings. Even aside from quelling the quick rising heat, she was rather looking forward to an excuse to leave herself unbound for the night.

"Ah," rising in his seat, Robin took a moment to collect himself, "Right of course. It is getting on isn't it?"

He shook his head with a small laugh and she watched silently as he moved around the tent, blowing out most of their candles until they were both bathed only in a dim glow. "There we go, better right?"

She preferred the light actually. To enjoy every grin and gasp on his face. Still, the dusky light held its own romantic allure, so she held silent as he drew closer, kneeling beside the bedroll and wrapping his arms over her shoulders…pulling her to him.

Closing her eyes with a happy sigh, their lips met.

'A-Ah? Huh?'

Blinking up at him a moment later, she was left almost gaping in confusion- rather than the expected passionate embrace, Robin was already pushing himself to his feet.

"Alright love," he whispered warmly, entirely unaware of her bewilderment, "Sleep well, I'll see you in the morning."

By the time she found her voice, he was back at his desk, flicking again through his papers in the now darkened tent. "Are-Are you not to join me tonight, my love?"

"I'll be up a while still sorry." He sighed, his fatigue showing clearly for a moment at the action, "We're going to need to finalise the terms on this treaty as soon as possible… Ah, but, don't let me keep you up."

Clamping down on her disappointment, she sank back into the bedroll. 'Of course.'

Of course. It should have been obvious, she should have expected knew her husband better than anyone, Robin had indeed gone out of his way to re-arrange his schedule…so he could spend more time getting his work finished.

And yet, even if she had wanted to, she couldn't resent it. She, more than anyone, knew the importance of his work, that it was his sacrifices that kept them alive day after day, his diligence that would bring down the Conqueror and liberate her country.

'Our goal nears its end, 'twould be foolish to expect him to give any less.'

After so many years surrounded by half-efforts and fair-weather-friends, watching such pure loyalty and dedication still couldn't help but bring out a smile from her. She knew it was almost instinctive to him, he had likely not even thought twice about working late into the night, even long after the rest of the squad had gone to bed.

'There will be other nights.'

It wasn't as if it was hard for Say'ri to count her blessings. Before joining with the Ylisseans, she'd had nothing but a fractured rebellion, a ruined country and a heart cursed with years of bitter anger.

And now, barely nine months from that fateful day, she had true friends, she had a family and she stood on the cusp of reclaiming her heritage. It seemed unbelievable, yet the Shepherds, Robin, had returned to her everything that had been taken. He was hailed as a genius the world over, a prodigal tactician… he deserved no less, but she'd watched him from the closest distance. Say'ri knew more than anyone else just how much of their victories were due not to his intellect but his commitment. She'd seen the prices he paid to deliver them safely through this war.

'Still, it would be nice to…'

Closing her eyes a moment, she forced those desires down once more. She didn't resent him his work. She knew what the work represented… It was only… As his wife, it was still painful that it was their time that was often the thing sacrificed.

Heaving a sigh, she finally released the hold her fingers had taken on her wrappings and turned away.

''Twould only be a hassle to retie them in the morning.'

It was difficult, yearning for his touch and being denied it. When they'd been newlyweds, they'd scarcely kept any distance, the days as much as the nights had been spent in passionate embrace. And now, only four months later, she was lucky to share a bed with her husband a handful of times a week. With his duties increasing by the day, he was as likely to pass out on his desk as to collapse insensate into her arms.

'Fie.' Biting back another sigh, she forced that thought away too, closing her eyes and instead focussing on the rhythmic scratch of pencil on paper.

Sleep came only uneasily. She had no doubt of his love for her, nor of the joy their marriage had granted her. But, just because she understood his responsibilities didn't mean her heart didn't ache to lie alone at night.

Lying in a silent lethargy, somewhere between asleep and awake, Say'ri had no measure of how much time passed before she felt the bedroll shift and her husband slump down beside her.

Moving instinctively, she was wrapped around him within moments and a much more comfortable sleep claimed both soon after.

Somewhere deep inside Say'ri knew she was not a morning person. Her circadian rhythm naturally tended towards late nights and later mornings, and, more than that, she enjoyed the simple luxury of a warm summers morning spent wrapped up in her blankets.

Such luxuries were not often afforded to a royal princess. Even when nothing specific was required of her, strict decorum had to be maintained. Life on the road had been no easier, guilt anger and obligation all weighed far too heavily for any indulgence. The years spent organising what little resistance could be mustered had pressed harshly on her, resting was dangerous and laziness was selfishness her people could not afford.

Even when she'd joined the Shepherds she'd maintained the same diligence, only to find herself waking at the crack of dawn with absolutely nothing to do. There were no formalities to present, no meetings to attend and no guilty weight about work she could be doing instead to save her country. The freedom had been almost jarring.

And then, almost before she'd gotten used to it, she'd begun spending her nights with the Shepherds tactician.

"Hmm…" She hummed lazily, rolling to her side and sliding a leg across the body to her side.

Most likely, in the entire camp, it was something only she knew; That Robin, for all his appearances and all his hard work, would do almost anything to get out of waking up early.

His stubbornness had finally been the straw that'd broken her own resolve, with any attempts to rouse her husband at dawn assuredly ending with her being pulled back to the bedroll with him. Ever since it had become something of a shared guilty pleasure. Never long, just small blissful moments of dozing or intimacy while the other Shepherds made ready around the camp. A small secret shared between lovers.

"Mmm, morning." She hummed, her hand stretching out and tugging him against her "A-Uh?"

Rather than the resistance she expected, her husband's robe came back against her instantly.

Wait. 'His Robe?' Robin didn't wear clothing to bed.

"Buh?" She added weakly a moment later, squinting in frustration as she opened her eyes.


Rather than the warm body she'd anticipated, Say'ri saw she was holding nothing more than a discarded cloak and shirt.

"Oh hey, good morning love." Robin answered from across the tent, pausing for a second to yawn, "Sorry, did I wake you?"

"N-Nay." She added her own yawn matching his as forced herself into a sitting position. "Fie, but you're up early."

'And expecting to be working for some time too.' She noted at the sight of him slumped half naked at his desk. If he hadn't bothered to dress himself he wasn't expecting company anytime soon.

"Ugh, don't remind me." Robin groaned, "I didn't make as much progress as I'd hoped last night."

"Aye?" She nodded, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she woke up fully, "Let me assist you then. If you're to be working this early, there must be some measures I can help with."

"No, no. It's fine," he waved away her offer with a grateful smile, "At this point, I've already got all the reports you've given me and the outlines from Morgan and Frederick, I just need to…well, compile it mostly, and then cross check it with our earlier reports."

"I see." She kept her voice level, even as a small familiar unease wormed it's way back into her thoughts at that.

There wasn't anything she could do to help. These tasks were the burden of being a leader, everything they did fed back to him and Chrom, and at the highest level it needed his personal attention. This burden was what it meant to be entrusted with the fate of two continents.

'Fie, and I but stand on the outside and look in.'

That was unfair of course, as representative of both Chon'sin and the Valmese Resistance she had more political duties even than Chrom. But that th-

"It's still early love." Robin noted gently, shaking her from her thoughts, "Why not go back to sleep? I'll wake you in a few hours."

A thoroughly tempting offer.


Pragmatism won out instead. If he was up, then she would be up too. Enough of her time already had been spent in a bedroll wrapped up in disquieting thoughts.

"I am up already, I shall make use of the training area."

With the dawn rays still only barely cresting the horizon, there was a sharp chill in the air as Say'ri danced through the small clearing the Shepherds had designed as a training field.

Sliding gracefully between offense and defence her body twisted and swayed as she slipped around the attacks of an endless sea of invisible opponents. Tracking their movements in her mind's eye, all conscious thought was pushed aside, instead relying only on her reflexes and instincts – cutting each down the instant an opening was presented.

A half pirouette avoided an overzealous spear thrust, the faceless soldier instantly dispatched as her blade sliced across his neck.

Kicking up the dew slick grass, she sprang forwards to meet the man behind him, spinning around a low thrust before sliding her momentum forwards to deflect an overhead smash, her blade opening his stomach as it passed.

On and on she danced. The eight step lotus turned into the crane's descent, replaced swiftly by the raven's flight, which lead into the roar of the mountain.

Training like this danced across the thin line between reaction and zen-mediation, allowing her to focus only upon her form, leaving not even a second for contemplation.

She had improved. A simple truth, one easily felt in the lightness of her feet, the quickness of her turns. Fighting so many desperate battles alongside such strong companions had grown her strength by leaps and bounds.

The sun was long over the horizon by the time her form weakened and her focus gave way to idle thoughts once more.

'Almost within sight of Yen'fay.' She considered, the usual comparison coming automatically- with the expected guilt the thought induced following a moment later.

Breathing raggedly, her awareness slowly opened itself back up letting her feel the chill on the air once more. Sliding her blade carefully back into its sheath she walked with slightly shaky steps to the water skin she'd prepared earlier.

''Twas not a bad session.' She judged, nodding concisely to herself.

Training like this meant little in terms of keeping her skills sharpened. Even with the current lull in fighting, her time spent with the Shepherds had forced her reflexes razor sharp. Instead, it was simply a means of clearing her mind and emotions, allowing her to re-centre herself without distraction before finally facing the truths she'd been putting off for far too long.

The same disquieting truths she'd wrestled with last night, the whispers that spoke louder and louder to her with every passing day.

Soon the time would come for her to lay down her sword, to put to rest Say'ri the Avenger and become to being Say'ri the Monarch. It would be a welcome change, one she'd yearned for, for years…Yet, she knew now, as she could never have realised before, jsut what the price for that change would be. Both for her and those she loved.

'Fie.' The same solution she'd come to a thousand times reared it's head once more. She already knew what her next step had to be. 'But, 'tis so soon… And, how do I even begin to make such a choice.'

Brow furrowed, she took one last swig of the canteen before turning towards the Oracle's tent.

'Perhaps 'tis long past time I sought some advice.'

"Lady Tiki?"

Listening at the entrance, Say'ri waited several minutes for a response before pushing carefully into her friend's tent.

"My lady?" She queried again as her eyes adjusted to the darkness, "'Tis I, are you awake?"

"Mhmphhh…Say'r- Hmmph."

Following the noise, she eventually located the divine dragon's form curled up into a pile of cushions buried in the back of the tent. Snorting lightly and rolling over, the Oracle gave no other response.

"I see. I shall wait here for you then."

Not surprising. She knew her friend better than to think she'd be awake this early, however, from their time spent together Say'ri also knew that the Oracle was not nearly as unwitting as her current state would suggest. Asleep or not, Tiki's senses were well aware of her presence, if she didn't wish her presence it would have been made clear. Instead, they would talk when she awoke.

Although...seeing as it was only a few hours past morning, that was unlikely to be anytime soon. 'Ah, 'tis fine.' She decided, 'I do not mind the wait.' Already her adrenaline was fading, the few hours training had done much to cool her emotions, replacing them instead with but the gentle pang of slightly strained muscles.

Kneeling in place and turning her focus towards her breathing, Say'ri slowly began centring her mind.

When Tiki awoke she would seek her advice and guidance, just as she would before any major decision. But until then, time spent waiting for her friend was just more time she could use to meditate upon the worry that played upon the back of her resolve herself to the decision she knew she had already made.

'Aye, 'tis long past time.'

Withdrawing her senses, her breaths became long and deep.


The war was drawing to an end.


Her time with the Shepherds was drawing to an end.


With Walhart's defeat, her country would be reborn.


No longer a Princess, she would be Empress. Sovereign of a four thousand year old dynasty, with all the endless rites, duties and burdens that entailed.


She knew it now, her marriage to Robin had shown where that path lead. The pain that awaited.


She could not bear to let that come to pass…

"Ahhhmm," kicking out her legs with a heavy sigh, it was several hours before Tiki let herself wake up. "Mmm, good morning Say'ri." The Manakete yawned, rolling onto her side and lazily rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"And to you as well my friend." Say'ri inclined her head politely while Tiki pulled herself into a seating position, fixing her hair and nightdress from where they'd been splayed in all directions- fighting the urge to fall backwards into dreams again.

"It's very early." Tiki assured her, happily ignoring the mid-morning sun peeking through the flaps of her tent. "Is something the matter?"

"Nay, 'tis nothing urgent. If you wis-"

"No, no." Shaking herself further awake, Tiki held a hand to forestall her answer, awake now she could see plainly the anxiety gripping her friend, so thick it was almost suffocating. "Please, Say'ri, what troubles you so?"

"Fie." Biting her lip, the princess stalled a moment, "'Tis simply, I have, I believe I have reached a decision, one of great import to me. I would seek your guidance if you will grant it?"

"Of course." Tiki nodded, holding back a yawn as she attempted to prepare for whatever was troubling the other woman. 'Really, it can't even be later than 10. Far too early for serious matters.'

"I- Fie… 'Tis about Robin, that is…Robin and I, our marriage."

"O-Oh?" She gaped, attempting to disguise her surprise with a weak cough.

That certainly woke her up fully! There was something wrong with her friend's relationship? It seemed almost impossible, as far as she'd seen Say'ri and Robin's love had been practically something out of a storybook. Being Say'ri's closest friend and holding her own vivid connection to Robin, she'd seen it first hand- how two people caught in the fires of war had been able to find such love and peace with each other.

It hadn't always been easy, to simply watch from the outside as the man so akin to Mar-Mar had grown closer and closer to the Princess. Wrenching herself from her habit of falling asleep in his tent -wrapping herself in his presence- had been especially difficult... But, her happiness for their love had far outstripped any small jealousy that may have gnawed at her.

To see Say'ri now, so clearly troubled... Instantly Tiki was set on edge.

"Fie." She began hesitantly, "I apologise, 'tis rather difficult to find the words."

"No, please. Take your time." Tiki offered, clasping her friends hands gently.

"'Tis only, having experienced marriage, I never thought... Fie, 'tis not as if he means to, not at all." Her disjointed words trailed off slowly, "He is simply…busy."

"Busy?" Well, there was no doubt about that. Recently it was becoming hard to think of times where Robin wasn't swamped down with some task or another, his presence in the mess hall or around the campfires had become disappointingly scarce.

"Aye, he-there is always much he has to do. I have always known him to be a hard worker of course and, I know, 'tis vital work. Fie, he keeps us all alive. I've never expected him to act otherwise, I would never wish him to act otherwise, 'tis only…as his wife I would…"


Twisting her hands around one another the princess fell silent, a heavy confession slowly building within her before all spilling out at once. "'Tis hard not to feel alone from him at times… He is as likely to come to bed as to not! Oft do I wake and find him asleep at his desk, or having spent the night in the war room. We barely spend a moment together and when we do 'tis always but a moment between other tasks." Her eyes were boring a hole in the floor by the time her words trailed off, "I do not ask he choose me over his work, I would never wish him to! I just… 'Tis, I-fie…"

Her words trailed off.

"You… You feel lonely?"

A long, uneasy silence drew out between the two women before Say'ri finally sighed, "Aye, 'tis probably the best way to say it…but, 'tis not some surprise. 'Twas no different before we were wed, and 'tis not as if I do not understand the weight of his work. I know what he's done for us, I owe him much, I-I owe him most everything."


Holding her hands up, she forestalled Tiki's response, "Nay, I-I I expected as much, I knew it would be thus. Robin's duties come first, they must, I would expect no less from him. 'Tis only… Only…"

As the princess's words trailed off once more, Tiki had to bite down on her lip to hold back from speaking, allowing her friend to finally get these thoughts from her chest.

"To know he cannot spare time for me as a comrade, 'tis one thing. But, to know it as a wife… 'Tis another."

'Say'ri…' Tiki gaped, her hands covering her mouth in surprise as her friend's words settled terribly upon her.

She'd never expected anything like this, she couldn't possibly have predicted it…yet, perhaps it should have been obvious all along? Robin was one of the most diligent, magnanimous men Tiki had ever met- that was a large part of why so many people were drawn to him, why he was so widely trusted. But, it also meant his time was always at a premium. 'But, for even his wife to feel forsaken?' That was too much!

Shaking her head with a grimace, Tiki squeezed her friend's hands gently, "That does sound terrible, truly. I can scarcely even imagine it, what you must be feeling. But, Say'ri, I also know he loves you dearly, you and Morgan both." Her words weren't simple platitudes, no Manakete could ever miss the intensity of the love that radiated from the tactician when he was around his family.

"Aye, of course. You're right, I have no doubt of his love for me, of course not."

Breathing out a small sigh of relief, the worry in Tiki's stomach was soothed slightly. 'So she still has faith in their marriage.' It hadn't gotten that bad yet, her friend was hurt but she wasn't despondent.

"Then, have you told Robin about this?"

"Robin? No, of course not, I could nev-"

"Right then!" Tiki interrupted, pulling back and clapping her hands together, "In that case the solution is simple!"

Say'ri blinked, "Er-Is that so?"


Folding her arms in her best impression of a sage, Tiki gave a single nod, "Indeed! Come, we shall go talk to Robin!"

Say'ri's jaw dropped.

"Worry not, I'll come with you. Actually, I'm rather annoyed at him myself after hearing this. I'd expected better of him! We'll have to make sure to scold him properly!"

"Tha-Wait! I, Lady Tiki, please, hold!"

Even despite her age and general lethargy, Tiki still held the same innate enthusiasm of any other Manakete. With her mind already made up she was halfway out the tent flaps before Say'ri caught the hem of her dress, frantically pulling her back inside.

"Say'ri?" Surprised by her friend's continued distress, Tiki allowed herself to be tugged back to a seating position, "I know it must be a difficult conversation, but, I'm not the one you should be talking to about this. You need to have this discussion with Robin."

The horror struck look on the princess's face was all the response she needed, "He probably doesn't even realise what he's doing, I know he would never wish to hurt you. You need to let him know you've been feeling like this, how else can he know what he's doing wrong?"

"Wha? No! No, I cou-I would never!"

Say'ri was a wonderful woman, but she also had a habit of being rather demanding. Tiki had seen her friend put her foot down against all sorts of ideas in the past…but never before had she seen her look so aghast, especially not from one of her suggestions.

"How could I?" Her voice was almost a whisper, "How could I possibly do such a thing to him?"

"Ah, er-" Blinking, Tiki tried to make sense of that, "Huh?"

