The rain was pouring hard as a young, raven-haired man looked out a cave and sighed in misery. His name was Son Goten, a twenty-year-old demi-saiyan, who was hiding from something. He wasn't going home anytime soon.

'Man, what a mess I've made of things. How could I be so stupid?' He turned from the depressing weather and into the cave of darkness. 'Maybe this is what I deserve.' Goten sat down, stretching his legs out in front of him. 'I've lost my friendship to Trunks's stupid feelings. How did this even happen?' He sighed again but this time in frustration. His gaze turned to the relentless rain, becoming lost in its pattern.

Mount Pao was the home of the Son family. There's the earth's hero Goku, his wife Chichi, his older son Gohan, his son's wife Videl, and his granddaughter Pan. The house was in utter chaos as Chichi paced her kitchen, worrying about her missing son.

"Oh, where could Goten be?" She looked to Gohan who was just as worried as his mother.

"I'm trying to track his ki, but he's hiding it very well."

"I'm sure he's fine Chichi," said Goku.

"Fine, FINE! He's out there in the pouring rain alone."

"Now Chichi, Goten's can take care of himself. He is half saiyan after all," said Videl.

"Something's wrong with my baby boy, and I want to know what it is. I can help. I'm his mother."

"What's wrong with uncle Goten?" asked Pan as she came through the door of her grandparent's house, soaked to the bone.

"Oh sweetie, don't worry he'll be all right," said Videl. "Now, lets get you home and get you into dry clothes."

When she left with her daughter, the house grew quiet. Goku was uncomfortable with this, so he spoke. "What happened yesterday at the party?"

"He seemed fine until it was over. He looked kind of anxious and troubled," said Gohan.

"We'll find out when you two go out and search for him again," said Chichi.

"Mom, if Goten doesn't want to be found, then he won't be found. We got to let him come home on his own, said Gohan, who suddenly went into deep thought. "He didn't know this technique before. Who taught him?"

Chichi and her husband looked at one another and then to their oldest son. Suddenly, Chichi's face grew angry. "Who else? It's Trunks. I never liked that boy. I knew he was trouble the moment he came into Goten's life."

"Now mom, we don't know that for sure."

"You're right sweetie. You go and talk to him right now. Maybe Trunks knows where Goten is."

"You want me to go out in that weather."

"This is important Gohan," said Chichi.

"You're right mom." He sighed. "Ok." He looked over at his father. "Hey dad, a little help?" He smiled.

"Sure Gohan," said Goku as he placed his finger on his forehead with his other hand on his son's shoulder. He concentrated on a location, and they were off.

The storm was not letting up anytime soon as a pair of blue eyes stared out the window. He had a sense that something wasn't quiet right. He felt a hand on his shoulder, and he turned around to see his concerned mother.

"Trunks," said the blue haired woman named Bulma. "What's wrong? You seemed distracted."

"I have a bad feeling, but I can't quiet figure out what it is."

"Well I'd say retrace your steps. Figure out where this feeling first started." She watched her son deep in thought. Suddenly, his eyes widened. "What's going on?"

"Don't worry, I can handle it." His eyes strayed to the window again. "Mom, I have to go." He stood up and rushed down the hall, putting his raincoat on as well as his shoes while his mother followed behind him.

When Trunks walked into the living room, he saw Goku and Gohan standing before him, and he knew what they were here for. "I know where Goten is. You just have to let me talk to him. He'll come home, I promise." Trunks opened the door and before he could take off, a voice stopped him.

"Wait!" exclaimed Gohan. "What's going on with Goten? I know you know Trunks."

"That's between Goten and I right now."

He took off into the sky, tracking his best friend's ki. The rain was relenting, but Trunks put that out of his mind and moved on. Suddenly, a feeling came over Trunks, a feeling of guilt. 'Why did I force my feelings on him, better yet my body?' he sighed. 'It's just I've never felt this strong about another person, and I want to keep this feeling.' He shook his head. 'I'm pathetic for not having my self-control. Oh man what would my father think if I told him. He would be mortified.'

Trunks came from out of his occupied mind to see he was getting closer to his best friend's location. 'What do I even say to him? How can I make him understand how much I—No, no that's coming on too strong. I need to stop thinking so much but not thinking got me into this situation.' He blushed.

A shiver ran through his body as he placed his arms around his shoulders. He descended from the sky to get some shelter before he lost consciousness in the storm. Before his eyes shut completely, he thought, 'Goten please forgive me, I didn't mean to hurt you.' When he woke up, he had a feeling he wasn't where he collapsed. Trunks's eyes squinted. He could make out the shadow of a figure looking out into the storm. He sat up, adjusting his eyes to get a clear picture of who was with him. Suddenly, the figure became clear. "Go—Goten." Trunks managed to stand, wanting his best friend to look at him. "Plea—please, I'm sorry, I never meant—

"You're not sorry," his voice filled with honesty, "you did what you're instincts told you to do."

"I-It's n—not just that," Trunks shivered. He closed his eyes, concentrated on his ki, and warmed himself with it. He turned to see Goten's eyes on him.

"Then, no wait I change my mind I don't want to know what you're going to say next."

"Why?" He walked over to his best friend until the space between was close. "Is it because you're scared?"


"I love you Goten." His eyes held no expectation from him. "Now go home."

The rain had let up as Goten landed in the front yard of his home. Before he could bring his hand to the door, a pair of arms came out and wrapped themselves around him. For the first time a smile appeared on his face as his niece Pan hugged him tighter. Her happiness he could feel, and it felt contagious for the moment.

After he was bombarded with questions from his mother and brother, he crashed onto his bed and sighed in exhaustion. Closing his eyes, he slipped into dreams.

He felt hot breath on his neck, and he opened his eyes to see Trunks's lips connect to the vulnerable skin on the nape of his neck. Goten noticed he was trapped by his best friend's position. His knee was between Goten's legs and his arms were on both sides of him.

'Why am I not stopping him?' He heard himself sigh in pleasure. 'I can't believe that's coming from me.' He felt Trunks stop and look at him.

'You don't want me to stop that's why." His blue eyes made Goten feel uncomfortable.

'Why do I think Trunks is influencing this dream?' He felt his breathing growing heavily just from Trunks's proximity.

'He's not. I've taken the form of someone you always used to be able to talk to.'

Goten sighed. 'It figures.' He blushed. 'Can uh you maybe let me go?'

'I don't know. It's up to you.' Trunks smirked, leaned in, and kissed him on the cheek. 'I have a strong feeling you'll see me again.'

Goten woke up in a sweat with his heart beating rapidly. His gaze went to the window.