Reviews for Awkward Assumptions
sue1zide chapter 6 . 11/10/2017
Too funny!
sue1zide chapter 4 . 11/10/2017
It's hilarious what they trained Alice's dog to listen to. Too bad it wasn't a parrot.
sue1zide chapter 1 . 11/10/2017
He is a nerd. Lol!
Ninkita chapter 6 . 5/25/2016
lol! This was such a cute and funny story :) Made me laugh throughout! Especially the part where they retrained cupcake LMAO!
ChristyWIX chapter 6 . 9/29/2015
I'm sadly the same way Edward is, with all the labels having to face out in the pantry. Although, I don't have to have four of everything. Actually, I'm the opposite. I have to have exactly the amount of food for the week and the cabinets bare by each Sunday. I would never survive an apocalypse . . . I have nothing in the freezer but ice cubes and the ice cream I bought for for this week. LOL. Wonderful ending to a fun little tale. I liked that they got engaged and married within the month. Love the name Jace. Very cute ending. Thank you.
ChristyWIX chapter 5 . 9/29/2015
I'm glad Alice met Jasper . . . otherwise nobody would've been able to keep her from ripping Edward apart. She deserved way more than she got. She truly is one very spoiled little girl. She half ass apologized to Edward before Jasper whisked her away. Hopefully, he will keep her in line for the rest of the family. Oh, the family! I'm glad that Carlisle and Esme both realized how messed up they'd both been to Edward as well and apologized. Spoiling their daughter and just making Edward deal with it, was horrible of them. They could've stored all of her crap and her dog. Of course, you wouldn't have a story without all of the setup so, moot point. Just glad everyone apologized to him.
ChristyWIX chapter 4 . 9/29/2015
I really didn't like that Leah had her own agenda with Edward and his trust fund. Everything that happened after Edward asked her to leave was definitely justified. Especially when we learned she was after his trust fund. It was the way they handled before that, that was all kinds of wrong and so very crunchy. I'm glad they made it through the next love making session without injury or anyone running off. I laughed when you did what I'd suggested in and earlier review. Retrained Cupcake. I just wish they'd done it one week in . . . in lieu of one week before she came home. At least it's done. It's the very least Edward could do to get back at Alice for the dump and run.
ChristyWIX chapter 3 . 9/29/2015
Okay, that made no sense to me. He messed up and came early but, he'd already made sure she came beforehand. She was the one that ran off and didn't talk to him for two weeks. She made him think she wasn't interested. So he thought he'd have a date with Leah. I get that. Didn't mean I liked it though. I never like when it isn't BxE, 'cause I'm weird that way. Especially after they've gotten together. However, even with that said, it was kind of cruel of both of them to do that to Leah. Simply thank Leah for the evening and ask her to leave. Then attack each other. Bella knew exactly what she was doing. She just should've done it the previous week, in lieu of letting it go for two weeks.
ChristyWIX chapter 2 . 9/29/2015
I was beginning to worry that it would take a lot longer for them to figure it all out. I sometimes wish little videos would come with some of the visuals you authors put out there . . . this self loving Edward would be at the top of my list . . . *fanning self*. Whew!
ChristyWIX chapter 1 . 9/29/2015
I feel absolutely sorry for Edward. His family takes such advantage of him and he just lets them walk all over him. I'd be looking for a whole new family as a result of that treatment. Plus, Alice would come back to a fully retrained dog. There's no way in hell I'd talk baby talk to a freaking dog to make it do it's business. Nope. It could explode from not going, before I'd talk that way to it. Rosalie is dating Emmett, Edward's brother and he hasn't come up in discussion at all? 'Hey so,,your beother's gay, is he seeing anyone?' . . . 'My brother isn't gay, what are you saying?' To which she in turn tells Bella this. I understand Edward being clueless . . . is Bella just as clueless?
cuteascherries chapter 6 . 3/31/2015
: )
Teresa R chapter 6 . 3/24/2015
That c was amazing loved it such a great ending
Teresa R chapter 5 . 3/24/2015
That was a great welcome u home lol love that dog
Teresa R chapter 4 . 3/24/2015
I'm loving this story fun stuff. I think Leah was a money hungry bitch and was treated better than she deserved
Teresa R chapter 3 . 3/24/2015
So he just left Leah on the couch lol
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