The Wild Campione

I Do Not Own Campione! or Harry Potter (unfortunately).


"A Campione – a Godslayer – is a supreme ruler.

"Since he can kill a celestial being, he can therefore call on the sacrosanct, divine powers wielded by the gods.

"A Campione – a Godslayer – is a lord.

"Since the power to kill a deity is in his hands, he therefore looms over all mortals on Earth.

"A Campione – a Godslayer – is a devil.

"Since of all mortals who live in the world, none can assume a power to match his!"

Forest in Surrey

The boy ran.

Against the cold wind that blew through the frozen forest he ran.

He ran away from a piercing light that dogged his footsteps. His tattered trainers moving swiftly across the uneven trail, crushing the snow beneath them. His small, thin and almost malnourished form, clad in thin and tattered clothes whipped his head around as he heard the eerie howls of the wolves approaching.

His pale face scrunched with fear and he looked wildly around with fear-filled and glass framed emerald green eyes, his black hair ruffling with his motion and the harsh wind.

He scrambled through the undergrowth, only to duck and roll sideways as a roaring beam of fire passed where his body was. A loud voice roared through the air as he kept running.

"Come out, Boy!" the voice roared with the force of a thousand furnaces, "Don't make this difficult!"

The boy kept running, his fear lending him wings. As he ran he burst through the forest to enter a clearing. He did not and kept moving only to react to tingle in his neck that allowed to dodge his horrid uncles blows and swerved left and avoided the slavering jaws of a massive black wolf. Its burning red eyes showed rage at missing his prey and chased the boy who kept running toward the lone oak in the otherwise empty glen, as its kin soon appeared out of the dark forest on all sides of the glen.

The young child barely managed to reach the oak and desperately leap for a low hanging branch almost eight foot off the ground. Through some miracle, he managed to grasp the branch and pull himself up to again avoid the snapping jaws. He didn't stop and climbed higher away from the range of the growling, snarling and leaping wolf pack. The boy, however knew he was not safe.

Their master was coming.

A large figure emerged from the trees. Its skin was a coal black with a bestial countenance and massive two sided axe in his hand. Around him flickered tounges of flame, seeming to taste the air.
The being looked at its prey with eyes the colour of gold with a bestial slit in the pupil. It calmly began to approach, idly swing his axe to and fro. His wolves parting for him but still circling the great oak.

When it came to the base of the oak it locked gazes with the boy. Young fearful green met ancient feral gold.

"Come down, child," it growled, its voice rumbling, "you have nowhere to run and hide, nor do you have the strength to fight me. If you don't come down of your free will, I will burn you to ashes where you cower."

As if to emphasise it's statement the flames around flared high and bright making the child shy away on instinct.

The boy kept contact with his hunter's eyes. He saw no mercy or humanity in those eyes.

Only an endless hunger.

Quelling his racing heart, he began to descend. His steps were slow and uncertain but the beasts and their master waited patiently for boy to reach the ground. As he descended, the boy, by some inborn instinct, grasped a broken and sharp piece of a branch from the oak and slid it down his baggy sleeve, hiding it from the view of the being that hunted him down for no seeming reason.

At last the child stepped foot onto the snowy ground beneath the tree and faced his pursuers again. The being seemed to give a delighted grin at his seeming capitulation to its desires and began to stride forward again until it was less than a foot from the boy, towering over the small but no longer fearful frame of the child.

"You have power child," the being spoke gleefully, " power and strength and cunning. Given a little more growth, you would have been a warrior born and become the hunter instead of the hunted," it sighed mockingly as if mourning the loss of such a scenario, "but I have no desire to see threats become reality but do not worry small one," it spoke softly raising its great axe to deliver a great blow, flames and heat rising and wrapping around it causing it to glow a bright white, "when you die, I will see that you become a great warrior beneath my command." and he swung the axe down to split the boys skull.

As his death came down, the world seemed to slow for the child. He saw every muscle twitch, heard every breath in the glen, felt the slightest of breezes and smelt the slightest of scents. His fear disappeared and was replaced with a cold primal instinct that was forgotten by the majority of humanity.

