"A speedo?" Killua exclaimed. "Are you out of your perverted mind?" He grabbed the piece of clothing from Hisoka. "That's it. I'm no longer letting you help."

"The beach is right over there. After the fight, he might want to go swimming. It's multifunctional. Besides, it's better than the pair of shorts you picked out for him."

"What's wrong with these?" He held up the object in question. "They're just like the green ones Gon always wears."

"You mean the ones he used to wear," Hisoka corrected. He smiled cruelly. "Oh that's right. You wouldn't know how he dresses anymore seeing as how you deserted him for five years." He took delight in seeing the pain his words caused even though he had no idea whether or not they were true. He hadn't seen the boy in five years either.

"We still need to find Gon a shirt," said Killua, subdued. He wandered over to the next rack. They were at an outdoor shopping center located right on the boardwalk.

"We don't have time for these trivialities," the magician sighed with a flourish. "For all we know, Illumi could have already left Yorknew."

"And miss the pleasure of your company?" Every hair on the back of Killua's neck stood up at the sound of his older brother's voice. "I knew something was up the moment you texted me, Hisoka." Out of the corner of his vision, the silver-haired boy saw Hisoka remove a Shu-enhanced poker card from his sleeve and hold it between two fingers. "Before you betray your oldest friend for this sorry excuse for an assassin, might I make you a proposal? Whatever he has offered you, I'll beat it."

"He claims to know the current location of Chrollo Lucilfer."

"Oh does he now?" Illumi's vacant, soulless eyes rested on Killua. "And how would he acquire such information considering he has spent the past five years living on our estate and only leaving to perform mundane tasks assigned to him by me?"

"I knew it!" Killua cried, forgetting himself. "You held me back on purpose."

"You had potential, my dear brother. The potential to be stronger than even me." His already pitch-black eyes seemed to darken. "Oh no, I couldn't have that."

"Ah, brotherly quarrels," Hisoka interjected. "I never had a brother."

"You had one in me," Illumi replied monotonously. "Before you planned to kill me, of course."

"I did tell them I planned on killing you, yes. But I was never going to go through with it."

Killua let out a gasp of outrage, dropping the pair of shorts he was holding. He clenched his hands into fists. "Liar!"

Hisoka merely chuckled. "Relax. You wanted Illumi dead so that he wouldn't kill the newlyweds, correct? Well there's no need for all that. I'll just get your brother to terminate the contracts."

"And how do you plan on doing that?" he asked doubtfully.

"By getting back my money." The man had exceptional speed and deadly accuracy. With a flick of the wrist, the poker card in Hisoka's hand went flying and tore a hole in the bottom of Killua's left pants pocket. The wooden tokens he had been carrying around fell to the ground. "After all, I'm the one who hired your brother to kill your little friends."