~:~ Chapter 1: Accident ~:~

"Hi Ori," Bilbo said, sitting down beside the student. "What are you reading?"

Ori looked up from behind the huge book. "Ancient Roman Empire," he answered in a whisper. "You're supposed to be with Bofur, right? Preparing for the big party tonight?"

Bilbo nodded. "Yep," he answered. "Say, Ori. Are you coming to the party?"

"I can't," he replied, setting down the book. "I have to study... you should study too. We both have big finals coming up and ogling over Thorin all night is not going to- You did know Thorin is going to the party too... Bofur invited him... Bilbo?"

BIlbo's mouth was formed into a tight line as his nostrils flared. "Bofur invited Thorin?" he gritted, grasping the edge of the table, his knuckles turning white. "Bofur invited Thorin?" he repeated louder when Ori didn't answer.

"W-well, y-yes h-he did..." Ori said hesitantly. "Wh-why do you ask? I-I thought you knew..."

Bilbo abruptly stood from his chair. "Bofur invited that uptight piece of-"

"Keep your voice down," the librarian whispered, and Bilbo rolled his eyes.

"Bofur invited that uptight, sleazy, scumbag, piece of shit, arrogant, tight-ass filth?!" Bilbo hissed, leaning over the table as Ori shrunk back in his seat. "Tell me, Ori. And for the record, I was not ogling him. He just happened to be standing there when I was daydreaming... Gosh, you people! Making up stories!"

Too afraid for Bilbo's next action, Ori slid down in his chair and nodded from behind the book he clutched to his chest. "He did, Bilbo."

"Ugh!" Bilbo exclaimed, leaving the table and the whole building all together. "I cannot believe you did this," he said as he passed his floppy-hatted friend.

"What...?" Bofur asked, confused by Bilbo's words.

"About Thorin."

"Wait! I'm sorry!"

"I don't want to hear it," Bilbo retorted, nearly running out of the library.

"Bilbo, will ya just listen for a second?" Bofur pleaded, trailing after Bilbo as they left the library. "I said I was sorry. I didn't actually know you had a crush on Thorin. I mean ya just saw the man once, and he didn't even see you." Bofur grumbled when he realized Bilbo wasn't listening. "I'm sorry I invited him to the party... I didn't know, Bilbo. Ya at least gotta give me credit for that." He watched Bilbo stop at the edge of the sidewalk. "Bilbo?"

"The least you could have done was tell me," Bilbo spat, spinning around and pointing a slim finger at Bofur's chest. "I had to hear it from Ori. You couldn't even tell me. And I don't have a crush on him! That is just... not possible! We've never talked! How am I supposed to know if he's straight or wavy?!"

"I didn't know how ya'd react," Bofur said in a small voice. "I'm sorry. But he's part of my family... What was I supposed to do? Not invite him?"

Bilbo sighed and looked both ways before crossing the small one-way street. "I never said I was mad at you for inviting him... I am mad that you didn't tell me." He sighed again and glanced at Bofur who was walking beside him. "Imagine what would have happened if I had never found out that you invited him. I'd have fainted when I saw him." Bilbo shook his head and looked to his right. His first instinct was to freeze.

"Bilbo?" Bofur asked before widening his eyes at what was coming.

A car. A car that had just left the stop sign. A car with a driver who had not known that people were crossing. A car whose brakes were slammed...


"Bilbo!" Bofur exclaimed, kneeling beside his unconscious friend. He looked up in time to see the driver of the car get out with his phone in hand. "You hit him!" Bofur shouted. "If you... oh, shit." Bofur grimaced at the man who stood before him dressed impeccably in a black suit. "Really? Shit..." He grumbled and glared at the cell phone the man held. "Just what I need... irony. What are you doing?"

"Calling an ambulance," the man said quietly, focusing his eyes on his shoes.

"Why?!" Bofur spat, glaring at the taller man. "Ya hit him!"

"I didn't see you two," the man said incredulously. "I had just turned the corner. From the stop-sign you cannot even see a crosswalk."

Bofur rolled his eyes. "Well," he began, "now that we've cleared the obvious, go away."

