Hi everyone. I honestly, don't know if people would still click this notification, but I noticed some recent reviews from a few months back, and I thought I'd explain anyway, to those who care to understand.

I've had a horrible year, basically. I've dealt with the loss of two of my grandparents last year, one who loved me, and one who didn't. And while that might not make sense, I'm just going to leave it at that, because it's too long a story to get into. Just know that it hurts, a lot, when your own flesh and blood hates you and you never get to understand why. My last remaining grandparent is dying, and there's nothing the doctors can do. She doesn't remember who I am anymore, and it hurts, because she practically raised me, and I don't even know how I'll cope when she's gone.

My family went through a really, really hard time this past Christmas, almost to a point where I thought we were going to fall apart. I haven't written anything in over a year, and it breaks my heart because writing is everything to me. But now, months later, my family is just barely starting to pick up the pieces. There's still a lot of tension in the house though, and I am so, so tired of being angry, and sad, and frustrated, and heartbroken, and I just want my escape again. I want to write again. Really. From the bottom of my heart.

I'll be honest. I'm not sure if I can finish this story. I'll try, I will, but I can't even remember where my mind was when I left it. But I can't just leave this behind. I've even thought of rewriting this, changing the characters and tweaking the plot to make it completely my own, as an original on another site. As a fresh start. But I thought of all the love and support I got from you guys over the years, and I couldn't just...stop without letting you know what happened. You deserve to know.

I know many of you have probably forgotten this story, and you won't even begin to understand how sorry I am for that. Just know that I'm recovering, and everything is almost okay now, and if you want me to finish it, I'll do my best to. Because I'm too attached to this story to just let it lie, so I'll finish it either here, as is, or let it be the inspiration for an original. Maybe I'll do both.

Right now I'm going to reread this story in hopes of reigniting that spark I had, review my old drafts for the next chapter, and hopefully this will be the start of the end of Fortress.

Love always,
