Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma, Justice League, or any other anime or video game series mentioned in this story. I am merely doing this for fun and not making profit from it. So with that out of the way let's start the next chapter.

() Thoughts

[""] Telepathic communication

Chapter 4

Truths Revealed

Black Adam sat on a mountain with his legs crossed quietly meditating as he considered on his next course of action on where to take his descendant. It had been three weeks since he had left the curse training grounds of Jusenkyo and Genma Saotome. Thinking back on to when he had spoken to his descendent they had both discovered some things about the thieving panda.

Flashback to the first week…

"Wait a minute what do you mean about me being your ward?"

"What I mean is I am going to train you to be one of the greatest warriors since my time as you will learn far more from me than from that idiot Genma Saotome."

Normally Ranma would have defended his parent for being insulted but after what he went through with the panda any respect he had for his father was gone, especially after the Neko-Ken and Jusenkyo. A question soon came to the young boy's mind.

"Just what kind of martial arts do you know?"

"I know various fighting styles from the many fools that fell into the spring that I was sealed in, but the one that has benefited me most is the Neko-Ken."

"You know the Cat Fist?" Ranma couldn't believe what he was hearing and wondered if this man's parents did the same stupid method like he went through in order to learn the technique.

Black Adam noticed the boy's shock and knew from his memories about his experience with the training his descendent went through so he decided to educate him on the true way of the Neko-Ken.

"Yes I know of the Neko-Ken, but the training that you went through is false and is not the correct way to learn it as it was not made for humans."


"I suggest that you sit while I explain to you the true origins of the Cat Fist."

Ranma sat on the ground crossed legged waiting for Black Adam to begin. The former champion of Shazam cleared his throat and began to tell the tale of the fighting style he had studied from when he was once a normal human.

"It began when I was but a child at the age of six that I was training to be a warrior like you. My father wished for me to gain the strength to protect those close to me and our people as I was a prince of Egypt. Before learning to use the blade and many other weapons during my time I had to learn to fight with the weapons I was born with first."

Black Adam gestured to his head with his index finger, then his hands, arms and legs.

"At first I did not know what my father meant but then I realized I needed to learn to use my mind, and the limbs I was born with before learning the way of the sword. A strong mind goes well with a strong body. Do you understand Ranma?"

"I…think so."

The former prince could see that he would have to make sure that his student would need to learn far more than just fighting considering what he learned when he merged with him. He then returned to the topic at hand.

"By the time I became your age, I was chosen to undergo a sacred trial to gain one of the many gifts that few receive from the ancient gods of Egypt, as it was to learn a sacred fighting style that was created by two goddess to protect those in need and from injustice."

"Who were these goddesses?"

"They were Bastet and Sekhmet. Bastet was the Goddess of Pleasure, Cats, Music, Love, Protector of Men and Pregnant Women. Her sister Sekhmet was the Goddess of Fire, War, Vengeance, and Medicine."

Ranma was starting to wonder if there were more gods and goddesses of that were a part of Egypt and wondered if there were any other sorts of gods from around the world. Deciding to ask about that later he continued to listen to Black Adam.

"I will be honest with you my descendent I was afraid at the trail that was before me and I had prayed to Ra for the courage and every skill that I possessed to succeed as not to disappoint not only my father but the rest of my family."

"What did you have to do in this trail?"

Black Adam shook his head to the young boy.

"I cannot tell you of the trail Ranma; for once I completed it I swore an oath to Bastet that I would not reveal what I went through of the trail to any outsider as she wanted to select those she deemed worthy of her and Sekhmet's fighting style."

The young Saotome could only pout as he really wanted to know what kind of trial it was and if it had anything to do with martial arts. Black Adam could see the disappointment in the boy's eyes but knew he had to tell his successor everything that he was to know.

"You must understand something Ranma, that the Neko-Ken is something that was never meant for humans to begin with and if everyone were to know of what to do for the trial than they would be easily become corrupted by its power as I have seen the memory's of the many people that fell in the spring that I was sealed in and that humanity had become impatient and greedy for it. Another thing you must consider is you may have to go through the same trial as I did if Bastet decided to make her presence before us as she will not allow just anyone to know the Cat Fist."