"I hit him," the man retorted loudly. "I am responsible. I cannot just drive away. He might press charges, and if he does, I don't want-"

"Some dent in your reputation for hitting a young man," Bofur scoffed, getting up as he saw the ambulance arrive. "Wait 'til he wakes up, then..." Bofur shuddered. "All hell might just about break loose."

The man glanced at him curiously.

"Well, my hell might break loose," Bofur corrected himself. "Your hell... it be gone already." He 'sympathetically' patted the man's shoulder before going over to the paramedics to explain what happened.

"Bofur," Bilbo whispered, cracking his eyes open and seeing the others floppy hat. "Where am I?"

A small noise left Bofur's throat. "Well... you are... um, in a... um... hospital bed," Bofur replied. "Wh-why do you ask?"

"Hospital bed?!" Bilbo began, struggling to sit up. "Why am I here?"

Bofur made the same noise again. "Uh, you, uh... were, uh... hit by a car...?" he offered, shrinking back in his seat and watching Bilbo very closely.


"You were hit by a car," Bofur repeated. "And you are here now."

Bilbo blinked. "I was hit by a car?" he asked and Bofur nodded. "Did you press charges?"

Bofur repeated that small whimperish noise and pointed with his finger to the other side of Bilbo. "Uh... he's over there."

Bilbo frowned but turned his head to see a strikingly familiar very handsome man with short black hair and a beard sitting, at attention, with his elbows on his knees and his deep blue eyes watching Bilbo. "Th-Thorin?" Bilbo whispered, a look of shock coming to his face. "H-he... y-you... hit me?"

Thorin nodded. "I am terribly sorry," he confessed, hanging his head in apology. "I did not see either of you. I had barely turned the corner-"

Bofur snorted. "Likely story."

Bilbo glared at him. "You can't see a crosswalk from the stop-sign. It's a one-way street with a blind turn."

"See?" Thorin said. "Just what I said when the paramedics were getting there." He sighed and glanced at Bilbo. "I am truly very sorry. Please, your friend has not pressed charges. It would make no difference if you were to press charges; I deserve it. But please, let me pay for your hospital bill. It is the least I can do for... for this."

Bilbo and Bofur gaped. "What?" Bilbo asked, unsure if he had heard right. "Y-you want to pay for the hospital bill?" he asked, and Thorin nodded. "Everything?" He watched Thorin nod again. "Are you sure?"

"Please," Thorin said. "It hurts me to see you, a young and attractive man, in here knowing that I caused this pain. Please, let me pay the bill."

Bilbo leaned towards Bofur and whispered in his ear. "He sounds sincere."

"He is," Bofur said, rolling his eyes. "Always has been."

"Dammit!" Bilbo hissed. "I want to hate him for doing this, but... I mean look at his face; he means his apology. And his eyes..." Bilbo sighed. "They're such a deep blue... And his hair..."

"Bilbo," Bofur began, "I am here to give you sympathy and support because I am your friend. But I will not be your hottie-watcher buddy. Nope," Bofur said, shaking his head. "You just take your red face and point it that way..." He nodded his head towards Thorin who was watching them, waiting patiently. "And leave me to gag in my own peace."

"I thought you liked him?" Bilbo asked, quirking an eyebrow.

"As a decent and polite relative," Bofur said. "I do not need images of him and my best friend 'together'."

"Oh, please," Bilbo scoffed though he ignored the blush spreading throughout his face. "There is no way-"

"Don't." Bofur glared at him. "Don't even try. With time, you might just grow to regret your words. Now," he said to both men in the room. "If you'll excuse me, I have a boss to talk to about missing a day of work. Good-bye."



Bilbo grumbled as Bofur donned his floppy hat and left the room. "That no-good-helmet-head-stinkin'-piece-of-fluff," Bilbo grumbled, folding his arms across his chest and glaring at the door.

Thorin cleared his throat. "Um, what is your name?" he asked. "My apologies, I do believe I haven't asked."

"Oh, it's... Bilbo."

"Bilbo," Thorin repeated, a small smile appearing on his lips. "Bilbo, um, will you let me pay for everything here?"

"Well... if I press charges..."

"Then I will have to pay," Thorin answered. "But I am offering."

