"I feel the world when I am alone

because thats when the monsters in my head say hello."


Bully Chapter 11

Arriving at Karin's house, Sasuke parked in the drive through and seized the roaring engine. Before he could even open the door, he saw his psychiatrist annoyed face glaring at him, one hand on her hip the other holding the reins to her dog.

Sighing, he got out of the door and walked through the front yards pebbles towards the door. He didn't wait for her approval to enter her house, and flung the door open. He stepped into the warm abyss of the house. Taking a deep breath, he smelled the warm welcome of a functional house with a functional family. Behind him Karin stormed in, slammed shut the door, and began her usual bickering of how she was not actually his psychiatrist no more and that she did not have to deal with him no more.

Paying her no mind at all, he strolled towards the living room table and took a seat. The dog came running up to him, pleading with his big brown eyes for him to pet him, he patted his fluffy head and then shooed him away.

"So what did you make for dinner?"

She shot him another glare, and shook her head at him. All her bickering was for nothing, she knew that he would not leave until he actually wanted to leave himself. Turning her back towards him, she entered the kitchen and turned on the stove to heat up the soup. She quickly stirred the contents inside, and left to check on her unwanted guest. He still sat there, hands intertwined, staring at her.

She mumbled a quick reply, "Soup".


"Still as reluctant as ever to show emotions, I see."


She shook her head at him, again. She sat down across from him. Hoping that he would finally tell her what was bothering him and get this awkward encounter over with. She looked at him, indicating that he should start talking and that she will be listening. Instead of telling his thoughts to her, he simply looked back at her.

She raised her eyebrow at him, and he mirrored her action. Also raising his perfectly sculptured black eyebrow at her. No actual words were exchange between the two, but the women understood perfectly clear that the boy sitting in front of her was mere minutes away from telling her exactly why he came to her. This was their usual routine, since the boy was of young age. Considering that he was a much secluded child that despised telling others his feelings, she understood him.

However, her patience was running thin. He was no longer a young child, he was longer her patient, and her husband should be coming home any second now and she did not want to spend too much time playing their usual game of mirroring each other while no words were exchanged.

Slamming her fist onto the hard wood table, she demanded him to tell her what was bothering him.

He clenched his hands. "nothing much." He simply stated.

She nodded her head, as if understanding what he truly meant. But in reality she had no idea what was floating in that head of his. In the past, she knew he had issues with the other children in his school, but so far as she knew that has long ago stopped.

"Please Sasuke, tell me what is troubling you."

A grin formed on his face. "Are you begging me?"

"How about I just ask you some simple questions, and you answer them, will that be okay?" Ignoring his previous statement, she began asking him simple questions of how his days are going recently, if anything has changed.

"Not really."

"There must be something that has changed over the years since I saw you." She desperately tried to make him continue talking.

He clenched his hands even harder, this time making sure that his nails dug into his flesh.

"My brother is about to get married."

Her wish has come true, he was finally opening up to her. No longer was he the secluded scared child, now he is a grown man that understands that she is here to help him. Not wanting to scare him away, she gently worked off of what he gave her.

"Oh, and are you happy?"

"I don't care."

"How about the girl, do you like the girl he is about to marry?"

He rolled his eyes at her.

"We do not know who he is marrying. Father decided that they shall meet on the day of the wedding."

Not at all shocked that his father would arrange such a thing, she simply nodded but not at all deterred from asking him more questions.

"How is school, any interesting things happen, how about the girls there I bet you are rely popular with them." She sent him a knowing sly look at him, indicating since he was so handsome that he would have no trouble getting around with the girls.

He was going to answer, but the front door was heard. It was opened and closed before he could have answered her disturbing questions.

"Are you awaiting someone?"

Karin simply looked at him, and got up from her position to run towards the entrance. Spotting her husband at the door with one hand holding their child while the other trying to take of his jacket, she leaped from joy and ran towards him to help him. She quickly took the little girl form his arms and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

He leaned in for more, but she shooed him away and said that they had a guest. They made their way towards the living room to find it empty. Her husband gave her a questioning look, but she just ignored him and continued towards the kitchen to find Sasuke standing over the stove. Finding no need to interrupt the two the husband went and layer the little girl in her bed and came back seconds later.

"What are you doing?"

He payed no attention to her. Instead her took out a handle and began to stir the soup. Once done, he brought out a bowl and poured the contents from the pot into the bowl. Making sure to make it a huge portion for himself.

He took the bowl, walked by Karin, and sat down in his previous seat. Mumbling a small, "thank you for the food", he dug in.

The man and the women, paying no attention to the boy so rudely eating in their house, too went and poured them selves the soup. All three sat in silence, eating, with completely no thoughts crossing their mind. It seemed as if they were a family, injuring each others presence yet at the same time not actually saying a thing to each other.

The peaceful silence came to an end, once they heard the high pitched crying of the baby girl in the house.

Getting annoyed at the high volume of crying going on in the room, Sasuke stood up from his seat and left to go upstairs into one of the guest rooms. He was too tired to care right now. Although he thought that Karin would calm him down all she did was aggravate him. He shook his shoes off, and laid down on the bed. Maybe sleep would make it all better for him. Once he closed his eyes, however, a image of Sakura popped up in his head. It was one of her smiling at him.

God, why was he so obsessed with this girl?