Ranma could only nod in understanding since he figured if the Neko-Ken was as deadly as it sound then it was better that he wait and see if he would meet this goddess Teth-Adam had told him about just now.

"I will be controlling your body for only a few days as I want to look over the possessions that you and Genma carried with you throughout your training trip and to see if that fat fool has hidden anything from you. I will also have to be on the lookout for any other supernatural creatures that may exist."

"You mean there are real monsters out there like vampires and werewolves?"

"Yes, along with many other creatures that are not human, for now though rest."

Ranma was wondering how he would rest before he heard Black Adam begin chanting in a language that he didn't understand before he started to feel drowsy and immediately fell asleep leaving his ancestor to take control.

Outside Ranma's mindscape…

Black Adams eyes opened seeing the outside world again. Smiling to himself he stood up to his full height while cracking his neck to get the stiffness out of it. He was thankful that a few of the victims that fell in the cursed spring had some magical ability's allowing him to cast spells, though he wasn't sure if he could perform them outside of the mindscape or while either he or his descendent could perform them while in their more powerful form. He would have to test this theory out later but for now he decided to investigate Genma's belongings, along with Ranma's.

Walking over the closest backpack he began digging through the belongings, which turned out to be Ranma's. The first item that he found was Ranma's ceremonial tanto, which was wrapped in an embroidered cloth and tied with a silken rope.

(Why would my descendent be carrying something like this around?)

The former prince of Egypt had looked through the boys memory's after traveling away from the cursed springs but didn't see Ranma placing this in his backpack but guess it must have been that idiot Genma who put it there. Shrugging his shoulders he rewrapped the blade and put it away before pulling out the next item which caught him by surprise. The item in his hand was a small metal spatula that had some kanji symbols on it.

Thinking back on Ranma's memory's he remembered him befriending a boy by the name of Ukyo Kuonji who ran business with her father selling something called okonomiyaki and wondered if it was delicious. Black Adam decided to continue looking and saw some rations, spare clothes and a scroll which probably held some knowledge for martial arts.

Deciding that he had seen enough he then went over to Genma's backpack to find what the thieving martial artist had taken during their travels. Digging through the pack he noticed some currency that was most likely stolen, along with some scrolls and even the same tanto that Ranma had in his backpack. He continued searching further until he came across a black book. Curious on what it could be he opened it before scanning the pages and realized it was a journal.

(I wonder what sort of secrets that man hides in this journal, hopefully something useful.)

Black Adam decided to read the first page for the journal to see what the entry was about.

I'm glad I was able to run into the Daikoku family when I was traveling with Ranma as I was starving from weeks without food. The father of that family's daughter was willing to give me fish if I was willing to engage his daughter to my son, but I told him to throw in a bowl of rice and two pickles so that I got a full meal. I manage to steal Ranma back as I had no intention of keeping the deal since I already made a promise to my old friend Soun to engage the boy to one of his daughters.

The former champion of Shazam became angry when he read this as he couldn't believe what that idiot had just done to his descendent.

(I don't believe this, he sold Ranma for a measly fish, rice and pickles?!)

He began reading through the next few pages to see if this wasn't the first time the fat panda had sold off his ward and wondered if this Soun character was a fool to trust Genma with honoring a promise between him and his daughters? That is when he came across another deal the panda made using Ranma.

I barely escaped with my life at what had happened with me because of that stupid boy. He just had to wake up when I could have made off from taken those diamonds from the Kanzaki family because they belonged to the deceased wife of the man who married her. I don't see why he made a fit about it since no one would ever wear them again? But I had to promise the boy to his daughter so that I could escape, but like with the Daikoku family I won't bother to honor the promise with these fools.

