Woo! I really enjoyed writing this chapter. Hope you all enjoy reading it!
Please review I love reviews!

I own nothing except my own ideas…

Caspian knocked on Susan's chamber doors and Rosetta answered.

"Oh! Your highness." Rosetta exclaimed in surprise as her cheeks blushed deep red. An effect he seemed to have upon most women. "Please…" She opened the door fully and gestured inside.

"Thank you." He said as he stepped inside and walked towards the fireplace.

"I shall just tell Queen Susan that you wish to speak with her." Rosetta said as she quickly walked around the corner into her bed chamber.

Susan was sat in front of her vanity mirror putting in her pearl earrings. She wore an off shoulder cream dress that has long floaty sleeves, hugged her curves perfectly at the bodice and flowed down around her. Her hair was plaited at either side and pinned together allowing the rest of her hair to fall down to her waist in soft curls.

"My lady, King Caspian is here." Caspian heard her say faintly.

"Thank you Rosetta." Susan said calmly though her heart quickened in excitement as she rose from her seat and went to the threshold between the two rooms.

Her heart stopped when she saw him. His hair had been cut and was now much shorter yet still thick full and wavy and his beard was trimmed much shorter. His look was befitting of both a king the Narnian's a Telmarine's, he was so refreshed yet ruggedly handsome, and his strong presence and masculinity radiated from him causing butterflies to fly wildly around her stomach. Although he seemed to have this effect on her no matter how he looked.

"Caspian." Susan greeted with a beautiful smile as she walked towards him. "You've cut your hair." She noted as she reached up and weaved her fingers through its soft thick texture.

Caspian smiled at her adoringly as she observed him. "I've needed to have it cut for far too long."

"Have I ever told you how unbelievably handsome you are?"

"I don't think so." Caspian said playfully as he stepped closer to her, closing the space between them.

"Hmm. Well know you know." She said as she leaned in for a kiss.

Peter, Edmund and Caspian were gathered in a room with a few of their most trusted council members of the council. Amongst them were Telmarine Lords there by birth right, others were Narnian's gifted with such a title by Caspian for their trusted service.

Caspian sat comfortably in his usual seat at the head of the table as he caught up on what had been happening in his absence.

"Lord Trumpkin tells me the Calorman ambassador is yet to arrive."

"Yes sire, he should arrive in three weeks time."

"Good, have the treaty drawn up. I want everything to run a smoothly as possible. The last thing we need is more trouble from the Calorman's."

"Yes sire."

"I believe King John of Archenland is married to the Lady Arrebella. I would like to extend invitation to them to join us at Cair Paravel. I would have them meet the Kings and Queens of Old."

"Perhaps a ball?" Edmund suggested thoughtfully with his arms across his chest. "We need to show them that we stand united and that we too extend them the hand of friendship."

"Good idea." Caspian agreed.

"Trufflehunter, invite them to arrive in 2 weeks due course before the Calorman ambassador arrives. The last thing we need is for the two to collide." Peter ordered naturally.

Trufflehunter nodded yet seemed unsure for a moment and looked to Caspian. Tension filled the room for a moment as they each watched Caspian glance to him and give the final nod. Peter glanced to Edmund, both sharing the same train of thought and Edmund nodded to him in agreement.

"There is one final thing sire before the official council meeting." voiced Lord Alanzo, a good looking man in his mid twenty's, with tight curly hair and a trimmed goatee beard.

"Speak." Caspian gestured casually with a wave of this hand.

Lord Alanzo cleared his throat. "Before you left for your voyage there was still the matter of finding yourself a Queen that was unsolved. Many of us were wondering…with the return of the Kings and Queens…" He trailed off with loss words.

Caspian suppressed his grin. "As many of you may have guessed from the rumours no doubt already circling Cair Paravel, I have been courting Queen Susan for some time now."

The lords smiled and murmured to each other "We are pleased by your choice sire. Queen Susan is the most caring and beautiful of women."