"Are you offering so I don't press charges against you?" Bilbo asked, eyeing the other closely.

Thorin looked taken aback. "Of course not," he replied, his brow creasing. "Please, if you must then press charges against me, but I feel really awful that I hit you... Please, I wish to help you. I know that after a hospital visit, the numbers are in the thousands. It is the least I can do for not stopping in time, for not seeing you two, for not being the gentleman I always am. Please, Bilbo."

Bilbo sighed. "I-"

"Good evening, Mr. Baggins. I am Doctor Elrond," a tall man with long dark hair said. "I hear you were in a small accident. Yes?"

"Yes," Bilbo answered quietly.

"Well," Dr. Elrond began, closing his folder. "The good news is that you are fine. You have already gone through two surgeries, and you are scheduled for one more tonight."

"The bad news?" Bilbo squeaked.

Dr. Elrond sighed. "I am afraid you'll need to keep off your feet for a while. The impact dislocated your hip bone and fractured your pelvic bone. Minor injuries; they are non-life-threatening. But do you live with someone?"

Bilbo shook his head.

"Then I would advise you to stay with someone for six months until you are fully healed."

"I'll do it," Thorin said, standing up from his chair as soon as the doctor finished his sentence.

Dr. Elrond glanced at Thorin and back at Bilbo. "Mr. Baggins, it is your choice."

Bilbo sighed. Thorin and I don't even know each other, yet he is willing to support me for six months. Either this guy is rich or he's lonely... I'm going with rich... but Bofur said he is always sincere... So, maybe he's lonely... Anyway, a complete and total (well not total, he's related to Bofur and Ori somehow) stranger is willing to take me in for six long months. And... is that a smile on his face? Oh, that floppy-hatted, no good, piece of fluff is gonna get it soon. I swear he set me up. So, it might be a whole lot easier than living with Bofur or Ori. But I don't know if I could last that long. Bofur has never really talked about him. What if this Thorin guy is abusive, a drunk, or even a gang member (you never know Bilbo, they are nicely dressed)? No, what if Thorin is just some rich aristocrat who has never really known love... Oh, stop making up excuses for him!

At least give him a chance... Fine. Bilbo looked at Thorin and nodded. "It's okay."

"Very well," Dr. Elrond said. "Mr...?"

"Oakenshield," Thorin answered.

"Mr. Oakenshield, I will need your contact information for the patient's records."

"Yes, sir," Thorin said, following Dr. Elrond out of the room.

"Dang Bofur!" Bilbo grunted after the door closed behind them. "This is all that floppy-headed dork's fault." Bilbo pouted for a good while until the door opened again and both men entered the room again.

"Alright, Mr. Baggins," Dr. Elrond began, "you are to stay in the care of Mr. Oakenshield for the next six months."

Bilbo nodded slowly.

"And... I am really, really sorry, but you will be confined to a wheelchair until you come back in six months for a follow-up," Dr. Elrond said before quickly turning away.

"When will he be discharged?" Thorin asked from his seat a good distance away from the bed.

"After this final surgery, he'll spend a week in recovery," Dr. Elrond said. "He'll be release this time next Saturday."

Thorin nodded. "Thank you."

One long, long, LONG week later...

"Ow, ow, ow, ow," Bilbo whimpered as a nurse helped him into a wheelchair.

Thorin stood by the door, watching Bilbo get situated. It had taken every good moral thing left in him to not ask (ask, not demand, ask) Bilbo if he needed his help. No, Thorin was going to give the other man the space he needed. No, this wasn't killing him at all. Nope, Thorin could handle this. No, Thorin is strong. Thorin can stand to see this young man in pain from something that he, himself, had caused. Yes, Thorin could do this... Thorin couldn't do this. He turned around and made an effort to shut out Bilbo's whimpers and gasps of pain. He grimaced as he cursed himself for stealing this man's independence in just a mere week.

"Mr. Oakenshield?" the nurse called, wheeling Bilbo to the door, by whom did not look at all pleased.

"Yes, of c-course," Thorin said, nodding to the woman and Bilbo.

