Author's notes: Here's my sequel to A Shadow Horse's Past, this one is called A Shadow Horse's Promise.

Toshiro: When are you going to put me back in the story?

FireWing Pegasus: Do not know, that's why there's another poll up on my profile.

Toshiro: -scans chapter- So you have no quotes from any other stories.

FireWing Pegasus: Yep, Drago-Shiro, do your thing.

Toshiro: Hashira owns nothing but her ideas and her OC. Enjoy.

5,000 years ago, a young half shadow creature/half horse watched as a dark power killed off her friends and forced her to separate from her mate in order to guard the soul of her king and best friend, in the tomb of the king and his lover. She cast a spell that would keep her from aging and dying until the soul of her king is free. This is her story.

About 5,000 years later, here I am. My name is Hashira. I'm still stuck in the same tomb eating the same things. The only things I eat: Scarab beetles, scraps left by tomb guardians and the occasional small meal that I rob of the people of the nearby village. I have to guard this puzzle. The reason, my best friend's soul is sealed inside. Tragic, huh. Well I have to deal with it. I am in my horse form trying to sleep and conserve my energy. I have taken to writing down my story from before I was stuck in this tomb. Over my 5,000 years of solitude, I've practiced my magic and gained some abilities. My favorite is when in human form, I can access my shadow creature powers, I sprout flaming wings from my back, my ears come to the top of my head, become pointed and are able to rotate 180%, the gold eye of Horus on my choker glows, while the eye of Horus also appears on my forehead, and my hair lengthens a little so that it reaches my lower back.

I walk over to two sarcophagi and lay down between them. I sigh and say, /Atemu, Yugi, I miss you both./ I look and see the spirits of my friends who had died. Everyone, except for the ones, whose souls are sealed away. My ears suddenly pick up noise and I go back to the Millennium Puzzle and keep myself hidden before going to human form. I hear the noises getting closer and prepare myself. I gasp, when I see a younger version of a friend of mine, Emperor Sugoroku, in a fancy modern outfit, and a petty grave robber. I see that the grave robber has one of those hand held noise makers that kill people pointed at him. Sugoroku proceeds to cross the bridge and then the grave robber shoots him and he nearly falls into the pit of shadows. I growl as the grave robber crosses the bridge. I whisper to the shadow creatures to kill the grave robber and a giant shadow creature comes out of one of the tablets on the bridge and eats the grave robber. I rush over to Sugoroku and see the soul of Atemu helping him. I see Sugoroku black out and I lift him onto the bridge. I sit down next to him and heal him.

After a few minutes, he wakes up and sees me. He asks, "Who are you?" I nod and say, "My name is Hashira, I am the guardian of this tomb, or rather the guardian of the treasure as you would call it, Sugoroku." Sugoroku looks at me weird and says, "My name's Solomon, not Sugoroku. I didn't know you spoke Japanese." I blink and say, "Sorry, it's just you look like a younger version of a guy I know, and I know Japanese, because I've been to Japan and that's where I met the guy. It was a long time ago. What were you doing with a grave robber?" Solomon says, "I'm a grave robber and that guy and his now dead brother were my guides." I shake my head and say, "You shouldn't be a grave robber, it's not a very nice job. I take to thieving only if I absolutely have to and it's only to go out and get a small meal to tide me over till the tomb guardians come and bring me something, or I find a Scarab beetle." Solomon thinks and asks, "How did you come to be a tomb guardian, and how old are you?" I sigh and think, 'Should I or shouldn't I, he is clearly the reincarnate of Sugoroku, but he obviously doesn't remember his past life, yet. He said he's a grave robber, but I know that somewhere inside, he is Sugoroku.' I sigh again and take him to my room (yes I got my own room, of course my friends, who actually survived before dying of old age, wouldn't have me sleep in a room with mummies.) and have him read my story.

After an hour of reading my story (it was in hieroglyphics, he is a) Japanese and b) he is from the modern world, he needed to decipher my writing.) he looks at me with a look of curiosity, pity, and a tiny bit of fear. He says, "So, is all of this true." I nod and say, "During the part about Japan, it mentioned the name I called you earlier. The reason I called you that is because I believe you are the reincarnation of Emperor Sugoroku, and yes, I'm about 5,016 years old, I say about because, you lose track of time here, and sometimes you stop counting the days, and years."

He looks at me with pity again and says, "I'm sorry about what happened to your friends and family." I feel tears start to well up in my ruby eyes, and I say, "Don't worry about it. You still want to be a grave robber after that story? I hate grave robbers after what happened." He shakes his head and says, "Nah, after that story, I think I'll go and become an archaeologist. I still want to take that puzzle with me though." I shake my head and say, "Wherever the puzzle goes, I go." Solomon thinks and says, "How about I take you with me. You can have somewhere to live, a roof over your head, good food everyday, and a family." Tears breach my eyes and I say, "Yes, thank you." I go to horse form and wrap my head onto his shoulder for a hug. He seems startled at first, but hugs me back.

