Since I was asked to do Sasuke's POV by few people, so I'm making this a three-shot. Please review since I wrote this for you.






Searching for a needle in a haystack is very, very difficult.

Toss and turn this bunch, sift through another, maybe even mistake some prickly straws to be the spike you're looking for.

Finding what you want, what you need, you get it the hard way.

Uchiha Sasuke likes challenges, yeah, but since the time he first started his journey to the Land of Love, he had been forced to admit that his luck was not on his side in this certain expedition.

He doesn't even remember their names clearly: the number is a long way from his memory. What he knows is that girls are mostly those giggly-whores-who-annoy-the-hell-out-of-him-with-t heir-constant-ramblings and who were even worse than men in their lust and desires.

He takes them out, tells them they look really pretty, buys them meals, spends a romantic episode and goes home. He can't stick to one.

Sure, there are some he really likes, and he still remembers. He doesn't regret one little bit being the boyfriend of that gentle, shy Hinata of the famous Hyuga Clan—she isn't annoying, a plus point—and neither that perky senior Temari with her long limbs and the four blonde pigtails.

Turns out they are meant to be with the dobe and the lazy-bum. When he looks at his friends, he envies them.

It is in his first university semester that he meets Ino, and before he realizes it, they are together.

Ino is beautiful. She's like the sun—bright and lively, and so brilliant it feels like staring into light when you look at her pale face with the small tan, her long flaxen hair, and the shiny, slightly mischievous-looking aquamarine jewels placed instead of her eyes.

He falls for that look, and for a long while, he is euphoric; he thinks he's finally found the one he is looking for.

He meets every single one of her demands with mild amusement; he doesn't have to do much to make her happy; she is warm and blissful herself. She has an aggressive temper, yes; he finds it the hard way when he is behind schedule for their date one night.

It takes him about three months as Yamanaka Ino's boyfriend to realize he still hasn't found what he wants.

Ino is too strong for a girl.

He surprises himself when he thinks about it. Strength is something he has always admired, and having such an independent, beautiful, tough girl to love him should have been satisfying.

She has an independent, powerful thinking—she never needs help. She is aggressive, and making love to her is like a spark to gasoline: a fire that erupts and consumes him.

She's amazing in all aspects, but he knows he's still lying to himself. There isn't that feeling of being home, being with a part of himself—he realizes it when he delves deeper into his mind.

It is Ino who is the most unforgettable, and Ino who brought him to what he wanted.


Haruno Sakura.

"Hey, Sasuke," Ino says, as she emerges from her house, holding a small handbag. She marches to his car and gestures with one hand to the girl following her. "This is Sakura, my best friend. I invited her along."

Ino never asks him permission for anything, and he's sort of used to it; this time, he's glad she doesn't.

The girl standing behind him has light red locks cascading down her shoulders that verge on pink, a very eye-catching color that seems more natural than dyed hair. She is slim and petite, a few inches shorter than Ino. Her skin is as pale as the latter's, and her eyes are a very vibrant shade of green—emeralds, shining and clear.

There is so much innocence, delicacy, and inexperience in those eyes that for a moment he just forgets where he is.

She seems so different than Ino—dainty, tentative, petite. He doesn't compare her with Hinata, because there is no comparison.

She appears so different from all those sluts and self-interested girls he has hung out with, for a day, with the intelligence no less than a hooker—they fawn all over him and try seducing him.

He has always—except for the three—left them, repulsed and annoyed.

Uchiha Sasuke knows what he is looking for—the innocence which is absent in all those women, and which is clear and fathomable in these beautiful green eyes.

"Hi," she says softly to him, those blood red lips parting to make words, "If you don't mind—"

"It's fine," he replies automatically, and she smiles slightly.

As they drive to the most expensive malls of Konoha, Sasuke tries in vain to keep his eyes on the road. His vision always escapes to the rear view mirror, from where he can easily observe her.

The way she talks to Ino, the way her lips move, the way her face lights up when she laughs, the way she brushes back her hair with her white hands: he watches it all.

He can't get enough of it.

When Sakura finds them in the abandoned back shed of the university—God knows how she stumbled here, and God knows why he and Ino are doing the deed here in this shed; it just seems romantic to the blonde—he realizes his mortification was only momentary.

He remembers thinking he should go hell for it.

But the reason his embarrassment just vanishes in a spur of the moment and gets replaced by an automatic smirk—it's her face.

Her pale cheeks flood with color, a soft shade of red that matches her hair, and he has never seen anything more beautiful.

He forgets completely about Ino, who is half-sprawled in front of him, and watches as she murmurs an apology and backs away, shutting the door.