The former prince of Egypt continued to read on finding out more and more about how Genma made deals using his descendent just to feed his fat belly, along with gaining money or making a deal just to save his own worthless life. Black Adam saw other families such as the Tachibana family, the Li family, and even the Kirishima family that Ranma had gotten engaged to without his consent. (1)

Ranma's ancestor became furious the more he read as Genma had engaged him to no more than twenty different families in which most was to feed his fat stomach. He soon came upon a page which was another he had engaged Ranma to.

I am lucky I was able to get away with the boy with that okonomiyaki cart from that idiot Kuonji. I had no intention of engaging his daughter to my son because I don't need another mouth to feed since he wanted me to take that brat Ukyo with us. I'm glad I tricked the boy into choosing okonomiyaki over the girl and with the cart I can make a couple of yen after we have eaten the week's supply of it.

After reading that entry of the journal Black Adam became enraged at what he had just found out. Ukyo Kuonji was really a girl and never even told his son? He would have to break the news to his descendent soon as it would not be wise to keep this from him and he needed to learn the truth soon. With this in mind he sat down crossed legged and began entering back into his mindscape.

Ranma's mindscape…

"Awaken Ranma; I have something to tell you."

The young boy awoken from his slumber feeling a little bit better, before looking at Black Adam and could see that he was very upset about something.

"What's wrong?"

"I have something that I need to tell you and it concerns your old friend, Ukyo Kuonji."

Ranma shot up to his feet and looked at the man before him.

"What does this have this have to do with Ucchan?"

Taking a deep breath Black Adam decided to tell his ward about the journal he had found and the deals that were made because of his idiot father, starting off with his friend but decided to test the boy's knowledge on what he know about marriage.

"Ranma, what do you know about marriage?"

"Huh? But what does this have to do with Ucchan?"

"Please just answer my question and I will tell you everything, I will even let you have control of your body for a while to show you something that Genma has hidden from you."

Ranma thought hard about it for a moment trying to figure out the concept to it but for the life of him he really couldn't come up with an answer so he decided to be honest with his savior.

"I honestly don't what marriage is Adam."

Black Adam frowned as he should have searched more through the boys memory's before waking him up and asking him but decided that he needed to know the truth about Ukyo first.

"I will explain to you about it after I have told you about your friend Ukyo and the truth Genma hid from you, so I will use the spells I have acquired from the few wizards that had fallen into the spring I was sealed in."

Black Adam soon began chanting in an ancient tongue once more using the powers that the great wizard had bestowed upon him and when he finished Ranma began seeing images of his past right before him with the memory of a mother he thought dead and the so called 'games' that Genma had Ranma use for his training with taking things that didn't belong to him and having the owner chase after him. He had always wondered if he was doing something wrong seeing the angry faces of those who chased him but his father assured him it was a harmless game and it was training for the art.

"How are you able to do this?"

"I have a theory on how I was able to gain the knowledge of the victims who feel into the spring and I believe that considering many of them had connections to the mystic arts and had even studied armed and unarmed combat that I was able to absorbed into my very spirit while their spirits were rejected from the pool and into the afterlife."

Ranma nodded before he continued watching the images until Black Adam decided to show him one image that the former champion of Shazam needed to show Ranma and learn the truth concerning his friend.

The image that the young boy was now seeing was of when he had to leave his old friend Ucchan and he was riding on top of her family's cart with his father pulling it while running as fast as he could, and Ranma was waving good bye.

"Do you remember this Ranma?"

The boy was snapped out of his reminiscing of the memory he was seeing and addressed the former prince of Egypt.

"Yes I remember this, Ucchan's dad gave it to us as a gift but I was sad that we had to leave him."

"No Ranma that was not a gift. Your father STOLE that cart!"


"Your father lied to you Ranma. Look at the image again."

Ranma did so and began wondering why he never noticed it before. There he was riding on top of the cart and waving goodbye to Ukyo who was running after them crying. Genma had an okonomiyaki in his mouth while pulling the cart at a frantic pace and he then heard what his friend was saying.


Ranma looked to his ancestor and had to ask.

"Why did Ucchan want to come with us though? Didn't he want to stay with his papa?"

"The reason Ukyo wanted to come with was because Genma made an agreement with her father to engage you to her."


