Chapter 12

Belle felt herself shaking like a leaf as she forced her head to remain high. She would not be cowed by these twin tyrants who trod on everyone too slow to get out of their way. She took Marian's hand without thinking, and pulled her along with her.

She wished Lodowick was here. The Dark One arrived, as prescribed, but the Friar had not, and she hoped that he had not done something foolish for her sake.

Sir Guy pushed past them, leering. It took an iron resolve not to slap him across the face, so she grasped Marian's hand tighter instead. The other woman winced, and Belle loosened her grip.

The Crusaders would come for both of them, if they survived. The Sheriff's little performance all but guaranteed it. She had nothing left to lose now, so it was down to her to be strong. Perhaps she should not have asked Marian to come here, but without Marian's testimony they had less than nothing.

Belle tried to push down her doubts. There was a proverb about that in her little book of poetry, tucked into her bodice, next to her heart: doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt. She wasn't about to let doubt betray her now.

The Dark One strutted through the prison as though he owned it, and Belle took a moment to observe him. He had a compact form clad in dark spikes and sculpted leather that gave him a shape reminiscent of a spider. His hair hung in curls, his teeth appeared jagged and yellow, and his skin lingered somewhere between gold dust and swamp slime; still, under all of that, he retained the shape of a human, and that gave her hope that humanity would follow.

When they entered the area surrounded by the largest cells, packed thick with petty criminals and those who could not afford their tithes, they stopped. Queen Regina looked around expectantly.

"Waiting for Snow White to make her grand entrance?" the Dark One teased unkindly. Belle shuddered at the audacity of it. It took confidence bordering on the insane to speak so to a Queen.

The Queen fumed silently.

"Carry on, Sheriff," Rumplestiltskin nodded. "Which of these unwashed wretches is my thief?"

"I… The Traitor Snow White…"

"Is not here," he snarled. "I take it you've spent these last few days in vain. Oh dearie me, that's not very good news, is it?"

"It's their fault!" shouted the Sheriff, gesturing wildly around the room. Two guards dragged forward Little John and the Merry Men captured with him. "This lot broke in and tried to undermine me. They'll know where to find Hood, you'll see."

"A fair point," giggled the sharp, little man. "Who put you up to this? Was it the Hood, perhaps? Is he among you now? Come now, I'll only torture the ring leader a little bit. Or perhaps I should simply execute the lot of you, though I prefer the fine point of a dagger to a meat grinder. Seems a shame to use a sledge hammer to rearrange the dinner plates."

"The Friar did it," Little John growled. Belle's stomach clenched. "He gave us a key to the cells, and we broke in to save our friend. He was innocent. Guy only arrested him and murdered him."

"He was executed for treason," Regina snapped.

"It's only treason if he does it your kingdom, dear," corrected the Dark One. "And this Friar, where is he now?"

"Friar Lodowick is gone. He left two days ago," Belle lied, hoping for the first time that her friend would not return.

The Dark One rounded on her.

"And was the man who confessed, in point of fact, the Hood?" he asked Little John. "Speak up now, poppets, this woman's life may depend on it."

He wrapped his claws around Belle's wrist, ever so gently that she almost didn't notice, and guided her to stand next to him.

Little John looked between her and Marian with sad eyes and shook his head. He wouldn't do it, Belle realized. He'd weighed the risk, decided they were all as good as dead, and wouldn't take the people's hope down with them. In Little John's mind, the Hood had to escape – as he always did – and the legend would survive. He didn't know they'd found the wand.

"A Hood is just a piece of fabric," said the large man. "Anybody could wear one."

"Sheriff, it seems you've failed me and your city. You have not recovered my property, and you have not identified my thief."

"Excuse me, please," said Belle, tugging her wrist free of his claws.

He released her as though she were made of glass, and Belle turned to squarely face him. "But the man that they executed was Hood. John, I'm sorry. I know you're just trying to protect Robin's legacy, but this is bigger than him and it always has been All of Sherwood will suffer if we don't resolve this today."

Belle tugged Marian forward.

"This is Robin of Loxley's widow. Marian, tell him what you told me."

"Don't!" roared John, but a look from the Dark One silenced him.

"Robin…" Marian began, edging further away from the Sheriff. "Robin only stole from you to help me. I was ill, and the baby's coming soon. The healers thought we might both die, so he looked for a way to save us."

Belle had never been more proud of her friend.

"He stole this wand," Marian continued, presenting the slender rod for inspection. "He didn't know who he was stealing from, only that we needed magic. And when… when it all fell apart, he would have confessed his crime to save everyone. He was a good man. I wanted to come here today to return this and beg mercy for me and my family, but I can't. I can't… because Robin is dead. They beheaded him, against all law and decency."

"You think I would have done less?" Rumplestiltskin asked incredulously.

"I think you are known far and wide for keeping to the word of your deals," Belle said, taking over before the stress became too much for Marian.

"The deal you made with the Sheriff was for this wand and the identity of the thief who took it. We gave you both today – where Sir Guy failed – so make a deal with us instead. Spare these people – everyone here – and… and please know that there are many here who consider you the ruler of these lands since Richard left. Rumplestiltksin, if you've any ambition to rule at all, please send the Queen away and punish the Sheriff for what he's done."

"Very well," replied Rumplestiltskin, snatching the wand from Marian's hands. "I'll offer you the same terms I gave the Sheriff."

"No!" shrieked the Queen. "Snow White gave them that wand. They're lying to you! Where is she?"

"She's not here, dearie. Do try to keep up."

The Queen looked frantically between Marian and her Huntsman, full of grief and rage, when a sudden, sullen silence took her. "But I cut off his head."

"Whose head? His head?" the Dark One asked, feigning ignorance. He snapped his fingers and Robin materialized whole and well, in front of them.

Belle didn't have time to wonder how it happened, all she knew was that Marian flung herself into his arms and the Merry Men and citizens of Nottingham crammed into the cells let out a celebratory yell. At the same moment, the Queen recoiled violently and vanished from the room in a cloud of smoke. Her guards retreated after her, leaving the disgraced Sheriff, his bailiff, and only a few Watchmen. Belle tried not to take too much pleasure at Guy's face as he realized that the man who bested him in love had also bested him in skill. He looked like a broken man.

"Robin, how—" bellowed Little John, stepping forward.

"Lodowick saved me. He tricked the Queen's Huntsman into taking the head of a man the Sparks killed instead. Then he sent me away, I don't know where – it was too dark to see. And now I'm back here."

Marian and Robin shared a long kiss and the Merry Men whooped in victory.

"Touching, dearie," sneered the Dark One. "But I'm afraid we still have a problem. You stole from me. My bargain with the Sheriff was your life in exchange for the safety of Nottingham – a deal I just made with these fine ladies. There's still a price to be paid."

Marian began to weep in earnest and Robin stilled. Belle watched with tears in her eyes as acceptance spread across his face. Lodowick would want her to be brave. Lodowick would say something inspiring, like 'buck up, dearie.' Dearie?

A smile blossomed on Belle's face.

"All of Nottingham?" she clarified. "And Sherwood too? I just want to be clear: you'll protect them, keep them safe… from the Ogres and the Queen and the even the Sparks. Does that extend to seeing that there's enough food?

The Dark One's expression was unreadable, but his huge pupils expanded and his eyes darkened as he nodded in the affirmative.

She screwed her bravery to the sticking point and stepped forward. "Then take me instead."

"Deal!" he giggled.
