Won't You Please Make A Movie?(Part 7)

Squid Girl (Or if you want to go by the Japanese Translation Shinryaku Ika Musume!) was made by Masahiro Anbe. I own nothing but this little story of mine, which is only used for entertainment purposes. Thank you for taking your time to read this readers and I hope you enjoy the story.

"That was a surprisingly heartfelt performance you did there Takeru." Eiko complimented her brother as she closed the main door behind her and entered her house along with everybody else. Chizuru was taking in her cameras in which she had gotten all the footage from while the others talked about taking part in the film as a whole.

"Yeah, you really need to do that more often, like maybe take an acting career or something..." Chizuru added.

"Eh, it was nothing really..." Takeru scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. "...I just didn't want to make my character in the movie totally useless, ya know? And besides, I'm pretty sure she knew that it was just an act, right Ika-neechan?"

"It was?" Ika turned to him and asked, but then quickly shook her head and said "I mean of course I did, I could tell by the look on your face that you were just pretending and I wanted to go along with it so my movie can be an even bigger success!"

"Uh huh, you were just lucky that Chizuru was there to fix up everything otherwise it would have been more than a 'disaster'..." Eiko warned her.

"Yeah, but it didn't, ok? Besides, it actually turned out to be better than I had ever imagined! If only more movies were that realistic!"

"Define realistic please."

"Yosh, now that we've got all the footage that we need, we can now edit it out and see if we can improve on the effects or other things..." Chizuru took the cameras and [with some time wasted spent] installed the camera stuff into the computer for editing.

They took a good long hard look at all the footage they had received. It apparently captured everything, from the talking scenes, to the fight scenes, and even the scenes where they just said nothing.

Needless to say, Ika was not impressed by this. "Wait a minute... are you telling me that you've filmed everything, even when I said to you 'cut the footage out' de geso!?"

"Hai, but it was because I thought there would be some extra goodies that we could use for the film if I had kept going..." Chizuru giggled in response.

"Then what the squid was the point in me saying that to you?"

"I don't know, what was the point?"

"Ugh... de geso..."

"Well at least you got your footage Ika-neechan." Takeru reassured her. "You could always cut uncertain parts off the movie to keep it from being boring."

"Yeah, like the ones where Goro and Sanae were fighting over the camera!" Eiko added.

"That's true..." Ika replied.

"No, seriously, can you delete that or at least edit it to make sure it doesn't look rushed or sloppy?"

"My, so you let them both share the camera?" Chizuru beamed up.

"Uh, well not—"

"That's very nice of you."

"But they did a terrible job at it; you should see for yourself how bad it is."

"Oh come now sis, how can it be that..." She looks over the footage and gets to the one where the two are swaying the camera back and forth. "...Bad?" Their screaming was obviously heard from the background and the switching between the two happened so frequently that it could easily give someone a headache or a stroke.

"Chizuru... are you okay?" Takeru asked politely.

"Um, yeah, I'm okay."

"Well how are you going to fix this?" Eiko crossed her arms impatiently.

"Simple, just cut out the talking and replace it with battle music." Chizuru replied while checking on the settings. "I'll also need to drop the swaying and use a shaky camera effect, which is much more effective in those popular movie debates... what do you think Ika? Ika?" She turned and saw Squid Girl on the floor feeling nauseated.

"Ika are you alright?" Takeru and Eiko surround her with concern and worry.

I feel sick de-geso..." Squid Girl replied weakly.

"Aw man, it's because of that clip which gave you a headache isn't it? Hang on, I'll go get some water and headache medicine!" Eiko ran out to the kitchen to get some while Takeru and Chizuru stayed behind to look after her. A while later she pops her red head out and ask Takeru if she should bring either Gadvil or Basprin.

He says: "I don't know I have no idea which one Ika-neechan prefers or uses... just bring both!"

"And don't forget to bring in some ebi too!" Chizuru added.

"Ugh, alright fine!" She comes back and brings them the stuff.

After some time, Ika reverts back to her normal self. She gets up and takes another good look at the computer in which Chizuru was editing.

"Ah, you're awake~" Chizuru noticed and smiled. "I'm just about done here; I need to add some more finishing touches and then it should be all set!"

"Oh, squidcellent de-geso!" Ika replied triumphantly. "Now, soon the people will know and have to appreciate my squidtastic film!"

"Oh, you are awake..." Eiko walked into the room along with her brother.

"I sure am. What are you, sleepy or something?"

"Nah, just tired... tired of putting with all this movie crap, I'm hoping your movie fails and you'd finally shut up about it."

"It won't fail, you'll see, it'll be much more popular than you will ever hope to squii!"

"Frankly, I'm too bored to care to comment on that..."

"Oh my..." Chizuru said sadly.