"It seems we agree on something." Caspian said as he rose from his chair with the other lords mimicking him. "If that is all for now…"

"Actually…" Everyone turned to Peter expectantly as he stood tall and proud. "There is one matter left to be resolved before further confusion. I would like there to be an official ceremony where I hand my title as high king over to King Caspian."


Peter put his hand up silencing each of them. "The return of my siblings and I shall not cause any disruption to how far you have come these past three years. Together we ruled in the Golden Age and we shall use our past experience and knowledge to aid King Caspian in his rule but my time as high king has passed." He locked his eyes with Caspian's and spoke to him alone. "It is your time now."

Caspian was incredibly moved by this. He walked around the table towards him and clasped arms with him. "We shall rule united and keep the piece across Narnia."

"I shall see to the organising of the ceremony your majesties."

"Thank you Lord Trumpkin." Caspian said formally. "My Lords, we bid you good day."

They bowed their heads and filtered out of the room. Eustace stepped from out of the corner where he had been quietly observing.

"I thought you said council meetings were usually either a challenge or boring."

Edmund smirked at him and took a seat. "That wasn't an official council meeting, if it had you would have had your own seat in the council chamber. Plus Susan and Lucy would have been there."

"Yes where are the girls?" Peter asked.

"Lucy mentioned ordering some clothes to fit his Lordship." Edmund said gesturing towards Eustace.

"Be grateful they didn't force you to go with them." Peter joked.

"How about a tour?" Caspian suggested to Eustace.

"Oh there they are!" Lucy exclaimed with a bright smile. "We've been looking for you, where have you been."

"We just had a small meeting and caught up on a few things before the council meeting." Peter said. "Now we're giving Eustace a tour."

"Don't worry we will fill you in." Edmund said when he caught both Susan's and Lucy's expressions.

"You didn't miss much; Archenland King and Queen are invited to a ball in two weeks time so you all shall meet. Calorman ambassador will arrive in three weeks. Oh and Peter is to hand over his title as High King to Caspian in a special ceremony." Eustace listed quickly and simply.

"Well I suppose they're filled in." Edmund muttered to Peter causing them both to snigger.

Caspian elbowed them when he saw the girls seem more annoyed and they sobered quickly and became quite sheepish, ready for being scolded.

"Didn't miss much?" Lucy repeated irritably.

"You should have told us you were having a meeting. How are we supposed to show we are united when only half of us are present?" Susan added.

"I'm sorry girls. We didn't plan it, it just sort of happened. Caspian was introducing us and one thing led to another." Peter explained gently.

Susan and Lucy glanced to each other as they felt their irritation fade. "Well then where you are showing Eustace next?" Susan said making them smile with ease.

"We were just about to show him the way to the kitchens." Caspian said stepping closer to her.

"That wouldn't happen to be Edmund's idea would it?" Lucy teased.


Lucy laughed brightly and turned to Eustace. "Well at least you'll have more than one outfit to wear. Mr Andros, the fawn is the royal dress maker and I must say he's got exquisite skill and talent."

"Who used to make all of your clothes in the Golden Age?" Eustace asked.

"There was Meriwether and Sage, both fawns too."

"So not Mr. Tumnus?"

Lucy smiled wistfully. "No. He was one of our advisors and closest friends. He did however play instruments for us many a time. He even taught me to play."

Peter put his hand on Lucy's shoulder in understanding. "Perhaps you'll play for us later? It has been far too long since you did last." Lucy smiled up at him.

Caspian lead them down the steep steps into the large kitchen where the cooks and maids were busy with their duties. They all stopped and froze as they saw them entre the kitchen. All except one plump lady covered in flour was wearing a green and brown dress with a cream apron. Her eyes were hasel brown, kind, loving and hardworking, her light brown hair that was turning grey was pinned up and covered with a bonnet placed over the top of her head.