Kill or be killed.

The primal instinct made him suddenly leap toward his attacker. His body was suddenly filled with a power that had always been with him but was never conciously known or understood. As he passed the axe blade in mid leap, he felt the deep burning cut going down his back. Pain rocketed through him but he had felt worse in his aunt and uncles care and ignored it in favour of pulling out the sharp branch from his sleeve. His power rushed into the piece of wood making it stronger, more powerful.

Making it Deadly.

With a primal scream that echoed his pain and fear and anger, the small nine year old boy slammed the now glowing sharp branch into the heart of the surprised being. The whole clearing froze as if in disbelief at the child's actions. The boy hung against beings chest for a moment, held up by his own weakening strength and his grasp on the branch now piercing the heart of the being, before his grip loosened and he fell into the cold snow, glaring angrily at the being of fire as his life blood flowed out of the massive wound along his back, leaving unable to do more than that.

The being stumbled back in shock as it wavered and felt the injury.

"H-how did you?" it stuttered as it swayed, "I c-c-c-cannot be-," it spit up blood as the wolves that had crowded around him wavered and vanished, "It is ii-i-i-impossible to ha-harm me." It finally slumped to its knees and then to the ground. By chance, its face now stared at the boy. The boy who dealt him a mortal blow after being struck by a mortal blow.

It was silent for a moment before a bloody chuckle came from the beings throat.

"A boy," it choked, "A mere boy, barely more than an infant, has struck down the great Dabog. With a stick of mistletoe from an oak," its choking laughter quietly filled the glen as the mere boy looked dazed and confused.

Dabog smiled bloodily through his pain to his killer.

"You have achieved greatness boy," Dabog spoke quietly as his body began to turn to a golden dust, "Before I pass, tell me the name of the one who has slain me."

The boy looked at Dabog despite how hard he found it to focus, his lack of blood bringing him to death's door.

"Harry Potter," the boy answered quietly as his vision began to darken.

Dabog grinned at the answer, despite only his neck and head being left.

"Live long, Harry Potter," Dabog chuckled, "Live long, grow strong and prepare yourself. For this will not be our last meeting."

With these final words Dabog faded into dust.

Harry Potter stared blankly at the spot before his strength faded and darkness to over his vision.

And so died the Boy - Who - Lived.


Harry drifted in a white nothingness as a seeming teenager with purple hair looked on.

Her eyes were filled with sympathy as she looked at him.

"A child who has not remembered a mother's love. Who has not received kindness. Who sees the world from the behind a pane of glass crafted from pain and fear and marked by cruel destiny,"

Her face firmed up in determination.

'Destiny can go to Tartarus' she thought.

"I have decided. I, Pandora, the witch who brought forth all disasters and a shred of hope, do now declare this child to be my new son.

"Let everyone present grant their blessing and their hatred to this child. The seventh Campione - possessing the destiny of the wildest and youngest of the devil kings, please bestow the sacred spell words upon this child!

"By the black art that I and Epimetheus left behind this is the sacred birth of an illegitimate child, shrouded in darkness, born of a fool and a witch. A secret of usurpation only made possible through the sacrifice of a god.

I, the all-giving woman Pandora, declare that you shall be reborn as a Campione. The god-slayer, the king of kings, the Campione,"

Pandora then gently kissed the brow of her youngest son, causing him to glow brightly and an inky black cloud to scream as it was ripped from its host. Harry then began to slowly fade from the Netherworld back to reality.

"Live well and happily, my dearest child," Pandora spoke softly with a gentle, hopeful smile upon her face as she disappeared deeper into the netherworld.

Forest Clearing

The cold and shallowly breathing body of Harry lay motionless as a group of people prowled around the area.

"Sweet Mary," gasped one of the men who stumbled across Harry, the moonlight glinting off of the badge identifying him as part of the Greenwich Assembly as he shifted back in shock, "Howard! Get your medical arse over here! We have a casualty!"

Howard rushed to man's side and slid to his knees before Harry. Swiftly the medic incanted a medical scanning spell on the child.