He only knew her for a couple of months now, could it truly be because he knew her when they were kids? Was it affection that he felt for her or was it him just wanting to play around with her?

Usually he would be with totally different girls. Girls with better figures and so much prettier then her. However, it was no lie that he was attracted to her. She a plain girl, which barley had a figure, and no style, made his eyes believe that she could be the most beautiful girl in the world. When she smiled, it would bring an emotion into him that he never felt before. And these feelings were just plain wrong for him. He needed to stop them.

He restlessly turned in his position on the bed to be on his back. When that was not enough and he could still imagine her face. He got in a sitting position. Why? Just why?! He was so frustrated with himself, with her, with everything! He snatched a pillow from behind him and began to beat it. All the pent up anger in him, he was trying to release but nothing helped. Finally he just threw the pillow straight at the wall.

Yes he wanted Sakura to be with him 24/7 but not in a romantic way. No he wanted her to be below him. To follow his command, and do every single thing that he says. He wanted her to be not able to function without him. She could love him, no she has to love him, but he has to have no emotions at all.

With those final thoughts he was finally able to fall asleep, dreaming of a girl that he wishes he could not love.

After a couple of hours of being able to sleep, Sasuke began to to turn from side to side and fidget in his restless sleep. Finally giving up in in going back to sleep, he opened his eyes. Groaning, he sat himself up into a sitting position and starred at the wall. The same thoughts plaguing his mind, as the ones that were swimming in his head before he went to sleep.

"Damn it, why is she so god damn annoying." Racking his fingering through his hair. He swung his legs onto the side and got up, no point of him staying here any longer. His feet touched the freezing cold floor. Quickly he attempted to find his socks from the other day, but gave up from a few seconds of searching. Frustrated he put on his shoes, and marched his way towards the window. Cracking the thing open, he jumped onto the window ledge and jumped down into the outside world. Landing on his feet, he shuffled towards his car.

Not waisting anymore time, he drove away from the house into the empty streets of the suburban area. He had no idea where he was driving, but the action itself was soothing him down. Turning his cars voice control on.

"Call Naruto"

The car dialed his number, after a few rings the blond finally answered.

"Asshole, what do you want. I was sleeping." Sasuke heard his friend answer groggily.

"Where does Sakura live?"

It went silent on the other end, he could hear the idiot snoring.

"HEY!" He yelled.

"Wha What!"

"Were does Sakura live, do you know?"

"Ohmm, I think 129 Harvest St. But why?"

Sasuke hung up the phone.

He sped up his car and found a distention to go to. It was a couple of blocks away from his current location, making him arrive t his destination in only a few minutes. The house was like most houses in the neighborhood, a cactus in front and a stone road that lead to the front door. He could see that there were a couple of rooms in the house, making him wonder which one was Sakura in.

He parked the car. He got out. And he had no idea what he was doing there. What could he possibly accomplish by being there in the middle of the night? He clenched his hands again, forming a fist. Taking a step he came forward towards the house.

Maybe if he stepped on the brick stones sticking gout from the house, he could climb up and see which one was her room. He thought.

For some peculiar reason he had this strong desire to find out which room she was in. Shaking his head, he dug his nails into the flesh of his palms again, and forced himself to turn around from the house. He went into the car, and drove away.

^.^.^.^.^.^.^ SASUSAKUE^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^

A curtain pink haired girl was rushing to eat her breakfast and hurrying her mother to get ready to drive her to school. She woke up only an hour ago and was not able to do all her usual morning routines. She wasn't sure if it was just because she was really tired or because of the events that occurred yesterday had made her unable to get a decent amount of sleep.

All throughout the night she kept on thinking about Sasuke and the moments they shared. The thing that really haunted her was the look he gave her when she walked away with his brother. It wasn't her fault that she needed to leave, he had to understand that, right?

Taking her final bite of her toast, she got up from her chair and called her mom to hurry up. She scrambled to her room, grabbed her bag, and ran back to the front hall. There her mother was waiting for her, giving her an annoyed look. She ran passed her, out the door, and straight into the warm awaiting car.

She got to school ten minutes before the bell rang, giving her time to go to her locker and set all her unneeded things down. She grabbed her final book into her backpack, and started to make her way down the hall way to her first room.

She entered, expecting to find her usual seat empty but instead Sasuke sat there. He had his head resting on the palm of his hand, looking as handsome as ever. He was looking straight ahead at the empty black board.

Taking a deep breath, Sakura made her way towards him.

"Hi Sasuke!"


She, not at all surprised by his lack of attention towards her, sat at the seat next to him.

Hi guys! What did you think? Did you like it? Did you hate it? Were you all shocked that Karin turned out to be his psychiatrist? lol I feel like I am bullying you guys, with all the surprises that I set in the story.

How was your christmas? or Hanukkah? Did you guys have fun? Get lots of presents.

Anyway, I hope you guys liked the chapter. It was more about Sasuke. What did you guys think of him in this chapter? Do you understand him more, or is it just getting more confusing? Tell me in the comments so I can improve.

Also I have re-read this story and noticed so many mistakes, that I have decided to fix them. So please do not be mad if you get a notification that I update but its just me fixing my mistakes. If you find any mistakes please do tell me.

Another thing, did you guys find Sasuke to be creepy in this chapter or his usual cold self?

P.S. I was wondering how old do you guys think I am? Just out of curiosity lol


Me Out ;)