Drawing in a breath, Say'ri took a moment to calm herself, "My lady, I cannot do that! I can't just tell him, tell him that I feel…that I…"

"That he's hurting you, spending all his time on tactics?" Tiki finished as gently as she could, "Why not? Surely he needs to know?"

"Why?" The Chon'sin princess shot back, "So he can feel guilty? So he can concern himself with my feelings atop everything else? So he can doubt himself as a husband?"

"I-Ah…" She hadn't been expecting such stern resistance.

"Nay! I know myself, 'tis not as if he can help it. He does it not out of choice, but obligation. His entire day is taken up with his duties, 'tis all work that needs to be done, and none can do it but him." Pursing her lips, Say'ri looked absolutely adamant in her position. "I cannot so selfishly add my own worries to that. He gives his all for us, sacrifices everything he can offer…how can I possibly tell him that I feel-that, at times, I miss his attention?"

She didn't know what to say to that. Leaning back, Tiki held her silence.

"It would crush him." The Chon'sin princess finished simply, her face turning to a wretched frown, "So am I to hurt him in turn, for my pain? For focussing on work too important to shirk? Nay. My lady, I could never do that to him."

"But surely- surely, he needs to know?" Tiki offered weakly. "Otherwise, nothing will change."

Maintaining a tight frown, Say'ri stared back with a defiance she'd never seen from the woman before. "I can easily endure this much. I do not require that it change."

"I…" Tiki found herself surprisingly lost, the conversation had gone nothing like she'd expected, "Forgive me Say'ri, I don't understand. Is this not why you've sought me out? To help you get Robin to spend more time with you?"

"Nay, I-Fie." Looking rather abashed, Say'ri did at least calm down, "I apologise my lady, I have not explained myself well. 'Tis true that the present is...difficult, but that is not what worries me, I meant only to explain the situation I face."

"Oh?" Well, she supposed -holding back a sigh- it was hardly unusual for Say'ri to get caught up trying to explain something sensitive, especially to her.

"Aye. As it is, this war will last only another few months. I, Gods, to speak such things aloud, days gone by I could not bear to...even now it sounds almost unbelievable to think, that the Empire could be toppled- Yet, I know we shall win, there is nothing that shall stop us." Shaking herself back on track, Say'ri continued, "Nay, my lady, I understand the situation very well, we shall have peace within a few months. With all that I have gained, I could never complain about a handful of months."

"I see." Truthfully she was more confused than ever, but her friend's assurance was relief at least, "I'm glad to hear that, but what do you wish to ask me then? You mentioned a decision?"

"Aye, as I said, 'tis not the present that worries me. 'Tis only that, only that I now have experienced this, I worry for the future."

"The future? Er-but surely, it's as you say? This will only last a short time, when everything's done and quietened down Robin will have plenty of time." She didn't love the idea of her friend stewing in loneliness for however long it took, but if Say'ri was convinced it was the right thing to do then perhaps there was nothing to be done but to let her.

"Aye, 'tis true...But... But then it shall be me. Following the war, our positions will be reversed." Dropping her eyes once more, the princess's face twisted into a miserable frown, "That is the worry that preys on my mind. What he does, he does unknowingly. Knowing that, I can easily endure the discomfort for a few months… But, I shall be forced to inflict this same loneliness upon him, for years. And worse, I shall be doing so in full knowledge of what I do to him."

"Years? I- What?" Tiki balked. "Say'ri that's…why?"

As much as she loved her friend, there was no denying that Say'ri did have a tendency to overblow things. She obviously had no wish to hurt Robin, so what possible reason would there be to do so?

Closing her eyes a moment and nodding patiently, Say'ri finally started from the beginning, "Walhart is-" her teeth ground together, the words like ashes in her mouth "My country is his, even if he has not taken the title, as it stands the Conqueror is the Emperor of Chon'sin. "

Frowning deeply, Tiki forced herself silent. She knew that wound was far too deep for her to comment on.

"Many in Chon'sin resent this fact, that a foreigner would rule us. Fie, many of those that would not join the resistance were glad my brother had joined him, they hoped he would be given the throne.

"Even a puppet ruler is better than a foreigner." She mocked bitterly, "Aye, then they could at least cling to their honour. They could turn their heads and pretend our country was not shamed, that they were not bowing and scraping before a tyrant."

"It is not easy for people to take up arms," Tiki reminded her gently, "Especially for a dire cause."

"Fie, yes, of course. I simply wish..." Shaking those thoughts away with one final grimace, she let the matter drop, "Nay you have the right of it, I should not resent them their actions, not when they were following the man who should have been the rightful heir. Thankfully 'tis a farce that can soon be ended, with Walhart's death Chon'sin shall be restored. My people call for a ruler of their blood, of the royal dynasty. Finally, I shall be able to answer them."

"When Walhart is defeated, you'll be able to claim the throne."

That explained why she hadn't done so already, with Walhart backed practically inside the borders of his capital territory, his claim to Chon'sin was tentative at best. But, until the man himself was slain, she would always be nothing but an usurper to the throne.

"Aye. I shall be Empress." Say'ri nodded heavily, the weight of the role clear upon her. "But, when I am, 'tis important my people know they do not simply exchange one yoke for another."

"They're worried that you will be a puppet ruler?" Tiki balked, that idea that stopped her short, but it only took a moment's thought to realise why, "To Ylisse? For their aid with the war?"

"Exactly. The Ylissean Alliance, the Shepherds, have travelled far and have sacrificed much. Many question what their motives could be when even the people of Valm have done little to raise arms against Walhart. My own loyalties are questioned, that perhaps I have sold my country for revenge."

Despite the seriousness of the comment, Tiki's attempt at imagining Chrom replacing Walhart and setting himself up as a dictator left the Manakete stifling her laughter. "Heh-er, I mean, but surely that will be fine? When Chrom goes back to Ylisse?"

"Aye." Say'ri grimaced, "And then they shall wonder, what about my husband?"


Speaking with a deep scowl, Say'ri's voice held not a trace of inflection, "With all his deeds, Robin is practically a legend, his genius is whispered the world over. All know that he is Lord Chrom's right hand and that his loyalty to Ylisse is unquestionable. 'Tis also known that for years I led a hopeless cause against Walhart… The Ylisseans came to my aid, and then within a year I am wed to their second in command, to a man whose orders come directly from the Exalt. 'Tis very convenient."

"B-But you love him!"

"More than anything." Shaking her head, Say'ri gave a bittersweet chuckle, "All my life I expected to have a political marriage viewed with a façade of love. Fie, instead 'tis the opposite."

"Urgh." Tiki could only groan in response, "All this politics, it seems so very- do you really think people will believe you married him only for an alliance? Anyone can see how you look at him!"

It was ridiculous, she had thought many times over her thousands of years, the human need to make everything frustratingly complex! She was more than familiar with it, but even just after just hearing it, that thought twisted uncomfortably in her stomach… Could anyone truly think someone as proud and honourable as Say'ri had practically sold herself for their alliance? And Robin! They thought that of him? 'Tch, I shall never understand human politics…To think their love would be seen in such a cynical light.'

"He is not from Chon'sin." Her friend answered simply, as if the country of one's birth somehow mattered. "When I am crowned, I shall insist that he is named Emperor- fie, 'tis the least I can do. But, it must be in name only, at least until the country is stabilised. Chon'sin cannot be restored when one of its rulers actions are always feared as being on order from Ylisse."

"That's-so Robin will play no part in leading Chon'sin?" She could hardly imagine a bigger waste! To spurn a man as brilliant as him, simply because of pride, it was, it was…so very human.

"Fie, I, would that 'twas not so." Looking almost embarrassed at explaining her countries fears, Say'ri was clearly in agreement with her. "I have discussed this with him at length already, of course. He tells me he's fine with it, that he never thought once that he might gain power from our union…but I- he is my husband, 'tis an insult for him to be just…"

Squeezing her hand once more Tiki remained silent. Say'ri had already accepted this, no doubt she and Robin had held this discussion many times.

"Even so, our decisions shall still be made jointly, I shall tell him everything and we shall rule as husband and wife, just as it should be… But, that cannot be done openly, he must not attend certain meetings or-" Taking a breath, she cut herself off, "It shall all pass in time, but for now, a divide must be clear."

As ridiculous as the proposal seemed, Tiki couldn't deny a certain sense to it…and an unsettling premonition about the meaning of her friend's words from earlier, "You shall be ruling Chon'sin alone then? Once Walhart is defeated?"

Say'ri would be the Empress of Chon'sin, and just like how Robin's time now was dominated with plans for the fight against Walhart, her friend's time would be monopolised with her countries recovery.

"Aye. For so long, for years I wished for this. More than anything else." Again, Say'ri's eyes didn't reach her as the princess fell into melancholy, "I dreamed so often of striking down my brother, of reclaiming my throne. Of the day I would write all wrongs done to my people. Now, 'tis almost within my grasp and my fervour has become bittersweet. I've long accepted that my husband cannot rule openly at my side, but 'tis only recently that I've come to understand just how terrible such loneliness is.

"That duty would require I kill my brother and forsake the man I love most. A truly bittersweet victory."

"Say'ri, come now. You can't look at it like that." She consoled, squeezing her friend's hand tightly. It was a painfully frank admission from a woman who would never speak outwardly of her pains, and never something so intensely intimate.

"Fie, I know, I know. This too shall pass. Time will ease the people's fears and Robin shall be able to govern at my side."

"Exactly." That wasn't quite the point Tiki had been making, but hearing it was still a relief "It may seem daunting, but I know Chon'sin will love Robin just as much as you do, you two'll be just like Chrom and Sumia in no time." Looking at the other royal family in the Shepherds, there was no question of there being any loneliness for either of them, the close bond between the Exalt and his Queen was plain for all to see.

"Aye, your words are a great comfort. I-I look forward to that." Say'ri smiled softly, before shaking away some pleasant image, "But, Lord Chrom leads a stable country, and he does so with his wife and Robin's help."

That was certainly true she conceded, the magnitude of their situation wasn't quite the same.

"I had hoped 'twould be only for a short time, that with his victories, Robin would be accepted easily. Yet, after meeting Morgan…I fear th-"

"Say'ri!" Tiki cut in sharply. "Don't say such things! We know nothing about the cause of her amnesia."

"She remembers her father clearly, yet barely a thing about me!" Say'ri answered with equal urgency, long held discomfort winning over even the reserved princess's sense of propriety, "Fie, what can that mean but that I had a only a distant role in her upbringing?"

The ache in her friend's voice stilled the divine dragon to silence.

"My future self must never have been able to resolve Robin's position. Likely all her time was spent ruling the country, leaving her husband idle- raising Morgan alone. Fie, isolated in a foreign land, with an absent wife and his closest friends across the ocean, 'tis little wonder he and Morgan would be so close."

"That's only supposition, you cannot know that." Tiki scolded her softly, "She could easily have been affected by some magic, or, or maybe whatever caused Robin to lose his memories affected her too." It certainly would explain why she took so thoroughly after her father, but so could any number of other explanations! Even Lucina had admitted to knowing little of Morgan before Valm had fallen to the Risen.

"Say'ri, I had no idea you had these fears, but you must tell Robin about them. It's only fair he knows you're so concerned for his future. Even if it is a shock for him to hear about it, I know you'll be able to come up with a solution together."

Breathing in a moment as she composed herself, Say'ri simply shook her head, dismissing the Oracles advice once again. "You speak true, I have only supposition. I cannot know the future, even of the future that has already been, all I can know are my fears. But, despite that, I will not tell Robin. Already he carries the burdens of every Shepherd, I will not add to his worries unduly, not if I can help it."

"I have thought long on this," she continued before Tiki could attempt a response, "And, while 'tis still early to do so, I believe I have reached a solution, both for my husband and daughter."

Tiki blinked, with the divergence of their conversation she'd completely forgotten about her friend's apparent decision. "Oh?"

"Aye." Say'ri nodded with a confident smile, "'Tis a remarkably simple thing after all, ah, 'tis almost shameful it's taken me until now to realise it. Fie, I shall simply secure for Robin another wife."

Tiki blinked.

That didn't change anything, so she tried rubbing her eyes.

Still nothing. Her friend was just grinning anxiously back at her, awaiting her answer, "Ah, er- I, I am sorry, I believe I misheard you."

"I know, I know, 'tis against tradition to arrange one so early after our marriage." Say'ri gave a small laugh, "But is it not perfect? My husband shall have a companion and my daughter will be assured a female presence, even when I am unavailable!"

"You…" Apparently she hadn't misheard her. "You want to arrange another woman for Robin?" She queried slowly, checking again to make absolutely sure this wasn't some misunderstanding.

"Of course, I am his wife. Who else would arrange it?"

Apparently Say'ri hadn't quite grasped the point she'd attempted to make, she tried again, "No, I mean. You want him to have another… another wife?"

It was the princesses' turn to blink in confusion this time, running the Manakete's words through her head, "Of course?"

Tiki just stared back, open mouthed.

"Fie! As Emperor 'twould be expected that I find him another sooner or later regardless." She added in response to her friend's confusion, "My worry is only that 'tis so soon. Custom dictates I should wait at least a few years…but, surely this makes more sense? Rather than some political connection or favour, Robin should have another wife from among the Shepherds, someone he cares for."

'Is-is that really expected?' Tiki boggled, her head spinning equally by the sudden unexpected development and her friend's attitude.

As she'd said, Say'ri certainly did appear to have already made up her mind about this, she'd decided on this plan before she'd even arrived this morning. So why had she come to see her at all?

"W-Wait! I-" She stuttered, her face going bright red as the implication became clear. If Say'ri hadn't come to seek her approval for the plan then…

"Someone, someone he knows and cares for? D-Do you mean me?" She choked out in shock, "You want me to be with Robin!?"

"Nay! My lady, I-I could never!" Say'ri stammered in response, reeling back in her own shock, "To ask such a thing of the voice? I am not so impertinent! Fie! I-I swear, I intended only to ask of your advice, of who you would suggest for the role."

"A-Ah…" Tiki breathed, unsure how she should feel about that, "Of course."

Frowning, Say'ri's urgency calmed down and she instead looked terribly conflicted, "I, please, do not mistake my words. I would, were it not for your status, you would of course be my choice ahead of all others…we would be akin to sisters. I would treasure such a bond like nothing else, b-but to ask such of Naga's daughter, 'twould be the height of presumption…"

Her eyes dropped to the floor and her will faded, leaving Tiki with an uncomfortable mix of relief and frustration. She was saved from a question she had no idea how to even begin to consider, but once again her closest friend imagined between them a lonely gulf that didn't exist.

"I, that is, if you were to ask it of me..." Seemingly mortified to even suggest such a thing, Say'ri's offer was barely heard over Tiki's quickening heartbeat.

'She really wants me to-It's ridiculous! I couldn't just, that's...' Looking away from the Princess's painfully hopeful eyes, Tiki's thoughts raced maddeningly to being suddenly thrown such a suggestion. Certainly, she was close to Robin, she'd been drawn to him almost since she'd first joined the Shepherds… Spending time with him fulfilled her in ways she hadn't felt in centuries, reminding her in so many beautiful-painful ways of the feelings she had held for Mar-Mar.

But, just like Mar-Mar he'd married someone else! He'd confessed his love to Say'ri and Tiki had dutifully buried any unresolved questions! It had been right, Robin and Say'ri were a perfect match, they were both humans and both her true friends. Their wedding had left her feeling nothing but happiness for the couple…hadn't it?

'No, no, no, this is crazy.' Shaking any lingering foolish thoughts from her head, Tiki fought back her composure.

"I canno-I don't know what to say." She answered finally, "Have you truly thought this through? This is, it's such a drastic proposal. Have you even told Robin about any of this?"

"Robin?" She blinked, "Nay, of course not, that would defeat the entire point."

"S-Say'ri! You cannot possibly just organise him another wife without telling him!" Tiki could hardly believe such a thing needed to be said.

Once again the princess simply stared back, not understanding. "Why not? 'Tis a wife's duty to do so, is it not?"

"Er-is it?"

"Fie, of course I would normally consult his thoughts, but then I would have to explain too the worries I hold." Once again, Say'ri dismissed that idea, "Nay, I shall organise it myself and inform him when all the details are sorted, that way he shall have no cause for concern. Surely that is the best path?"

It baffled Tiki sometimes how Say'ri could be so deferential and yet so utterly headstrong, seeming at the same time. "I really- I think this is a mistake. To go to such lengths about a possibility, if you just talked to Robin about any of this..."

Sighing at the determined look on her friend's face, Tiki finally gave up.

"Then, if not him, perhaps Sumia?"

"Lady Sumia?" Say'ri hummed, "Lord Chrom's wife? I-er, I had not considered her. Fie, even aside from her marriage, will she not return to Ylisse when the war is done?"

"I…I suppose so?" It took a moment for Tiki realise her friend had misunderstood once again, "Ah, no! Say'ri, I don't mean as Robin's wife! I mean-why do you not talk to her about your worries? Of everyone here, she actually knows what it is to rule a nation. Surely she can allay your fears."

"Oh! Of course, Lady Sumia has ruled at her husband's side for years now." Bursting with a wide grin, Say'ri bowed so deep her head almost bounced off the floor, "I had not even thought to consult her, my lady Tiki, your wisdom is as peerless as expected! I absolutely must seek her advice!"

"Right, good, yes, talk to Sumia. I'm sure she'll be able to talk you through this." Tiki answered uneasily. Having failed to dissuade the princess from this mad path the matter felt unresolved, but as far as she'd heard Chrom and Sumia had done a lot to rebuild Ylisse following their previous war, they must have both been incredibly busy. If anyone could convince Say'ri not to act so recklessly it would be her.

"Aye, I shall request an audience with the queen immediately." Say'ri assured her, climbing to her feet and moving to slip out the doorway.

"Ah-er. And…" Opening the tent flap, she paused a moment, her hands twisting the fabric and words coming out in a rush, "If, my lady, if you change your mind..."


Say'ri was gone an instant later. Breathing out a deep sigh, Tiki collapsed backwards onto her bedroll.

'Gods. What a situation.'

She'd only just woken up, but she was already absolutely exhausted. Yet, with the way her mind was racing, she didn't think she'd be able to sleep even if she did want to.