"All right back to work." She ordered as she stepped forward mixing rapidly into a bowl. She locked eyes with Caspian and her own watered with proud glistening tears as he smiled at her. "Oh! My King!" She cooed joyously as he walked towards her with a dashing grin. "Caspian you brave, honourable man!"

"Martha." Caspian said as he cupped her cheeks and kissed her forehead making her chuckle. "Forgive me for not seeing you sooner."

Susan and Lucy smiled at each other as they watched the wonderful scene before them.

"Oh! Balderdash! You're the King! She said as she set down her bowl. She smiled warmly. "This is a new look for you. How very handsome you are." She said briefly cupping his cheek, looking into the twinkle of his eyes. "Your mother and father would be so proud of you."

"Thank you." Caspian said warmly. He noticed her eyes drift over her shoulder and her cheeks redden even more than usual. He turned and smiled at them. "Martha I would like to introduce you to the Kings and Queens of Old and Lord Eustace." He said gesturing to them.

"Ohh your majesties. It is an honour." Martha said barely above a whispered awe.

"There is one person in particular I wished for you to meet. The one I hold dearest to my heart." He added as he walked towards Susan and extended his hand out for hers. Susan's heart skipped a beat as their eyes glistened into each other's and she took his hand allowing him to bring her closer to Martha.

Martha noticed the bounce in his step and the excitement in his eyes as he led Susan and stepped aside, bring her more forward. Martha's mouth hung open in awe as Susan smiled at her in the kindest of smiles.

"Martha, this is Queen Susan, the Gentle. Susan, this is Martha, the greatest cook in the kingdom. She was also my nurse when I was still a boy."

Susan's heart melted at how much affection he still carried for her. "It's wonderful to meet you Martha." Susan said warmly.

"Ohhh…may I?" She asked gesturing to move closer to her. Susan smiled and nodded slightly. As she approached her she wiped her hands in her apron. "Caspian had told me so much about you." and then placed them facing upward hovering just underneath her jaw, taking in her beauty. Her eyes watered happily as she looked into the depth of Susan's eyes. "Ohh, you are everything he described." Martha sniffled as she lowered her hands and stepped back, taking hold of her bowl and spoon and began mixing again. "I see now why you couldn't move on and marry any other." She said as Caspian wrapped his arm around Susan's waist, holding her close. "You really are perfect for each other."

Caspian grinned Susan's favourite crooked smile as Susan glowed lovingly. "Thank you." She said softly,

"I've just begun making your favourite chocolate cake."

"My favourite too" Edmund said to Peter, Lucy and Eustace making them grin.

Caspian grinned at him. "King Edmund, Martha. Martha this is King Edmund" Martha smiled and dipped into a quick curtsy. "No doubt you will see much of him in the future." He said making them chuckle.


That evening they all were joined by Professor Cornelius, Trumpkin and Trufflehunter in one of the family sitting room.

"How about some music?" Peter suggested, with a goblet of wine in his hand. "Lucy would you do the honour?"

Lucy smiled and gracefully made her way over to the piano in the corner by the grand lit fireplace. Her air was cool but her heart raced quickly under her nerves. She inhaled and bit her lip in thought of what to play and then smiled to herself. As her fingers hovered over the piano keys she felt a sadness seep into her as she realised the last time she played was with Mr. Tumnus in a room filled with her family, Mr and Mrs Beaver, Oreius and their friends.

A lump caught in her throat as her hands trembled and she pulled them back. Trumpkin glanced over to her siblings sensing something wasn't quite right Peter and Edmund caught each other's glance and Caspian felt Susan stand straighter as if worried.

Lucy cleared her throat and turned to her audience. "This is in memory of our friends from the Golden Age. For those always in our hearts and are never forgotten." She said in the essence of a true queen. She turned back to the piano and exhaled slowly. "This is for you." She whispered to herself.

Everyone watched in complete silence as Lucy began to play a Narnian melody that was once their favourite.