He realizes he wants to make her blush again.

The euphoria and joy of that moment is blighted with his bewilderment, surprise and short-lived fear.

After Ino rushes to her bedroom to try on her new shirt at her beach birthday party, he gets his chance. He wants to talk to Sakura, and perhaps spend one day out with her—but he is afraid of hurting Ino.

She's a strong girl and they still like each other, but he doesn't want her to think he replaced her with her own best friend.

He has seen what girl friendships are like.

"What about Ino?" She blurts out, seemingly astonished, as he asks her out to a party.

He hates himself for saying that, but he did. "She won't have to know…So is that a yes?"

She shocks him by shoving in his chest hard—of course it didn't seem hard to him, it was like being tickled—and his momentary surprise makes him back off.

"No!" She shouts, anger apparent on her face, and storms away, leaving him torn, stunned, and wistful.

He has never been rejected before.

But that shocker is replaced by another when he finds her staggering on the beach, alone in the mass of people crowded around Ino and those in separate groups, and she falls.

He rushes to her, afraid that she has hurt herself, and cradles her head to lift it up.

She looks up at him, and her eyes seem dazed, glassy. He wonders if she is sick, and asks her if he should request Ino to call her home, but she doesn't allow him.

He wishes she had kissed him somewhere else, in another condition—so that he could enjoy it at most. He is befuddled to find the girl who just rejected him pushing her lips hard against his, and fearful that Ino would come by.

A part of his mind notices how she tastes—mostly of champagne, mixed in with sweets, vanilla, spice and cherry—a flavor so unique in itself.

Slowly, her eyes clear. And abruptly, she leaves him…so quickly as if the arms she was holding were made of burning acid.

She looks so terrified as she backs away from him and then runs into the house.

The next few days, Sasuke follows her.

He follows her after university, as she makes a trip to the Library, to the Mall, eats with her mother in some fancy restaurant, goes to a number of places he soon disregards, and then returns home late.

He remains hidden from her sight, and she never notices it. He sits in front of her house at night, indifferent to the passers-by who stare at him as if he's posing as a ballerina, and waits.

She doesn't come out.

He lounges there all night, more torn than ever.

After dismissal from the university, he decides to let Ino go home by herself, makes an excuse to his friends who are waiting for him outside, and returns to his mansion alone.

No one is at home. He walks to the back of the manor, to the rear gardens, and flops down on the grass. His cell phone rings the same instant.

After reading Ino's message with a mixture of emotions he can't fully identify, he realizes he had been underestimating the girl.

She is stronger and more independent than he had anticipated. She somehow knows that her boyfriend likes her best friend, and instead of lashing out on both of them she has taken a decision rationally.

It really is a blow to his ego. No girl has ever dumped him, either.

But no girl has ever done that much for him.

To: Ino

Subject: (no subject)

Are you breaking up with me through a text message?

Her reply dumbfounds him for a moment: she is fully serious, and for a moment he thinks he has never known anyone as extraordinary as Yamanaka Ino.

On his fleeting whim, he dials her number and whispers thanks to her with the sincerity he had never shown to anyone.

After a long, long, moment—a minute that seems so prolonged he feels himself starting to perspire with agitation, she opens her mouth.

And says yes.

He doesn't believe it at first. "What did you say?" He asks, feeling dumber than Naruto.

"I said, yes," she repeats, and this time her lips curl up in an adorable pout which lasts for only a second.

She drops her eyes, then—and on impulse, he leans forward, his hand cups her soft cheek (something he has been wishing to do since they met), smoothes back the tendrils of pinkish hair, and kisses her.

She reciprocates him, and the feeling of coming back home engulfs him warmly.

Sasuke is uncharacteristically chewing on his bottom lip even as he stands apparently coolly beside the sleek hood of his black car. There is a fuzzy, vexing feeling dawning in his stomach that he refuses to interpret as nervousness and the idea that she might not even appear, and that yesterday was all a dream.

Nervous, yes, and it was a first.

His worries seem almost foolish as she daintily and beautifully walks down the paved path towards him, a darling, sheepish little smile decorating her features, and he internally scolds himself for being childish.

Her long, formal and simple, yet beautiful gown is a soft cherry color, a shade quite darker than hair, and it reveals slender, snow white arms.

He spares her a long, hypnotized glance, and then grabs her hand. It is soft, warm and seems tiny in his, and he feels right, perfect. This is what he has been looking for.

Slowly, her fingers curl up to entwine in his own.


A/N: I feel like I'm not at home with this fluff thing; it seems less drama and more romantic now EPIC FAIL V.V But anyway, it's done! Please comment!

edit_3/1/14 Happy New Year.