All three headed for the elevators, and Bilbo watched everything pass by him. He hadn't even spent an hour in a wheelchair and yet he was sick of it. He wanted nothing more than to go to his own home and crawl under a rock. He noticed Thorin had passed the desk and wondered why. He still had to check out. They were already inside the elevator when Bilbo brought up the question.

"Don't I need to check out?" Bilbo asked, glancing to Thorin hesitantly.

"I already have for you," came the quiet answer. "When you were..." He waved his hand at the wheelchair as an explanation.

"Oh," Bilbo said. "Thank... you."

Thorin gave him a small smile as the elevator dinged open. Leading the way, Thorin walked to his car and opened the passenger door for Bilbo. With the help of the nurse, Bilbo was settled in the car. "Thank you," Thorin told the nurse as she and the wheelchair returned inside. "Are you alright?" he asked Bilbo.

Bilbo nodded, not trusting his voice.

Thorin cleared his throat and closed the door before settling in the driver's seat. "Do you want to your place first?" he asked, hesitantly starting the car.

Bilbo nodded.

"Alright," Thorin began, eyeing Bilbo closely. "Where do you live?"

"120 Hobbiton Dr," Bilbo replied in a very quiet voice that Thorin barely heard.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Thorin asked. "Tell me if you are not fine with this... this arrangement. I am sure you can find someone else to stay with for the next few months."

"No," Bilbo said. "No, it's not this living arrangement thingy... it's the fact that I can't walk. And I always walk." Bilbo sighed and grumbled into his hands after he brought them up to his face. "Six months without walking... I'm sure that's like you not drinking ale for ten years."

Thorin chuckled. "Actually I don't drink," he said. "And I am only here if you want me to be. I am not going to step into your world and order you around. No, I am just going to be there if you need me. I want you to regain your confidence and forgive me for doing this to you."

Bilbo sighed again and glanced at Thorin. "I do forgive you," he replied with a small smile. "I really do..."

"Well, I hope you are true to your word," Thorin said, giving Bilbo a toothy grin.

"Thorin?" Bilbo asked. "How old are you?"

"Um... I am forty-two," Thorin answered. "You?"

"Thirty-six," Bilbo smiled. "I thought you would be older, because of your grey streaks."

Thorin smiled. "Stress caused this," he said, gesturing to his short hair. "Here we are," he announced, pulling up to the curb. "I do not have a wheelchair, so what shall I do?"

"Um... um..." Bilbo flushed. He was about to ask the person he had ogled at a party to go inside and pack some personal items for him. "Um..."

"I have nephews who I have had to take care of in their ripe stage of teens," Thorin offered.

"No, um... let me think..." Bilbo said quietly. "I think I can-"

"If that next sentence involves you walking on your own, I am sorry but that will not happen," Thorin interrupted. "Now, carrying you is a different story."

Bilbo grumbled. "Fine," he relented, unbuckling his seat belt. "Carry me."

Thorin nodded and with one swift movement, that Bilbo hated him for, he was out of the car and holding out his hand to Bilbo as he stood in the passenger doorway. "Take my hand," he said when Bilbo only stared at it. "Or do you wish to see how far you can get?"

"You're mocking me, aren't you?" Bilbo noticed in a non-amused voice. "For..." He grasped the door handle and turned himself so he faced the street. "Your..." Then, he found leverage with his right hand on the side of the car. "Information..." He grunted and stood successfully before glaring at Thorin. "I am perfectly capable of walking there myself." With that, Bilbo took one step and found himself in Thorin's arms.

"Oh, no you don't," Thorin said, placing one strong arm underneath Bilbo's knees and the other behind the younger man's back. "You are not earning yourself another ticket to the hospital."

"Why not?" Bilbo argued, trying to wiggle out of the others grasp as Thorin walked to the house door. "Don't wanna pay extra, do we?"

Thorin growled and set Bilbo down by the door. "This. Is. Not. About. Money," he growled lowly, pressing Bilbo against the wall. "I would never complain about anything like that. What I did was wrong."

Bilbo glared at him.

Thorin huffed angrily. "Don't you understand?" he asked, grasping Bilbo's shoulders. "I didn't intend on this happening. I don't want to be here as much as you do-"


"Why am I doing this?" he suggested harshly and Bilbo nodded. "Because I assumed it was the right thing to do."