They were all enraptured as the fire came to life, showing four people, a fawn two beavers and the dryads dancing around the fire.

Peter, Edmund and Susan felt their hearts melt as they remembered all their times together in the golden age. Susan's hand was placed over her heart and Peter wrapped his arm around her shoulders allowing her to rest her head on him. Edmund glanced to them and smiled wistfully as Susan took hold of his hand and squeezed it.

Lucy came to a finish and they all applauded her enthusiastically. She looked towards her siblings with tears in her eyes and smiled brightly.

"That was simply breath taking your majesty." Professor Cornelius praised.

"That was beautiful Lu." Edmund said as he moved across to her and squeezed her shoulder.


"May we hear another?" Eustace asked

Lucy chuckled as they all agreed and turned back to the piano keys.

Susan locked eyes with Caspian across the room, the firelight lighting his tanned skin making his intense passionate eyes seem all aglow. Susan struggled to breathe at the sight of him before her as he watch her every move towards him.

"I had no idea Lucy could play like that." He said deeply.

"Mr. Tumnus taught her. She's wonderful isn't she?" Susan said in agreement as the glanced towards her playing another tune. Susan looked back to him thoughtfully. "Martha is lovely. How come you never mentioned her before?"

"It was never the right time or it just never came up. After my mother died giving birth to me she was the only mother figure I ever really had. She used to tell me stories about her."

"I'm glad you at least had that someone growing up. She loves you very much." Susan said gently. "I'm sure we shall become good friends."

Caspian smiled and lifted his hand to caress her cheek; his fingers tingled at the touch of her skin. "I'm sure you will." He said ardently.

Susan was completely absorbed into in eyes. She slowly reached on her tip toes and placed her lips against his in a soft kiss. Caspian only returned it for a moment before she pulled back, but within that simple kiss they felt a fire ignite between them like a force they could not control. They both new the other had felt it too when they opened their eyes to gaze into the others. Susan swallowed thickly as his eyes blazed into hers. Lucy began to play the Narnian lullaby that Mr. Tumnus had played when she first came to Narnia. Susan turned when she heard Eustace gasp and looked across to the magical dance of the fire.

Caspian watched the firelight catch in her curly hair making it far too tempting not to feel it between his fingers and inhale her intoxicating scent. Susan felt Caspian step up behind her closing the space between them. The feel of his strong chest pressed against her back, the heat that radiated from him and the feel of his hands lightly and subtly stroke down the back of her arms made her knees tremble and weaken. He was barely doing anything and yet this was how her body responded to him.

She looked slightly over her shoulder and felt him nuzzle her hair inhaling her scent. Her breathing became deeper as her heart pounded in her chest whilst she scanned the room making sure no eyes were watching them. Thankfully they were all absorbed into the fire. Caspian's hand brushed around her waist as he moved around her. Susan looked up at him as he smiled at her ardently with love, passion and cheekiness shimmering within his eyes and gently took hold of her hand.

Susan followed him as he quietly led them out of the room. He pulled her to the side as they smiled at each other and backed her against the wall, cupping her face in his hands and kissed her. Susan smiled into the kiss but Caspian broke away and looked to the side as he heard someone coming around the corner of the corridor.

"Come with me." He breathed. Susan felt both excited and flustered as he grinned at her cheekily and grabbed her hand leading her quickly down the corridor. He stopped and pulled back one side of a burgundy tapestry hanging on the wall, revealing a long and deep hidden alcove behind it. Susan glanced behind them as he led her inside to make sure no one saw them.

Caspian turned her to him and smiled at her besotted before pressing his lips against hers. Her hands slowly moved their way up his chest as she felt his muscles beneath her palms. His body trembled at her touch as he moved his own hands down to her waist, feeling her curves as he brought her flush against him. She moaned deeply as he kissed her with such intense passion it could light an inferno. As the kiss grew deeper she gently fisted his hair resulting in a moan from him as he slowly moved a hand from the small of her back, round her side as he felt the slenderness of her waist and the feel of her curves, moving his hand up her body somehow managing to stop just beneath her breast.