"That is another thing you needed to know Ranma. Ukyo wasn't a boy, he was a girl."

Ranma's eyes became wide with shock at what he was just told before he began to shake his head in denial.

"What no way, that is impossible! Ukyo can't be a girl!"

The former prince of Egypt gave him a look that showed he was serious and not making this up at all.

"If you do not believe me than I will let you take control of your body so that you can read Genma's journal but before you do you should transform back so that you don't rip it apart in anger."

"How would I change?"

"Call out the name of the great wizard to transform back into your original body and the words are Shazam."

"How will I get back in control?"

"First clear your mind and then get your body to relax while in the mindscape. Afterwards you will feel a tug on your aura and when you do that is when you will be able to leave. You can come back at anytime by repeating this."

The young man did as he was told, by sitting crossed legged while closing his eyes and putting his hands together as if he was going to pray. Ranma had trouble at first since this was new to him as he never did something like this before in his life but he was determined to try.

Black Adam could tell this was hard for the young boy but he had to be patient with him since he went through enough grief with his idiot father, though the former champion of Shazam found it strange he was caring for this boy as if he were his own.

(Then again being trapped for five thousand years can change someone of my stature.)

It took a while but after five minutes Ranma was able to leave his mindscape.

Outside of Ranma's mindscape…

Ranma blinked several times before opening his eyes to his surroundings to see where he was. Looking around he saw that he was on a mountain though he had no idea where he was but he had a feeling he was no longer at Jusenkyo. It was then he felt something in his hands and looked down but then his eyes widen as he saw that they looked different which caused him to stand up dropping the journal and looking at his hands.

["Calm down Ranma, do not be afraid."]

The boy looked around when he heard Adams voice.

"Where are you?"

["I am speaking to you from within your mind, so make sure to speak to me by using your thoughts for when you have to travel."]

Ranma calmed himself and decided to follow his ancestor's request.

(Do you mean like this?)

["Yes exactly like that, now look for a stream or even a river on the mountain we are on so that you may see yourself, then afterwards call out the great wizards name to change back."]

Ranma decided to try to find one but wondered how he got on a mountain? He began walking until he heard the sound of running water and began making his way toward it. It was then he started to realize his whole body felt different not just from his hearing but his sight, smell, and even the way he felt. It was as if his whole body had been healed and all that he went through with Genma had suddenly disappeared.

He soon came across a stream that was running and gazed into it causing his eyes to widen as he took sight of his image.

"Whoa! I'm huge!"

Ranma became surprised when he heard how deep his voice was in this form.

["It is truly impressive isn't it my descendent?"]

(I'll say, so how do I change back again?)

["As I told you while we were in your mind, call out the name of the great wizard."]

The child that was now in a man's body nodded before calling out the name that was required to help him transform.


The sky rumbled with the sound of thunder before a lightning bolt shot down from the heaven's and struck Ranma from where he stood causing small dust clouds to shoot up! A small coffin sound was heard before the dust settled and the appearance of a young boy stood where the adult once stood.

Shaking his head Ranma looked down at his hands and saw that they were back to normal size before looking into the stream and seeing his reflection once again.

"Man that was so cool!"

["Yes…cool, but you should be getting back to the task at hand."]

The boy swore snapped before making his way back over to where he dropped the journal. Once he made his way to his and his father's backpacks he saw the journal, picked it up and began to read it to find what he was told. Ranma became wide eyed at some of the deals that his father made and the more he read the more he was afraid to learn if what he was told was true and even knowing about what marriage meant.

Ranma soon came upon the page that mentioned his old friend Ukyo. As soon as he was reading of what was in front of him his eyes began to form tears before rubbing them trying not to cry as he was told it a sign of weakness from Genma. When he couldn't read anymore he became upset and threw the journal down onto the ground shaking uncontrollably at what he just read.

["Ranma, there is no need to hold it in, just let it go my child."]

Hearing the gentle voice from the former prince of Egypt, Ranma fell to his knees as the tears fell from his eyes before giving into crying over the unintentional harm that he had caused his friend before saying three words.