'Can she really want that of me? …A sister? A second wife…'

[Morgan? Daughter? Are you in?]

Sumia had been out when Say'ri had checked, so after passing a message onto the Queen's attendant, she had decided on the next best course of action. After all, who knew Robin better than his own daughter?


Again, no reply, sighing in consternation, she simply undid the fastenings and pushed her way inside [It's almost mid-morning, you cannot possibly still be asl-]

A soft snore echoing around the small tent served to cut that musing short.

[Honestly, Morgan?] She sighed again, shaking her head as she spotted the familiar mop of dark hair near her feet.

Sure enough, sprawled gracelessly half out of her bedroll, with her clothes completely tangled and her mouth wide open Say'ri's daughter was all but dead to the world. [I swear, did I not know better, I would think you were Lady Tiki's child.]

A quick glance around the state of the tent showed that it too matched the girl's chaotic personality. Clothing, books, drawings, various odds and ends and even weapons were strewn throughout with no sense of rhyme or reason.

Considering she'd personally helped tidy the tent barely half a week earlier, the mess was almost as impressive as it was exasperating.

[Fie, very well then.]

Wrenching a bronze sword from where Morgan had somehow managed to jam it between the back rungs of her chair, Say'ri busied herself moving through her daughter's tent and working it into some sort of recognisable order.

And making no effort to silence herself as she did so, of course.

"Yuaaaahh." Knocked out of her pleasant dreams by the sound of someone bustling about, Morgan slowly blinked herself awake with a loud yawn. "Hmm, mother?" She muttered a moment later, twisting around to her side and stretching out lethargically as she watched the woman gathering up her clothes.

[Good morning] Say'ri nodded back, [Did you sleep well?]

"Mmm," Morgan moaned as she wriggled her body back into the bedroll, taking a few moments for her mind to switch to her mother's native tongue, [It's not that late is it?]

['Tis long past time you were awake.] A swift movement plucked the blankets from Morgan's seeking hands before she could snuggle back under them.

[You know,] Her mother chucked at Morgan's answering scowl while she folded the blankets and put them away, [This is the second time this morning I've had to wait for someone to wake up.]

[Oh?] It wasn't a terribly hard guess who the other one would be, [You've been to see Auntie Tiki already then?]

[Aye,] Say'ri answered, placing a small pile of clothes in front of her, [I spoke to Lady Tiki earlier, her wisdom was as astute as ever.]

[Yup, she's really fun.]

Ignoring that comment, Say'ri drew Morgan's attention to the clothes she'd gathered, [I've already prepared your clothing for today...these were, I believe, the cleanest I could find.]

[The ones under my tomes right? That's where I keep all my clean clothes.] Avoiding her mother's eye-roll, she gave them a quick sniff test to make sure, nodding to herself when they passed muster.

[Perhaps you might try the cabinet instead?]

[Ahhh, but I've been doing it so they can soak in the magic from the tomes!]

[Aye? Er-is that so?]

[Yup!] She cheered, shrugging off her nightwear and slipping them on, [Mrs. Miriel says it won't do anything, but I feel more magical already!]

[…I see.] Morgan doubted that was true, but that was fine, her mother had never been all that magically inclined.

[I'm gonna try it with tactics books next. Then I can study by day AND by night! Father's in for a shock!]

[Is that so? I'll look forward to seeing that then.] Say'ri chuckled, pressing her hand softly against her daughter's face. [And, I know he will be very proud if so.] Leaning into the touch with a grin, Morgan savoured the sensation. She always enjoyed the small moments like these. Despite how reserved when was around everyone else, her mother was always wonderfully affectionate in private.

[I've arranged a meeting with Lady Sumia later on today but I wished to speak to you before then, hmm...] Running a hand through Morgan's hair she quickly uncovered just how much of a mess it was, [Fie. Come here, I may as well take care of this at the same time.]

[It's really not that bad.] She pouted, seating herself obediently regardless.

Not getting a response, she watched quietly, with a tiny amount of guilt, as her mother had to practically turn the tent upside down to find her hairbrush, only finally locating it inside one of Morgan's discarded boots. 'Huh, so that's where I put that thing.'

[Perhaps this is why your hair's always such a mess?] Say'ri sighed, fishing it out and taking up a position behind her, [Now, sit up straight. Honestly, you're as bad as your father.]

[You say that like it's a bad thing.] Morgan scowled, [But, Father spends half his life talking to world leaders. If he's not worried about something like posture, then it can't be important!]

[There's no harm in an appearance of dignity, especially not from those of royal blood. 'Tis your heritage Morgan and people will have expectations of you...whether that concerns you or not.]

The note of sadness in her mother's voice stilled any remaining defiance. It was true, they both knew that being part of the Chon'sin royal family didn't mean much to her. But it was important to her mother, that alone was more than enough reason to care, [It does concern me.] She assured her softly, making an effort to adjust her posture.

[Fie, no, no. I apologise for my words] Her mother sighed, beginning an attempt to pull the brush gently through her thick tangles, [I meant not to speak harshly to you. You need prove nothing to me, you're as fine a daughter as any mother could wish.]


[Honestly though,] she laughed, waving away any further sombre discussion as she twisted the brush through another set of thick tangles, [You would be the most beautiful woman here, if you but took even a moment to look after yourself.]

[Hah, I'd rather just be the best tactician!]

[Aye, but I would see you be both. 'Tis onl-Morgan! Is this a twig? You slept like this?]

Better to avoid that conversation, [Sooo, what'd you want to speak to me about anyhow?]

Thankfully, her mother didn't press the issue. [About your father actually. I'm making some plans that concern him and I thought, well, few could claim to know him as well as you do.]

[Yup! Oh, except for you of course.] Morgan laughed. Of course she knew her about him, he was her hero! She knew all about him!

[Mhmm.] Her mother hummed her agreement but didn't otherwise speak further, her attention instead apparently focussed on working the tangled mess into something presentable. Knowing her mother well enough to keep silent until she'd gathered her thoughts, Morgan was left squirming in her seat for several agonising minutes, almost bursting with curiosity.

[Morgan,] Say'ri asked finally, [What kind of women do you think your father prefers?]

[Wh-wha!?] She balked, baffled as much by the question as the nonchalant way it was proposed, [What kind of question is that?]

Once again her mother was silent, leaving Morgan with little to do but guess at the possible meanings behind such an odd query. [Well, I mean, he likes women like you of course!]

Say'ri's laughter at that was a welcome relief, [Fie, I should hope so!]

[No, I mean that's how it's always been, ah Mum! C'mon, he's always talking about you!] Frowning, she searched for the right way to explain, [I remember when I was younger, father was teaching me about strategies to counter cavalry, he showed me this one formation he'd used on a beachfront and he told me "Pay attention to this one Morgan, this is how I caught your mother's eye!"]

[Aye, is that so?] Even without looking Morgan could imagine her mother's smile at that, [Well, I admit, it was hard to ignore a man who could so easily turn aside the Conqueror's army.]

[Yeah, yeah! And, uh, one time I was asking him about your campaign from before I joined, about fighting on that Volcano and, oh Mum! You should have heard him!] Switching back to Ylissean she attempted her best impression of the man, "'It was the only place I could think of that burned almost as hot as my love for your mother!' Ahhh! Dad! Soooo cheeesey!"

Even the brush through her hair stopped at that comment, her mother's laughter ringing loud through the tent, [Naga, he certainly does have a way with words.]

[Yeah! So yeah, father likes women like you. Definitely. Oh and me too, of course.]

[Women like me… Women like me? Hmmph.] Snorting with a quiet laugh, Morgan was left squirming in her seat as her words were considered carefully, [Aye, of course, 'twould be so simple. Fie, daughter, as usual you see right to the heart of the matter. Thank you.]

[Hehe, no problem. Y'know, you should just ask father though, he'd tell you the same thing!]

Her mother just chuckled in response, her attention returning to brushing her hair, so Morgan left it at that. She didn't have a clue what exactly had just happened, but it seemed her mother had gotten the answer she'd wanted, so that couldn't be a bad thing. Instead she simply closed her eyes, focussing on enjoying their time together as conversation soon drifted back onto other topics.

'Don't trip, don't trip, don't trip.' Sumia repeated her mantra nervously as Robin's wife came into sight, attempting to subtly wipe her sweaty hands on her skirt while maintaining her decorum. 'It'll be fine, just don't trip.'

"Good morning, your grace." Say'ri greeted politely as she approached, inclining her head respectfully.

"And to you as well, Lady Say'ri." She answered, cheering internally at managing to keep her voice level, just like back home when she'd been involved in diplomatic functions. Maybe she wasn't so rusty after all!

'That's right, this is fine, it's not awkward at all, it'll be fine.' She reassured herself. 'It's just...a bit of a surprise is all.'

She'd been halfway through washing her pegasus when Frederick had arrived, passing a message that Say'ri had wished to speak to her.

That hadn't been a problem of course. She'd always enjoyed spending time with Robin's wife, Say'ri was sweet, polite and caring, she'd been so good to Robin and was someone Sumia considered a friend. In fact she'd been about ready to dash off and go see what she needed when Frederick's usual polite cough had halted her.

"She has requested an audience with you… As the Queen of Ylisse." He had stressed.

The meaning hadn't taken long to sink in, she was being requested for a private meeting between sovereigns. Princess Say'ri of Chon'sin, a pureblood royal and one of Ylisse's most important strategic allies wished to discuss diplomacy with her. And only her.

And so after a lot of fretting, some whimpering, a little sobbing and a handful of flower fortunes- here she was!

"I thought we could talk in my tent." Sumia offered, stepping forwards to take the lead.

"Aye, thank you. 'Tis not a matter that should take long, but 'tis of great import to me regardless."

'Great import…' Hearing that didn't do a lot for Sumia's already rocky confidence. With common (if acknowledged) roots, all her experience with ruling had been at Chrom's side over the past three years. She'd helped support him as much as possible and learned as fast as she could- but this would be the first time she'd hold a diplomatic discussion without him, or at least Robin, or, or anyone!

'Say'ri's a friend.' She reminded herself for the thousandth time, 'She's not scary at all. And she's married to Robin!'

There was no way she could accidently ruin their alliance.


Gulping, Sumia lead the way, the commander's tent coming into view far before she was ready. Pulling the flap up, she gestured her companion inside. "After you."

"Thank yo-OH!"

'Huh?' Jolted in surprise, Sumia followed after, finding the Chon'sin princess stuck still in the entrance of the tent, quickly turning red as she stared fixated in shock.

Stomach dropping to her feet, she slowly followed her gaze…

…To where Chrom was spread out on their bedroll, wearing nothing but his smallclothes and staring back, mouth agape in equal surprise.

Lowering the book he'd been reading (one of hers, Sumia noted absently), the Exalt rallied first, "Er-uh, hello?"

Left standing awkwardly outside the tent a few moments late, Say'ri found the temptation to simply flee the scene almost overwhelming…but no, she'd seen the frantic look in Sumia's eyes when the Ylissean Queen had all but begged her to "Please, just excuse us for one moment."

To leave now would be rude.

'Nothing worth doing is ever without difficulty.' She reminded herself, forcing herself to breath slower and very glad no-one else was around to see her so flustered.


"Uh, I-… Have I missed something?"

Say'ri blinked. '…Do they not realise I can hear them?' The awkward situation suddenly much more awkward.

"I-I'm doing my best, trying to act like a queen! And you're here lying around almost naked!?"

"W-Wha? Hey now, how was I to know you were having someone over?"

"What are you even doing here!?"

"Huh? Am I not allowed to be in my own tent? God's! Sumia, peace, please! I was meeting with Basilio this morning, we finished up a while ago and I've got some free time so I thought, I-look, what's going on here? Acting like a queen?"

'M-Maybe I really should just...come back later.' Say'ri considered again, swiftly taking a few steps away from the tent as she attempted to block out the discussion.

"I'm just… I know I'm making an absolute mess of everything…"

"Sumia, come now."

"I-I, just…Say'ri sent Frederick to tell me she wanted to talk to me and, and, it must be important because she said she wanted to speak to me as the Queen of Ylisse! And it's probably about a trade deal! And I don't know anything about trade deals!"

"Er...Why would Say'ri want to talk about trade deals?"

"I don't know! I just thought, I thought I could help you, that I could act like a queen should. I know I'm never very useful to you in negotiations, b-but she asked to speak to me specifically. And, and what if I mess up our entire alliance!?"

"Sumia… Come now. You can't doubt yourself so much, of course you help me, Ylisse wouldn't be what it is without you, I couldn't have done any of it if you weren't at my side. Gods, I don't even know how many times I would have thrown some upstart noble out by his ear if it wasn't for you! You've got a way of getting people to see reason, even Robin's said as much."


"I swear."

Any further conversation from there was too low for Say'ri to hear, unfortunately, the sound of the Exalt and his wife kissing softly was unmissable. It was hard to tell if that was more or less awkward.

Desperately trying to recall the mediation techniques she'd been taught as a child, Say'ri shuffled another few metres from the tent.

"I'm really, really sorry about that," Sumia apologised for the third time as she finished preparing tea for the two of them, "I had no idea my husband was back already."

"'Tis...'tis fine, please, think nothing of it." Say'ri's voice hitched slightly as she attempted again to push all thoughts about the last few uncomfortable minutes out of her mind.

"S-So, anyway," Sumia asked as she seated herself and filled their glass, "What was it you wanted to talk about? I-I mean, I'm happy to help with anything, but-"

"Please," slightly guilty after hearing her friend's earlier fears, Say'ri raced to assure her, "'Tis nothing to worry about. I seek only your advice, if you will grant it."

"My advice?"

"Aye, your perspective as the Queen of a sovereign nation. I was raised in the royal family, I've been trained in the protocols and laws, but I've never ruled, nor did I ever expect to do so." Even thinking of stepping into the role sometimes threatened to overwhelm her, it had always been a role her parents filled effortlessly, one she'd been raised thinking she would support Yen'fay in… "Fie, so I would draw upon your experience. You're my senpai in this."

"I, er, sen-pai?"

"Ah, aye, as a ruler, you're my senior." Say'ri inclined her head respectfully once more, "Please, look after me."

"Oh-uh," She didn't quite know what any of that meant, but Sumia was fairly sure she understood the meaning regardless, "Of course, you can count on me!"

"Thank you, 'tis appreciated, truly."

"Not a problem! We're friends aren't we? Anything I can help with, just ask." This wasn't so bad after all! So Say'ri just wanted advice, that wasn't so scary! She could do this, she would do this! Disguising a sigh of relief with a long sip, Sumia could feel her stress flowing away already.

"Very well then, let me ask. As Queen, and, aye as a wife..."


"How did you select Chrom's lovers?"

Thankfully, a diplomatic incident was avoided as the Queen of Ylisse just barely missed spitting tea all over the prospective Empress of Chon'sin in the resulting coughing fit.

"Are you certain you're alright?"

"I-Hguahh, I'm fine, I'm fine." Sumia promised, holding up a hand to ward off Say'ri's worries as she desperately tried to recover her composure. "Sorry, I, er- Chrom's...lovers?"

"Aye, his mistress? Concubine? I was wondering especially about Cordelia?"

"C-C-Cordelia?" Sumia gaped, this conversation quickly becoming rather scary, "Chrom and Cordelia!? I-what about them!?"

"Fie! I mean not to question your judgement!" Say'ri cut in as way of explanation, "I ask only to understand! From my position on the outside she seems an obvious choice. She and you are close friends, as a knight in your service her pedigree is acceptable and she clearly cares for your husband. Aye, when I first joined the Shepherd's I had assumed she was Chrom's second-wife, yet you've not chosen her?"

"I wh-second wife!?" Confused and flustered, Sumia was already half panicking, "Where's this come from? Has Chrom said something like that!?"

"Ah, Nay! Nay, of course not. 'Tis not my place to discuss such things with Lord Chrom." Say'ri looked scandalised, "I could never- surely the selection would be upon you, as his wife?"

"Selection? I-ah," pausing a few moments to suck in a deep breath, Sumia forced herself calm, "No, I, Say'ri… I don't know what you're talking about. I haven't chosen anyone, Chrom doesn't have any other lovers or mistresses or, or anything…it's just, just me and him. He loves me."

"O-Of course! Fie, I have no doubt of that, 'tis clear Lord Chrom cherishes his family." Say'ri assured her, searching for the right explanation, "I thought only, that given his position...'twould be expected he should, is that not so?"

"No! I mean, I-I don't think so." She'd certainly never heard anything like that, "It's, perhaps it's happened in the past, with political marriages, but, we married out of love."

"Fie, even in a marriage as political as yours?" Say'ri looked taken aback, "I am clearly no expert in these matters, I know only what I was told as a child, but…is that truly the Ylissean custom? A man of his status with only one wife? To whom does he turn when you're unavailable, or when your duties have exhausted you? Fie, or when you were carrying his child?"

"To me!" Sumia balked, "Always to me, we turn to each other! If, if we couldn't support each other then we wouldn't have married."

Hesitating a moment as she saw just how surprised her friend was at hearing that, Sumia remembered that the princess was only very newly married, everything was still new to her, "It must seem daunting mustn't it? I remember how overwhelmed I felt sometimes when I first married him."

"Aye." Say'ri nodded slowly, "It has certainly been quite an experience thus far."

"It isn't always easy, I'm sure you've found that already, but if you love each other you can work through anything. There's no reason either of us should need anyone but each other- it's the same for you and Robin." She assured her friend. "We do have disagreements sometimes, or, sometimes he'll be run ragged in meetings and come back too exhausted to even move. And, I do get a little lonely sometimes when he's tied up all day and I never get to see him. But, I know it's the same for him when it happens to me. So we work through it, because we love each other."

"A-Aye?" Say'ri could hardly keep the shock from her voice as she carefully absorbed her friends words, surprised at just how much of that touched directly upon her own feelings.

"Yes." Feeling bold, Sumia reached out, and patted her hand, "I know it's probably a little scary, but if you love each other, then you just need to believe in that. That's all that matters. And, as a Queen, if you make sure your people are happy, they'll want the same for you. If they can see you love Robin, they'll support you too."

"Aye." Say'ri nodded this time, her eyes lighting up with determination, "Fie, but such words do much to lighten my heart. I know my marriage must be political simply by its nature, but to worry about naught but love- 'tis exactly what I wish for!"

