Thaaaaaaaank you so much for reading and reviewing! It was fun writing it (most of the time) and sharing it with you! xD Hopefully we read each other soon! Maybe for a little christmas story ;-)

Ten years later – Epilogue

Thank God he had a free afternoon. Not only from work but also from the family. Yes, he loved them all but screaming kids could get on ones nerves so freaking much. And they always screamed. Not to mention they were always at their – him and Michael's – place because Michael's sister lived on the next blog.

Still, Blaine thought as he exited the media store. Maybe now the time was right to talk with Michael about having kids themselves. Blaine had always wanted some despite their potential to get on his nerves. His career was going good – a secure job in the event management business was more than great – and even after his whole life had turned out different than planned he still wanted to start a family. And maybe it would even bring new enthusiasm into his relationship with Michael.

Although this sounded a bit sad, Blaine had to admit. And also it wasn't a very healthy attitude to adopt kids with, right, and who knew if this work out at all and…

"Woah! Watch out!"

Blaine's plastic bag fell down as he jumped back from the bicycle that came to a sledding halt in front of his nose.

"Sorry, I –"

He didn't finish because his mouth simply stopped working. The other man's eyes, he knew those eyes. And his features, too. Blaine scanned him in a millisecond and the gaze he was met with told him he was recognised, too.


"Sam. Wow. How long…"

Sam Evans got off his bike. His face almost hadn't changed at all. Granted, he looked a bit older and his clothes were different. Not the country boy Blaine had known anymore.

But when he took up Blaine's bag and gave it to him it felt like yesterday that they had parted ways. A yearning came up from deep within, clearly belonging to the past but it was there nonetheless.

"Thanks… How are you?", Blaine said.

"I'm good. You?"

"Yeah, me too."

They were strangers now, of course. The last time they had seen each other had been at the railway station. Ten years ago, holy crap, time really did fly.

"Actually I'm on my way of meeting someone and in a rush…", Sam said, gesturing towards the city.

"Oh, right. Go ahead, I don't want to hold you up."

Sam's eyes glazed a bit as he looked at Blaine.

"So strange seeing you again."

"Weird, huh?" Blaine laughed. "But isn't it always like that when you meet your ex?"

"Yeah. I guess."

"Just… go on", Blaine pointed in an unspecified direction and smiled. "It's okay. We're not obligated to have the 'how has life treated you' talk."

Sam smiled, too, and looked down. "No. We're not."

He got on his bike again but then hesitated and bit his lip.

"Maybe I'll see you around?"

"Probably not. I've got much on my hands these days with..."

My career. Boyfriend. Family.

Blaine met Sam's eyes and didn't know what to say. Sometimes he had thought of him, of course. Having lost and found love in such a short time would've made an impact on anybody.

And not to say Blaine still arranged his world after those conditions but… the connection he and Sam had shared had been it. That soul mate feeling Blaine had been looking for. Almost too deep, actually. Looking back he thought it was good to not have been together throughout College and adolescence years. How could you make mistakes and grow, learn who you are and what you want from life when there's a person right next to you that you'd rather focus on?

"Okay. Well… I gotta…" Sam made another gesture towards the city and Blaine nodded again.

"It was nice seeing you."

Blaine smiled and lifted his hand to wave goodbye. Sam rode off and soon was lost in the crowd.

Blaine's feet didn't move though. He stared after him, wondering if this little moment had been a very vivid day dream.

And then it hit him.

Had he just let Sam Evans go… again?

The bag with the DVD he had bought fell to the ground once more as Blaine started to run. He dodged most people but some he hit, screaming 'sorry' without stopping. He also called Sam's name although he couldn't see him anymore. Where was he, why the hell did he have to ride so fast?

But Sam had been in a rush. Maybe didn't even think about them like Blaine had. Didn't care anymore, didn't care at all.

After having made many random turns without knowing if Sam would've taken them Blaine came to halt and leaned on his knees, breathing heavily. Maybe he should take this as a sign. Maybe life still was like that – showing him what could've been but never actually fulfilling Blaine's desire.

And it was okay. He was with Michael anyway. You couldn't always expect big, passionate feelings. Love was about patience and appreciating the small things, too.

So yeah.

Blaine took the bus downtown. It was crowded although it was early afternoon and he had to stand at the doors. He tried not to grouse at people stepping on his feet too much but they didn't help his mood at all.

After a few streets the bus stopped and the doors opened, presenting Blaine the very spot where he had met Sam five minutes ago. Oh, how sadistic this city was!

But then he remembered his DVD and quickly got out before the doors closed. He hadn't much hope that it still would be there – this was New York after all – but it wouldn't hurt to look. The next bus would go down in ten minutes anyway.

Walking around with his eyes on the ground showed Blaine a whole new perspective. Feet were walking around him, most very close and some (well the human they belonged to) cursing as they had to walk around him.

But there was no plastic bag, no DVD anywhere. Great. Not only had he lost his High School sweetheart again but also the new Bronce Man Special Edition!

"Looking for something?"

Blaine stopped cursing the skies and lowered his gaze to the bench a few feet away. His heart stopped and – again – his body just wouldn't move.

Sam sat there, nonchalantly holding up the DVD while his other arm lay on the rest.

"So you're still into comics."

"Wh – yes, why – yes. Totally."

Had Blaine taken some drugs over the last few hours or why was the ground spinning around like crazy?

"You know, I had to fight a dog for this. I made the compromise that he could keep the bag. Sorry."

"That's okay."

Blaine forced his weak legs to go to the bench but then he only stood there.

"Did you come back for –"

Sam held his eyes as he put the DVD aside and got up. He approached Blaine until they were a few inches apart.

"Yes", he said quietly. Blaine heard it nonetheless, didn't hear anything else. It was like the world had gone silent around them.

"Good. Cause I was just running after you", he said equally quiet.


"Perfect." Blaine smiled and closed the gap between them to gently kiss Sam's lips.

The end

PS I'm sorry about the lack of gonorrhea, Loki.