Tricking the Trickster

Chapter 13

AN: Hey guys- so I am actually on time :) Guessing you guys didn't expect it :D This is the finale so I really hope you guys enjoy.

"We are ecstatic, Niou-kun and we support your decision wholeheartedly," Akiyama Arata, Sakura's father said.

"As you would've proabbaly guessed I would love to have you as a son-in-law," Akiyama Aoi, Sakura's mother said with a bright smile.

Niou chuckled, a week ago he had decided he wanted to propose to Sakura and had come to the Akiyama hoisehold for blessings. Unlike most guys ready to propose he wasn't really nervous because he knew the Akiyamas already liked him. The feelings were definitely mutual, Sakura's parents were definitely some of the sweetest people had ever met "Thank you for your blessings," he said politely "I have to go now,"

"Wait Niou-san, you can't marry Sakura yet," Arata started slightly nervously.

"Why not?" Niou asked quizzically, after all he had gotten the pemission of her parents and of Renji who had clearly expressed that he would be happy to have a trickster for his brother-in-law "It'll keep my brain from rusting, but you'll have to be prepared for anything" he had said with a grin.

"Well, not that you can't you'll have to also seek the blessings of Sakura's maternal grandfather- he is her only living grandparent and they are very close so it wouldn't be right if you didn't seek his blessings as well,"

Niou nodded, to him it didn't sound too hard. "I should get going, can I get his address?" he asked as Mr. Akiyama handed him a paper with an address scrawled on it.

Mr. and Mrs. Akiyama's eyes widened "You're going right now," Mr. Akiyama asked pushing his glasses up slightly.

Niou shrugged "Yeah, I guess,"

"Well then let me give you a ride there," said Mr. Akiyama getting up and picking up his car keys.

"That would save some time, thank you," Niou said walking towards the front door. Once he was out of earshot Mr. Akiyama turned to Mrs. Akiyama with an unusually mischievous "Call Renji, tell him we are coming."

(Scene Break)

In a café somewhere

"We should really do this more often," said Izuki Iwao, Sakura's maternal grandfather with a bright grin.

"Definitely," Sakura said with a bright grin.

"So, how's that boyfriend of yours?" Iwao asked, his grin turning wider "Has he popped the question yet,"

Sakura blushed "I am pretty sure Niou isn't going to propose to me ever, but he has been acting really weird recently so maybe,"

"A boy who can make my grand-daughter turn this very unique shade of red, I must meet him soon- preferably before you say yes to his proposal but definitely before the wedding,"

At his words Sakura face just became even redder.

(Scene break)

"Here we are," said Mr. Akiyama pulling up in front of a small yet elegant two-storey house. "A word of advice Niou-kun, be polite and straight to the point,"

Niou gave him a reassuring smile "I'll do my best Akiyama-san," he said as he got out and closed the door.

Mr. Akiyma let out a sigh "I hope your best is good enough, please let Renji not be too hard on him- after whatever the entire verdict I am pretty sure Sakura would prefer him alive." He said to himself.

Spotting no doorbell- Niou sharply knocked twice making use of the iron knocker in front of the front door. Almost immediately the door creaked open and in front of him stood a tall and well-built man who bore a striking resemblance to Renji. The only sign that betrayed his age was his weathered face. The moment he caught sight of Niou he scowled- I suppose you must be Sakura's boyfriend," he said almost spitting out the last word. "Aoi told me you were coming, well come in," he said reluctantly

As Niou stepped in, the door immediately the slammed shut. The old man turned to him, his jaw set, ready to fight or in this case interrogate.

"So you want to marry my grand-daughter, do you now," the man asked his scowl turning deeper. "How do I know if you are sincere,"

Niou shrugged "I know I am, I am serious about Sakura- if I wasn't sincere I wouldn't have to come to you to seek your blessings,"

The old man's scowl softened "Acceptable- now what are your future plans after you propose?"

"I don't really have any- I want make them together with Sakura," said Niou "Will you grant us your blessings?" He was beginning to slightly impatient, unlike with Sakura's parents he really did not enjoy being in the presence of Sakura's 'grandfather'.

"Impatience is not good, now the next question," he started but before he could pose the next question, the door opened again. This time Sakura and Izuki Iwao walked in.

"Onii-chan, Niou- what are you both doing here?" Sakura asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Onii-chan!" exclaimed Niou.

Renji grinned and pulled off his wig "I told you, you have to be prepared for anything,"

Sakura and Iwao quickly understood the situation started to laugh. Niou looked confused for a moment, started to laugh nad then turned to Sakura "I really thought your parents weren't tricksters,"

Sakura grinned "Well you thought wrong, it is in the genes"

"Well so this is my grand-daughter's boyfriend," Iwao said, grinning, his eyes twinkling as he extended his hand.

Niou grinned and took his, feeling a lot more at ease with Sakura's real grand-father rather than Renji's interpretation. "So when are you proposing?" he asked watching as both Niou and Sakura did an award-winning imitation of an overripe tomato.


AN:Yeah I know it is a weird place to stop- like where is Niou's proposal but I will leave that to you imagination or someday I will update with the proposal but till then this fic is over. So, adios mis amigos. My next fic is for the Ranger's Apprentice fandom, called 'The Return of the Temujai'. Do check it out. My next Prince of Tennis fic will be up in mid-April or so.
