CHAPTER 1: Lost, alone abandoned (Mar'i POV)

"Go Mar'i, leave now!" My father's masked eyes bore into mine, daring me to argue.

"But Dad! I-"

"Go!" He cut me off. "You're our last chance. Take this and run! Run as far and fast as you can and don't look back! Got it?" I glance down at the small paper bag lying in my hands, ready to object I glance up, only to be met with a pair of strong sapphire eyes. Something then scared me more than anything, in that split second, the room around us were crumpling to pieces, threatening to claim us to the darkness, but I didn't care. Looking in my father's eyes as he gave me the bag, I saw something I realised I'd never seen before, something I was far more afraid of. My father's eyes were filled with fear. Fear for my safety, and fear that this could be our last goodbye.

Quickly realising the severity of the situation, I snap back into reality.

"Ok" I nod weakly as tears threaten to spill from my emerald eyes. Squeezing my eyes shut, I try being brave. Be brave for him, the greatest hero I'd ever known. I had to be strong for him, to prove that I could be him. I remember my mother's words, "Tears shed for another person are not a sign of weakness. They are a sign of a pure heart.", but that's her, and I'm not her. No, I can't cry, not now, not for Dad, I tell myself, inhaling deeply, pushing back the fear and worry. Seeing this, my father smiled, pulling on his mask one more, covering all signs of Richard Grayson, only leaving Nightwing. Nightwing, who had a job to do.

Above me, the weakened steel structure of the roof crumbles. Without warning, large sections of the tower's beams plummet to the ground. Using my sharp reflexes, I swiftly dodge their path, cautious of the fragile item my father gave me that I'm clutching desperately to my chest. Without a moments more hesitation, I run, leaving my father behind. Taking off into a light sprint I skilfully avoid the falling metal and wood raining around me. Finally I reach the main door, knowing what to do, my shaking fingers frantically pulling back the brown paper of the thickly- wrapped parcel in my arms. Lacking accuracy in my haste, I slot the newly-unwrapped shiny surface of the time disc into the Titan control panel, carefully but quickly selecting a time and date on the dusty keys. Trying to be aware of any danger around me, I disobey my father and look back. I immediately wish I hadn't. Burning flames dance around my home, consuming the walls in thick ash. On the opposite side of the room, Cyborg tries to control the flames, fighting hard against them, but clearly outnumbered. On instinct my foot jolts forward for me to run and assist him, only to be stopped in its tracks by a purple star-bolt.

"Well look at what we have here" Blackfire. Or should I say Aunt, like she even deserves to be a part of my family after what she did.

"Trying to escape?" Her deep, menacing laugh echoes around the room, its tone cold enough to make anyone shudder.

"Well we can't have that can we now? After all, I came to this retched planet for you". She hovers 6 feet above the ground before me, her violet eyes stare dangerously into mine, challenging me. Raising her fist, she charges a star-bolt, one big enough to take any adult out, let alone a 15 year old girl. I glanced around to my sides, trapped. With little time and even fewer options, I do the only thing I can think of doing, I freeze. With a sharp intake of breath I prepare myself for the blinding heat of her power, I feel warmth and hear the blast, I ready myself for the darkness to consume me completely.

But it never comes.

Coughing slightly, I open my eyes, waiting for them to adjust to the surrounding smoke. Lights and darks become shapes, and shapes eventually become figures through my smoke covered vision, like the scarlet haired women standing directly in front of me, obviously recovering from the blast that was meant for me.

"Mom!" despite the situation, I couldn't help but smile. No matter the time or situation, she's always been there for me.

"Oh, hello sister dear." Blackfire touches down to the ground, charging up her purple starbolts once more.

"Leave my daughter alone Komi." My mother warned her long scarlet hair whipping around her angered face as her hands protectively shield me from her sister's path.

"But little Kori, this doesn't concern you, all I want is the little brat who stole my crown and took away everything I loved!"

"What would you know about love?" my mother warned, her usual soft emerald eyes (which she eventually past to me), flaring into a wild green energy. "All you want is power! You have never cared for me or Mar'i! You put the people of our planet into slavery and are trying to use the Gordanians to break the treaty we have formed between Tamaran and Earth! How does this benefit anybody but yourself? I actually pity you sister, if your sole aim in life is to ruin other peoples, than I would rather have love and be facing death today, than be you, and be alone!" with that, the blood quickly drained from Blackfires face, her muscles relaxing.

"I know about love. I have always loved you Koriand'r, you are my sister, and I will not get in the way of your happiness. I allowed you to marry the Earthling hero and live upon this planet. But she-"Her slender finger pointing harshly at me, "-has to die! She is an abomination! And must be terminated, she will rule by blood before me, she is not what is best for Tamaran!"

"YOU ARE NOT WHAT IS BEST FOR TAMARAN!" My mother argued, her once gentle voice, transforming into threatening shriek. Powering up, she throws her body into her sisters, taking her off guard and knocking her down.

"Go Mar'i!" she shouts back at me whilst her sister pulls herself up. Resuming a battle stance they continue to fight, buying me just enough time to finish what I'd started. Knowing my mother can handle herself gave me confidence.

Walking backwards a few feet from where my mother had saved me, I tap in the password for the main tower control, selecting the date I would travel back to. 15 years to the past should be enough, I think as I ready myself to press the large red button on the far panel.


My head immediately turns to see Blackfire pushing my mother out of the front window, knocking her unconscious in the process.

"KORI!" I hear my father yell from across the room, by the look on his face he was thinking what I just thought. If mom's unconscious, she can't fly, so she will hit the's a 50ft drop! Oh X'hal NO!

"MOM!" I scream, the nausea from my shock over powering my body as I begin to run towards the shattered window, only to be forced backwards as the room jolts sharply, balancing on the little structure it has left, and threatening to collapse. Groaning in pain, I steady myself, leaning on the control panel, not realising what I was doing. I grab on to whatever I can to push myself up into a standing position, tears streaming down my face for my mother, my temporally blurred vision causing me to lean on the red button; the teleporters 'ON' switch.

An urgent siren flows from where I stand, followed swiftly by a blinding light that consumes me as I slip out of consciousness. Using all of my strength to keep my heavy eyes from shutting, I fight with myself not to leave, and not to abandon my home. There can be another way to save it without me doing this. Dad would find a way, I know he would. But the beams grip is too strong for my tired body as the last thing my tear stained eyes see before I am teleported, is the control panel, with a changed time, one I must have set by leaning on the buttons.

The wrong time period; the date set for 20 YEARS into the past.