A/N: Hi guys, a big thank you to everyone who review/followed/favourite.

Thank you in particular to the following people who reviewed regularly:
BraziaRios, aylathetitan, Sweetums14, Tayla, theOne, goodstoryfan, Kori Anders, flutteshy7150, ArkieR, Already There, Kori, TotalHEartThrob, glraxaystarfire katniss, Mia, maximum scythe123, Nightstar, Wisegirl1995, Hanzafa, Koriand'r Anders, hana, Katniss, littlegem, Teal-Pen, Penelope Rohdes, RicoSuave-42, 2-meet, PhoenixForce42, jaqui101, writerqueen246, lunae57
(I hope you realise how long that took)
Now on with the ending of Mar'i Grayson - Enjoy!

CHAPTER 18: In the end (Mar'i POV)

At the pier

"Finished" Cyborg exclaimed as wiped the grease off his hands with an old rag.

"So it's really going to work?" Robin asked, walking in a circle around the newly-finished portal projector, examining it from different angles.

"Well it's worth a try" Cyborg sighed, yawning slightly.

"So what happens now?" Starfire asked.

"Right let's see if I got this." Beast Boy answered, cracking his knuckles for effect. "Well if future Blackfire is dead, that means that present day Blackfire will die at the same age as future Blackfire, right? So Blackfire will die at about 40 something years old. Her prison sentence is 50 years, so she'll still be in prison when she dies." Beast Boy stumbled over his words, trying to make sense of what he had just said.

"Beast Boy's right. Backfire won't be a problem for us anymore." Nightwing confirmed confidently.

"So what does that mean for me?" I ask, taking everyone by surprise.

I had been silent until now. My mind replaying today's events on a constant loop. But interestingly enough, it wasn't Blackfire dying that kept replaying in my mind; it was she had said to me on the ship.

"A poison"..."Oh, do not worry child, you of all people will find out."..."I know how you love the whole 'self sacrifice' thing"...

My father interrupted my thoughts with an answer to my question.

"It means" Nightwing answered, "when we walk through the portal, our minds should be altered so that we will have no memory of the war, or this encounter. It will be as if we never went back in time at all. The past week will be erased from your memories " he addressed the Titans, "but will still hold a place in time, and we will get new lives and new memories in the future." He finished, looking at me with a smile.

I exhale loudly in relief that we had succeeded. I tried to smile back but my mind began to wonder back to Star getting injected on the ship.
Why did she inject my mother if she wanted ME to suffer?.

..."Oh, do not worry child, you of all people will find out."...

I begin to think that how things will have changed when we go back to my own time. The Titan's Tower would be standing strong and not engulfed in flames, I wouldn't have to hide from the world in danger of being found and captured, and I'd finally get a normal life with my father and mother... MY MOTHER!
My memory violently flees back to the tower before I came to the past, replaying with my mom's unconscious form falling from the window to her death.
My pulse begins to quicken as my heart grows heavy.

"What about Mom?" I almost shout at Nightwing, my eyes teary from the memory. Please say that she will come back to me.

My outburst stopped each Titan's conversations as they all turned from each other and looked at me in a mixture of shock and confusion.

My father's surprised look melted into a soft smile as he realised that I was referring to her death in the future. "She'll be ok." he assures me.

I exhale deeply in pure relief and fly at him for a hug.

"Aww sweetie" he breathes in to my ear, holding me closely. "I've missed you and your mother so much" he whispered, pulling us apart slightly and wiping a stray tear from my cheek with his gloved thumb, "You have no idea how much I need both of you", he finished, his soft side breaking through his strong exterior.

I release him and step back slightly to look at his masked eyes, imagining the soft blue underneath. "I know. Let's go home." I smile, emotionally and physically drained.

"Good idea." He chuckled, kissing my forehead and placing his hand on my shoulder as if he was scared that he would lose me again if I wasn't in arms reach. "Do you want to say goodbye to everyone?" He asked, looking around at each of the Titan's smiling faces.

"No." I reply, and then giggle at his confused look as I look up at him. "It's not like this is a goodbye. They are my family after all." I explain, turning to face them all. "Thank you... for everything" I grin, my eyes starting to well up with fresh tears. damn my emotional Tamaranian side.

"No problem little lady."Cyborg waved, switching on the machine.