"I'm sorry Ucchan."

End of Flashback…

Black Adam had felt something that he thought that wasn't possible for someone like him and that was sympathy for his descendant. Then again he had a family once but had lost them to Ahk-Ton but with the help of three mysterious travelers he managed to bring him to justice.

When Ranma had finished his tears he began to explain to him on what marriage had meant to get a better understanding and assured the child that he was not at fault for what happen to his friend. The two soon began training in the arts that Black Adam had acquired and even training techniques from Egypt to help keep Ranma's mind off his depression.

The boy had taken to the arts like water to sponge and was starting to learn several styles. With his connection to Black Adam as his descendent Ranma was able to comprehend and learn at a faster rate and it wasn't just martial arts that were being taught to him. Shazam's former champion also began teaching him a few spells that were suited to start him off with and even began teaching him several different languages. At first the boy was hesitant and didn't want to learn them since they were not fighting related but a stern talking from his new master pointed out that he cannot always win with just his fist as only fools would follow that path and be taken advantage of. The boy also learned that the former Egyptian prince was his ancestor who made him wonder if he was related on his mother's side and not Genma's.

During this time Ranma would occasionally read through Genma's journal to find out what other secrets that the fat panda was hiding from him and learned about his old friend Soun Tendo, along with their master Happosai and the training he put them through, though in Teth-Adams mind it was just the teaching of thievery.

It was then that he and Ranma had made a shocking discovery on the third week when the boy was reading more from the journal and what he learned was something even he didn't expect.

Flashback to the third week…

Ranma was taking a break from some of the kata's that he went through while learning them from his new teacher and the style was called Wing Chun. Currently he was once again reading the journal of Genma enjoying what Happosai had done to him though he honestly wondered if his friend was different than him but he soon he came upon a page that caught his interest.

In a couple of months Nodoka will be bearing me a child and I'm going to make sure that the child will be trained so that I can marry him off to one of Soun's daughters. I hope it's a boy as there is no chance a girl could handle the arts.

The young man became shocked when he read that name and knew right away that must be the name of his mother. He honestly wondered why she never tried to find him or his father and decided to read further if he could find the answer to that question.

As he was reading through the pages he learned a little bit about his mother and found she had some strange beliefs on manliness. Peeping and petty theft? Some of the things she had told Genma didn't make sense to him and wondered if it was weird grown up stuff.

It was then that he came upon a page that caught his interest and saw that it was the day of his birth but when he read further he became shocked at what he read.

Damn it all I can't believe this has happen to me! Nodoka has giving birth to a boy but it had died after a few hours after being delivered! Oh what did I do to deserve this? The only thing I can do is try and steal a child to make sure I have someone to carry on the art, maybe I should try from an orphanage.

Ranma's eyes widen when he read that part of the journal. He just couldn't believe it, but was it true? The young boy decided to read further to find the answer he wanted even though it might bring him pain and he soon found a page.

I had managed to steal a child but I had to have gotten help doing it from a group called the League of Assassins but in exchange I had promised to let the child join their group and I had told them where Soun and I had sealed away the dreaded master since he had stolen from them over a hundred and fifty years ago. But they will not get the boy he is mine to do with and I'm glad Nodoka bought that lie about me finding the boy in an abandon warehouse, otherwise it might bring trouble. If anything she can be gullible and stupid. Now I will need to plain a training trip for the boy.

The boy couldn't hold back the anger or the tears that were starting to form in his eyes. Genma was NEVER his father! Nodoka was NOT his mother! He was taken away from his real parents?

He couldn't take this any longer! In a fit of anger he threw the journal away from him before standing up and running toward a bolder and began to attack it with his fist in pure rage. Ranma's hands ached in pain but he ignored it and released all the frustration that he held toward Genma as cracks begin to form on the bolder but his hands started to bleed and at the rate he was going he would injure himself but then he heard the voice of Black Adam.

["Ranma, calm yourself! What is the matter?"]