As they broke the kiss gasping for air Caspian dragged his lips along her jaw line and rained kisses down her neck. His beard soft beard was trimmed so short she could barely feel it, what she did feel only added the sensation. Susan's breathing was ragged and hot in his ear as she grew weaker in his arms. She gasped and arched up against him when he found a sensitive spot on her neck. She had never felt these sensations before, the pleasurable coil in her stomach was so tight she could barely breathe yet she wanted more. From her reaction Caspian grew bolder and bathed his tongue on the sensitive spot making her moan, the sweet tantalizing taste of her skin drove him into a frenzy combined with her sounds of appreciation. He pulled back to look into her lidded eyes that matched his own dark fiery ones and cupped her face in both hands, pulling her in for another kiss.

"Caspian." Susan whispered in a moan against his lips.

They finally both broke the kiss and rested their foreheads together as they tried to calm their accelerated heartbeats.

"This…is a great hiding place." Susan said breathlessly making him smile.

"We should go, before we are missed." Caspian whispered. Susan nodded and sucked on her swollen bottom lip. He lovingly curled a piece of hair behind her ear. "I wouldn't want to besmirch your honour."

Susan grinned and cupped his cheek, placing a soft lingering kiss on his lips. "I love how protective you are." She whispered.

"Always." Caspian breathed.


Susan carried her bedside candle in her hand, lighting her path as she walked to the kitchens. She placed the candle on the table and began to route in the cupboards for a late night snack. Her mouth watered as she stumbled upon a double chocolate cake which tasted ever so heavenly and light at dinner. She cut herself a piece and reached for a fork. A knowing and familiar smile tugged at the corner of her mouth and she grabbed two forks in her hand and laid one opposite her on the table as she tucked into the cake. She smiled wider as she heard footsteps coming down the steps and looked over to see Edmund looking at her in surprise. They grinned at each other as he joined her at the table.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" He asked looking at the cake and the fork awaiting him.

He took a large bite and the eyes rolled in the back of his head.

"Oh, that's good." He said in a mouthful.

Susan nodded as she took another bite. "Hmm."

Edmund grinned at her as he took another bite. "Hmm, so good. We need milk."

He poured them both a glass and sat opposite her.

"Do you remember when we used to do this in the Golden Age?" Edmund said warmly. "Why did we ever stop?"

"Shortage of rations."

"Oh. Maybe that's why we're not fat."

Susan chuckled and shook her head. "If you had told me weeks ago that we would be sitting in the kitchens of Cair Paravel eating cake, I never would have believed you."

"I wouldn't have believed me either." Edmund said humorously. "Sometimes I can't believe we're back."

"I keep expecting to wake up and be back in America." She admitted as she fiddled with her fork and cake thoughtfully. "Do you think that will ever go away?"

"In time." Edmund said softly. "It takes time to heal."

Susan nodded thoughtfully. "Do you miss it? Our world." She asked quietly.

"No." Edmund answered honestly. "I miss our mother and father but I'm not overwhelmed by it. I mean, we've already lived and grown up without them once, it feels…easier somehow. Though I think if you and Peter hadn't returned and Lucy and I had been given the choice to go to Aslan's country or return to our world I would have chosen our world."


"Because you and Peter would need us. Narnia will always be the place where we truly belong but it wouldn't completely feel like home if we weren't all here together."

"I'd almost forgotten how wise you can be Ed." Susan said playfully.

Edmund smiled and took a gulp of milk. She smirked at him as he licked away his white foam moustache.

"I missed this." She admitted.

"Me too."


Hope you all enjoyed! If you want to get an idea of Caspian's look take a look at pictures of him in "The Seventh Son" Ahh he's so dreamy!