Tricking the Trickster

Chapter 1

AN: This is for my sibling's(who doesn't have a FFN account) birthday. Happy Birthday! Hope all of you enjoy this fic. The OC's name is Akiyama Sakura.


Sakura's (OC) POV

I walked down the corridor of Rikkai Dai Fuzoku, my new school from today. I could feel the stares as I walked down the hallway from girls and guys alike. Can't say I blame them. I don't mean to boast but I am conscious of my looks- I'm definitely not supermodel gorgeous but I am definitely a bit above average. Well, that's up to people's tastes- I think I look okay with waist length wavy platinum blonde hair, blue eyes with a tinge of purple and deathly pale skin which blushes a bit too easily for my liking, especially sometimes when I blush for no reason at all.

I looked around trying to spot the office where I was supposed to go to receive my schedule, home room and other stuff. Giving up, I tapped the nearest person on the shoulder- a dark haired, blue-green eyes girl whose skin looked paler than mine, trust me that is saying something. "Can you please tell me where the office is?" I asked trying to exude a good girl aura.

She stared at me through her dark rimmed glasses which I personally thought made her look more cute than nerdy. She must be like those cutesy and goody- goody- two- shoes nerds who never says anything meanly or emotionlessly and always seem to have a moe air around them "Whoever led you this way is an idiot, you are completely going in the wrong direction," she said in a crisp tone which made all my earlier thoughts and assumptions fly out of the window. She delved into her bag and pulled out a piece of paper which I saw had an intricately but easy to understand map of the school "You are currently here," she said pointing out a spot- the office is here, you go down this flight of steps and turn over here," she finished pointing out different places.

I nodded in understanding-the map was really well made it would be easy for anyone to understand, "Do you get these maps in the school office?" I asked her "They are really helpful," I added.

She looked me weirdly and shook her head "No, it's hand-drawn, I drew it," she said. I gaped at her my mouth opening wide welcoming any nearby flies.

"No way has it looked like it was computer drawn and printed," I said.

She shook her head disbelievingly "No way," she said "See there's a shaky mark here and here," she said pointing out flaws so minor, I had to squint to see them. "You can keep it if you want," the girl said. "I have a spare one, so it's okay," she said handing me the map.

"Thank," I said faltering "Oh wait, what's your name?" I called out but by then she had already walked down to the end of the hallway. "Okay," I said out loud feeling slightly awkward. And my cheeks heating up Shaking off the feeling, I located the staircase the girl had pointed while trying to get my cheeks back to normal.

Thanks to the map I reached the office relatively quickly. I tentatively opened the door, a brown haired lady in looked up from her papers "Yes, may I help you?" she asked politely.

"Yeah, I guess- I am Akiyama Sakura, I transferred from St. Rudolph today- I was told to come to the office for my schedule and stuff," I said smiling sweetly. "Am I in the right place?" I asked widening my eyes- totally playing up to the cute girl stereotype.

The lady smiled back, probably thinking something along the lines of 'Aw- what a cute girl,' "No- you are in the right place," she said smiling. "Akiyama-san-you are in Class 3-B. Do you want me to lead you there?" the brown haired lady asked.

I was about to say there was no need for it because I had a map when the brown haired lady got up and opened the door and signalled to another lady. This lady looked pretty but in a motherly way. She had chestnut brown hair with lighter streaks of caramel here and there and hazel green eyes. "Welcome to Rikkai Dai, Akiyama-san, I am your home room teacher Tanaka Etsuko," she said greeting me a radiant smile I was sure I could never beat in a thousand years. "Come on," she said gesturing to follow her. As I walked with her she started to tell me about Rikkai Dai and its features and achievements," I won't lie, I kinda zoned out when she started to talk. I wonder if Rikkai is really strict about listening to your teachers even if they are droning on and they sound like a brochure "Here's your new class," she said with a flourish of her arms "Wait outside till I call you in, okay," she said.

"Sure," I answered with a small smile that signified I was perfectly fine with what she asked me to do.

On my first day at Rikkai I learnt something I would keep in mind for as long as I am here. The doors were very thin and definitely not soundproof. As soon as Tanaka-sensei entered the room, there was an eerie silence which I wasn't even aware could exist.

"Ohayo, Tanaka-sensei," I heard them chorus.

"Ohayo class, we have a new transfer student coming in from St. Rudolph, make sure to be polite and make her feel welcome here at Rikkai Dai," she said. As soon as she announced there was a wave of chatter in the class, I guess having a transfer student is kind of fun.

Tanaka-sensei popped her head out of the door "You can come in Akiyama-san,"

I entered the room, facing the class with a smile "Ohayo," I said, my eyes skimming over the people. "I am Akiyama Sakura," I said, writing my name on the board with the chalk Tanaka-san had handed over to me. "I used to study in St. Rudolph. Please take care of me!" I finished with a deep bow.

With a glance I could see most of the class liked me instantly. "Good introduction," Tanaka-sensei said "You'll be sitting next to Niou Masaharu, Niou-kun please raise your hand,"

A hand rose, I glanced at the owner of the hand and I would be lying if I said I wasn't surprised. I am used to guys drooling at my feet left, right and centre I was prepared for a welcoming, sweet or even stupid smile. However what I wasn't prepared for a mischievous smirk coupled with blue eyes like mine except without the purple tinge and a silver rat-tail.

Still, determined to be polite I gave a warm and what I would describe as girly smile "Hello, Niou-san, I hope we get along," I said politely. He smirked at me "Your books are in your desk," he stated a glint in his eyes.

"Oh, okay," I said opening my desk. To my surprise a giant joker sprang out of my desk straight into my face. Normally, I would have just laughed, but this was so unexpected I couldn't help but let out a scream.

The rest of the class laughed. Tanaka-sensei gave my new seat mate a reprimanding look but even she chuckled "You see, Akiyama-san," she said in between chuckles "Niou-kun is the prankster of our class, well actually the prankster of our school,"

I looked at the silver-haired boy wondering what he had to say for himself. There was only one word:-


AN: Next chapter will be up soon. Reviews are appreciated