"There's no reason why you can't!" Sumia grinned, already starting to feel far more confident about this entire conversation, "You shouldn't have to worry about anything else. You and Robin, you both get on so well together, Gods, I was just so happy when he found someone, everyone was happy for the both of you." Okay perhaps not Tharja, but she was fairly sure that didn't count. "So, that's what's important, that you're both so good together. There's no need to worry about anything else.

"And, and, you should ask Robin about this not me. Because I know he'd say exactly the same thing. He changed so much after he met you, you know, he just seems so much happier these days!"

Sitting back and clearly absorbing her words, Say'ri gave no answer letting a long silence slowly stretch out between the two women.

"Aye, Your Grace, your words touch me, truly they do. I do cherish the love I hold for Robin, I value it beyond words. My thoughts were concerned with a thousand details but- but, to think only of love instead, it seems simple but I cannot deny the truth of it. 'Twould be the greatest happiness, for both of us."

"Good! Great!" Almost sagging with relief, Sumia had to hold back a cheer. "Oh that's such a relief."

"Aye for me too." Say'ri nodded, returning her attention to the tea as her thoughts swirled within her.

'Focus only on love, for both of our happiness. Fie, just like Morgan's advice, 'tis a truth that seems the self-evident the moment you hear it. Lady Sumia certainly has the right of it.'

'Still,' She sighed, hiding a small chuckle with a long draw from her cup, 'An emperor only a single wife. Ylissean customs are certainly weird.'

"You wished to speak to me Lady Say'ri?" Lucina prompted as she guided the Chon'sin princess into her tent, securing the flaps behind them to offer as much privacy as possible.

"Aye I do." Say'ri answered simply as she seated herself, giving no more explanation until Lucina had joined her.

"I, forgive me, 'tis difficult to know where to begin." Taking a breath, Say'ri looked to her with a serious gaze, "Let me say first and clearly that I hold the greatest respect for you Lucina, both for the past you've fought from and the confidence you inspire now. You are both strong and proud, more than worthy of your lineage. It has always been an honour to fight at your side."

"I-I, ah, I'm really not so..." Lucina fidgeted awkwardly at the sudden naked praise, "I mean, I feel the same about you too of course Lady Say'ri, I've learned much standing at your side."

"And at Robin's too? I understand originally he was under your protection?"

Despite herself, Lucina smiled at that thought, "It was the other way around I believe. I'd never fought in a formalised army before, so my father entrusted me into his care. I have learned much from him though, it's hard not to when you're with Robin."

The words fell off her tongue so easily, but the moment as she'd said them Lucina was wincing at her lack of tact. 'Gods, to talk so lightly of another woman's husband!' The future had afforded her little practice with social graces, but she'd thought she'd improved at least a little with all her time in the past.

Strangely, Say'ri seemed very happy with her response. 'Perhaps I truly do have more to learn?' Even knowing she didn't belong in this time, she prayed she wouldn't always feel so alien.

"Aye, 'tis certainly true." The Chon'sin princess sat back, a sly smile on her face as she redirected the conversation, "But that aside, I wished to ask of you- Lucina, have you taken a lover?"

Gaping, blushing and stammering, Lucina could scarcely believe what she'd heard! Throwing her hands up and reeling backwards, her answer came practically on instinct, "N-No, of course not, nothing of the sort! I, my duty is to change fate itself, I cannot just, I wouldn't..."

"Then, your mother, has he promised your hand to another? Are you betrothed?"

"What!? Mother? No, she would never!" Especially considering until a few months ago, the only Lucina she knew was the child back in Ylisstol.

"I see." Say'ri nodded, seemingly having expected the answer.

Red faced and biting down her mortification at the unexpectedly personal questions, Lucina desperately fought back composure, "Lady Say'ri! I-What's this all about?"

"Fie, a fair question. I ask because I wish to understand you. I am on the cusp of a crucial decision and I would have each of us know exactly where the other stands."

"Exactly where the other stands?" Lucina repeated the words back carefully, her eyes narrowing as she attempted to decipher the meaning behind them.

"Aye, I wanted to speak to you, about Robin, about your relationship to him."

The blood that had moments earlier rushed to her face drained just as fast, her stomach lurching as she stared back at the other woman. Say'ri said nothing, her silence giving Lucina the feeling of being slowly backed into a corner with each passing second.

"He is of course, my father's closest friend." Lucina forced out eventually, "And his value among the Shepherds is unquestionable. To me...he has always been a very dear family friend. He was always very kind, as children we looked forward to his visits."

"Aye." Say'ri nodded, the warm smile on her face not matching with what she seemed to be insinuating, "That doesn't surprise me, you certainly do seem very close to him. 'Tis as likely I see you two together as not."

"I-It's as I said earlier." Lucina answered hotly, her anger at the line of questioning starting to rise, "When I first joined my father entrusted me to his care and we have been friends since, he has been a great help to me."

A great help, was that really how she would describe Robin? It seemed too simplistic, too minimal, missing everything that made him so important to her.

But, what else was she even to say?

That she'd come to the man with warnings of a dire future, intending only to instruct him on the seriousness of their situation and instead found herself unburdening upon him all the fears and guilt she'd keep within her for so long?

That his late night vigils in the war room had become a comfort? That his presence there had given her a way to distract from her own sleeplessness, becoming a refuge from the nightmares under the excuse of spending time with a close friend discussing strategy and warfare?

That whenever they'd fought together, she fought harder than ever, fuelled by a desperate compulsion both to keep him safe and to be worthy of his praise?

"I cherish his friendship greatly." She answered finally.

The Chon'sin princess nodded, and for a moment Lucina breathed a sigh of relief, glad they'd finally come to whatever understanding she seemed to have been seeking.

Puzzlingly however, rather than reassured, Say'ri appeared disappointed with her answer. Had she hoped for something else?

"Is that truly all?"

Lucina gaped, "I-What?"

Frowning, Say'ri shook her head, "Nay. I cannot believe that. I've seen the way your eyes stray to him, I've seen the warmth in your smile when you he speaks to you and how eagerly you spend time with him... Fie! Lucina, I even saw your face fall when he told you of our engagement. I cannot believe you see him merely as a friend."

There was no more hiding the implications behind Say'ri's earlier questions.

"You are mistaken." Lucina growled back, affronted and embarrassed she leapt to her feet. "And, I have done you no wrong! Nothing to merit being accused like this!"

"L-Lucina!?" Ignoring the other princess as she made to storm out the tent, Lucina was stopped only when Say'ri all but jumped in front of her, hands spread wide in a calming motion, "Fie! Wait, please! Naga, I- forgive my words, I know you've done me no wrong. I make no accusations towards you."

The worried look in her eyes, just as out of place as the previous encouraging look, quickly chilled Lucina's heated emotions. Biting back a sigh she relented, letting the other woman urge her gently back inside the tent. "Aye, please, forgive any offense I've caused. 'Twas not my intention, truly. Lucina, know I meant what I said earlier, I hold you in the highest regard."

Leaning backwards with a pained sigh, only her pride kept her from slumping back into her seat. She didn't want to be here, she didn't know what was going on, Say'ri spoke so kindly to her, praised her and then in the same breath seemed to be accusing her of ill intentions towards her husband. "I don't understand. What do you seek from me?"

"Fie, 'tis as I said earlier. I wish only to understand you." Stepping back a polite distance, Say'ri gave her only another moment before continuing her question, "Please, tell me truly- Robin, do you love him?"


Her pride kept her on her feet, but nothing could keep Lucina facing the other woman. In the end however, fists clenched and staring a hole through the corner of her own tent, the truth came easier than she'd expected.

"I don't know."

"You do not know?"

"How can I?" Heart pounding, she spun on her heel, words falling freely before she could even think to stop them, "In the future I never once thought of such things, love was like a story from another time. I've never been in love before, I never expected to be, nor did I even want to. All I ever wished for was to defeat Grima. My whole life, everything I did was about fighting, or scavenging, just surviving. My survival, my friend's survival, humanity's survival…that was all that mattered, that was all I ever knew. It wasn't, it wasn't until I came here that I even remembered there was more to life.

"First it was my parents, and then Robin, his company, his kindness... It changed me, reminded me, I feel like I'm alive again, as if I've been numb for all these years." Grimacing at what she was saying, Lucina's shoulders slumped heavily, "I don't know, I know nothing of such things. And, perhaps you're right... I do care deeply for Robin, perhaps more than is appropriate. B-But, Gods, I swear, Lady Say'ri! I swear I would never do anything to jeopardise your marriage! I could never do that, not to you, or to Morgan."

Falling silent once more Lucina's whole body was shaking, trembling with the effect such an admission left. Never before had she bared herself so openly like this.

Talking to her parents or to Robin had been slow and gentle. She'd told them only as much about herself, her feelings or the future as she could bear at a time. Never before had such naked truth been forced from her, wrenched out equally from guilt and desperation.

Fists clenched tight and with breaths coming in shaky gasps Lucina's eyes bored desperately into Say'ri's, all but pleading the other princess to accept her words.


With her nerves already more than frayed, Lucina almost jumped out of her skin when Say'ri instead reached out, laying a hand on her arm with a soft smile. "Aye, I've no doubt of that Lucina, no doubt at all. I cannot ever imagine you acting so dishonourably."

"I, oh...thank you." The time traveller forced a weak smile in return.

'She believes me so easily?' Her words had been true, but she'd never expected the other woman to simply accept them- 'Gods, why does she seem so happy?' Lucina had all but admitted to being in love with her husband, and yet Say'ri was positively beaming at her, only rarely had she seen the reserved woman looking so delighted.

Somehow, Lucina's confession had been exactly what she'd wanted to hear.

"Fie, this is great!" Say'ri declared, laughing happily despite Lucina's stunned face, "Nay, more than that, 'tis perfect!"

"I-what? Perfect?"

"Aye and aye again, 'tis serendipity itself! To think, after all my time worrying to find the right woman… You were the first person I thought of, fie tis exactly as I hoped!"

"I-I'm sorry, I don't, lady Say'ri, what are you talking about?"

"Ah-Of course." Calming herself, Say'ri nodded a small apology towards her, "Forgive me Lucina, I am rather inexperienced in matters of the heart myself. I saw the way you looked to my husband, but I couldn't be sure. I wished to talk to you today in hopes of understanding you, 'twas my hope that your feelings were as I thought, that you would be similar to me. That you loved Robin as I know he loves you."

'She hoped that I love him?' Lucina balked, staggering backwards away from Say'ri's encouraging smile, 'A-As he loves me?'

"This war draws to a close, and with it the restoration of Chon'sin shall begin." She explained, her demeanour turning serious once more. "As its Empress there is much that will be needed of me, too much. Before that happens I wish to arrange for my husband to be taken care of, that he shall have another woman, someone to stand at his side as his second wife."

"W-Wha…" She stammered, half convinced she'd misheard. "A, a second wife!?"

"Aye, a companion to care for him when I cannot." Say'ri nodded enthusiastically.

Lucina didn't respond, couldn't respond.

Eventually, when no reply was forthcoming, the Princess continued her explanation, "'Tis of course very early to do so, 'twas a worry for me as well, but 'tis the most logical choice. When we return to Chon'sin I shall have a myriad of duties, many of which Robin shall be unable to accompany me on. I cannot possibly wish for him to be alone, not in a foreign country with neither his wife nor friends. Fie, you can see? I need someone to take my place at his side when I cannot be there for him. Just as he looked after you when you first joined the Shepherds, Lucina I would have you look after him when we attend to Chon'sin."

Mouth open and mind spinning Lucina realised she absolutely must have misheard, or, or it had to be a joke, or a misunderstanding, or-it just, it wasn't possible! Not from Say'ri, the Princess of Chon'sin, one of the most refined people she knew!

"Y-You, you're... You're asking me to be Robin's mistress?"

"His wife." Say'ri corrected, "Just the same as me. We shall be equals, sisters."

"I, that-I could never! Ridiculous!" She forced out a response, shaking her head angrily as she desperately fought down an uncomfortable blush, "It, it would be... I couldn't…"

"Ah, I had worried about that… You worry for your heritage? How it would look for one who was once Exalt of Ylisse to now be but a second wife?"

"Er-" Lucina blinked. Actually, she hadn't been thinking about that at all, but now that she mentioned it, it was a good point. Latching onto that the excuse like a lifeline, she relaxed slightly, "Of course. That is, to do so, it would be an insult to the pride of Ylisse." To go from an Exalt to a foreign mistress? That was no way to respect her father's legacy.

"I understand." Pausing and biting her lip, Say'ri gave a distinct impression she was choosing her next words carefully, "Fie, please take no offense to this, but Lucina...have you not already relinquished your title as Exalt?"

Her words were soft, but it was a harsh truth, one long accepted but never acknowledged and certainly never spoken aloud. Sucking in her breath, Lucina's world sharpened to a fine point.

"If you are still Exalt, 'tis only to Morgan and the others who swore to you before travelling through time. Will you call upon their fealty, retain them into your service when this war is over?"

"O-Of course not. Their paths are their own."

"Fie, then you shall be an Exalt with no Halidom? What then Lucina, what of your path? I cannot imagine you returning to Ylisse, not as Lord Chrom's firstborn daughter, the heir to the throne."

She didn't need Say'ri to finish that thought. They both knew she would never steal the true Lucina's birthright, "My father's heir is the child in Ylisstol."

"I expected as much." Say'ri sighed "'Tis just as Robin said... He worries for you, you know? Fears what you shall do when your mission is over, that your pride will keep you from those who love you, fie, that we may never see you again."

Once again, Lucina found herself unable to meet the other woman's eyes.

"He's right isn't he? You have no intention to remain in Ylisstol, not with that brand in your left eye."

She swallowed, hard. There was a reason she rarely let herself consider a life after Grima's defeat. "It would only cause problems for my father." She'd lost her family for so much of life, to have them back now, even if only for a short time, was wonderful beyond words. Leaving them would hurt certainly, but burdening them would be far worse.

"Aye." Having expected an argument, Lucina looked up to see the other woman shaking her head with a small laugh, "I agree. I said as much at the time. Fie, Robin was rather upset with me to hear it, he was adamant that something could be done to allow you to stay with your family."

She couldn't help but smile at that, it was unnecessary of him to worry, but that certainly did sound like him.

"But, do you not see Lucina? This is the perfect solution! It solves all your problems."

"I-It does?" As strange as this conversation had become, she couldn't quite see the link.

"Aye! Do you think Robin will so easily abandon his friendship with Lord Chrom? Fie, 'tis difficult enough to separate them from each other as is!" The look of exasperation the other princess wore at that thought reminded Lucina of something similar she'd heard her mother mention once, "'Twould be a great surprise if anything changes after the war, despite their roles. Lord Chrom will no doubt visit as often as he can, but more than that I expect my husband will journey to Ylisstol as much as possible.

"I had actually worried about it, I expect it will be exceedingly difficult to arrange for us both to be away from Chon'sin for any length of time, especially as we rebuild. But neither can I simply let him go alone, even with guards, as the Emperor…I would fear constantly for his safety. But! Were you with him, I would need have no fears, I know for certain you would both keep the other from all harm. Then you could be with your family at whatever distance you were comfortable with. Your association would be with Robin, not with your father, it will not cause him any problems."

"I see." She couldn't deny it, it did make a sort of sense. Robin, as Emperor, would certainly be a high profile target, and if she accompanied him to Ylisstol it would let her…she could at the very least…

Quickly, instinctively, clamping down on any thoughts to the future, Lucina turned her attention back to the present. "Then, I would be his bodyguard?"

It was a far less scary prospect when put in those terms.

"Nay, his companion, his wife." Say'ri corrected again, "Is this not ideal Lucina? It solves everything that troubles you! You would be married to the man you love, you would be able to see your family both in Chon'sin and Ylisse, and you need never worry about your brand again. No rumours of you would reflect back on Lord Chrom and, fie, any children born with the brand would be seen as a blessing of Naga! 'Twould be a cause of celebration! Fie, especially in a nation rebuilding, 'twould be a sign of rebirth!"

"C-Children?" Lucina stammered, 'Me? A mother?' Such an idea had been almost unthinkable in the future, raising a child would have been impossible. No matter how much they thought, they'd never truly believed they could defeat Grima, even if she'd never admitted it, she'd always expected to be among the final generation of humanity. To raise a seemed so alien, so foreign, and so intensely desirable. 'A mother...To Robin's children.' That thought unfortunately destroyed the last of her composure, leaving her burning bright red once more.

"Aye. At a minimum you would be also Morgan's mother, when she is born of course."

'Then Morgan will have two mothers?' Lucina considered weakly.

By now this conversation had shaken her world so many times that reveal seemed almost mundane in comparison. Again, it even made a strange kind of sense, Say'ri had stressed she was offering for her to be Robin's wife, not just a mistress. 'She truly intends for me to join their family…'

"Naga…I-I know not what to say." She answered finally, still struggling to wrap her head around what she'd been offered. She could be with Robin… She could be with her family… There was no denying the appeal, 'Can I truly just...?'

"Is something wrong?"

"No, it's just- I'm sorry Lady Say'ri it's just far too much. I, Gods, I don't even know what to think…"

Watching the hopeful smile drop from the other woman's face was almost heartbreaking in itself, "Lucina, you need not apologise. I understand, 'tis not a discussion you expected. I did think perhaps-since you can be quite headstrong... Ah, 'tis understandable certainly." Cutting her words off, Say'ri instead offered Lucina a deep bow.

"I shall not pressure you for a decision, but please, know that I do not say these things lightly. 'Twould be an honour to be a sister-wife to you. I know Robin would ensure your happiness, and you have my word I would do no less."

"O-Of course, I have no doubt... I just."

Her mind went blank. So this was the moment? She could just accept this proposal, to so drastically change her fate? She'd never doubted herself before, never allowed time for regrets... So-what did she want? Did she want this?

"Please. Give me some time to think about it."

"Aye," she answered, not unkindly, "Of course."

Say'ri left, and Lucina's legs finally gave out.

Slumping to the ground, she finally let herself truly consider the idea, quickly being utterly overwhelmed by it. A different future, a new life, plans she'd never even considered had all been laid out before her. It was as if her entire world had shifted, yet everything remained the same.

