Reviews for YuGiOh! Mysteries
Catfan1 chapter 1 . 9/1/2019
Atem was born with that hair and Yugi's grandfather had the same hair. Yugi is related to both, so it's probably something to do with genetics.
K5Rakitan chapter 5 . 5/28/2019
I need to know what the belts are for. Any ideas?
Joshua MacLeod chapter 1 . 4/10/2014
He has blonde hair under his bklack hair and dyed it purple
GlassPool chapter 4 . 4/5/2014
My theory for 'BLUE' is that it's leather at the top half give or take, and silk at the bottom half
GlassPool chapter 2 . 4/5/2014
Uhm Grosz of The Angel I doubt they had hair die in ancient Egypt anyways I if you search it up you can find pictures from the show that Yami was born like that so he couldn't and didn't die his hair. Here's a link.
. /_cb20100401012310/yu-gi-ohfanon/images/d/d4/Baby_
GlassPool chapter 6 . 4/5/2014
I forgot to mention that my theory was for 'WHITE'
GlassPool chapter 5 . 4/5/2014
I say there's cardboard of wire in the part that flares out. Or it could be made of a thin stiff material that is still light enough to blow in the wind, making it look gravity defining. XD
Yugi chapter 2 . 3/27/2013
Atem came first.
Atem's hair looks like that because he was touched by ra as a child, and you can defiantly see that some of his spikes look they they are scorched by the sun
That,s why yugi's hair looks like that, he has to look like atem, that's what up with yugi's hair.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/27/2012
lost of hair gell/dye
Jaxydice chapter 4 . 9/3/2011
Ohhhh So thats why Yugi's hair is like that...

Although I think in the Anime, The hairstyle is ment to natural, he doesn't style it (Seeing as Atem had it when he was pharoeh) And, seeing as Yugi's a reincarnation of Atem, he would have the same hairstyle. (I'm pretty sure that made no sense)

Its a shame you didn't keep on doing this, I would of liked to have seen how you would of done Seto's green hair.
Heterochromatin chapter 1 . 5/11/2007
While these are all interesting theories... this story in it's self is not a story. It does not have any hint of a plot and is more a discussion between fans than a story.

This does not belong on
SilverMoonPhantom chapter 6 . 1/31/2007
Heh... My friend kenny looked at me weird when I started giggling in the middle of him trying to tell me something. That was when I started reading about the starch.

Personally, I think he has very thin wire mesh in between two layers of fabric. That way, he can have a different color on the inside! Thicker wires around the edges, to make sure they flair out the way he wants.

Notice he never stands too close to people? That is because he doesn't want his mesh and wires to get dents or unwanted bending that could either break the wires or need them to be replaced.

'Corse, he is really rich, so perhaps it is ultra-bendable, and when he is walking the wind from his strides flatten out the mesh again... so... when someone bumps into him, he doesn't have to worry, since the next time he starts to walk, the bendings all fix themselves.


MagicianGirl chapter 6 . 1/8/2006
Update! Please?
Kkwy chapter 6 . 4/23/2005
I think that Kaiba's tenchcoats are possessed by the crazed ghost of a fashion designer! That would explain EVERYTHING!
Everlasting Flower chapter 6 . 11/8/2004
I think there might be wires in his coat makeing it that way. I mean you do it with dresses and other less publishable clothing. Why can't Seto do it? Oh and Seto does design his own clothes. He runs a bussiness and designs games, you just know his next project is clothing. It's his sercert life long dream.
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