"I'll see you in 5 years" Robin laughs, grabbing Starfire's hand.

"Yeah" Beast Boy added, addressing Robin and Starfire, "You guys better get cracking and conceiving or-" a hard slap on the back of the head from Raven shut him up pretty quickly.

"Thanks Raven." Robin smiled, pulling Star closer, draping an arm over her shoulder as she snuggled into him.

"I was doing us all a favour." Raven replied in her usual monotone before turning her attention to me and nodding a goodbye.

After a loud clunk, a black circle surrounded by white light appeared on the wall. "It's time guys, I don't know how long this machine can keep a portal open for!" Cyborg yelled over the humming of the machine.

I nod in understanding and take one last look around each of their faces as they waved , I take my father's hand as we walk into the darkness. My last thought being that everything has changed for the better, before the white light consumed us.

Epilogue – 5 years later (Normal POV):

"PUSH KOR'I, PUSH!" Richard shouted as he held his wife's shoulder from next to the bed.

"I CAN'T!" Kor'i screamed, holding onto the side of the hospital bed, crushing the metal bed frame in pain, with her alien strength.

Richard cringed knowing that that could have been his hand if she hadn't turned down the offer earlier. "Come on Kor'i you're almost there!" He encouraged, stroking the side of her head as she let out one last ear-piercing scream before relaxing.

Everything went silent, and only Kori's laboured pants could be heard as she steadied her breathing.

Suddenly, a loud but small cry erupted.

"It's a girl." The doctor announced happily above the baby's cries.

"We have a daughter!" Kor'i cried happily covering her mouth with her hand in shock and wonder. "Oh Richard!" she cried happily, pulling her husband down to her level for a passionate kiss. Breaking away, Kor'i turned her attention to the doctor to thank him, but he was concentrating hard on a large monitor next to the bed. The doctor pressed a few buttons on the machine, printing out a small report sheet. Looking down at it, his eyes immediately widened. Noticing this, Kor'i immediately felt something pull at her heart.

"Doctor" she addressed him more directly, "May I hold my baby now?"

He froze, small beads of sweat forming on the edge of his forehead. "I um." He cleared his throat, "Just one moment Princess, we just need to run some...routine tests" He replied carefully, suddenly excusing himself, taking her baby from the side and out of the room.

"Richard something's wrong." Kor'i said tears forming in her green orbs.

"I know" he replied softly, watching the doctor's silhouette from the other room. His attention suddenly changed at the sound of Kor'i weeping next to him. "Hey, hey." He shushed her gently, "Kor'i look at me ok?" he spoke as he took her face in his hands and perched on the side of her bed. "Don't worry; this is supposed to be a happy day. We have a child Kor, a beautiful baby girl." He smiled the last part sounding like he was still trying to wake himself up at the reality. He looked at Kor'i who smiled at his comforting words, but still had a shine of panic in her eyes.

In an attempt to calm her, Richard continued, "A beautiful baby girl who still needs a name." He smirked as Kor'is worry instantly drained from her face, a dazzling smile appearing on her flawless features.

Richard chuckled as she sat more upright and scrunched up her nose in concentration. After a short pause she spoke, "How about Mary?" Kor'i suggested, smiling as Richards eyes suddenly grew wide.

"You mean...after my mother?" He asked in disbelief, his blue eyes a pool of hope.

"Well, I never got to meet her." She added, squeezing his hand slightly as comfort at the reference to her death.

"But what about your mother? We can-" Richard rushed, giving her an escape card if her suggestion was just to make him happy.

"I have thought about that also, that is why I was thinking about spelling it as a Tamaranian name. Like mine with a ' and an I at the end. Like: M-A-R-'-I." She spelt, drawing each letter in the air with her finger as she said it.

"So we both get a part of our families in her name?" Richard confirmed, quickly understanding.

"Yes" Kor'i nodded before continuing, "but also because Mar'i in Tamaranian translates to NightStar"

"Like Nightwing and Starfire" Richard concluded in a whisper to himself.

There was a moments silence as he drank it in.

Suddenly he jolted up, "It's perfect!" He shouted, laughing as he reached down, capturing her lips in his.

Pulling away he gave a child-like grin of excitement. "Mar'i Grayson" he spoke to himself.