Hearing the voice of his master the young boy had to take several deep breaths in order to control himself so that he could explain what was going on though it was hard considering what he had found out. After a couple of minutes of taking deep breaths he spoke to his mentor.

(I'm sorry sensei but I just found out something about Genma and his wife.)

Black Adam was a little surprised to hear him pronounce his parents first names and wondered what his descendent had just found out before he decided to ask him once more on what had upset him.

["Tell me what it is that has upset you my child."]

Ranma took a deep breath once more to collect himself before he began to tell Black Adam on what he had just read from the journal of Genma Saotome on finding out that he and Nodoka Saotome were not his biological parents and that he was kidnapped with the help of a group called the League of Assassins.

Black Adam became shocked when he was told this by Ranma as it became clear to him. He had been wondering on who his real father was since he didn't at all share any features to the fat panda and wondered if it was from his mother's side but to learn that Nodoka was not his actual mother was even more disturbing which caused him to wonder if his real parents were still alive and had they still been searching for him?

The former prince of Egypt became alarmed when he heard his descendant speak to him on his suggestion.

(We should find these assassins and beat the hell out of every one of them to make them tell me who my real parents are and where to find them!)

["We will not do that Ranma, not yet at least."]

The young man became upset when he heard this.

(What do you mean we won't do that?)

["Do not take that tone with me Ranma. We cannot go after the League of Assassins because we do not know there location for one and the second reason is that they will not give up the location since many members would die then betray the league. I should know since members from hundreds of years ago fell into the spring I was trapped in."]

Ranma could only growl as his ancestor had a point since this league could be anywhere in the world, but he still wanted to go after them.

(But I have your powers; I could just beat them up when I find them and make them tell me.)

["That isn't going to help Ranma since these men will want to KILL you when you find them."]

That made the boy pause in fright and he stuttered out load.

"K-K-Kill me?"

["Yes Ranma and in order to make sure that they would not harm you or go after you, I would have to kill them with your body but very soon when we become one…You must learn to take a life as well when your life is on the line, along with whatever loved ones and allies you gain."]

This made Ranma pale in fright when he heard this and couldn't help but respond to his ancestor.

"But…Martial arts are used to protect the weak."

["That hasn't changed my descendant, but sometimes you must take a life in order to protect what is precious to you and what you hold dear in your heart. Otherwise you will be nothing more than a child in the eyes of many."]

This caused the boy to wonder on whether or not he wanted to continue training in martial arts, but in all honesty it was the only thing he knew and didn't know what else to do at the moment. Black Adam could sense the boy's uneasiness so he decided to help him relax first to sort out his feelings and help him calm down.

["We will discuss later Ranma so for now I want you to try and relax as you are upset which will only disrupt your mind. If you feel the need to sleep do so and you may train whenever you feel that you are ready to do so."]

Hearing that Ranma decided to take his sleeping bag from his backpack to nap for a while as he felt emotionally drained from what he learned. Afterwards he hoped that he could make up his mind on what to do next.

End of Flashback…

It had been over a week since that day the two found out about Genma and his crimes to not only Ranma, but to the boy's real parents as well. The young boy in question was now debating on wither or not to be even called that name considering Genma wasn't even his father.

Another thing that the boy found out from Genma's journal was that the fat panda had went to brothels to relieve his stress as he put it while he had slept outside in the forest during their travels. This made Ranma angry as there was time that he had to sleep out in the cold at night, which was made worst when it was raining. A couple of times got him sick but the fat stupid martial artist always told him to tough it out.

At first Ranma didn't know what brothels were until his ancestor had explained about them and was blunt about it. Black Adam figured it would be better to be honest with the boy and explain the proverbial talk about the 'birds and bees'.

Shazam's former champion had smirked about that when he used images to even show the process causing his descendent to become red in the face and had looked away a few times but he was sure his student understood things well enough and decided not to tease him about it.

Though the one thing he didn't find amusing was that in one of the entry's Genma had promised the boy to at least three of the brothels he stayed at in which he would be taught how to service the customers for pleasure such as any woman, or God forbid, who was into younger men or even as the boy got older. There was no way in hell that his descendant would be used as some kind of toy.