I go back to human form, and grab my satchel that I use to carry the puzzle and my food in, whenever I leave the tomb, and go and get the golden box that holds the puzzle pieces. I place the puzzle into the bag, along with the very little belongings that I do have. Solomon nods and I lead him through the traps, until we get outside. He looks around and says, "The horses have left." I chuckle, hand him the satchel, call forth a crimson bridle trimmed with gold with the eye of Horus on the sides, a soft crimson horse blanket trimmed in gold, and an ash black saddle, all with my magic, and go back into horse form. He looks at me before putting everything on me, hoping onto me. He looks at me again and asks, "How fast can you go?" I do a horsey smirk, rear up, and thunder away from my old home.

A few years later, I'm in Domino Japan, in front of the Kame Game Shop, called here by Solomon. Back when we left the tomb, he convinced me to try some modern clothes and I just looked at him, went somewhere with him, so no one could see us, and I used my magic to change my clothes to a more modern look, although I kept the gold armbands, gold leg bands, gold earrings and my necklace/locket I had gotten from my sou mate, Toshiro. Right now, I'm wearing; long red pants, a black shirt with red and gold designs of Arabian horses on it, a crimson jacket with a gold design of an Arabian horse head, black shoes, a golden color backpack decorated with horses, and my sapphire, turquoise and diamond necklace/locket. The look, looks good on me.

I think to myself, 'What could Solomon want, why did ask me to bring the puzzle?' I walk to the doors, making a jingling sound. 'So the mighty emperor of Japan, has fallen to humble merchant, this should make for some good jokes, sometime later.' I think, internally smirking. I hear his voice, which by the hands of time, now sounds as old as Sugoroku's voice sounded like, say, "Sorry, the shop is closed today." He comes down, wearing green overalls and a bandanna, sees me and says, "Sorry Hashira. I thought you were a customer." I shrug and say, "No problem, so what did you call me for?" Solomon says, "I'd like you to meet my grandson. Yugi!" At the words grandson and Yugi, my eyes go huge with hope and surprise as a short kid, with star-shaped tri-colored hair, (black base, amethyst edging, gold bangs) pale skin, and looks like a 6 year old, but I can tell he's an 8 year old, comes down the stairs, sees me, turns to Solomon and says, "Ji-chan, who is she?" Solomon says, "Hoho, Yugi, she's your adoptive sister, Hashira. I adopted her, so you can have a sibling to look after you." Yugi looks at him shocked before smiling and says, "Hi I'm Yugi." I nod and say, "I'm Hashira, looks like we're siblings." Solomon says, "Yugi, how about you go back to playing, while Hashira and I talk." Yugi nods and runs back up the stairs.

I sigh and say, "Even if he doesn't remember his past, he's still the same Yugi, I had met all those years ago, and even though we weren't related, he was already like a little brother to me, which was hard since he was older than me. So that's what you called me here for, you wanted me to become a part of your family." Solomon nods and says, "I also want to see if Yugi has what it takes to solve that puzzle after 5,000 years." I smirk and say, "I know he can. Back 5,000 years ago, no one could beat him or the prince in a game, so it was an interesting game when they played a game of Senet. Him and Yugi were playing, then we were informed something, the prince gets up, I look at the game board and Yugi had won. I know that if anyone can solve that puzzle, it is the lover of the king whose soul is sealed within."

Solomon nods and says, "Hashira, you can take the puzzle out now." I nod and take the puzzle out of my backpack as Solomon calls out, "Yugi, Hashira and I got a gift for you." I hold the puzzle in my hand as I hear running and see a cheerful Yugi come into the room. Solomon points to the puzzle and I hand it to Yugi. He opens up the box, his eyes widen immensely, and pulls out the gold puzzle pieces. Solomon says, "My boy, I dare you to solve that puzzle, no one has been able to complete in 5,000 years." Yugi puts the pieces back in the box and says, "I will complete it, Ji-chan." Solomon says, "Hashira, you and Yugi will share a room. Now how about we get ready for bed, Yugi, you have school tomorrow, so off to bed. Hashira, let's get you set up in Yugi's room." I smile and nod, ready to start a new life.

Author's notes: That went well for a first chapter, don't you think?

Toshiro: Yeah, but I wasn't in it.

FireWing Pegasus: I'm not going to put you in automatically, it wouldn't look right.

Toshiro: Fine, please review and vote on Hashira's poll.