The sound of heavy footsteps drew their attention to the door as the doctor walked steadily into the room, holding Mar'i in one arm and his medical papers in the other.

"Mr and Mrs Grayson" he addressed them respectfully.
Receiving a nod of acknowledgement from the couple, he continued, "I'm afraid that we have some new information concerning your daughter" he leaned over and placed a sleeping Mar'i into Kor'is arms as he spoke.

"What is it doctor?" Kor'i asked cautiously clutching her baby closer to her chest.

"We noticed that during the birth, our machines recorded large amounts of Sophthium radiating from the baby.", he paused briefly, allowing the information to sink in before elaborating; "We are lead to believe that these traces originated from you, Mrs Grayson." He addressed Kor'i, a sad look in his old eyes.

Kori gasped slightly, causing Mar'i to stir in her arms.

"What's Sophthium?" Richard asked, now scared due to his wife's reaction.

"Sophthium, Mr Grayson," The doctor explained, "is a chemical, a dangerous chemical at that. And it is, I'm afraid, extremely poisonous."

"But if it's dangerous, then why has it not hurt my wife?" Richard questioned angrily, aggravated that he had to ask questions.

"You see Sir; it's only toxic to humans. Tamaranians are immune to it, however once injected, it still carries in their blood. Mrs Grayson must have been injected some time in the past but it has gone unnoticed. Your daughter is, by blood, half human and half Tamaranian, the toxins are only attacking the human side of her, and it is the alien side that is allowing her to live."

"So what does this mean?" Richard asked slowly, not really wanting an answer.

"I'm afraid it means that your child is ill, very ill. She will most likely be on medication to help neutralise the toxins, for the rest of her life. And..." The Doctor paused, trying to think of the best way to break the harsh truth.

"And?" Starfire pushed, unshed tears swimming in her emerald eyes.

The Doctor sighed before answering, "Because she is the first of her kind, we can only presume that she will survive no longer than to the age of seventeen." He paused, expecting to be shouted at. After receiving only silence, he continued. "I am truly sorry." He bowed his head in condolence before leaving the small family to a moment's privacy.

As soon as the doctor left, Kor'i pulled Richard closer to her and began to sob uncontrollably into his strong chest. Richard began rubbing slow circles on her back with one hand, with his other hand he cradled Mar'is small face whilst she slept peacefully in Kor'is arms.

"Mar'i sweetie," he spoke softly, his sapphire eyes teary and warm, "You are going to have the childhood that you deserve. You will be surrounded by the people that you love and that love you." He explained, "We love you so, so much." His voice broke as tears began to fall from his eyes, he cleared his throat before continuing, "You are a gift to us all, you're special and unique and only deserve the best. And I promise that I will be the best father that I know how to be." He broke off, gently stroking her dark hair as more hot tears spilled from his loving eyes.

He took a deep breath as his wife's sobbing slowly died down as she removed herself from his chest and gazed into his eyes. Together they looked down at their daughter with what only can be described as a look of complete pride. "No matter how long you are on this planet, we will love you for an eternity." Richard promised Mar'i.

Blinking back the tears, he gave a small laugh as his tiny, unknowing daughter, smiled in her sleep.

A/N: .Soooo that's a wrap!
(btw I completely made up Sophthium. I just took Xenothium from Red X's suit and just added part of my name, Sophie, in it) haha :')

I hope the ending finished the story nicely. I eventually (after you guys voting) opted for a happy ending where the war has been stopped etc, but with a sad twist that by stopping the war and saving millions of people, Mar'i unwillingly doomed herself and cut her own life short.
Also, the Epiologue was really just an excuse for some fluffy family sweetness that I've been dying to write so I really hope that you enjoyed that :3

I really can't believe it's all over. My first fanfiction has finished. ~don't cry, hold it together girl~
I really hope that you guys have enjoyed reading just as much as I've enjoyed writing, and thank you so much for everything (soppy emotional stuff there).

Please if you read this even after I've finished writing, please leave a review, I'd love to see that other people are reading it after it's complete. And if anyone has any overall opinions/comments eg favourite moments or something that you liked OR didn't like so that I can improve, that would be awesome.

Also any requests of stories are welcome and maybe I will do some kind of sequel or something, I don't know :')

Hopefully I'll hear from you again soon. Bye guys :3