"Huh, is something wrong Chizuru?" Ika turned to her and asked.

"Well, nothing is wrong, depending on which you think of it..."

"Just spit it out, I ain't got all day ya know—"

"I do have some good news and bad news, the good news is I finally finished the project, the bad news is we didn't reach the movie time at all..."

Takeru gasped. "How bad is it? How long could it possibly be? Thirty minutes? Twenty minutes? Ten!?"

"Try five."

The gang got flabbergasted, especially Ika. "EH!? That isn't even close to a movie time, and it even has a clear beginning, middle, and end! What do we do now de-geso?"

"I don't know if there is anything left to do Ika." Eiko said. "Either we expand it, or just give up—"

"Well, there are always those types..." Chizuru pretended to sigh.


"You know those short movies that appear in the beginning before the actual movie and after the trailers?"

"There are such movies like those?" Ika wiped away the tears from her eyes and asked.

"Yeah, it's usually to entertain the audience while they fix up something in the theater or they just wanted to keep them in there longer..." Eiko replied.

"Uh, Eiko, no offense but I think you're missing the point here..." Chizuru sweat dropped.

"...or was it because they just wanted to schedule it for profit? Funding? Merchandise?"

"But what's the maximum time a squid movie can be on for in the theater?" Ika asked. "Three minutes? Four minutes?"

"About five minutes..." Takeru replied. "You can air it as a short movie if you wanted to!"

Really, I can? Squidtastic!"

"Now all you need is to get someone to put it in their theaters, I'll go check and see who'd be willing to do so..." Chizuru went to the phone and phonebook.

"If we get any, I want to be there so we can properly adjust the times, ok?"

"Ok then. This will take a while though, so be patient..."

"Oh fine."

"Hey Ika, why don't you invite your friends over to go see the film?" Eiko suggested sarcastically. "I bet they'll love to see what you've made.

"Hey, for once that's actually not a bad idea Eiko-chan!" Ika beamed up at her.

"R-really, I didn't think... do you think they'll like it though?"

"Doesn't matter what movie it is, I'm sure they'll love it. Besides, as long as someone, especially my friends see it and talk about it, and I'm perfectly fine with that."

'Ika-chan... Wow, I never knew she was this caring about her friends... maybe I was wrong to judge her and her movie after all...'

"Hey, speaking of which, I should call up MY friends and see if they'll be available too!" Takeru added. "That way, you got a bigger chance of winning the crowd Ika-neechan!"

"Brilliant thinking, but do you think they'll like this type of film I'm making?" Ika pondered.

"We're boys, of course we'll like it, and we like you, why wouldn't we like anything that you've made?"

"Aww... I mean, boy you got me there, it sure was silly to ask you that..."


A few days later, Ika, Eiko, and Chizuru were waiting outside the theater for their friends [and brother] to show up.

"You think he'll make it back okay?" Eiko asked her sister.

"Why of course dear sister..." She replied nonchalantly. "...Don't you have faith in your younger brother? I'm sure he wouldn't leave anywhere else on his own."

"Yeah, he does have his friends with him."

"And besides, he's not the type that would do that anyway, not like Ika-chan..."

"Hey!" Ika shouted.

"Still," Eiko crossed her arms. "I can't believe someone would actually green light that film of yours."

"That's right!"

"I wonder how many companies you tried to convince and got to say 'yes'..."

"First try."


"Hey look, there they are!" Chizuru pointed out that Takeru and his friends have arrived.

"Hey you guys!" Ika and Eiko wave to them.

"Hey Ika-neechan, we made it!" Takeru called out.

"Indeed you have, good to see you again!" Ika smiled.

"Hey Ika, after we heard about this movie that you made we got so hyped!" One of his friends exclaimed.

"Yeah, just simply couldn't wait to see this masterpiece of yours!" Another added.

"Well I'm glad you are de-geso, you will not be squi-disappointed."


"So, are we ready to go then?" Takeru asked.

"Uh, not yet, why don't you guys just wait for me inside and save me some seats, ok?" Ika replied.

"Okay then, we'll see you inside..."

"I'll go in with you; ya need supervision to get in ya know..." Takeru and his friends walk inside with Chizuru to the theaters.

Chizuru walks over next to Ika and gives her a pat on the shoulder as she waited. "Still waiting for your friends? There's not much time before the movie starts..."

"Uh-huh." Ika said without looking at her. "She promised that she would come..."

"I'm sure she's just running late, maybe we should wait inside—"

"Huh?" Then, Ika's face brightened up as she saw a young girl with black hair and glasses and some others running toward the theater. "Kiyomi, Yuka, Tomomi, Ayano, you guys made it!" She runs over and gives them a big group hug.