Say'ri was correct. When the war was over she would have no duty, no obligations and no missions. Everything the other princess said had rung true, her logic was sound.

Time moved on but Lucina could not. No matter how hard she thought about it, her thoughts always returned to the same question, a question she'd never asked herself, not since she was a child.

'What do I want?'

"Hey, Robin." Chrom's voice pulled the tactician from his notes, pausing their armoury inspection at the sight of the introspective look on the prince's face.


"What'd your wife want to speak to Sumia about anyway?"

"Huh?" Robin blinked, "She needed to speak to Sumia?" That was the first he'd heard about it.

Chrom shrugged, "Apparently it was something important. A trade deal?"

"Trade deal?" Robin boggled, "Why would Say'ri want to speak to her about a trade deal?"

"That's what I said!" Chrom looked rather vindicated at that.

"Hmm." Wracking his brains, Robin couldn't think of anything that would send his wife to the Queen. Nothing important at least and certainly no trade deals. "First I've heard of it, no clue sorry."

"Ah, right."


"I just… It's well, it's odd. I had the strangest conversation with Sumia afterwards."


That in itself wasn't necessarily surprising. Conversations with Sumia could sometimes go in all sorts of directions, usually depending on what she'd been reading at the time.

"Yeah- She, well she kept asking if I wanted to marry Cordelia."

That was surprising. "But… Isn't Cordelia married?"

"She is."

"And, aren't you married?"

"I am."

"Huh." He concluded. "That is odd."

Shrugging, both men turned back to the assorted weapons.

"I thank you for making time for me."

"Goodness, not at all Lady Say'ri." Cherche smiled, carefully pouring out two cups of tea and seating herself across from the foreign Princess "It was quite a surprise to hear you'd asked to talk privately to me though. We've fought together a time or two, but I don't believe we've spent much time together off the battlefield before."

"Fie, tis true." Say'ri admitted, "But then, perhaps 'tis time we changed that? I have always appreciated your reliability in the field, you've been naught but a stalwart companion and-"

Cutting herself off as the aroma hit her, Say'ri blinked up in surprise, "A-Ah? This tea, 'tis from Roseanne?"

"Oh, you recognised that? How impressive, is it to your liking?"

"Aye and aye again." Say'ri laughed, drawing a small sip from the cup and looking thoroughly amused, "Gods, but it has been an age since I last tasted this. I'd all but forgotten the flavour."

"Well then, I'm glad to hear that. It always cheers me up anytime I'm able to find supplies like back home, it's been far too long since I've seen Roseanne, this cursed war cannot end fast enough."

"You speak true indeed, I too yearn to be within familiar lands once more." The princess sighed, taking a further moment to savour the flavour, "As Lord Virion's retainer, would I be correct in assuming you shall accompany him back to his lands when this all finally over?"

It was a fair question. Would she return to Virion's service? For all that Virion had done alongside Ylisse, he would certainly have Chrom's support in reclaiming his lands. Would she return with him? Take up her place as his knight-maid once more? As if nothing at all had changed all these past years.

Somehow that thought annoyed her.

"I am no longer his retainer." She corrected instead, her voice terser than she intended, "I have not been for years and he is a lord no longer. I am not beholden to him."

"Aye?" Say'ri leaned forward, "I had no idea. You two seem very close, I had actually wondered if you were involved with him."

Deciding not to involve herself in salacious gossip Cherche dismissed that statement with a small glare. Surprisingly, rather than chastened her guest seemed excited at the response, 'Curious.'

"I may owe nothing to Virion, but the same is not true for the citizens of Roseanne." She explained, changing the topic, "With no lord or holdings it's only to them that I owe my loyalties. Even if that were not so Roseanne has always been my home, the land and its people are very dear to me. When this war is over, I would like to assist with the rebuilding, however I am able."

She didn't miss the way the pleased look the princess had been wearing dropped slightly at that statement, "Fie, I should have expected no less." Say'ri nodded, "A knight's loyalty towards her people, 'tis honourable without doubt."

"Oh, none of that." Cherche waved the compliment away, "I do want to help Roseanne, of course I do, but aside from that I have no specific plans. To tell you the truth, I've thought little beyond this war. When I left for Ylisse I had no idea if I would ever even be able to return, and even since returning to Valm, I've only been focussing on one battle at a time. I-for the longest time, I wasn't sure if this was ever more than a fools errand. After seeing how easily his armies marched across my home it was hard to believe Walhart would ever be defeated, especially with only the small force Ylisse was able to muster. I suppose I've just tried not to give myself any...false hopes"


There as no need for any explanation, both knew fully the depths of the other's feelings. The same fears and the dread gripped them equally… But, so too did the slowly burgeoning hope, the knowledge that grew stronger with each day, the almost ridiculous thought that victory would soon be upon them, that the nightmare of the tyrant's reign would be over.

Pushing away such thoughts with long draught of the tea, Cherche attempted to steer the conversation back towards lighter topics, "I'll admit though, when I left to join Virion I wasn't sure what would happen, I thought if I were to remain in Ylisse then perhaps I would like to find a husband and settle down, try live as an Ylissean."

"Oh?" Say'ri raised an eyebrow and suddenly looked a lot more interested.

"Of course." She gave a wry chuckle, "Although I believe my age may have worked against me somewhat."

"'Tis unfortunate but true," Say'ri's words were gentle, but no less blunt for it, "Aye, 'twould be expected for a woman of your age to be married by now. Fie, but you must certainly have had no lack of offers. Has something specific stayed your hand?"

The gentle flattery was appreciated but this was not a topic she wanted to discuss. Already she regretted mentioning her age, even as a mild jest.

"Hmm, are you asking if I've saved my vows for Virion?" A disdainful smile came naturally at that thought, "Believe me Lady Say'ri, if I were to receive the right proposal that man would be the last thing I would consider. Still, you're not wrong, I have had many offers, especially during my time in Roseanne... I suppose they've just never been from a man who would suit me. Well, mostly they were scared of Minerva, a few even asked me to leave her behind…but I could never do that."

"Fie, of course not! She's family to you." Say'ri sounded affronted at the very suggestion and Cherche's estimation of the woman rose.

"Exactly! And unfortunately Minerva hasn't had any more luck than I with courtship. We both had such high hopes for her when your husband graciously offered to lend us his assistance earlier in the year. Alas, I suppose it wasn't to be."

"Fie, I believe I know that story. The way Robin told it, there was a tremendous fight between your Minerva and her would be suitor." Frowning, the princess's face darkened a moment. "Although, he remembers little about what happened after they knocked that tree onto him."

Instantly regretting carelessly bringing the topic up, Cherche winced painfully at that memory. Robin had spent almost half a week in the infirmary after being caught up in the wyvern's rampage. She and Minerva had both visited to apologise numerous times, which had been no small feat considering Lissa's refusal to let Wyverns (cute or otherwise) into the medical tent.

"They both just got a little too hot headed, they calmed down after a good scolding." She explained carefully, "And, we're both still very, very sorry for what happened to him."

"Aye, 'twas terrifying indeed to see him in such a state..." Nodding guiltily, Cherche was sure the princess had more to say, but instead she simply shook her head with a sigh, "Still, 'tis no worse than I've seen him bear on the battlefield and I know he holds no grudge towards either of you."

"He's very kind." She agreed, the knot in her stomach loosening slightly.

Relaxing backwards in her seat, Say'ri gave a soft laugh, "Although, he did express a desire to refrain from further wyvern-matchmaking."

"Ah, I don't think that shall be a problem. With everything that happened, I believe Minerva and I have both come to the same conclusion about courtship."


"Yes. Perhaps we are both a little older, but trying to foce it won't make anyone happy. Age is no reason to compromise, I won't lower my standards and if that means I never find a suitable man, then so be it. I'll simply let marriage pass me by and be no less happy for it."

Looking over at the princess as she made to refill their cups, Cherche was taken aback by just how pleased she seemed at that, "Fie! Very well put, I agree completely! That strength of self is the same reliability I mentioned earlier, 'tis exactly what I wanted to hear, a woman who will compromise neither her values nor her dignity. 'Tis to be respected."

"Oh goodness," She laughed, "Did you come here just to flatter me? I shall have to invite you around more often."

"I do not think though," Say'ri continued carefully, "That marriage has passed you by just yet."

'Curious.' Raising an eyebrow as she seated herself, Cherche took a moment to examine the the princess. She would still have preferred not to discuss the topic at all, but Say'ri –as kind as she was— was royalty, there was little she said without meaning.

"Aye, 'tis true you are among the older Shepherds but you are still very desirable Cherche. You're in the peak of health, blessed with a rare beauty and your skin- Fie! Knight or no, 'twould be the envy of any at Chen'tsung. At the least I've little doubt you've attracted many forlorn looks around the campfire."

Having spent most of her life around Virion, Cherche was rather inoculated against such flattery, even from royalty. "That's very kind of you to say."

Say'ri laughed, "Were that the whole of it I would hold my tongue, there are many beautiful women among the Shepherds and to be known only for your looks would do you disservice. I speak because even among our friends there are few praised as highly on the battlefield as off."


"Aye, none doubt your skill in combat, but I also know myself how we look forward to the nights you cook, even talk of your needlework or laundering is highly praised." She continued enthusiastically, "And of course, that's not to forget your relationship with Minerva. Never before have I seen a wyvern so well behaved. Naga, if nothing else, you're clearly very adept at keeping Lord Virion in line.

"To me, it all speaks very highly of your ability to run a household. I believe Cherche, you would make an ideal wife, a wonderful mother. Any man should welcome this." The princess finished, radiating a warm smile.

"Goodness." Cherche gasped, quickly realising she wasn't as inoculated as she'd thought, her cheeks heating up at such clinical praise. It took a small moment just to catch her breath before she even realised the nature of the princess's comments. Kind as they were, they were not simple statements nor idle flattery, it felt almost like an analysis. "I must say, I'm surprised. You've certainly thought about this a lot."

"'Tis true indeed." Say'ri admitted, spreading her hands in acknowledgement, "Aye, I have thought greatly about this, about you. When I requested to speak with you 'twas my wish that I could understand you better. I know we've not talked much off the battlefield, but you are someone my husband has oft spoken about."

Cherche looked up, eyes narrowing at that comment. Robin had spoken about her? When they'd been organising a mate for Minerva they had spent many long nights together. The time had been mostly spent discussing wyvern habits, or looking through pictures of potential mates however, it was also a time where she had shared a lot of herself.

It had all happened before he had been with Say'ri, but certainly, their discussions were the kind of thing a wife may be inclined to ask about after they had married. It was not a pleasant thought, that he might ha-

"Ah!" The princess's laugh knocked her from her thoughts, "Fie, I see your furrowed brow. Worry not, he told me no secrets of yours. Only about his time with you, his respect for you."

"O-Of course." She hadn't doubted him for a second. Robin wasn't that sort of man!

"Aye, and yet, that you would worry speaks volumes." The princess peered closely and Cherche found it surprisingly difficult to hold her gaze, "You've told him of things you don't share easily? Tell me, how close are you to him? I know already of the affection Robin holds towards you, but, what do you feel for him?"

Reeling back at the blunt question, Cherche's visage narrowed to a cold glare. "What exactly are you accusing me of?"

"Fie, I accuse nothing." Say'ri answered calmly, lowering her head in apology, "You and he have been friends since before I even met him. 'Twas simply a thought, with all that time spent finding a mate for Minerva, were no similar desires also sparked within yourself?"

That hit far, far, too close to home.

It took almost everything Cherche had not to give a reaction to that as she stared back at the other woman. She couldn't deny it, she had grown close to Robin during their time together, but even then it meant nothing. His eyes had only ever been for Say'ri. She had been no fool, it wasn't as if she'd ever actually believed something would happen between them… And, even if she'd hoped it might, well, that hope had surely died the day he'd happily told her of his engagement.

'What is this?' She wondered, turning the strange situation over in her mind. She'd done no wrong and she'd only ever told Minerva of her feelings on the matter. 'Is this a wife's jealousy? Did something happen between them?' That hardly seemed likely, she'd never taken Robin for a cad, and even if that was the case why would it implicate her? She'd not spent even a moment alone with the man in almost a fortnight.

'And, why does she seem excited?' Nothing about Say'ri's body language appeared jealous, or angry. She wasn't bitter or tense in the least, 'Not to mention the way she asked, it just seems s-'

Her thoughts slammed to a halt.

'I believe you would make an ideal wife.'

Say'ri was royal born, nothing she said was without meaning.

"O-Oh!" She squeaked out, the answer almost knocking her from her feet as her face burned bright red, hands flying to her mouth in surprise!


Dazed by the shock, before she knew it Cherche found herself laughing in relief- at the sheer absurdity of it! "Lady Say'ri, are you…are you looking for me to become Robin's second wife?"

"Oh!" Now it was her turn to reel back in surprise, "Fie! So you already know about the custom?"

"I do indeed." She nodded, "I, as I mentioned, I've had a number of attempted suitors. One of them was a Chon'sin noble, a married man and lord of some sort I believe, someone looking to expand his influence further."

"I see."

"It's not a memory I'll soon forget I think, it was such a strange experience- the idea of marrying into anothers family certainly, but also to be courted by his wife, rather than the man himself." She explained, shaking her head in bemusement at the old memory.

"'Tis a wife's duty!" Say'ri bristled, "What kind of married man would court another woman!? 'Twould be adultery!"

"R-Right" Cherche blinked, suddenly realised she must have accidently stepped on sensitive territory.

"Fie, I-I apologise." She winced, looking slightly abashed at the outburst, "I, just- to act so dishonourably, to do such a thing to your family. I cannot abide infidelity, 'tis terrible to even think about."

'She says so while arranging a second woman for her husband...' Cherche kept that thought to herself.

"And, 'tis only...'Tis only sensible that the wife would court, 'tis important that she chooses well. Someone matched to her husband of course, but also a woman who will be like a sister to her."

"Oh?" Cherche raised an eyebrow. "Like a sister? Is that how you see me?" It was a rather flattering idea all things considered.

"I would very much like to." Say'ri's smile was warm and inviting, "You are reliable and honourable, you carry yourself with both dignity and pride, compromising neither. I did not come here to talk idle banter, nor to say that which I mean not. I would be proud to call you my sister, and I know Robin holds great affection for you. Cherche, you know our custom, so tell me truly, do you not feel the same? Does he not suit you as a husband?"


Cherche almost choked on her words. Did he suit her as a husband!? How did she even begin to answer that?

"Robin is… He is certainly a wonderful man. He's always been very kind to me, to all the Shepherds. I'm proud to consider him a friend, and- as you said, I suppose at one time I did wonder if something could happen between us.

"It was but a flight of fancy, really." She correctly quickly, finding herself speaking thoughts she'd long since put away, "As you say, when we were trying to find a partner for Minerva, I did think it might be nice if we also... We'd been friends for several months by then, and also worked well together, her was, is, certainly a dependable man. I suppose I asked myself, if he were to propose a relationship, how would I respond?"

"You would have said yes?" Say'ri prompted eagerly.

"It was a long time ago now." She answered instead. "And, while I have the upmost of respect for Robin, Lady Say'ri, he's always had eyes for you alone."

"Fie, Cherche, you know Robin as well as anyone. Do you truly fear he will not treat you as a wife?"

Again, the sheer bluntness of the Chon'sin woman caught her off guard, "I-I that's quite a question. I can't say I've ever wondered how Robin would treat another woman!"

"Then take my assurance, as his wife. My husband is not a cruel man, he would never hurt you and I know he will do anything possible to make you happy, to make us both happy. Fie, I promise you, I've not been happier since I've stood at his side."

'Can she really promise such a thing? On his behalf?' She boggled, 'I suppose so. It seems the wife has signing authority in this decision.'

It truly was an unexpected situation, even having been aware of the Chon'sin custom it wasn't something she'd thought about in years! When she'd been approached by that noble's wife she'd politely declined without ever giving it much consideration…

...She couldn't so easily decline this.

Biting her tongue, Cherche considered her options.

'Do I love Robin?' She thought very highly of him certainly, and perhaps she'd entertained pleasant thoughts about what it might be like to be courted by him, but she'd put such thoughts aside long ago!

'I-' And yet, she could still remember the hollow feeling inside her when he'd told her of his engagement.

It hadn't been a surprise. She'd always known it was coming, just the same as she'd known her attempted suitors would run away when they learned about Minerva…still, somehow it hadn't been quite the same, it hadn't been quite so easy to simply brush it off. Surely though, that was just a factor of her being older, of her finally giving up what may have been her last hope of marriage?

"Minerva would be well cared for in Chon'sin." Say'ri added. "We have no rookery, so I imagine she'll have the run of the place. And, of course as part of the royal family, you would be able to leverage great influence towards the Roseanne rebuilding efforts."

"I'm, I'm not sure." She answered finally, forcefully shaking the runaway thoughts from her mind, "I'm sorry Lady Say'ri, I cannot just answer such a request so simply."

"I, ah, nay… Nay of course not."

Seeing the frustrated look on the other woman's face, Cherche forced a weak smile. "I'm sorry, I'm flattered by your offer, truly. I just, I need to talk to Minerva and… I'm sorry."

"Nay, apologise not." Sucking in a breath, Say'ri bowed her head in acquiescence. "'Tis more than understandable. 'Tis not a decision to be made in haste and I've no wish to pressure you. Please, give me your answer whenever you're ready."

"Thank you, I-I truly am grateful for the offer, that you think I would- I, it's just very unexpected." Again, it was difficult to meet the other woman's eyes, the princess's disappointment was clear.

"Of course." Say'ri repeated gently, rising from her seat and offering a polite farewell, slipping from the tent a moment later.

Leaving Cherche alone to ponder the incredulous situation she'd found herself in.

'To think I'd still be getting offers of marriage.' She chuckled sardonically, her head falling into her hands as she sank into a chair, 'But, Robin and I, can I really just...?

The noble hadn't been the only time she'd heard about second wives, Roseanne was close enough to Chon'sin that she'd heard stories- but even being familiar with the concept, she'd never seriously considered herself in such a position.

Until now.

'Were it Robin that asked, how would I have answered?'

"Ahhhh! Sorry Sev! I completely forgot!" Morgan cried, clapping her hands in front of her face and bowing low, "I'm reaaaaally sorry!"