Only for it to break.

Blinking in surprise, the man tried again with the same result.

A slow suspicion crept into the medic's mind as he turned to the other four people searching the clearing.

"Jack, Will, Sam, Emily! Did you find any traces of a Heretic God?"

The squad froze in their tracks as ice ran down their spines before they all quickly used the general spell for identifying Divine traces.

The whole clearing glowed golden along with many traces through the woods.

It had come back positive.

Not needing to be told Howard quickly stripped off his jacket and wrapped it around the child and quickly stood up with the now wrapped child in his arms.

"We're leaving," he called, "Everyone is to return to base. Immediately."

Bewildered the others all began to follow the medic and squad leader through the forest.

"What's going on Howard?" Emily asked as she hurried to catch up with his long strides as they carefully navigated the forest in the dark.

The man was quiet as moved as quickly as he safely could before he answered.

The answer created a fear and disbelief among the squad.

"The child in my arms is a newborn Campione."

Excerpt from British Reports Concerning the Verification of the new Campione, Beginning of the 21st Century

In Slavic Mythology, Dabog was deity that had many roles and names.

Originally he was considered the wolf god and grandfather of the Serbs. He was also considered the deity of the Underworld and Precious stones and metal and thus a patron god of miners. Also it is said when a Serbian died he was welcomed into Dabog's castle of glass to be transformed into a warrior of the dead to await the time when the last Serb died and ride out on wolves in a Slavic version of Doomsday.

An alternate name for him, Dazbog, was credited with being a solar deity that lived in the east and rode a chariot of twelve horses of which three were made of precious metals. He was also known as the 'giving god' which indicates a strong link to fertility and health.

He was also considered a smith deity as Svarog, chief deity of the Slavic Pantheon, gave him the secret of steel and skill at the forge from which he created a great axe. This is further emphasised by his being depicted as a lame black wolf as many smiths in ancient times used arsenic in forging which can cause lameness.

When Christianity was making inroads amongst the Serbian populace Dabog became a demonic being associated with Satan.

All in all, this deity could be considered either of Earth or Steel.

What other forms this deity wore is unknown.

It was through this deity's death that Harry Potter became a Campione at nine years of age.

[Report on Harry Potter], Compilation of the Greenwich assembly

As mentioned in the above report, Harry Potter was able to seize the power of Dabog. In addition to this it has been confirmed that the young King was of the Wizarding sect though there was no indication that he was aware of it. Further, it has been understood that His Majesty is the vaunted Boy-Who-Lived that had brought about the of Voldemort crisis almost a decade previously.

This makes him the first recorded Campione that comes from a Wizarding sect background and by far the youngest. It is unknown how this will affect the young King.

It has also been confirmed that His Majesty has obtained several Authorities from Dabog. This indicates that there may be several limitations to them. In addition, his young age may be a severe disadvantage to Harry despite his extreme maturity.

Investigations are being made into the possible negative reasons for such maturity.

As such he does not have absolute authority,

However, everyone, please do not forget.

Even though his powers seemed to be incomplete, it cannot be denied that he was a Campione. Towards fragile humans such as mages like me, he was still a devil standing above us.

Furthermore, Harry Potter, at this point in time, is without any knowledge of magic or spells.

This might prove the theory of the person who said thus;

instead of claiming that the highest presence among the mages are the campione, it is more correct to say that in the end, mages are mere imitations of the campione.

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Hey folks hope you enjoyed the chapter of my new story. Sorry if I am not so good on action scenes. For those who are curious Harry was able to obtain three (3) Authorities from the Heretic God Dabog. Also as a minor gift during the Campione process he was able to retain the parseltongue gift and associated abilities (wink, wink) from Moldyshorts soul fragment. He also has now linked with the Greenwich Assembly. So do not expect him to run into the Pompous Prince anytime soon. Although he will be friends with Alice and may help her down the road o.- . For those who are thinking of the traits of the HG, I left a small clue on parts of the chain that make up Dabog. In the first part of the next chapter I will list the links that make him up and the Authorities that our intrepid hero obtained.
Please review,