It was then that he sensed Ranma waken up and decided to travel back into the boy's mindscape to see if he needed anything.

Ranma's mindscape…

Black Adam appeared before the boy who was sitting cross legged with a contemplative look on his face since he was thinking over things on what he learned about Genma Saotome. The boy noticed his ancestor before him.

"Is there something you wanted to discuss with me young one?"

"I've been thinking over on where we should go since we can't look for my real parents yet. I will admit I don't like the idea but you are right Adam-Sensei."

Black Adam nodded since the child was having difficulties in his training since he wanted to find his parents but Shazam's champion had to remind him of the consequences more than once and had giving the boy a stern talking. Ranma had taking to calling him sensei and learned it was how to address the martial arts masters from Japan.

"So what it is you feel the need to do?"

"I was wondering would it be possible to go to Egypt."

"Why would you want to go there my student?"

"I want to go to Egypt because if I am to master the Cat Fist like you, I should try to meet Bastet and earn it like you did because I've been wondering what if when we merge she might now allow me to use the Cat Fist since I didn't do the trial like you did."

Black Adam nodded in agreement since he had been wondering when would be the best time to leave for Egypt in order to train Ranma, but the problem was would the Cat Goddess allow for Ranma to take the trial? He shook his head since if Bastet and her sister didn't allow the boy to perform the trial like he did when he was young then it would be a breach of their own laws.

"We will leave for Egypt first thing tonight so that way it would be best to avoid any travelers during the day."

"Okay then Adam-Sensei."

"For now though I will teach you the language for when we go to Egypt so you will have a basic understanding of it to avoid trouble."

Ranma nodded to that and while he didn't like the idea of something that didn't involve martial arts he figured it was better to know the language of different places while traveling and not be an idiot like Genma.

Hopefully things would go their way when they came to Egypt.

To Be Continued…

Author's Note

Well here it is everyone Chapter Four to my story and in all honesty I had trouble with this one as I had the idea but putting it down on paper or typing just seemed to be a pain.

Anyway I'm sorry I didn't update this story in years as I've been trying to find work and working on my other stories. Also I've been dealing with depressing, writers block and I haven't been motivated to write like I use to. It doesn't help with a stupid fat idiot that lives at my home causing drama at times.

Yes I've been dealing with some drama with family as well but it's personal. Anyway as you have seen Genma and Nodoka are NOT Ranma's parents in this story as I decided to go with the idea that he was taken from his real parents when he was a baby. As to whom his parents are well you will have to wait and see but I'll give you a hint about the father. It is one of the masters from History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi but I won't say who for now I'll let you guess on your own.

I've been of also considering adding to the crossover with Bleach, Yu Yu Hakusho, and maybe even some Equestria Girls. Yes I got addicted to watching My Little Pony's Friendship Is Magic as one of my friends got me hooked on it a few years ago and it was from a fan art for the second Equestria Girls movie but this will be like an alternate universe kind of thing.

However I will not add Sailor Moon as I haven't seen that in ages and got bored from watching it plus writing those stupid intros can get annoying. I was thinking of adding things like Akame Ga Kill and Love Hina but I decided against it since I didn't like what was going on with the anime to Akame Ga Kill and from what I read in the manga. As for Love Hina I have not read it so I have no knowledge to it other than the Wiki and from what I learned about the characters from other Fan Fictions. I tried watching the anime before but I just hated it.

There was also Gargoyles but then I feel like I would be copying Frequent Readers one crossover as I had an idea like that but I'll ask him if it's okay and I honestly want to add The King of Fighters series to this.

Though for the last few weeks I have read all of Yu Yu Hakusho which was awesome. Plus I will have some characters that will be based on other series though that's enough ranting from me.

In the next chapter Ranma and Black Adam will be making their way to Egypt and hopefully Ranma can handle what Bastet and her sister throws at him

Until next time.

(1)In case anyone is wondering yes the names of the other fiancées are from the Sakura War series and I may or may not add them to this story but I will be thinking it over.