"Gawds Morgan!" Severa fumed, not at all amused by the display, "Saying sorry doesn't change anything! How can you just forget anyway!?"

"B-But, usually Kan'ei reminds me about these kind of things! Anyway, I really can't help with the cooking tonight! I'm working with Owain on our battle speeches, it's important!"

"What, so I get to just do it all myself!? I'll just do all the work you're meant to do!"

"You will? Ah, you're the best! Thanks Sev! Sorry again!"

"W-Wha!? Hey! Wait damnit!" Severa screamed, yanking the younger tactician back into place just as she made to run off, "Look, you're rostered on! You've made a commitment, you can't just not do it!"

Watching Morgan's face fall was always difficult, no matter how mad you were at her. The girl didn't have a manipulative bone in her body, but even so, few could last more than a second watching the girl's effervescent demeanour fade.

Severa lasted two.

"Gaaaawds." She sighed, "I don't know why you even want to, but if it's such a big deal to hang out with Owain, then just find someone else to replace you."

Blinking and staring in surprise back at the girl, Severa's words struck Morgan a lot harder than the tactician had been expecting. "Find someone to replace you?" She repeated to herself. It was as if a light went on in her brain, the pieces falling into place and a puzzle that'd been itching away at the back of her mind slowly became clear.

'What kind of women do you think your father prefers?'

"Someone... If you can't do a commitment, you've got to find someone to replace you..." She whispered again, her draw dropping in silent horror.

"Er- Hello? Morgan, you there?"

"No, that's... Mother, she would never… It's…"

"Hey, Morgan!" Severa's fist was centimetres away from rapping against the side of the young girl's skull when she suddenly found herself staring into a look of furious determination, the likes of which she'd never seen from her friend before. "U-Uh? Huh?"

"No way!" Morgan declared, "No way! I won't let that happen! I won't!"

"H-Hey!" Stumbling away from the fiery look in the girls eyes, Morgan was out of sight before Severa could even begin to react, ducking through the Shepherd's maze of tents and leaving her all alone.

All alone with cooking duty.


Ruling –Say'ri's father had taught to her once— began first in the mind.

No matter the circumstances, a Monarch had to maintain the correct mindset. No matter where she may be, if she was to receive a subject, she must act the same as if she was within the walls of the grandest palace.

It was with that memory in mind that Say'ri appraised the woman kneeling deferentially at her feet. Finely dressed in a light purple tunic with her hair pulled into a tight bun she was surprisingly well presented for someone who'd spend the last few weeks on the road, her light olive skin was as flawless as ever.

[Kan'ei.] She nodded. Her most favoured and trusted servant, far more akin to a friend than an attendant, Kan'ei was similar age to her, a companion since childhood and one who had been sorely missed until they'd been reunited only a few months ago –the woman having rushed to Say'ri's side almost the instant it was possible.

Seeing her returned once more brought Say'ri such joy it took almost everything she had to restrain the smile seeking to burst onto her face. Still, they were in public, so decorum was maintained regardless of the effort. [I was not aware you would be back so soon.]

[Aye, your highness. 'Twas also my expectation to need a further week. Happily, a favour of providence has returned me to you.]

[And your task?]

['Tis by my pride I report a success my lady.]

That was a relief certainly. Say'ri even allowed herself a relieved, smile at the news. [This is no place for a discussion, we shall talk in my chambers.]

Having spent years fighting in an underground resistance and now with her recent time surrounded by the Shepherds, it was rare for Say'ri to find herself acting as anything other than a soldier, a wife or a mother. She got such little practice that even despite all her upbringing acting like a member of the Chon'sin royalty came slowly at times. Now she was so used to the blunt nature of the Shepherds (especially the Feroxians) that it was almost uncomfortable to simply sit quietly while Kan'ei bustled silently around her quarters, doing nothing but watching as her friend wordlessly prepared tea for them both, at all times keeping her eyes averted from Say'ri's.

Still, even if some parts of her old life had grown slightly rusty, she knew well it was a discomfort she would have to lose if she was to be taken seriously as Chon'sin's ruler. It was another reason she was so relieved they had been reunited, simply being around Kan'ei, her mannerisms and the way she carried herself, gave Say'ri a pleasant nostalgic feeling. It was a constant reminder of the woman she was- or perhaps, the woman she had once been, the woman she would need to become again.

The woman she had once been- An imperial Princess, regal and elite, the second heir to a six thousand year dynasty. It felt like another world compared to her simple life among the Shepherds.

Perhaps that feeling was why, as her friend went through all the motions and gestures of presenting the tea for said princess, Say'ri was not sitting in a dimly lit tent, nor was she wearing a hastily washed tunic or wearing a sword strapped around her waist.

Closing her eyes and savouring the slightly bitter blend, Say'ri was once more in the loftiest halls of Chon'sin. She was basking in the warm summer glow of the afternoon, seated on a duck-feather pillow and wearing a kimono made from the finest silk in the lands. Just as she had been so many times before.

[Raise your head Kan'ei, I would speak to you as a friend.] She smiled warmly at the other woman, grateful to be able to loosen herself from some of the required formalities outside the public eye. ['Tis a joy indeed to see you again so soon, today especially. I know Morgan's missed you no less.] Although, given the state of Morgan's room, she'd likely missed the woman's assistance as much as her company.

[I as well your highness.] Kan'ei's smile was no less bright, ['Tis beyond relief to see you remain safe, my thoughts were ever turned towards you and Lord Robin... And my worries ever for Lady Morgan...]

[Ha, I understand, but you need worry not. We've managed to keep her from trouble somehow.]

[Forgive me my lady, but I cannot help but worry! You entrusted her protection to me, 'twould be to my greatest shame if an-]

[Fie! Peace Kan'ei, peace.] Halting her friend's fretting a soft laugh, Say'ri supposed she could hardly fault her for it. Would she not feel as mortified if Lady Tiki was to come to harm? [I have no doubts towards your dedication.]

[Of course, I thank you.]

[Now, tell me. Your task, what news do you bring from Chon'sin?] A small tremor ran through her hands, betraying the nervousness eating at her even as she asked. It had been almost three years since she'd last stepped foot within Chon'sin's borders...she'd been a rebel, a disgraced exile, she'd fought even against their own forces with the Shepherds, she'd… Thoughts of Yen'fay prompted another shiver. Frowning angrily her embarrassing display, Say'ri forced her hands still as she placed her cup carefully down on the table. [Tell me, how are my people?]

[My lady, Fie! They are joyous!] Kan'ei gushed, ['Tis why I was able to return so soon, they await your return eagerly. Already tales are told of Say'ri the Phoenix! The invincible princess who shall return Chon'sin to its rightful glory!]

[Say'ri...the Phoenix?] A bold title, a very bold title. Hands now shaking in relief were hidden below the table before they could betray her.

[Aye, a name borne on every man's lips since the battle of Demon's Ingle. Lord Yen'fay's forces returned home telling stories of your victory, all know of your battle, that you braved even the wrath of the Fire God to defeat Chon'sin's greatest warrior in single combat!]

'Yen'fay. Please, forgive me.' She was famous for killing her own brother? For slaying a brave man who sought only to protect her? It was cruel, too cruel. 'I swear to you brother, when Chon'sin is restored it shall be restored in your name. All shall know your sacrifice.'

[Already 'twas known that you fight alongside Naga's voice and that the famed Tactician of Ylisse fights for you, but now even those that once fought against you spread your legend... Forgive me my lady, I know how you must feel- about Lord Yen'fay, but, I could not speak out against such rumours. For the first time in years, your people have hope.]

[Nay.] She bit back a sigh, [There is naught to forgive. I imagine this is exactly the sacrifice Yen'fay wished for, that his legacy would protect me even when he no longer could.]

[Then, then his plan was successful my lady. The whispers say that you are unstoppable, that you hold the mandate of heaven, your strength bolstered by Naga herself! They believe the Conqueror's nightmare shall finally end! My lady, hundreds flock to your banners each day! Already I arrive ahead of three divisions mustered to join you.]

That news shocked her from any remaining melancholy, [Three divisions?] That was almost unbelievable, when she'd sent Kan'ei to ascertain the possibility of gathering support from a unified Chon'sin they'd expected a few regiments at the very most.

[The first of many! Your brother's former men enlist by the droves and many more follow! Fie, I'm certain Lord Robin will be ecstatic.]

[Aye, I've no doubt of that.] Say'ri chuckled, after so long spent dealing with fickle dynasts, to think that they were finally gaining support… Unfortunately, that good news also reminded her of the other request she'd made, [Speaking of my husband, I- what do they say of him? How has word of our marriage been received?]

[Fie... They- 'Tis difficult to say. In truth many are wary of Lord Robin…] Kan'ei spoke hesitantly, picking her words carefully, [His exploits have become legends already, 'tis common knowledge he is the right hand man of Exalt Chrom, a foreigner whose strategies have turned aside Walhart with but a fraction of his force. That he fights for you is a relief, but, by reputation alone, Lord Robin is a very easy man to fear. There are, there are even some that dare question your marriage, or worry about his intentions towards you…]

Expected. Absolutely expected. But painfully frustrating to hear none the less. 'An easy man to fear.' It sounded almost ridiculous to her ears, he was the man who doted terribly on Morgan, who whispered sweet nothings to her, who had been left flustered and stammering when she'd confessed her love for him. Robin was one of the kindest, gentlest men she'd ever met, and someone she'd never held a single reservation in vowing her life to. She had no doubt he would devote himself to the people of Chon'sin, just as he had for her, that they would fear him...

[So! I talked about him, I spoke widely about his devotion to you! To anyone who would listen!] Kan'ei added quickly, bringing Say'ri back to the conversation.


[Aye! I told them he fell in love with you at first sight, that you fought for victory together and he was so enamoured with you he asked for your hand the very moment the battle ended!]

Say'ri blinked. 'I- I suppose parts of that are true?' They had fought together that day, and it was possible Robin had fallen for her at first sight.

[Fie! But with your duties you couldn't accept him so easily, even though you loved him just as much! You needed to know of his dedication, that he would stand with you as long as you lived, so Lord Robin dedicated a haiku to you each night, for eight-eight days he stood vigil outside your tent, until you finally accepted!]

Say'ri gaped. [Kan'ei...] For all Robin's many skills, poetry was certainly not one of them- Never mind what her reaction would have been if someone she'd just met had tried standing outside her tent each night!

[Fie, I-I may have gotten a little caught up in the telling my lady.] The woman at least had the grace to look abashed, [But, I am sure, if you'd asked it of him, Lord Robin would have certainly done so to win your hand!] Apparently Kan'ei belonged to the school of thought that if it could have happened, then it was close enough to true.

Say'ri just sighed, she couldn't even begin to respond to that.

[Hey, you two are knowing I am realise you talk about me. Right?]

And with that injection of mangled Chon'sin, the illusion was shattered.

No longer wrapped in comfortable nostalgia, nor within the majestic walls of the Imperial Palace, Say'ri was back in her tent, sitting on a single threadbare pillow, inside a standard army tent, the room lit only by the dull light through the fabric.

Narrowing her eyes in frustration, she took another long sip from her cup, forcefully trying to recapture the moment. [My, the wind certainly is loud today, is it not Kan'ei?]

[Wind? What meaning?] Somewhat irritated by the fact that his wife had brought their friend into their tent and summarily ignored him- despite talking about him!, Robin tried again, [What you two talking about? Haiku is what?]

[Aye.] Kan'ei mimicked her actions, taking a long draw from her own cup. [But strong winds this time of year are a sign of good fortune.]

"Hey!" Robin moaned, switching back to his more comfortable tongue, "Why are you two igno-"


All but leaping through the tent with a distressed scream, Morgan thwarted and further attempts for Robin to either return to his work or get his wife's attention as she practically wrenched him from his seat.


"I! I neeed'a talk to you!" She cried, eyes hot with tears as she proceeded to yank him outside, "It's important!"

"Wha- Hey! Morgan? What's going on!? Heey, wait!"

A few moments later the man's confused shouts trailed off and the tent was silent once more.

[Oh. The wind's died down.]

[Aye, it seems calm now.]

Seeing Morgan so worked up was worrying, but Say'ri had little doubt to Robin's capability as a father. Whatever the matter was, he would sort it out. She wasn't able to worry about it now, so she made a mental note to check with him about it later.

And so, relaxing back into her comfortable silken cushions and bathing in the warm Chon'sin afternoon sun, Say'ri simply sighed in contentment. Enoying the company of an old friend as they each slowly drained their tea in silence, the welcome nostalgic feeling filling her chambers once more.

[Kan'ei. I believe it may be providence indeed for you to return today of all days.]

[Has something happened my lady?]

[Aye. This morning I finally resolved a long considered decision.] She nodded, [After discussion with Lady Tiki, I have decided 'tis time I found a second wife for my husband.]

[O-Oh!] Kan'ei's hands shot to her mouth in surprise, [My lady-I, so soon?]

['Tis indeed soon, but there is no hurry for the arrangements, only that they are done by the time we return to Chon'sin.]

[Aye, but still…]

[Aye, I realise 'tis unusual to act so swiftly. But I have thought much on this and unfortunately your report to me only reinforces that this decision is the correct one. There will be much to do when this terrible war is finally ended, restoring our country shall be no small feat. I shall need my people's trust, they must know that I lead at his side, not at his command.]

Her friend was no fool. [I see... Aye, many will be far more comfortable if able to discuss directly with you my lady. They will swear fealty to you far easier than to a foreigner.]

[Nay. They shall swear to him too, any who hold fealty to me shall hold it to him no less. Robin shall be Emperor, no matter anyone's distaste.] She corrected firmly, [I will not make my husband a puppet, he shall rule equally with me. 'Tis not a decision to diminish his role, but to stand him aside for a time, to allow all of Chon'sin to trust him, to love him as I do.]

[I see. But for that time you shall be busy with ruling and Lord Robin much less so.]

[Exactly, and I expect it shall be especially difficult when we first arrive in Chon'sin. I love my country dearly, but 'tis not familiar to him, it shall take time to grow accustomed. I've no wish to leave him in such a state while I attend my duties, he shall need a wife to stand with him.]

[Aye, a wise decision my lady.] Kan'ei nodded, quickly seeing the logic, [Fie, and another mother to assist in raising Morgan too. My, to think! A sister-wife, so soon! You must be very excited!]

[Aye, 'tis part of it surely.] Say'ri grinned, before clamping down on such idle daydreams, [Equally so though, I worry about finding the right woman, 'tis not a choice I make lightly. Aside from Lady Tiki, already I have consulted with both Morgan and Queen Sumia. 'Tis on their advice I seek a woman of similar disposition to myself, one who loves Robin and who he can love in return.]

Leaning forward, Kan'ei hummed in contemplation at that, [Aye wise words indeed, but finding such a woman is no small feat.]

[Aye, indeed. But 'tis a task I would see done correctly regardless.]

[Then…] Kan'ei spoke her thoughts carefully, [Have you considered Princess Lucina my lady? I've had little interaction with her myself, but all in the camp speak of her strength as much as her kindness. I've seen her oft with your husband, 'twould not be a surprise were she very fond of him. Aye, and the brand in her eye is a surety of her heritage.]

[I have considered the Ylissean Princess.] Say'ri answered, pleased to note how much of her attendant's logic matched her own, [However, when I said I was glad you arrived today of all days, I meant it not so I could request your advice. But rather, so that I could ask without delay… Kan'ei, what are your feelings towards my husband? 'Tis obvious you care for him, could you also love him as a wife?]

[M-M-My lady! I-I!?] Reeling back as her hands covered her mouth, Kan'ei's words faded to nothing, leaving the woman simply staring, petrified with shock.

[You have done much for me, for my family. When we were reunited I asked for you to help Robin in his work- you cared tirelessly for him. When we found Morgan I asked you to protect her- none could miss the love you've provided my daughter.]

[I-Of course, of course!] She spluttered, shaken from her paralysis and instead prostrating herself on the ground, her whole body trembling as tears splashed weakly to the ground between them, [Naga, your husband, a who makes you the happiest I've ever seen, how could I not love him for that? I am thankful to Lord Robin beyond words. An-and, your daughter, fie, anyone would love her so!]

[Kan'ei,] Say'ri whispered, humbled by her friend's response, [We were both little more than children when you my father took you in, you've been at my side as long as I can remember. I've always considered you among my closest companions, more than a friend. Is it not natural that I would ask you to join my family?]

[ Naga...I-I,] her voice shook almost as much as her body, almost a full minute passed in silence before Kan'ei was able to bring back a measure of control, [I've never been so- you honour me beyond words my lady. Your father, your whole family was always so very good to me, I cared deeply for them all, b-but 'twas you I loved most of all! I have always been proud to stand at your side, I would stand with you forever! Fie, th-that I would be not just Lady Morgan's guardian, but a mother to her… Naga.]

[Come then,] Say'ri beamed, laying her hands open on the table, [Stand with me now. Dry your tears and let us always be together.]

[My lady... I would. In a heartbeat I would...] Rubbing furiously at her face, Kan'ei's shock seemed to have passed, but still she couldn't raise her head, ['Twould be the greatest privilege, I cannot even express it... But, I- My, my hand has already been promised to another.]

[Wh-] now it was her turn to reel back in surprise, utterly shocked Say'ri stared wide eyed back at her friend, [You've a beloved? I... Fie- 'tis joyous news of course but... Gods, Kan'ei, why have you never made mention of him?]

She couldn't help but feel a slight tinge of betrayal. Was it at not having been told such news or at her friend not accepting? She couldn't tell.

[Nay- 'Tis no secret lover. He is a magistrate in Ibakawa, the son of one of my mother's friends. Someone she knew from her time in your father's service.]

[Ah.] Say'ri sighed, the sense of betrayal fading as the picture cleared, [A marriage arranged by your mothers?]

[Aye my lady. I've not met him yet, but my mother speaks highly of him, I've no doubt he is a good man.] Kan'ei paused heavily, [Our marriage was only arranged a few months ago and I-I was so happy to return to your side! Fie, I've tried not to even think of it… I thought to, to at least see you safely through the war, till you reclaimed your birthright.]

[And then leave...] Ibakawa was far from the Imperial palace, almost at the furthest stretches of what had been Chon'sin's previous borders.


A painful silence stretched out between the two women. Kan'ei remained motionless, prostate on the floor, while Say'ri leaned heavily on the table separating them.

