"I don't know why I didn't think of this ages ago," Professor Xavier stated. Jean Grey smiled in agreement as she pulled a fourth bag of popcorn out of the microwave.

"This is gonna be great!" squealed Jubilee, pulling a six-pack of Pepsi out of the fridge. The three of them entered the den, where the rest of the team was assembled. Professor X positioned himself in front of the big screen television.

"Thank you all for coming to our first movie night. I realize that our line of work is stressful, so as long as the schedule allows, we will hold one every Friday night."

"This was an excellent idea Professor," Beast was munching on an already half-eaten bowl of popcorn. Wolverine grumbled from his recliner.

"As long as it's not a chick flick." Jubilee handed him a Pepsi and skipped over to the TV.

"Actually, I picked the movie tonight! Professor said we're gonna take turns."

Scott shook his head, "Great, a mindless comedy." She frowned at him, earning a chuckle from Wolverine.

"If you must know, I got 'Thirteen Ghosts'. I never got to see it in the theater."

"Gambit's seem dis movie. Tis rated R for a reason."

"Lay off the kid, Cajun. She's old enough to take down mutants with us." Jubilee smirked at him as she popped the disc into the DVD player. She sat in the floor in front of Wolverine as the opening credits played. Jean and Scott had claimed the loveseat, and Gambit, Rogue, and Beast were occupying the couch. Storm had placed herself Indian-style on the floor next to the Professor's wheelchair.

As "The Breaker" bent a man in half by shoving him into a car hood, Jubilee crawled up into the chair with Wolverine, and Rogue had unconsciously scooted closer to Gambit. Wolverine leaned into the obviously frightened girl.

"You're not scared are ya Jubes?" She jumped at his voice and he squeezed her shoulder smiling.

As the movie continued, Professor Xavier realized this was not a movie for squeamish stomachs. He sent a message telepathically to Wolverine.

~Perhaps Gambit was right~

Wolverine nodded softly but shrugged his shoulders. The bathroom scene, however, pushed him over the edge.

"Jubes, are you sure you're alright with this movie?"

"Aw, come on Wolvie!" she whispered back, "A little blood never bothered me." Her voice was steady, but her eyes were wide. She leaned back and he laid his other arm across her, enveloping her with his arms. He felt her relax against him and he soon realized she had fallen asleep. And he had no intention of waking her up after what he'd just watched. Someone being slashed up by an invisible force was not something she needed to see.

A few of the X-Men jumped at a few of the scenes, and as soon as "The Hammer" was released and began chasing Arthur down a hallway, Wolverine jumped too, waking the girl. Unfortunately, it only got worse from there, and she caught all the really gory parts. She stared in horror as "The Breaker" slammed a body against the walls, then broke it in half.

The rest of the movie passed with little jumping from the team, and Jubilee had fallen asleep again as the end credits rolled.

Scott looked over at Jean, who looked like she was about to be sick. Gambit was prying Rogue's hand from his wrist as Wolverine carefully lifted the sleeping girl. Professor Xavier swallowed hard.

"Well, I think Jean should pick next week's movie." This was met with enthusiastic nods from the entire team as they exited for their rooms.

Wolverine laid Jubilee down in her bed and covered her up. He walked softly to his room, not quite closing the door all the way behind him. He crawled into bed, leaving enough room for another body.

A few hours later, he was not disappointed as he heard his door open. Jubilee crept over to the side of the bed.

"Wolvie?" she whispered.

"Mmmm?" he grumbled, half asleep.

"I don't think that movie was such a good idea." She sounded like an 8 year old who had just woken up from a nightmare. He smirked and threw the covers back for her, and she crawled in. She put her head down on his shoulder and draped her arm across his torso. He covered them back up with the comforter as she drifted back into unconsciousness. Half-asleep, she mumbled under her breath just before succumbing.

"Night Dad."

He chuckled softly, "Night darlin."