"Taking in someone who you don't even know for six months," Bilbo spat, glaring coldly at Thorin's own icy blue eyes as he slowly built up his courage. "Oh, yes. That sounds like the right thing to do. Especially if that person can't walk!"

Thorin held up his hands in defense. "Well, it would help if that person didn't freeze in the middle of the crosswalk."

"And it would have helped if you were watching where you were going!" Bilbo retorted, spitting in Thorin's face. "The last thing I want to do is live with you."

"Then by all means," Thorin snarled, shoving Bilbo against the wall with a thud. "Live alone. See how far you get. Because I'm sure your friends will find some excuse rather than take care of a selfish person like you." The older man wiped the spit from his face and gave Bilbo a so-get-up-and-try-to-walk-you-sleazy-fuck look.

Bilbo's face flushed with anger as he prepared to take one step, glaring at Thorin the entire time. He lifted his leg and... found himself, face first, on the cold and hard sidewalk. He grumbled and grunted as he tried to stand. During his struggles, he heard Thorin's deep chuckle. "Why. Are. You. Laughing?!" he growled, finding leverage and heaving himself up only to fall again.

"Because you are faced with the truth," Thorin answered, catching Bilbo before he hit the sidewalk again. "Now, who is right here?"

"You," Bilbo grumbled angrily. "But just because you think you're doing 'the right thing'," Bilbo said, mocking Thorin, "does not mean I have to agree with you on anything. Even like you. Disgusting, tight-ass, fucker who only wants to pay for one hospital visit."

Thorin growled and painfully tightened his grasp on Bilbo's arms. "Good," he said flatly. "I understand, and if you ever mention anything about money again, I swear I will-"

"Mr. Bilbo," a short man with curly brown hair began, standing in the next yard with a rake in his hand. "is this man bothering you?" he asked, motioning to Thorin who, from anyone else's perspective, looked liked he was attacking Bilbo (and of course, he was attacking him... but Bilbo was doing the same to him).

Bilbo punched Thorin's gut to make the man let go of his arms. "No, Tom," he said as lightly as he could muster despite Thorin's heavy breathing and clenching fists. "H-he's just..." Bilbo quickly glanced at Thorin who shook his head. "He's just... Thranduil's boyfriend," he replied, missing the absolute look of shock on Thorin's face.

"Clearing the air, I see?" Tom asked, glancing between both men. "Upset the aristocratic non-taxpayer, and this is what you get." He shook his head and opened his own door. "Best of luck Bilbo." And with a click of the door, he was gone.

"Thranduil's boyfriend?!" Thorin nearly shouted, making Bilbo flinch. "Are you fucking insane?! That no good, overblond, toy barbie isn't worth anyone's time. Especially mine!"

"Well, I like him," Bilbo argued, nodding his head firmly. "Here," he said, tossing Thorin his house keys. "Open the door."

Thorin grumbled but opened the door and gestured with his arm to go inside.

"I can't walk, you imbecile," Bilbo huffed, putting his hands on his hips. "Pick me up."

"I'm not sure what I signed myself up for," Thorin grunted as he hefted Bilbo into his arms.

A/N: So sorry, ppls. This is has to be the most horrible chapter I have written. I swear, I got a review saying that I needed a beta and now I can't write well... :( And it was a guest review, and I'm sure if they ever read this story, i'd like them to know that this is all their fault! I appreciate reviews and criticism, but if you don't like the way i write or the fact that this is a Thilbo story, DON'T READ! I have been getting too many reviews saying that I made Thorin gay and that love between him and Bilbo was sick and wrong. PEOPLE: This genre is Romance and the characters are Thorin and Bilbo... Do the math! They are eventually going to be together in all of my stories! Gosh! People who don't read have this problem and I have to put up with it. So please, do read the "bold' writing in the beginning and end of this chapter. Thank you, and I hope I didn't scare you off with this, but I am so fed up with stupid reviews from stupid and ignorant people!

:D If you have made it past that paragraph, thank you for reading my story and i hope you leave a non-flame review! :) I heart as many followers I have left...