'I never even thought... Fie! 'Tis no surprise! She's only a year younger than me, and certainly very attractive... 'Tis no surprise at all for a marriage to be arranged. Just..'

That she should have seen it coming was little comfort to the thought that she would again be separated from the friendship she'd only recently regained.

[To break an arranged marriage, 'twould surely be dishonourable.] Say'ri spoke finally, fighting to keep her voice level, [But surely, doing so to marry into the royal family... None would question you.]

[I- Forgive me, my lady. I wish to, more than anything. But, I-I cannot so easily, to just agree to...]

[Nay... Of course.] Wincing, Say'ri shook such thoughts from her head. It wasn't fair to put pressure on her friend, especially not like this. She'd never want Kan'ei to agree under any duress, [Fie, 'tis fine, I understand your position. Raise your head and let us speak of this no more.]

[My lady is too kind.] Finally shuffling herself back into a seating position, the two women shared a weak smile.

Her resolve finally snapping, Say'ri reached over- breaking protocol as she squeezed her friend's hand, [Know though, that I shall not withdraw this offer. Think on it carefully... I would be proud to have you at my side, to call you my sister. I know Robin feels the same, he and Morgan both hold great affection for you.]

[A-Aye, of course...'twould be...] Swallowing heavily, Kan'ei paused a moment, [I don't… I, perhaps I shall give an offering to Naga tonight, to seek out her guidance.]

[Aye, 'tis a fine idea. The wisdom of the Goddess is sure to direct you well… Tonight, tomorrow or anytime, when you have your answer, come to me. Know that there will never be ill will between us, no matter what you choose.]

Raising a hand to forestall any reply, Say'ri let the topic drop. [Fie, but I said I would talk no more on it and I intend not to. Now, I've not eaten yet today and I cannot believe you would return from Chon'sin empty handed...]

[Oh! Of course! My lady, you would not believe what I found!]

Bidding Kan'ei farewell and making her way back through the Shepherd's camp, it was difficult for Say'ri not to feel rather frustrated with the days results.

Her husband was popular among the Shepherds, he was strong, attractive and kind, there was clearly no lack of love for him...and yet, she'd spent almost a whole day on this and no-one else seemed to want to marry him! It was almost insulting! 'Fie, to think 'twould be this difficult!'

It had all seemed so easy to begin with, she'd thought simply choosing the right woman would be the hardest part! She'd been certain that Lucina would agree, even aside from the obvious feelings she had for him it made perfect sense for the girl's situation! And if not Lucina then surely Cherche. But, Kan'ei! Her rejection had been the most surprising of all!

Of course, none of them had directly turned her down, not in so many words at least. But then surely if they were interested they would have said so at the time, 'Aye, Lady Sumia has the right of it, 'tis a matter for the heart. If they love him, then 'tis simply a matter of being with the man they care for.' What else was there to even consider?

Of course, she admitted grudingly, there were some minor cultural differences. Lucina had clearly been shocked at the idea of being a second wife and even Cherche had seemed put off by it… But surely that couldn't be such a great hurdle? What reason would there be for someone be so hesitant about joining her family? It didn't make sense!

Frowning, she had a rather immature urge to stomp her feet at the sheer ridiculousness of it it. 'Fie! Does no-one wish to marry my husband!? Do they not see how wonderful he is!?'

The anger passed quickly, turning back to into futile frustration, ''Twould be so much easier were I able to simply ask mother how she went about this.' That thought did little to simmer her mood, it was just one more way that Walhart had ruined her life, his reckoning couldn't come soon enough.

"M-Morgan! C'mon now!"


'Hmm?' Turning in surprise, she saw Morgan still clinging tenaciously to her father. This time attempting to drag him away from the camp completely. 'Whatever is she up to?' And, wasn't she meant to be in the mess tent by now? She could have sworn her daughter was rostered on to cook tonight.

"Morgan, stop this! I really think you've misinterpreted things. Look, let's just go talk to her."

"No way! You know how she is, she'll just deny it."

"Tha-Morgan! I've got a lot of work to do!"

"Me too! I'm meant to be working on my speech right now. But, this is important! D-Dad, I don't want her to go!"

Even as far away as she stood, Say'ri could vividly imagine the sigh her husband heaved as he relented, the same sigh he always let out as he relented to Morgan's demands. "Fie love." She chuckled, watching as Robin gave up and let their daughter drag him off behind some tents and out of sight. "You really cannot deny her a thing can you?" Of course, she wasn't much better, herself. Thankfully Morgan rarely asked for much.

Still, despite Morgan's clear distress, seeing the two interacting so freely never ceased to raise Say'ri's mood. Becoming a mother so suddenly, especially to a mostly grown girl, had been a shock, but having a family of her own had also been one of the most wonderful feelings she'd ever experienced. 'Aye.' For all his protests, she knew Robin would do whatever was needed to solve Morgan's worries, and if something was still wrong when they returned, she would give her all too.

'Aye.' She repeated, affirming her resolve. She would let her husband worry about her daughter's happiness for now and in the meantime she would ensure all of their future happiness. 'For my family, 'tis far too early to be depressed, not after such small setbacks.'

After all, there was one more woman Say'ri had planned to ask. And, as difficult as she could be, she was the one woman Say'ri knew for certain loved Robin. A woman as similar to her as she was different but who was, in many ways, the ideal second-wife.

'If only she didn't hate me…'

It was the dull thud of a small metal ball running into the edges of a clay pot that first notified Tharja of an impending annoyance.

"Urgh." She groaned, looking up from where she'd been spending a surprisingly comfortable afternoon reading through the latest of the novels she'd pilfered from Sumia's collection. "Someone's coming?"

A quick wave of her hand reset the instrument, which promptly began banging against the edges of the pot again. No mistaking it then, someone was approaching her tent. How frustrating! Didn't they realise why she'd pitched it so far away from the other Shepherd's tents?

She didn't recall having sent Donnel out with any tasks, so he had no reason to bother her. Nowi would be playing with her daughter, who, thankfully didn't take after her mother in insisting that Tharja was among her best friends. She doubted (the) Vaike would be brave enough to bother her so soon after the hexing she gave him last time. So then..?

A small burst of hope rose in her breast as she repeated the cantrip, this time resetting the hex cast on a small metal chime hanging from her roof…


Not Robin then.

Sulking, she sank back onto her bedroll. The book was just getting to the juicy part, she didn't wan-

"Tharja? Are you free? I would speak to you."

'Her!?' Of all the people she didn't want to talk to, Robin's wif-that woman topped the list.

"I'm busy. Leave." She growled back, already trying to pretend this conversation had never happened.

Then, just as she was opening the book again, Tharja was left staring in abject disbelief as, instead of leaving, Say'ri simply pushed her way into the tent regardless. "Fie, I apologise but I would speak to you all the same. I do not mind to wait."

Outraged at the sheer insolence of her actions, Tharja rose to her full height, her voice cold as she bore down on the foreign woman. "What do you want?"

"I have come to talk." The intruder answered simply, not retreating a centimetre, "I believe 'twould be to both of our benefits, we can assist each other."

"And why would I wish to assist you?" Tharja considered herself an eminently practical person, life in the desert had a way of engraining such practicality into people. If there was gain in it, Plegians would listen, they were not generally a culture willing to cut off their nose to spite their face…but, there were always exceptions.

"Because, what I propose primarily concerns Robin."

Robin. Did she really seem so simple? That she could be manipulated so easily? Played out like a puppet, to dance at other's whims simply at the drop of his name?


Unfortunately, it was frustratingly close to the truth. She would do almost anything for him, the mere mention of his name affected Tharja in ways she couldn't deny. She had never been a very social person, human contact had almost always been a waste of her time, Robin was her first ever love, her first crush, her first everything. Sometimes, it scared her just how deep that passion went, that even knowing it she couldn't stop from displaying such a clear weakness.

Throwing such thoughts from her head with a scowl, she glided over to her desk, composing herself regally and making no hurry to address the other woman, "Speak then. What do you want?"

Answering the scowl with a small smile, Say'ri's spoke calmly, "I wonder Tharja, when all this fighting is over. What do you plan to do? Shall you return to Ylisse? Or perhaps Plegia?"

Chon'sin folk were famous for talking around a point. That couldn't possibly have been what Say'ri came to ask. Tharja knew better than to simply give her an answer, and yet…she couldn't resist rising to the bait. Not towards this woman.

Matching the princess's pleasant smile with a cruel smirk of her own, she stared haughtily back, "How funny you should ask. You know I was just thinking I might settle down in Chon'sin when this is all over. I've heard such wonderful things about the weather."

"So you shall plan to become a subject of mine?"

Those words almost wiped the smirk of Tharja's face. Almost.

"Robin will be Emperor, as I understand it." Fitting for a man such as he. For all her dislike of Say'ri, at least she elevated the man to a deserved role. "It will be no change at all for me, being under him...doing whatever he asks. Whenever he asks it of me."

If she'd expected the princess's temper to flare at the blatant innuendo, she was disappointed, "And, you know of course that the people of Chon'sin worship Naga? Dark magic is heavily frowned upon...especially from a Grimleal."

Holding back her anger at the implications of that title, Tharja kept her control, waving the warning away with a mocking laugh, "And Ylisse is a Halidom founded by the very man who slew Grima. Yet even there my expertise was in great demand."

Say'ri moved forward a step, the same smile never once leaving her face. "You plan to follow Robin."

"I shall never leave him." If anyone else had said such words she would have dismissed them as ridiculous hyperbole, but to Tharja such a statement was as natural as breathing.

"Fie, 'tis as you say though…" Say'ri sighed, making a show of shrugging her shoulders, "He shall be Emperor, forever surrounded with a myriad of duties. Even if you are able to live in the capital, a dark mage would never be allowed entrance to the Imperial Palace. You shall never see him."

God but those words stung. And with that pain came a grudging respect, she'd traded barbs with Say'ri before, but never had she struck so cleanly right to the core of Tharja's fears. The princess, for whatever else she may be, was no fool.

"He will come to me." She answered, forcing her voice calm. For all her insecurities she did truly believe that. Robin had never abandoned her.

"And if I forbid it?"

A threat? Her face twisted into a scowl. "He will ignore you."

"Then, you believe he will choose you over me?"

That was it. That was enough. What limits still remained on Tharja's patience were fast running out. A spark of dark magic flared around her fingertips as she wondered why she'd even let this farce play out.

"Aye." It was Say'ri's laughter that caught Tharja short… Not cruel and mocking, nor haughty and proud, it was soft and gentle, a genuine laugh. "Aye, I think you might be right at that."

That...was not the response she was expecting.

"Fie." The princess grinned, stepping backwards a pace looking almost wistful for a moment. "Did you know, I did ask that of him once, a long time ago, near the start of our campaign?"

Tharja stared. No, she hadn't known that.

"Aye, he was the right hand of the Exalt, an impressive and influential man, yet a man seemingly naïve about the realities of leadership or politics. Your reputation had already preceded you, I saw the way you stalked around the camp, witnessed the cruelty of your magic upon the battlefield. Does he not see, I thought, that being so openly friends with a dark mage, a Plegian no less, would do terrible harm to his reputation? To any ambitions he held?

"It seemed you two had little enough in common to begin with, so I advised he cut off all ties with you. 'Twas a plainly logical choice from where I stood." Say'ri added, raising her hands in simple appeasement, "But Robin, he was furious! He all but threw me from his tent!"

"Of course." Tharja grinned, Robin had known her for years before he'd even met Say'ri! He would never forsake her!

"Aye. Rarely have I seen him so offended, we didn't talk for almost a week following that. Not until I apologised." Shaking her head, the princess continued to speak freely, "Of course, I did not apologise easily, I was hurt terribly, fie- I loved him even then. I couldn't understand it, he was in no relationship with you, why would he defend you so fiercely?"

"Because he loves me!" She responded hotly. "If you hadn't interfe-"

"Aye. Because he cares for you, because you've been at his side, as a friend and companion, no less important than any other Shepherd." Say'ri nodded, cutting her accusations off, "'Twas only when I realised this, that I looked again at what I knew of you and saw it to be little at all. All my life I had been taught dark magic was for nothing but heresy and malice, that its practitioners were twisted fools, deluded with promises of easy power."

Tharja scoffed, she'd heard such lies many times before. "Your ignorance is no concern of mine."

"Indeed, 'tis not. For when I looked, I saw that the spells I thought aberrant were used as often to help as to hinder. War itself is cruel, and your actions are no less, but off the field I see your hexes and curses used only to help our allies. When I saw you rebuff and belittle your comrades, I thought you cold, yet despite this, no Shepherd will raise a harsh word against you. Fie, at first I thought 'twas out of fear, only when I looked again did I realise 'twas out of love."

Tharja was not used to being praised. And, especially not from her. Scowling, she slid her gaze from Say'ri's disarming expression, "Is there a point to this?"

"Seeing you following Robin so brazenly, I thought you shameless, desperate." The princess continued, ignoring her, "But, looking again I understood, 'twas exactly as Robin told me. You protect him and always have, both on and off the battlefield. Fie, I should have known better than anyone, the legendary tactician, there are few greater targets in this army. Yet, the man I loved was safe, in no small part due to your influence.

"'Twas then that I realised, for all our differences, we are alike. Tharja, we both want the exact same thing."

They both wanted Robin to be happy.

Tharja's heart wrenched terribly at that thought. She didn't need to glance at the ring adorning Say'ri's finger to be reminded which of them got to ensure that happiness. "I swear, if you have come to boast. I-"

"I have not." Say'ri shut that down sharply. "I have come… I have come because when I looked again I saw I was wrong. Yet even when I understood this I said nothing to you, apologising only to Robin. Fie, why would I go to you? You wear your dislike of me like a cloak, you're rude and spiteful. And yet, even while you hate me, you still continue to render great service to my family. I've held my tongue a hundred times when you've come to the assistance of my husband, when you've protected my daughter, all because of pride. You say you cannot feel differently."

No. She couldn't. Another uncomfortable truth. Of course she felt the same relief, the same frustrating gratitude, anytime she saw Say'ri protecting Robin. For all that she hated the woman, for all that Sa'yri had taken from her, she had at least been true in her care for Robin. As envious as Tharja was, she could never abide by him being hurt.

"We are two women who love the same man, and 'tis long past time we cleared any grievance."

"Enough of this. You want something from me. Spit it out."

Say'ri's eyes shined at that command, her smile becoming almost mischievous. "Aye, I shall speak plain then. I wished to hear of your plans because 'twas important to me to know if you still held tight to your love for my husband, or if when everything is over, when this war has ended, you shall finally let go of them and take a separate path."

"I will never give up on him."

Beaming, the princess laughed once more, "Hah! And I'm glad to hear it! 'Tis exactly as I hoped! You say you wish to come to Chon'sin? Perfect! I shall help you do so."


"I said earlier that I held concern for Robin did I not? Well then, think on Robin's future. He shall be not just some famed tactician but Emperor, 'tis a higher profile than he can even imagine, with dangers he cannot possibly prepare for. And he shall not have his support network, the Shepherds will return home and he shall be alone in a crowd of strangers."

Only now did it occur to Tharja realise what Say'ri was telling her. That for the first time in his new life Robin would be without Chrom, without Lissa, or any of his friends. She knew he would do it. No doubt he would even ask for it, because he knowing him he would believe it was what he was meant to do.

"I fear this for him and I would keep him from such pains. So, I want you to stand at his side, to protect him as you have always done- both from danger and from isolation."

Finally understanding the situation, Tharja's face twisted into an angry scowl once more,"So, after all this. You just want to use me? I'm to be his guardian? His servant!?" She would protect Robin, she would always be at his side. But, to come to her and ask her to do so, as a favour to the woman who had taken him from her! It was galling, it was infuriating!

"No." Once again the princess cut off Tharja's anger. Shaking her head she stepped closer, smirking victoriously all the while, "Not his guardian, nor his servant. I want you to be his wife."

Tharja snarled, her temper flaring and a brief glow of dark energy pulsed between the two women. "Do not mock me."

"I do not. Nor could I joke about this, 'tis a painful matter to even think on, that my husband shall be in such a position and I am unable to help him. Would that I could solve these fears myself...but, practicality determines I cannot. I shall have a host of my own duties to attend, duties he will not always be present for. So I seek for Robin a second-wife, someone to be with him when I cannot, someone to love and protect him and who he can love in return. Despite our disagreements, I cannot think you anything but ideal for this Tharja.

'Is she serious!?' Tharja balked, the nature of the Princess's encouraging attitude finally making sense. A second wife? She would be Robin's mistress...or more... But, to even ask such a thing of her, that she needed to ask meant Say'ri was admitting her own failings as his wife.

After all the pain she had endured, all those sleepless nights, the heartbreak- Now, Say'ri was telling her she was right all along!?

"You admit it then." Tharja bit back, "It's exactly as I said so long ago, he is too much for you. You can't make him happy."

The princess's smile dropped at that, her eyes narrowing in barely disguised anger.

"And, why exactly should I help you with your inadequacies? You know you're not enough for him, why do you not relinquish your claim on him!? If you care for him, give him up. I will look after him."

Even with all Say'ri's royal training, Tharja could never miss the pained offense in the princess's eyes at those words, it was clear how deep she'd struck.

However, rather than the explosive anger she'd expected, instead she simply sucked in a deep breath, letting a cold silence grow between them.

"Why do I not relinquish my claim?" She asked finally, her voice soft and level, "Fie, could I not ask you instead why you do not relinquish yours when I hold his ring? 'Tis your custom, is it not? He is married, why do you press your case still?"

"Because I-"

"Because you love him?" Say'ri interrupted. "Then my answer is the same."

For the first time, Tharja found herself without words.

"The second wife of my husband is not a position I choose lightly. She must be a woman who will be as devoted to him as I, someone who will become family to us both. Tharja, I acknowledge your love for him, I would gladly grant you his hand, but I will not take as a sister-wife someone who hates me.

"So, I say it now. Do not hold my love for Robin against me, just as I do not hold yours against you." Her determination rang clear in her voice as she glided another step closer. "Fie, if I have otherwise wronged you, tell me now and I shall apologise. If our only difference is that we love the same man then, let us clear all ill air between us and start anew. If you have any other grievance against me, then speak it now!"