"We certainly did!" Kiyomi said in tears. "We're sorry we were late, we hope we didn't worry you at all..."

"Not at all de-geso!"


"Ok just a little bit." The girls laughed over the tidbit. "Come on, the movie will start soon, let's go and grab some seats."



Inside the theater, Ika noticed that the boys have indeed saved some seats for them and in the front row no less! They walk over, take their seats, and patiently wait for the movie to start.

"I'm glad you guys made it on time..." Takeru whispered.

"I am too, now we can all watch and enjoy the movie together!" Kiyomi whispered back.

"That and everyone will bask in all my glory!" Ika boasted.

"Ssh, look, it's about to start!"

The lights around them got dark and the screen started to light up around them. As the credits were rolling, Eiko started to ponder in her head. 'Huh, I wonder what the title for this was. I was asleep when they came up with it probably, so I wouldn't know what Ika would call it—' the title came up and said: Ni~Tsu ika no on'nanoko ga sekai o hikitsugu yō ni shiyou to, seikō shita. 'Of course...'

Time passes by, as the film shows a young boy playing in the water. "Hey, that's you!" One of Takeru's friends pointed out.

"Oh come on now stop..." Takeru replied.

Then it showed a monster in the water trying to attack him. The crowd gasped.

"Hey, that's you!" One of Takeru's friends pointed out.

"Oh come on now stop..." Takeru replied.

Eventually he gets saved by his supposed sister and the audience starts to cry.

'Hmm, these people are bigger babies than I thought...' Ika thought. 'Although I shouldn't be too harsh since it looks like my friends are crying also...'

More time passes by as there are people in the shack having a peaceful time when suddenly a booming voice begins to threating them.

'Alright, now it's time to see and hear the audiences tremble at my might!' She turns to see the audience's reactions... and they start laughing. 'What, LAUGHING? Why are they laughing at this? This is supposed to be scary and they think it's cute and funny!? Oh well, maybe they'll stop once we get to the really good part...' Twenty seconds later... 'WHY WON'T THEY STOP LAUGHING?'

Eiko face palmed. "I had a feeling this would happen..."

"You did?" Chizuru asked. "Well why didn't you tell her about it?"

"Did you really ask me that?"

"Yes, I did. Were you afraid of hurting her feelings?"

"Heck no."

By the time they went to the climatic battle, Ika was already feeling shaken, wanting to go back home. "How did it become of this? Why is this happening?"

"D-don't worry Ika," Kiyomi reassured her, "there just silent because they're too focused on the movie..."

"Yeah, it's not like they're leaving or booing at you or anything..." Takeru added.

"You're not helping."

"Oh, gomenasai!"

They finally got to the last scene in the movie where the boy and the squid come to terms and try to make the world a better place together.

One of Takeru's friends snickered. "That's supposed to be you?—"

"Will you stop saying that?" Takeru retorted.


Kiyomi and her friends started to cry. "It's so beautiful." Her friends nodded in agreement.

And then the short film ends as the end credits begin to roll.

Ika got up from her seat and stood in front of the projectile. "So, how was it? What did you guys think of my 'masterpiece'?"

"Uh oh, here it comes..." Eiko said. The theater grew silent. "Well what do you know, they actually hated it... *sigh*"

"I don't hate it!" Kiyomi cried. "I thought it was a well thought provoking short movie that told its story nicely without it being forced!" She starts to clap. Her friends agree and begin to clap with her.

"Yeah, compared to the other movies out this work is a masterpiece of animation!" Takeru and his friends clapped also.

"I also thought it was good." Chizuru clapped.

"Huh?" Eiko was confused.

"Go on Eiko, clap with us."

"Uh, okay...?" She began to clap also.

Her friends even give her a standing ovation. Some other people in the audience applauded too.

Ika brightened up by this and took a bow. She then left the studio, leaving a good portion of the audience confused.


"That was a great feature Ika, we're so proud of you!" Kiyomi smiled as they had left the theater.

"Yeah, who knew you could pull it off?" Eiko shrugged.

"You may not have won most of the audience, but you sure have won our hearts Ika-chan." Chizuru added.

"We should throw a congratulations party for Ika-neechan!" Takeru cheered.

"Aw, thanks you guys couldn't have done it without you." Ika blushed in embarrassment.

"And you know what would be better?" One of Takeru's friends suggested. "A DVD release, or better yet, a sequel!"

"Eh, that would be nice actually, but I want to take a break from movie making for a while before even doing that..."

"Can we all at least be in your movie next time?"

"Sure, what roles would you like?"

"Oh boy," Eiko turned to her older sister and muttered to her. "Here we go again..."

"I know right? I guess you could at least say that she did get her happy ending..." Chizuru giggled and winked.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that..."

The End, thank you for reading de-geso~