It was difficult to meet the sheer intensity of Say'ri's eyes. They both already knew her answer, there had always only ever been one true point of contention between them. She had married Robin, she'd taken from Tharja the only man Tharja had ever loved.

She didn't speak. There wasn't anything to say.

The princess's soft smile returned once more, her hands spread wide, "Fie! I'm glad, very glad. For I have none against you either. 'Tis simply pride, too much in each of us perhaps, our only conflict has been fighting for the same man. We have no reason to fight over that, not anymore. I would have us put it behind us, that we could be friends. Aye, Tharja, I would have us put all difference aside and be the closest of companions."

Slowly the enormity of what Say'ri was saying overcame her.

She was serious.

Say'ri wanted to dissolve the anger between them…She wanted her to marry Robin. She would be with him...she would be Robin's wife...they would-he would... Tharja's thoughts quickly got fuzzier and fuzzier, her face burning crimson at the images running through her head.

"I- I'm, that's...I would be..." She wasn't thinking straight, her usual affect somehow seemed so far away. Stammering and blushing Tharja's words came only with monumental effort, her mouth as dry as the Plegian sands. "I, I don't know what to say."

"You need say nothing." Say'ri chided gently, looking just as nervous and just as excited herself, "Come, embrace me as a sister and let there never be ill will between us again. Let us be as close as two women ever were and each love Robin, together."


Seconds turned slowly to minutes and still Say'ri waited patiently for her answer, as Tharja's mind reeled over and over at the suggestion.

All she had to do was accept, to let go of her anger towards the other woman. It was as she said, was there any reason for them to fight? The only thing she could hold against Say'ri was that she loved Robin too. How could be blame someone for else for seeing what she saw so easily?

And yet, it was impossible to move. Numb with shock, and overwhelmed with the idea of it, her body wouldn't listen and her feet were rooted to the ground. She would marry Robin! Even if it was as a second wife, she would be his! He would be hers! It-It, it was...

"No, no!" She cried finally, stumbling back away from the other woman, holding up her hands as if to ward off her advance. "I-I can't! Not, not like this! It's, it's too much, I..."

It was too embarrassing, too much to think about, she could barely keep her thoughts straight.

"I, I see..."

"No, I-Just, let me- let me..." Just a moment, that was all she needed, just a second to catch her breath, to calm down and get her head straight. To make sure the sun was still up and the grass down.

"'Tis fine, I understand." Say'ri offered kindly, giving a polite bow and stepping away from her, "Perhaps 'tis too much to think about all at once, I realise 'tis an unfamiliar custom to you after all. I shall take my leave then?"


No words came out, she couldn't speak, couldn't make sense of it.

At Tharja's silence, the princess nodded, pausing just as she was half out of the tent, "Fie, I am glad we talked though, 'tis a weight off my chest truly. And… And please, know that I do not speak weightlessly. When you come to Chon'sin, I do hope 'tis as my sister, as Robin's wife."

And with that she was gone. Leaving Tharja to collapse bodily back into her chair, struggling to make sense of what had just happened.

She'd dreamed of the day Robin would be with her a thousand times. Of how he would sigh when she'd lean against his back, of the feeling of his hands against hers, the gentle way he'd speak to her as they walked.

She'd imagined him proposing, her leaning against him, listening to his heartbeat as he told her how they would be together for all time.

She'd never once thought of Robin's wife suggesting she marry him, and especially not like that! So bluntly, right to her face! How was she ever meant to respond like that!?

'Grima... That was just, just too much.'

Slowly her heartbeat slowed down and her thoughts returned, carrying with them equal amounts of trepidation and regret.

[Mother! There you are!]

"O-Oh?" Knocked from where she'd been lost in thought, Say'ri saw her wayward daughter –looking a lot better thankfully—barrelling towards her, [Morgan? You were looking for me?]

[No, ah, well, sort'a! Yeah!] The girl confirmed, in her usual haphazard manner. [I wanted to do you a favour!]

[You did?] That was a little surprising.

[Yup! See I thought you looked really tired earlier today, like you were worried and I was thinking "Wow, mother looks really sad, I bet she's gonna want a nice long bath before dinner!"]

Say'ri frowned, had she really seemed that strained? [Aye, well, it certainly has been a rather trying day.]

[Really?] Strangely, that news seemed to perk Morgan up even more... Although, she conceded, with Morgan it was hard to tell.

[Fie, honestly, I'd rather not even think about it.]

[Oh, uh, well, good then!] Morgan recovered quickly, [Anyway, so I thought since you helped clean my room this morning that I'd take care of your laundry for you! So, here!] So saying she thrust a small bag into Say'ri's hands. [It's got all your stuff and a change of clothes, and I've already got your other washing, so I'll take what you're wearing now and put it with the rest of the load.]

[Oh-Ah, huh? Naga, well, you're certainly prepared.] Now that she mentioned it, the idea of a long soak in the bath was quite appealing. Dinner wouldn't be for at least another hour, so she had time. It was a rather decadent way to spend the afternoon, but after a day like today where it felt like everything she'd attempted had blown up in her face... [Fie! Very well then. You know me too well daughter, I shall take your suggestion. And, thank you. 'Tis truly a blessing to have such a considerate child.]

[Ah-hehe.] Laughing brightly at the praise, Morgan was already skipping ahead.

['Tis a surprise to know you were worried for me though,] Say'ri grinned, rolling the accumulated strain out of her shoulders as she followed after, [You seemed rather distressed yourself earlier. 'Tis a relief to see you in such good humour. Is everything alright now? Are you well?]

[Uh huh! Yeah, it definitely will be! Me and Dad are gonna fix everything up! Get it how it's meant to be!]

That was...slightly worrying actually.

Considering how excitable her daughter tended to be anytime Morgan was vague about something she couldn't help but feel rather nervous, both for her family and for anyone else that got caught up in the girl's orbit. For someone so smart, she had a remarkable tendency to overthink things and subsequently to get in wildly over her head. [How it should be?] She repeated tentatively.

[Ahhh, Mum! Don't worry, it's a surprise!]

[Aye?] She sighed, lacking the energy to go head to head with her daughter's stubbornness. [Very well then.]

At least if Robin was involved then it wouldn't get too far out of hand.


'She…undoubtedly means well.' Say'ri sighed to herself almost an hour later.

The bath had been a fantastic suggestion, especially after a day like today. To be able to just soak away all her worries had been exactly what she'd needed. It had even been a nice surprise to see that instead of the basic soap she used for everyday purposes Morgan had packed up her full range of oils and creams. Being far too rare and impractical for use in a life around the battlefield camp, they were almost never used...but without another option, they'd made for a surprisingly welcome indulgence.

And so, with a fresh sheen to her skin and radiating a pleasant scent Say'ri had been in a much improved mood when she'd gone to gather the change of clothes her daughter had prepared.

And to instead find herself holding a midnight blue hanfu, one of the grandest dresses she owned.

'This is just- just far too much. Whatever was she thinking?' Morgan couldn't possibly have believed she'd wear something like this for everyday wear, 'And, how did she even find it?'

It wasn't as ornate as some of the kimono she'd worn in the past, but it was in a completely separate league to the weathered tunics she wore around the camp. In all the time since she'd fled Chon'sin, she'd only worn anything this formal to her wedding and honeymoon. She could hardly turn up to the mess tent looking like this! She'd be the laughing stock of the entire squad!

But then, equally she couldn't just stay here, and she wasn't about to risk trying to run back to her tent clothed only in a towel.

'She undoubtedly means well.' She reminded herself again as she pulled a matched gold trim skirt from the bag.

"O-Oh, I think she's coming! okay, you remember the plan right? Just listen to me, okay?"

"Yes. I remember your plan."

Already on high alert as she attempted to sneak unseen back through the camp, Say'ri didn't miss the hushed voices as she poked her head out of the bathing tent. "R-Robin, dear, is that you?" She called out softly, looking around the side of the tent just in time to see a small figure leaping away from her husband and behind a pile of crates. 'Huh?'

"Ah, yes. It's me I-" Turning with a warm smile, the man's voice trailed off as he saw her, "Wow, Say'ri, I..."

"R-Robin?" Gaping in surprise as he stepped closer, his arms wrapping lightly around her waist, Say'ri could hardly believe what she was seeing. Freshly cleaned and shaven, his trademark cloak was nowhere in sight, replaced instead with a deep purple kimono. Dressed at least as finely as she was, he looked as regal as she'd ever seen him. "Fie, you look… What is this, what's going on?"

"I'm sorry, I was just struck silent by how beautiful you look under the moonlight."

Surprisingly that answer was given not by her husband, but by a small, feminine, whisper from behind the crates she'd seen earlier. Not turning from the man she loved, Say'ri simply raised a bemused eyebrow to his abashed face.

Robin gulped hesitantly, "I'm sorry, I was just struck silent b-Argh! Gods! I-Ah, I mean, nothing's going on just… Gods, you really do look amazing like that."

"'Tis true no less for yourself." She answered, smiling warmly at the sensation, feeling a little silly and little wonderful, "But, for what reason are we dressed so? I fear we shall both look rather out of place in the camp."

"To me, you're always dressed finely! But tonight, I wanted to do something special for you." The whispering was a little less hushed and a little more pouty this time.

"Yeah, that we would. Or at least, we would if we were staying here." Her husband seemed to be ignoring the whisper, so she did the same, "But I wanted to, well, I thought it'd be nice to get out of here and spend some time together, don't you think? Just the two of us."

"O-Oh." She laughed, at last understanding why she'd been tricked, "Fie, you wish to take me out? This is some surprise, I would have thought you to be busy."

"I could never be too busy to spend a night with the woman I, hey... Can't you hear me?"

"I am, there's a lot left to do." He answered seriously, his arms drawing her closer against him, "But I want to anyway. It's been too long since I've made time just to be with you, I want to change that."

"Aye, but th-"

Leaning low, his lips brushed lightly against her neck, silencing her protest "I love you Say'ri. I know I'm not always the best at showing it, I know I get caught up in all my tasks around the camp, but I don't want you to ever feel any distance between us."


"Robin..." She whispered, flushing at such public affection even as she moved to rest her head against his shoulder, "Shush now. Let us save such whisperings of love till we're alone."

"Of course." He grinned in return, releasing her and taking her hand in his.

"And..." She added quietly, sliding up as close against him as she dared, "Whether you show it or not, you need never worry, for I know it regardless. No matter the future, there shall never be any distance between our hearts."

"Awwww." The whispering was decidedly not quiet, but it seemed appeased none the less.

"Say'ri... Thank you." Shaking his head with a small laugh, Robin thankfully let the matter drop. This was no conversation to be had in public. "Now, c'mon! You wouldn't believe how many people I had to bribe to get this organised on such short notice!"

Robin loved sleepy mornings.

Especially in warm mornings, wrapped up with his wife and blankets. It was to be savoured, one of the few guilty pleasures he indulged in.

"And, just what are you doing here?"

"M-Me? I, I need to speak to Robin. It's important."

"Yaaaaaaww... Oh, hmm? What're you all doing out here?"

"Fie! La-Lady Tiki! 'tis an honour to-"

Being woken up to the sound of quickly rising voices outside his tent was about as unpleasant a start to his morning as he could imagine.

"Urghhhh." He groaned miserably, smothering his head with the pillow for a few minutes as he waited to see if the voices would go away.

"I don't know why you're here. Nor do I care. Go away."

"Fie! 'Tis far too early for conflict, I need to speak to Lord Robin and Lady Say'ri myself, I would be more than happy to pass any messag-"

"I would prefer to speak directly to them, thank you."

"Gruuuugh..." No such luck apparently.

And to think, he'd been in such a great mood after last night too.

The Shepherds were a family. More than a family really, the ease with which so many disparate people interacted on a daily basis was almost unbelievable, the bonds they'd formed were something he'd always considered the army's strongest point. However, just like any family, they still bickered. And, when they did he was almost inevitably dragged into the middle of it, one way or another.

He sighed. Best to just get it over with before it got worse.

Blinking himself awake, Robin set about slowly disentangling himself from his wife's arms, leaning down with a quick kiss when he noticed her smiling lazily up at him from their bedroll and realised she'd been stirred awake too.

Stumbling dazedly around his tent, it took a minute to locate his discarded small-clothes. Then after picking his wife's chest-bindings off them, he pulled on a pair of pants and threw his usual cloak over his bare chest. 'Eh, good enough.' If someone was going to complain about him being under-dressed, well, they shouldn't be bothering him this early in the morning.

Still not fully awake as he stifled a yawn and pulled his tent open, he wasn't quite sure what to expect when he stepped from the warm tent into whatever trouble was brewing outside.


But a sudden -very uncomfortable- silence and the undivided attention of several female Shepherds was not anywhere on the list.

'Tharja?' It wasn't necessarily surprising for the dark mage to be around, but the way she was staring at him, stuck in place and quickly going bright pink was definitely new.

'And, Tiki?' He didn't think he'd ever seen Tiki up this early-Gods, she looked a mess. Had she even slept last night? That thought alone was as off-putting as the way she was staring awkwardly at him, shifting her weight from foot to foot.

'And, Cherche? Lucina? Kan'ei?' Tharja and Tiki may not care too much about social norms, but he'd never expected to find any of those three outside a man's tent this early in the morning, married or not. The way they'd paused mid argument and were all struggling to meet his gaze didn't help matters.

"Huh?" He added weakly, slapping his cheeks lightly to make sure he was awake.

Nothing changed.

"Can... I help you?"

For a single, terrible, moment dead silence reigned.

And then all hell, and a cacophony of declarations, broke loose.

"I-I" Ever the leader, Lucina's determination shone through-no matter how red her face burned, "Robin! I have considered your wife's offer! I care deeply for you, if you will hav-"

"Robin! I-I need to talk to you, and Say'ri!" Even as exhausted as she looked, Tiki's voice sounded equal parts nervous and excited, "I think this is all a great mistake, b-but if you're going to, then I-I would-"

"Robin!" Tharja's laugher was unmistakably happy, "I should never have taken so long! But now, we can finally be toget-"

"O-Oh my!" It was rare to see the unflappable Cherche so out of sorts, "I talked it over with Minerva, and we- I would love to, if you wou-"

"Fie! Lord Robin!" Kan'ei stammered, "I h-have asked Naga's guidance, and I would be- with Lady Say'ri's permission, 'twould be my hono-"

With each girl blazing equally with ardour and anxiousness as much as with embarrassment and frayed nerves, they were quickly all but shouting over each other, the declarations mixing together as one, leaving him only able to pick out the key points-repeated again and again.

Love. Together forever. At his side. Had always loved him.


Reeling back at the unexpected situation, Robin could do little but stare, his own face quickly reddening in response. He couldn't even begin to make sense of what was happening, but it was impossible to miss the meaning behind their statements.

'A-All of them!? Love!? I- What!?'

"H-Wha!?" He tried again, the words his life relied on suddenly seeming so very far way. "I don't- HUH!?"

"Oh! You're all here?"

It was his wife's voice that finally brought the proceedings to quiet once more.

Once again an anxious silence reigned, this however time all eyes turned towards Say'ri as she slipped from the tent and wrapped herself around his arm.

"Fie! How wonderful!" She gushed, "I never expected- Naga! I'm so very happy, 'tis perfect, more than perfect! Not just a second wife, a family! A harem!"

Turning slowly from his wife's elated face to the nervous smiles on the women staring back at him, Robin realised he'd missed something very important.



A/N: And there we go! Something quite different, no? But after I've done so many different "Routes" surely it must have been expected that at some point I would do a "Harem Route"? Especially with it being requested quite a few times.

The idea behind this was actually built around doing something quite different to a standard harem story. Where usually you see something along with the protagonist going out and collecting wives, and everyone's just pretty much okay with it. So, I thought it'd be far more fun to flip it around! Send Say'ri around the camp trying to find women to marry her husband while channelling some of that Lucina/F-Robin support, "What do you mean you don't want to marry my husband!? What's wrong with you!"

A quick note on Say'ri's character here. I've portrayed her slightly different from how she is in some of my other stories and in some places different from how I think the canon Say'ri would react. This is intentional, the key idea here is that Say'ri's going through a transition period. She's slowly letting go of her quest for revenge (she's seen how hollow it is) and she's accepting that she will be taking a political/administrative role moving forwards, she has to act a lot more serious, she has to be ready to rule an entire country. So I wanted to show her with those thoughts in mind as she goes into these discussions often like a negotiation, talking around a point or explaining why it's a good idea, rather than just going directly to laying her cards on the table.

And of course part of that's also based on her past history with these characters at the time this story starts. She's obviously very close to Tiki and Kan'ei, respects Lucina greatly and but has traded barbs with Tharja enough that she's quite comfortable bickering with the dark mage.

As a side note, you may notice I made Chon'sin a mix of both Japanese and Chinese culture (and some stuff just made up) and added an undercurrent of maternal cultural elements. This just made more sense to me, Chon'sin seems to be somewhere in a huge continent of cultures and dynasts, it doesn't have Japan's isolation, it seemed the most logical expansion of Chon'sin I could make. And, well, it's a world where women fight and lead as equally as men (or higher, given the position Pegasus Knights seem to have above and beyond Knights), having the typical female historical female-Asian power structures didn't seem fitting.

Oh and I suppose most of all… I broke one of my cardinal rules! I put an OC into a prominent position that could easily have been taken by a Shepherd! Ahh, such a hypocrite!

To explain (if anyone even cares), it wasn't a role I could have actually given a Shepherd. The point of Kan'ei was to introduce for Say'ri someone that has the kind of relationship Say'ri intended/wanted to have with Tiki. A close relationship that's also very deferential (for now at least)… And, hey, she's actually not even an OC! I lifted her straight from another game and just changed her hair colour! So she's a crossover character (sort of…) and that's fine!

One last thing: It's probably pretty minor, but it's important to me. I'll generally always take and consider requests, however, with Fates coming up just incase some of you may be interested in sending me any Fates requests please keep in mind I AM DESPERATELY STAYING AWAY FROM FATES SPOILERS! So, in short, I'm not taking any Fates requests (since I don't know anything about it) and please don't put any Fates spoilers in any reviews/requests.

I think that's everything. I'll try get the next chapter out as soon as I can, but it might be a while. As always, thanks so much for your feedback, your patience and for reading this.